
The Weak Man's Isekai

The world of heroes, knights, magic and miracles. If I turn into a weak man like my last life how will I forgive myself?

GellinHead · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Weak Man’s Isekai (Sample)

Volume 1

Prologue: In the Beginning

Chapter 1: In our Beginning

Chapter 2: Wake Up

Chapter 3: The Night That Curves Destiny

Chapter 4: The two Geniuses

Chapter 5: The Dungeon - Not Strong Enough

Prologue: In the Beginning

"In the beginning, there were just 2 factions of beings. The humans who always sought love, fighting and freedom, and The Sacred Beasts who guard the world.

"This story again? But mom, why are you telling an old legend at a time like this?"

"Come on, we've heard it a million times, we have to go!"

"Be quiet now and really pay attention"

The voices of a mother and two boys are each whispering tensely in the forest with the sound of a great fire in the background.

"The result of this age was the 7 Wonders of the world and the greatest civilization of humans we know to have existed"

"However, with great light casts an even greater shadow. Around 1300 years ago during this period of great advancement, 2 new factions appeared. The evil monsters, and the beings said to have created them out of a need for balance, The Vergoths."

She continues after gathering her breath.

"This period is known as the dark ages."

"The only kingdom able to fight back was the Kingdom of Stars, they decided to gather the great wonders and fight back the waves of evil"

"After 500 years of war, the Vergoths were completely defeated, and their entire faction destroyed. The ancestors of monsters bred and now inhabit this world. During this time the world was embroiled in war, it is said all History and progress of these peoples were lost."

"There is something you must know. The true history of this kingdom and the duty of our bloodline which even your father doesn't know."

"Just listen, Eri"




Out of the forest ran the Two boys who are yelling and crying

Standing In the middle of a small village named Tinket was the most important building according to the lord of this domain, The tavern. Inside, the Lord of the region had a mug of beer and was quarreling with the Village Chief.

This man with mud brown hair which turns a bit lighter near the ends like the leaves of the autumn season has a stocky build like that of an adventurer and the scratchy face of a hooligan, is the Baron of a region on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Vatria. Baron James Vey Fallfort.



Surprised to see his heir and son in the village after sundown, I was a bit shocked but greeted them with a smile nonetheless.

"Eh, Eric and Tobi, isn't it past your bedtime, you can't be out here right now! Tobi, You're a man, don't cry."

I put a stern face on, and turn back to the elder. It's clearly something serious taking place and the other men in the tavern can't help but crowd around the table. Thinking their Strong reliable father is aware of the situation, the two boys take a moment to observe.


Eric, the oldest was the first to speak

"...You shouldn't be here"

"Quiet Eric, what does a kid know about the ways of us adults! Tobi, don't worry either. Your mother totally let me take your education funds because statistically, there is no way I can lose this round!

Turning my angry look back to the chief I continue.

"Now Black already spin the ball"

The ball spins around the wheel, bouncing off the outside and making its way to the interior bouncing and rolling. As it slows down and stops, it is most definitely landed not black.

The crowd cheers and the Chief is smiling at me like a demon.

I can't believe my eyes, 0-5 in black all I can do is grimace. I turn to tobias with dead eyes

"Sorry kid…"

"What a dick"

Tobias looks like he wants to kill me

"Come quick! There was a fire at the home, mother is waiting"

Noticing an old book in Eric's hand, he tightens his brow and looks at Tobi, who shivers at Eric's mentioning of mother, is simply crying.

As if to gain a handle of the situation in one look, I draw my sword and head into the forest towards the Fallfort Family Manor glancing back only to tell the elder to watch the children.

Under the elders breath i hear him say something but i let it go as it is an emergency

"What a dick,




Eric, the first son and spitting image of his father, having fulfilled his promise to his mother to take care of Tobi and find father, is now sitting impatiently with his brother and the chief.

"Ah yes I see… you did a great job of protecting Tobi. At only the age of 7 too. You have shown courage worthy of the heir of the Fallfort House."

Averting his gaze, he looked towards the forest where his father had taken off and the orange tinge in the distance.

As if all the tears are dried up, Tobi looks to his brother

"What are we to do now Eri?"

But when that comes out his brother is nowhere to be seen. Only his book is now in his place.





I reached the manor only to find a blaze in its place. Looking around I can only grimace at the sight.

"Ed, over here"

Hearing this I sprint to the forest which encircles the manor's clearing to find my love Leila Vey Fallfort waiting against a tree.

"Come now I'll take you to the doctor and get you all cleaned up."

As if to clear my understanding she opens the robe to show a piece of the manor's staircase protruding from where her liver might be. I look like I'm going to puke, but this is not a normal world but a world of adventurers, magic, and miracles. The full moon is up as if to say this is a day of destiny. Smiling, I hold her to look at her in her silvery-brown eyes.

"It's Okay, just a nick, there's still time."

As if to ruin the mood, a branch breaks in the forest behind them.

"Come out!"

Readying my sword, I get into my deadliest stance known from my days as an adventurer as a man approached under the moonlight.

"I'm sorry Baron Fallfort, but you knew when you stole that girl this day was going to come."

"Tch, What is an emperor of the sword doing here?"

"Oh you know just visitin an old friend from the adventuring days" "So it was there right" "Everything she was trying to protect is burned yeah?"

As if to be tired of the conversation I dug my heel into the ground and dashed forward.

The sound of blades crashing and sparks flying could be heard throughout the moonlit forest.

"Damn, guess i'm getting rusty"

"The fallfort's famous quickdraw huh, I haven't seen it in ages, to be honest I wasn't sure I'd be able to stop it until today."

As if to say screw you I draw my dagger and turn my body, thrusting it looking for flesh in close quarters, however flesh isn't what i find, but in the corner of my eye, Eric is watching from a distance.

In a flash, everything was over. Blood was spilling from a gash in my plate armor, but I took it smiling and stepped in front of the tree Eric hides behind, as if to say I am the only thing in this direction. I then jump in close before he can raise his sword again and prepare to plunge my weapon deep in his chest.

"Agh, was deeper than i expected"

Instead of jumping towards the emperor of the sword, it was more of a falling flail, but at least the dagger found the emperor's thigh.

The wounded man lets out a fit of grand laughter while pulling out the blade, and complements the fallen swordsman.

"Gahaha fhew, almost had me there, that's surely what i get for underestimating the man known as The Flash Swordsman"

Ready to finish off his opponent and go home, a small boy ran out and drew between the emperor and The Flash Swordsman.

"No Get back… Please Eric!"

"Huh, hahaha oh Eddie you messed up big time"

"I won't let you, '' the boy said, raising a flintlock pistol.

The emperor rank swordsman stiffened his back and had a look of disdain on his mouth but mouthed a line of disappointment "You know i hate it when children are involved, master"

With a sad look on his face he walked towards the child.

Eric pulled the trigger, and the bullet traveled towards the emperor, but he was uninterested in responding. Marching forward with a bullet in his arm he threw the boy into the tree and looked at his old friend.

"Sorry Eddie, I'll try and take care of them"

"It appears you still have some honor still, Tobias old friend.

As if accepting My fate, I rose to my feet and unstrapped my armor, showing a body full of scars and a broad scarless back. Wobbly I may be, I brandished my sword in order to die an honorable death.

"Thank you for getting me this far Gloria, you old sword"

I ready one last time, coughing up blood and spit towards the opponent. Then Flash.

The quickdraw is released, but instead dashing, I am stopped. Ah. Death, finally.

"I said I won't let you!"

A barrier is between them

A glance towards Eric is turned to eyes of astonishment.

"That boy!!"

Glowing and hair flowing, the boy is letting out some serious sort of magic

Birds are taking flight and strange animals can be heard roaring in the distance.

Then the trees themselves begin creaking and moaning in a deep tone.


Startled by the change in scenery, the sword emperor took the liberty of chopping down the trees with a single slash in each direction.

"What in the world is this, better be quick, sorry kid."

Looking around the emperor was concerned but calm, he raised his sword and chopped through the barriers keeping him from his mission. A look of surprise finally hit him soon however, as roots held his wounded body in place.


The sound of the sword being sheathed and the emperors head hitting the mess of roots below could be heard.

Ed walks towards his son, who no doubt saved his life. Eric is quick to calm down after his father knocks him out with the handle of Gloria.

"I think this kid is going to be a serious mage someday..."

Holding him, he hurries to Leila.

With a smile on her face she is lying dead in a pool of blood.

"I shall take care of them, don't worry my love"




Back in Tinket Tobi is waiting with the Chiefs daughter Sarie, who is similar in age to me at 8 years old, and the Chief himself.

"They're back everyone!"

With his brother on his back crying, Tobi's father has returned to the village after some time and stops when he reaches Tobi.

"Sorry Tobi but…" His father looks down in shame

"Mom is dead" Tobi's eyes are out of tears, but has a cold look, as if he knew right from the start he wouldn't be seeing his mother again.

First Draft of my Light novel! Let me know what you think!

GellinHeadcreators' thoughts