

gabriellekelch · Celebrities
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Chapter 12 wonder

Margaret/I went to sit in the table then Jade came up and wanted be to roll swap so I did I sat by the other guys why she sat by sen he just went with it then Jin said.

Jin/jades gonna to regret this.

Margaret/i sat there like I did the rest of my life not saying a word I started to laugh a little bit and I think that pissed him off even more. When lunch was over me and sen and the rest went to gym then she disappeared I thought that they were going to actually do something to her so I went over to Jungkook I told him to go make sure they didn't do anything bad.

Jungkook/all right

Margaret/Jade came back with all of them and she look like she been crying I went back up to her and I asked her what was wrong

Jade/Jin raped and bite me in the bathroom and namjoon also.

Margaret/I almost cry with her Jungkook didn't do anything to stop it it was like he didn't care anymore I was so pissed off I went over to Jin and smacked him in the face he looked at me with his red eyes as if I just turned on a light switch Jin said

Jin/Lady Margaret what was this for.

Margaret/he smirked at me like he like the snack I said to him that you raped Lady Jade why when he came close to my ear and whisper something something that just made my blood boil even more.

Jin/I thought she liked it letting men stomp all over her lady Margaret where were you haha like Jungkook gonna stop me

Margaret/I let the words slip phesmotos tendelesm reum. He went blasting against the wall so hard that he almost went through it sen ran to me to calm me down also Jade.

I think at the moment when they did it. Jade had powers but I don't think she wanted to use them against them because she is a very powerful witch and she could hurt somebody very easily I don't know if she was in love she was in a trance she was compelled or she was just plain scared of him. Wanted him to feel scared of all the shit he pulled with Jade it might look like a bad sister but I don't want that happening i will not let that happen again.