
The Weakling Transmigrated: Alexander's Path to Power

Alexander Grey thought his life was over when he died in an accident. But little did he know, it was just the beginning of his journey to become the most powerful Magic Knight in the world. In a high-fantasy world filled with magic and danger, Alexander must use his cunning and intelligence to overcome his weak body and lack of magical abilities. With the help of his loyal followers, he sets out to challenge the sinister Ethel Adorns and his secret society that seeks to control the world using magic. As the stakes get higher and the conflict intensifies, Alexander must choose between redemption and the thirst for power at all costs. Will he be able to overcome his weaknesses and rise to the top, or will he fall victim to his own ambition? Find out in "The Weakling Transmigrated: Alexander's Path to Power".

DaoistUBOFuI · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - The Fort and a New Opportunity

Alexander walked alongside the group of warriors, he found out the tall man with a bushy beard was the leader of the group and his name is Marcus, listening intently to Marcus as he spoke of their mission. "We were on a scout mission," Marcus said, his voice low and steady. "We've been sent by our general to check an enemy camp, a Galador camp, to see if they're really housing 3000 soldiers on the east side of our fort. It's a dangerous mission, but we're the best of the best. It was supposed to be an easy mission of survey."

'we were on our way to check out an enemy camp when we were attacked by a Dark Ones mage, and been running back since.' Marcus explained, his tone serious. "We were a group of 25, and now only four of us remain."

Alexander looked at the other warriors, studying their faces. They all looked battle-worn and tired, but determined.

Alexander nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. He was still getting used to the fact that he had somehow been transported to another world. The group had been walking for hours through the dense forest, and he couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety and fear that had settled deep in his chest.

After Marcus finished speaking, the group lapsed into silence. Alexander took the opportunity to take in his surroundings. The forest was thick and alive with the sounds of animals and insects. He had never seen anything like it before, and the sheer otherworldliness of it all was overwhelming.

As the group continued to walk in silence, Alexander's anxiety began to mount. He didn't know how he had ended up in this world, or if he would ever be able to return home. The uncertainty was almost too much to bear, the weight of his situation was starting to settle in, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

Eventually, after what felt like hours of walking, Marcus spoke up. "We're almost there," he said, gesturing to a clearing up ahead.

As they approached the camp, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. It was hidden away in a clearing, surrounded by trees and brush. But it was also incredibly advanced, with buildings made of stone and wood. The fort was larger than he had initially thought, surrounded by high walls made of stone, with watchtowers at strategic intervals. Guards patrolled the walls, their weapons glinting in the fading light. The gate to the fort was massive, made of iron and reinforced with thick wooden planks.

Marcus stepped forward and spoke to the guard, who scrutinized Alexander carefully before allowing them all to enter. As they walked through the gates, Alexander noticed that the inside of the fort was just as impressive as the outside. There were barracks for the soldiers, stables for their horses, and even a small marketplace where merchants sold their wares. Marcus led the group through the busy streets of the fort, their armor clanking as they walked. The people around them gave them a wide berth, clearly recognizing them as seasoned warriors.

As they approached a large tent in the center of the fort, Marcus turned to Alexander. "This is where our leader, General Aiden, is," he said. "He should be able to help you figure out what's going on." Alexander nodded, feeling a bit nervous as they approached the tent. What would this General Aiden be like? Would he believe Alexander's story?

As they entered the tent, Alexander saw a man sitting at a large wooden table, poring over maps and documents. He had a stern look on his face, but his eyes lit up as he saw Marcus and his group. "Welcome back," he said, rising to his feet. "What news do you have?"

Marcus quickly filled him in on their encounter with The Dark Ones, the fight against the mage, and their discovery of Alexander. As Marcus spoke, Alexander took the opportunity to look around the tent. There were maps covering the walls, and weapons and armor stacked neatly in the corners.

When Marcus finished, General Aiden turned to Alexander. "So, you say you don't know how ended up in the forest?" he asked, his voice skeptical.

Alexander nodded. "Yes, sir. I woke up in the forest, and then those creatures started chasing me."

General Aiden looked him up and down, as if sizing him up. "Very well," he said finally. "We'll keep you here for the time being. Perhaps our scholars can figure out how you got here."

As Alexander stood there, lost and unsure of what his next move should be, Marcus approached him with a sense of purpose, led him out of the tent and through the streets of the fort, With a stern yet welcoming tone, he extended an offer that could change Alexander's fate in this strange and unforgiving world.

"Listen, lad," Marcus began, "I can see you're lost and in need of guidance. You're welcome to stay with us while you figure things out, and learn the ways of the soldier. But let me make one thing clear - it won't be easy. You'll have to work hard, day in and day out. But if you're willing to put in the effort, we'll make a soldier out of you."

Alexander felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. This was his chance to survive in this unknown world. He knew deep down that he couldn't make it on his own, and the thought of being taken under the wing of Marcus and his faction filled him with a sense of security.

"I'll do whatever it takes," he replied, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

"Good," Marcus nodded, his expression firm. "Then come to my barracks. We'll get you sorted out and teach you everything you need to know. It won't be easy, but I promise you - it'll be worth it."

As they walked, Alexander couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it all. The fort was a bustling hub of activity, with merchants hawking their wares, soldiers marching to and fro, and commoners going about their daily business.

Alexander couldn't believe his luck. Just moments ago, he was being chased by terrifying creatures in an unfamiliar forest, and now he had found himself in the midst of a bustling military fort. The opportunity to join Marcus and his faction was too good to pass up.

As they made their way through the winding streets of the fort, Alexander couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds around him. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, leather, and steel. Merchants shouted out their wares, while soldiers marched past, their armor clanking with each step. It was a chaotic and frenzied place, but there was also a sense of order and discipline that Alexander found reassuring.

Eventually, they arrived at a large building near the center of the fort. The barracks. It was a massive structure made of sturdy stone and wooden beams, with smoke rising from the chimneys on the roof. Alexander could feel the heat emanating from the building, giving him a sense of comfort and security.

"Here we are," Marcus said, gesturing towards the barracks. "This will be your home for the foreseeable future."

As they entered the barracks, the smell of oil and metal filled Alexander's nostrils, a scent that he would quickly come to associate with his new life. The air was thick with the sounds of soldiers training, the clang of swords and shields, and the occasional shout of a drill sergeant.

Marcus led Alexander down a dimly lit hallway, past rows of bunk beds where soldiers slept. The walls were adorned with weapons and armor, hung neatly on wooden racks. Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer amount of gear, from swords and shields to bows and arrows.

Eventually, they arrived at a large room at of the hallway. Marcus pushed open the door, revealing a furnished room with rows of cots cramped horizontally across the room with barely any walking space. The air inside was cool and musty, a stark contrast to the heat and noise of the barracks outside.

"You'll be sharing this space with the other recruits," Marcus explained, "but don't worry - they're a good bunch. You'll learn a lot from them."

Alexander nodded, taking in his new surroundings. He could feel the rough fabric of the bed beneath his fingers, and the coolness of the stone walls against his skin. The room was simple but functional, with a small window letting in a sliver of light.

"Come with me now" Marcus ask.

Alexander followed Marcus through the maze-like passages of the barracks, his heart pounding with anticipation. He couldn't help but notice how different it was from his old world - the smells of sweat and metal hung heavy in the air, and the sound of clanging swords and shouting filled his ears.

As they entered a large room filled with rows of chest, Marcus turned to him with a stern expression. "You can't walk around in those rags," he said, nodding to Alexander's tattered clothes. "You'll need to change into a recruit's uniform."

Marcus handed Alexander a set of clothes - a simple tunic and pants made of rough wool, with a badge on the chest that showed he was a soldier. Soldiers he was given, some type of light leather armor, a helmet, and a sword. Alexander quickly changed into the clothes, feeling a sense of pride as he put on the badge.

"Now, I want you to watch the recruits train for a bit," Marcus said, leading him out of the barracks and into a wide courtyard. "I'm sure you're exhausted and confused from waking up in a strange world, but this is where you'll be spending most of your time from now on."

Alexander's eyes widened as he looked around. The courtyard was massive, with dozens of recruits practicing swordsmanship, archery, and hand-to-hand combat. The clang of metal echoed off the walls, and the shouts of the sergeants mingled with the grunts of exertion.

"Welcome to your new home," Marcus said, gesturing around the courtyard. "This is where you'll be training every day. We'll teach you everything you need to know - how to fight, how to use weapons, and how to defend yourself. It won't be easy, but it's necessary if you want to survive in this world."

Marcus gestured to a figure in the distance - a man with a stern expression and a no-nonsense demeanor. "That's Sergeant Tyrell," he said. "He's the training sergeant. He's strict, confident, and a motivational expert, but he hates weak people, so be prepared to work hard."

As they approached, Sergeant Tyrell turned to them with a steely gaze. "What do you want, Marcus?" he barked.

"I've got a new recruit for you, Sergeant," Marcus replied, gesturing to Alexander. "His name is Alexander, and he needs to learn everything there is to know about being a soldier."

Sergeant Tyrell appraised Alexander with a critical eye, his gaze lingering on his thin frame and ragged clothes. "He looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag," he sneered.

Alexander felt a sense of indignation rise in him, but he kept his mouth shut. He knew that he had a lot to learn, and he was determined to prove himself.

"Give him to me, then," Sergeant Tyrell said, his voice hardening. "I'll turn him into a soldier, or I'll break him trying."