
The Weird World Saga

Years ago the existence of vampires are revealed to the world in Korea and after an attack led to his mother’s death Eun Neugdae is taken by his father to America. A decade later he returns to Korea to finish his studies in university and live a normal life but while escorting an underclassman home after a drinking party ran late they are both confronted by a vampire however things don’t go as any of them expected. Unfortunately things only escalate from that point as Neugdae stumbles onto a conspiracy that threatens both his home and the careful stability of the world at large. Vampires may have been revealed to the world but as it turns out the world is much larger and weirder than most could imagine. Thankfully despite his reluctance Neugdae has both the ability and experience in dealing with The Weird World. *Inspired By Korean Manwha/Webtoons Patreon: Patreon.com/Streggaeworks

Streggae · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Party Crashers


"I think it's time they find out exactly what they are dealing with."

Soyun turned to the masked Neugdae and he looked her in the eye, saw the expression on her face and nodded.

"If you want to make a statement with this then I guess we're going the dramatic route then."


And that's how Soyun found herself standing across from the entrance of the Monarch nightclub.

'This is a bad idea'

Soyun knew this was a bad idea. She was taught too extensively about planning and tactics to not realize this. She was literally better than this but at the same time there is just something so satisfying about what she is about to do. She's been hiding in fear from these people for most of her life and there has always been resentment for them for that. Add in all the sacrifices she had to make to her personal and social life, all the missed opportunities she had to endure in the name of safety and could anyone blame her for feeling vindicated?

With a deep breath Soyun started crossing the street once it was clear of traffic. The nightclub has a rather large line of people vying to get in and Soyun strolled passed all of them almost leisurely. As she did she gained looks from those present in line though none complained until she walked to the front where the bouncers were.

The moment said bouncer saw her he let out a hiss-like snarl that could have been taken as one of anger however Soyun could practically taste the apprehension coming off him.

"Who-" was about all he got out before Soyun Spartan kicked him in the chest.

There was a loud crash as the vampire's body tore the doors off their hinges. Soyun made sure that her foot was aimed at his heart pulverizing it in the process so as the broken door landed the body turned to sand. Soyun ignores the commotion caused by her entrance to focus on two vampires guarding the double doors at the end of the short hallway. Upon seeing her one of the guards went feral and lunged at her with clawed hands outstretched.

A simple uppercut under his chin broke most of his teeth and planted his head in the ceiling. Soyun hardly broke her stride as she did this allowing her to miss his body as it turned into sand a moment later and fell to the ground. The other guard froze in terror at what she did and Soyun simple spoke.

"Go get your boss." The vampire scrambled through the door.

Soyun blew out a breath and rolled her shoulders before walking through the door. Almost immediately she was beset upon by a group of vampire guards.

'Now for the fun part'

Despite the situation as it were Soyun couldn't help the quirking of her lips into a small smile as she went on to dismantle the opposition.

'I think I'll start with that music'

And as she thought this she grabbed one of the vampires by the neck and threw him face first into the DJ booth.


Neugdae found himself bound, gagged and forced to kneel before a cabal of vampire trust fund kids and groupies. Beside him are Min-Son and So-Ra who are having a harder time of it. It's pretty clear what these vampires have in mind when it comes to their intention towards them. It's also pretty clear what the intentions of the women in the group were towards him, especially the vampire chick next to Ji-Hae.

"I want that one" Ji-Hae's hanger on spoke staring directly at him while running her tongue across her lips.

'I hate being right'

Luckily for him Soyun chose that moment to get Ji-Hae's attention and upon one of his men confirming her presence Ji-Hae all but stormed out of the room with a manic look and heavy bloodlust permeating from him. Trailing behind him is his guard detail leaving only the vampire guests and night club employees. After they left the vampires started to discuss amongst themselves what was happening and whether or not they should find out for themselves.

This perfect distraction for Neugdae to act and so glancing towards the other two humans in the room he focused.


A small concentrated blast of psychic energy shot out first towards the weeping So-Ra then to Min-Son causing the two to slump in unconsciousness.

Suddenly Ji-Hae's girl stood up with a snarl on her face and a click of her tongue spoke "ugh whatever" stomping up towards Neugdae she loomed over him "I'm taking this one, the rest of you can do whatever you want with the other two."

There were some grumblings from some of the other women much to the men's chagrin however she wasn't having it.

"Shut up!" she snapped "you're all lucky to even be here."

Then ignoring them she reached down grasped Neugdae by the chin forcing him to stare into her red eyes.

Giving a fang filled smile she spoke "oh I'm going to have fun with you~"

Neugdae stared at the woman for a moment as he picked up some of her stray thoughts specifically what she had in mind for 'fun' and he had one response to that.

'Yeah, no'

With a furrowed brow of concentration the vampire was blasted into the far wall where she remained stuck. As Neugdae cast his glance across the room of now shocked vampires they were all yanked from their position smashing into the walls, ceiling and floor. It's as if gravity lost all meaning in that moment however the only ones not affected were the humans. As for Neugdae now free from the vampire holding him down he got to his feet and with a psychic flex the cuffs and gag were destroyed.

He did not stop there however as raised a single hand the pressure holding the struggling vampires in their place seemed to intensify causing them to choke and scream. Ultimately the pressure reached a crescendo as Neugdae finished reading their surface thoughts. Coincidentally his raised hand ended up parallel to the ground and with a sharp diagonal cutting motion the heads of every vampire in the room exploded partially showering the room in sand.

Neugdae released a breath his brows furrowed "now for the hard part."

With that muttered word he teleported himself and the other two humans away.


Despite his earlier claim Ji-Hae didn't immediately go to confront the Pureblood. No, no he is a gracious host and it would ill behoove him not to act the part and that meant he should change out of his loose and soiled clothing into something more appropriate. While he did that he directed his guard contingent to entertain the Pureblood while he got ready.

"Ah, now what shall I wear?" he thought to himself looking at the collection of tailored high quality suits "maybe I should take a shower?"

At that he glanced at the nearby TV which showed a live feed of the nightclub floor from multiple angles and clicked his tongue in annoyance at seeing his men and random Common Bloods being cut down like chaff.

"No shower then."

In the end he chose to wear his favorite red suit with flower patterns, a similarly patterned dress pants and red vest worn over a black shirt and secured with a bow time. Looking himself over the full length mirror he admired his reflection and smoothed out his hair.


Vanishing out of his penthouse at the top floor of the nightclub in a burst of speed he arrived at the main floor of the club. By this point all uninvolved third party had left the building leaving only the vampires. As he suspected the Common Bloods stood no chance against a Pureblood as demonstrated by the litany of vampire remains scattered about. Not just his staff but also 'civilian' vampires who joined the fray probably hoping to overwhelm her with numbers. The battle hadn't left the environment unscathed as there is extensive destruction done to the room which annoyed him somewhat.

'I just had this place fixed!'

Having pieced together what happened in his absence Ji-Hae looked to what was happening right now which turned out to be a stalemate of sorts. What was left of his guards and the unaffiliated Common Bloods are keeping their distance eyeing the Pureblood wearily. He could see some of them looking to the fallen remains of the others and more than a few looked to be contemplating whether they should even stick around or flee.

As for the Pureblood she stood in the middle of the carnage in a relaxed posture with arms folded and even tapping her foot. It seemed she was felt so unthreatened by the Common Bloods that she opted to wait for him as opposed to finishing the battle she was clearly winning. The moment he entered the room eyes an even deeper shade of red than his own caught him immediately.

Looking into her eyes he couldn't help but think with a quirk of his lips wanting to engage with her but restrained himself and instead appeared before the head of his security. The vampire started at the sudden presence behind him and whirled around only to recoil in shock.

"M-Mr. Chong-"

"I'm very disappointed with your performance Hyo" Ji-Hae intoned with a grim closed eyed expression before opening his eyes a fraction to peer directly at him "after this is over I will be reevaluating your position."

Ji-Hae allowed himself a moment to drink in the expression of abject terror on the soon-to-dead vampire before he walked passed him towards the patient woman.

"Ah Soyun I'm glad that you've deigned to visit" he began jovially before giving an exaggerated glance around "though I'm disappointed, you didn't need to make such a mess my dear I would have gladly given you my full attention had you simply announced yourself through the proper channels."

Soyun didn't answer immediately, throughout his entire spiel she had been staring at him with a look of contemplation.

Finally she spoke "no matter how I look at you I still can't believe someone like you is a Noble Blood. I was expecting…more."

For a brief moment Ji-Hae felt a flare of indignance that threatened to break through his amicable mask before he ruthlessly stamped it down.

"You wouldn't be the first to say that" he chuckled.

It was true, even back in his rowdier years when he was a mere Common Blood the other vampires would never peg someone like him to be that strong.

"Careful, the ones who underestimate me tend to not live long enough to regret it."

He met Soyun's gaze and for a moment with lidded eyes and a stern visage. The two stared at each other, the tension ratcheting up for a moment before he broke it with a closed eye grin.

"How about a drink?"

As he spoke he headed towards the side of the broken bar and started routing around before picking up a bottle of blood wine.

"What do you prefer?" he began taking out a bottle of 'wine' "17 year old male highschool student?"


Ji-Hae's smile grew just a bit larger at her minute (yet still noticeable to him) reaction and decided to deepen the wound.

"No? Too young?" he asked 'innocently' "maybe you like yours older" he pulled out another bottle and read the label "how about 45 year old male doctor?"


"Still no? Man you are one hard woman to please" he laughed before routing around for a bit pulling out another bottle "ah here we are 21 year old female university student, a personal favorite" he popped the cork and sniffed the rim of the bottle "exquisite~"

At this point her hands are out of her pocket and her casual stance is much more rigid.

Tipping the bottle in her direction Ji-Hae spoke "you really do need to try this. I personally find this vintage to be the best quality."


"Not going to drink?" he shrugged before taking a swig himself "pah~ that really hit the spot."

"Why'd you go after them?"

"Hmm?" he hummed questioningly

"Those people you have around back" she clarified "why'd you go after them?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Answer the fucking question."

She did not in any way change the pitch or inflection of her voice however all the same Ji-Hae felt a weight press down on him at her words as a shiver ran down his spine. His grip on the bottle tightened threatening to crack it and his heart skipped a beat.

'As expected of a Pureblood just a glare and a few words have me feeling pressured.'

Yet despite this he couldn't help but grin even wider showing off his fangs.

'I can't wait to have you crawling at my feet' Ji-Hae thought before schooling his features and took a moment pretending to think about it

"Oh them~" he finally answered "well this is a bit embarrassing but I'm something of an entrepreneur you see and there is a market for readily available high quality blood without the hassle and uncertainty of hunting and I'm always on the lookout for quality vintage."

He shook the bottle with a smile but when she did nothing beyond glaring at him he shrugged and took another swig.

"You know I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now and I noticed you never had any friends all throughout the first semester. Then suddenly you made three friends all in the span of a day or two so I figured those three must be quite special for a Pureblood to befriend."

Soyun's fist clenched.

"I didn't think you felt so strongly about them. Their blood must be quite exquisite for you to come out of hiding" he said with false regret before clicking his tongue "if I'd known that I would have bottled them up and present them to you when next we meet instead of feeding them to my underlings."

As he said this he opened his eyes fully to take in her reaction only to pause in puzzlement. Instead of outright attacking she instead relaxed her posture, closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. When she opened them there was fury yes but one that burned cold and when she spoke it is with a weight that caused even Ji-Hae to twitch in a modicum of worry stemming from an instinctual fear.

"I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should."

Following this declaration she literally exploded forward breaking the ground beneath her feet as she lunged at Ji-Hae with her fist cocked back.


~To Be Continued~

Been going through some stuff lately, sorry for not updating this, going to be another update Friday. If you can’t wait or just want to support me then check out my Pa treon.

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