
The Weakest Tamer and The Weakest Beast

Ray was a 20 year old boy who dreamed to be a Tamer but because he was weak and had no power his dream of becoming a Tamer became an impossible thing but that's when he encountered a magical beast who was in a similar position as him. however, All of a sudden some mysterious things happened and He somehow ended up becoming a Tamer but how? Ray and his Magical beast Rex started their journey of being weak to the strongest and clearing the mystery surrounding the past things that happened. Read to find out about their journey ------------------------------------------------------- Notice : This is a fantasy story and is not related to anything in reality Disclaimer : I don't own the cover ; if it's orginal creator want me to take it down or put credit, leave a message in any chapter and i'll do it as soon as possible [This is My first time writing a Webnovel so i'm sure there will be a lot of mistakes but i'll try my best to improve it and Don't compare this to other Webnovels such as Shadow slave or any other big ones because if shadow slave is a Diamond this is just a mere stone and Don't forget to give me your opinion about the chapters]

EtherealRyugo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Fated Encounter

Pfft,haha As expected you lowly humans are all just idiots but we never though you humans would fall for such lies and would start trusting us more than your own kind.

"Now choose whether to live as our slaves or die right here and now "

The Day Humanity have never even dreamed of, The Day humanity faced their biggest betrayal and the biggest calamity. Magical beast's, Creatures that humans have always considered as their other half that's how much humans believed in them but right now those magical beast's are trying to destroy humans. They have completely Destroyed the trust that humans had put on them. Magical beasts had already believed that they had won but humans were not scared in the slightest. They straight up rejected to be their slaves and choose death because they knew that they are not going to die.

As the magical beast were about to destroy the humans a person in black dress appeared out of nowhere and destroyed half of the magical beast's in the blink of an eye "wh-who are you" Magical beast's who were acting so high and mighty infront of humans were sacred after seeing him the bloodlust from him made them Shriver in fear their body got paralyzed because of the bloodlust.

"Me, I am the world's Strongest Tam- "

"Ray, Ray wake up it's morning wake up already "

a girl's voice echoed in his ear's.

" uh! Oh it was dream again huh "

"Ray! Why are you dozzing of it's already morning"

The girls said.

"What, sis it's only 6 in the morning let me sleep a little longer " the boy said while being half asleep.

"No you can't sleep anymore did you forgot that today is The Tamer's Exam Day.

"Wait no no no i'm gonna be late. But why didn't you Wake me up earlier sis!

"Huh seriously, i've been trying to wake up for an hour but you were not waking up at all and what were you grinning about so much in your dream" the girl asked with an angry look on her face.

"Oops sorry i didn't know that and the dream nah it's nothing special. va then sis imma get going"

About 15 years ago almost 50 percent pf humans was summoned to this planet named Beemin. The planet was totally different from earth. A planet filled with Creatures that humans have only seen in fantasy comics and fairy tales.Those creatures were later called Magical Beasts. Magical Beast's possessed powers that could even destroy a planet and humans were granted with powers to tame those magical beast's. Humans who possessed those powers were called Tamers. A Tamer can only tame a single beast.The tamer's ranking exam, A Ranking system that determines the affinity of a Tamer. A Tamer should take Tamer's test every years to know how much they have grown and Today is the day of Ray's first Tamer's Exam

"Oh shit why do i always have to be late when it's an important day "

Ray started running as fast as he could. He had always been a clumsy type . He was only 5 years old when the summoning 15 years ago happened. His sister has always been a person who he looked up to but because she was physically weak she was not able to be a Tamer and started working as a normal employee at the Angle's guild which was the 2nd strongest guild at that time but 10 years ago the wind type dragon beast Tyrone went berserk and attacked the Angle's guild. That incident traumatized his sister and she started being scared of Magical Beast's So Ray determined that he will be a Tamer and protect his sister and today is the day that will decided his future.

As he reached the tamer's association. He rushed inside and what he saw there was the birth of a new S-Rank Tamer. Everyone in there was surprised to witness such a big moment but Ray was excited to see their reaction on him. He was confident that he will atleast be an A-Rank. As he was thinking that his name was called they asked him to put his hand on a huge crystal.As he puts his hand on the crystal,The crystal started glowing but suddenly turned black in colour and the result was [ Ray Gein, D-Rank, Tamer's power - 0 ]

"Tamers power 0 and a D-Rank hahaha. The minimum Tamer power of a person is 15 and this Guy's power is 0 doesn't that mean he is the weakest in the entire world Hahaha " Ray was completely broken after hearing this. His dream His confident everything shattered into pieces. He realized that everything he have been dreaming of will always be just a dream. He realized that he was useless at that time. The S-Rank Tamer who just passed approached him. That Tamer Turned out to be his sister's ex-boyfriend Max. Max was a kind person before they got summoned to this world but after his Father became one of the top 10 Tamer's he started being rude and arrogant and then one day he suddenly broke up with Ray's sister he said that An ordinary girl doesn't deserve to be with him. His sister isolated herself for a month in a room after that incident.

"Oh isn't this Ruby's dumb little brother. Why is a loser like you even here. Don't you understand you and your sister are destined to always remain at the bottom " Max said arrogantly

Those words left a deep wound in Ray's heart. He didn't know what to do anymore. He ran towards the dark forest. He didn't know where he was heading to suddenly he bumped into something. To his surprise it was a Flame type Dragon beast Ray was scared for a moment but then he noticed something.Flame type beast's always had a fiery Aura around them. But this beast looked very weak and sad for some reason. Ray noticed a memory crystal pendent on it's neck. Memory crystal are used to enter into a beast's memory domain. As ray touched the crystal he was inside the memory domain of the beast but what Ray saw there was something terribly cruel. The beast had been attacked and abandoned by it's on kind because it was weak. Because he was weak every other beast's started attacking him and in the end he had no other choice but to run away.

"Oh! So you are the same as me. Looks like you and i are the weakest of our kind " Ray said while smiling awkwardly

"I wish i had the power to tame you. So that you and i will never feel lonely "

Suddenly the pendent on the beast's neck started glowing and something came out of it.Ray was surprised to see it. It was an awakening stone. Awakening stones are used to unlock a person's Tamer power but 5 year's ago awakening stones started disappearing for some reason and yet no one know why that happened

"Huh? An awakening stone but didn't they disappeared 5 years ago the how is one here? "

But for getting a 100% awakening chance a person should hold a intermidate grade crystal in the left hand and a awakening stone in the right hand and to Ray's luck he always carried a intermidate grade crystal in his hand as his lucky charm and now it really became his Lucky charm.

He realized that there was still a hope left and without thinking twice he put the crystal in his left hand and started holding the awakening stone in his Right hand as he did that a light started emitting from his body and he started feeling abnormal changes in his body. When he opened his eye's his body was surging with power he realized that he had finally became a Tamer.

He turned towards the beast and asked "hey do you want to come with me let's show everyone what we can do "as Ray said this the beast nodded back as a reply

Ray placed his hand on the beast's head and screamed "Tame" suddenly his body started feeling intense heat and right before he was about to collapse he somehow successfully completed taming the beast.

" uh i finally did it. I finally tamed a beast " He was overflowing with happines. "ok let me think a name for you. Hmm how about Rex " the beast nodded back as a reply.

" well then Rex let's show the people what we really are " 

And so the journey begins!

EtherealRyugocreators' thoughts