
The Weight of God

Universal laws, some nonsense, God and vampires. Unknown identities and plenty of bizarre and inexplicable things along this journey. Mystery and twists and who knows how it will end.

junior_tempest · Fantasy
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Eve of Birth

The eighth month and tenth day of year two thousand and three, is the eve of the end of the universe, or was it the beginning? who knows, hell if i do? No one knows what started it or rather finished it, it just simply happened, the wheel of time turned another revolution closer to catastrophe.

It was a normal day of the most important eve in all of creation, people went about their normal lives, doing normal tasks, while unbeknownst to them, everything would change the very next day. The birth of Dio, or maybe he always existed, who really knows, however that day was certainly the most important day in all creation, arguably that very day was the very start of creation.

Dio, naturally referring to the almighty one above all, came into existence then and there the day before the eleventh of august. What exactly does that mean though? How could God himself not be the beginning of the universe and how come it was born before him? Well, I myself aren't too sure but in this story, I can try to talk about that and go about explaining it, although I'd only just be figuring it out on my own while explaining so bear with me.

Now onto the actual story.

An older man, age unknown to you, the reader at the least, I'll leave that out for now but anyways, I wanted one thing in my youth and that was simply put: everything. I wanted everything. I wanted to be everything, do everything, see everything, I in its very essence I wanted the universe itself, all to myself. To be blunt I was greed incarnated, however, and this is no cry for sympathy, yet it wasn't out of such lowly simplemindedness and thoughtlessness. it wasn't some surface level superficial and impure feeling; it was due to an unconditional love for absolutely everything. I genuinely loved everything about this universe and this thing we call living, I naively saw everything in such a pure and innocent way, and it wasn't just your average definition of greediness. I took everything as it came, trauma: a learning experience, good memories: treasures: melancholy: a good contrasting feeling. Yet it led me to a terrible place, because i was so innocent and pure and regardless of where that greed stemmed from it was greed nonetheless and I ended up becoming corrupted. It started as love but became infatuation. there were no limits by adulthood, and I became the worst kind of person, one capable of anything at any given moment, although I ultimately chose to choose nothing, I did nothing, I was everything yet nothing.

I wasted away, doing nothing until it happened, I chose, even with all these contradictions, wanting everything yet choosing nothing, I finally chose to become everything. That greed never left, even though all those years went by of wanting but never choosing, I finally chose.... But it was too late.

Something, I don't know what, but something happened on the eve of my birth. Something changed when I chose, even though it was too late, something happened, neither good nor bad just something. I remembered something, from a distant past. Its foggy and fragmented like a broken mirror in the fog or something like that.

It's losing my focus; I can't grasp the full memory, but it was certainly something. Hmmm well whatever it'll come back sooner or later, I'm sure. Speaking of memories though, I don't have many to my name, I don't even remember that at this point honestly. What I do remember though is my father, not much though, just bits and pieces. Something odd to think about is my father's age, he had me when he was rather old, which as far as I know I'm older than he was now I believe, but like I said I don't even remember my name let alone what year it is or my own father's age. Anyways, about my father, I was naive like I had previously said, I had even accepted my father at times when I shouldn't have, I was patient, too patient. Not necessarily accepted bad things about him though, well bad, but for him in a way. He had just as many issues as me yet never assessed them, unfortunately.

As far as I remember, it was too late for him to choose too, he could have, or at least I think so. Well, honestly, is it even too late to choose or was it more along the lines of him just not choosing. Who knows? I sure don't. I'm most likely my father's son. That last line was possibly random but, well, who cares. I'm making it up as I go along and just thinking out loud anyways. I wonder though, what about mother? I don't remember anything about her whatsoever honestly. Sad but true, I guess. Enough soul-searching bout the distant past now though.

Now to the present.

Chaos. The bloodsucking apparition known as vampires, flood this world like a virus.

Alright, enough corny descriptions, yeah. there're vampires in this current world. Me being one of them actually. Now that the world is this way, for God knows what reason, I'm an immortal apparition. It'd be pretty narcissistic to think this world is because of me but I genuinely think my current fate is part of my bottomless greed for everything. The world practically gave me everything, the need to survive in this world and immortality, the only things I have yet they're everything at this point. As far as I know I've been alive since it all started and possibly longer, but my memory fails me as always. Anyways, my prior wish became a curse, for whatever cruel reason this universe thought of. I spend every waking moment doing practically nothing, a lot of sleeping mostly, I've sacked the local library and read quite a bit but still my life has amounted to this horrible stagnation that I can't even fathom any other possible outcome, like I was destined to rot like this.

Is this predetermined? Is it fate? I pray to God it's not, which is ironic enough coming from something that can be considered a demon.

I'll probably just slowly rot away, no nourishment for multiple reasons, no people, and I wouldn't feed even if I could. A vampire with morals is probably hard to come by, yeah, yeah, I know. Whatever. This world is cold and barren, so oh so cruel and unforgiving. This stagnation is killing me. I need something, anything, I denounce my current 'everything', I just need something, change. Literally anything.

Right then I hear something, almost like a march of sorts. I'm currently on the second floor of this university library, and this much sound is surely disruptive- not that there's anyone actually here using this library. Regardless, I slowly peak out the window, and see... Guess. Guess what I see, any Guesses? No? Okay, anyways, a literal army of, most likely, blood sucking fiends. I knew that they stuck together but also am aware that most aren't intelligent, or at least enough to perfectly march in a Goddamn army like that.

There sits a single humanoid, like being, yet with the natural presence of something akin to a God, right there atop a throne.

"The natural presence of something akin to a God? Did I hear that correctly, and from where. Oh, the library over yonder. You can come out I'm aware of your presence."

"Alright, alright, you got me."

I jump down to the street, out of the second story window. (Bad idea, I'm getting too old for this shit.)

Now, for some reason I instinctively feel the need to kneel but for now I resist doing so.

"Why don't you kneel before me?"

Now he is expressing his direct desire to have me kneel, is he actually some supreme being of sorts?

"Do you know who I am or what the occasion is for that matter, and also what is your name?"

"I've long since forgotten my name and I'd rather not kneel, sorry."

I'm not really sorry.

"So, you're not sorry huh? Well at any rate my name or rather title is Dio, or God if you will. I'm the creator of this farce of a boring world, tomorrow is the anniversary of my making it."

So, he is dissatisfied with his creation. Similarly, to how I'm dissatisfied with this fate I must have brought upon myself, but not to miss the whole damn surprise of what words I just heard but, GOD?!

"Yes, God."


Whoa. He keeps on listening to my thoughts too, never heard of such abilities.

"There seems to be something quite special about you, both personality and presence wise. Would you care to join me in my endeavors, well, mostly mere entertainment and joy of this world, although there isn't much to it at this point so maybe we shall create a new world. An absolute perfect one, one I'm content with creating."

Did God just choose me for something, and so casually?!

"Yes. I did. Now I dub thee to be Gio, Giovanni."

Were my prayers for change answered literally? Is this reality?

"That's up to you, Giovanni. Reality is how you perceive it, or at least for someone akin to God. Now kneel, or not. Your choice."

I guess I'll do it.

"Good. Now we celebrate, Giovanni...."

This. This is the beginning of my world, of my creation. The creation of myself and the act of me creating something for myself.

Might come back to make additions and changes but this is what I came up with as of now.

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