
The Weak Man's Isekai

The world of heroes, knights, magic and miracles. If I turn into a weak man like my last life how will I forgive myself?

GellinHead · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: In our beginning

Volume 1: In The beginning

It was a regular day in my hometown of Toronto, Canada when my life ended.

My name is Adam Halton. I am a businessman, always spending time working. When I quit, my boss said "you can't just leave" as if it was a valid excuse to suck someone dry emotionally for another 2 weeks before quitting. I had made a lot of money for my company, and graduated top of my class.

When I took the interview for the company, I took the liberty of laying out a plan to crush one of the competing businesses in the area, which earned me a high position, salary, and became known as The Man of Plans. But today is different. I quit my job after years of planning and finally have the money saved to start my next venture.

Both me and my little brother James were able to find a day off work so we decided to head to a local bar and catch up.

My brother is quite clever himself, and since his position is in sales, we always get along when badmouthing our superiors and business clients. My brother is the kind of guy with an attitude after all, but it's okay.

As someone who has always had high goals, and put in everything to reach them in order to become someone in this country, I've never fully understood his laid back nature. He seems to be content as long as he has enough money to feed himself and play video games in his free time.

When i ask him at the bar if he has any aspirations he just moans and says

"What do you expect from someone in their mid 20s, we can't all be like you big bro" and shoves the bill in my direction.

"Too bad, I've decided to run for Office and become a member of parliament, and I need you to join me. I need someone I can trust, and whether i like it or not, you have the qualifications to actually really help me in organizing my campaign"

James looks like he wants to puke again… agh what a useless brother after all.

After promising a decent pay however, the cheery mood quickly returns.

"Why didn't you just say so big bro, Big pay increase and more free time, say less. Ouu what's that over there?

Two girls walk in and immediately the two bachelors take note.

Adam, Who is quite gregarious, breaks the ice and the brothers quickly invite the ladies to the table.

After a while the girls Cassie and Kenna offer to buy us a drink.

"We'll be right back, we'll bring over beers when we're done."

As beers are being served my James gets up and says something to the ladies waiting for the drinks at the counter, then returns to the table.

At the counter however the ladies seem to be planning something devious.

"That man Adam is going to become someone powerful, let's make them turn to us and we'll be rich"

The ladies look at eachother, and put on an eerie smile as something is put into the men's drink.

Back at the table a smile is brought to the males faces at the sight of two beautiful girls catering to them. As they place the beer on the table, the boys look at eachother and challenge each other into a test of manliness.





On the way home we decided to take the subway. Apart from its convenience, it is also better for my cheapskate brother's wallet.

It is on our way home that I hear some strange rumbling from my stomach. Hmmm, seems this will be no good.




It was a regular day in my hometown of Toronto, Canada when my life ended.

My name is James Halton. I am a salesman, always spending time at my 9-5. When I chose this line of work, my brother protested, saying I could do better intellectually. I kind of blushed thinking about my giant brain but at the end of the day, it was the easiest job to find.

I had made a lot of money for myself, but I totally spent it all on gambling and video games. I made lots of friends in school, no doubt due to the atmosphere of drinking and partying that would soon come to an end when we enter the soul-crushing work environment.

Both me and my older brother Adam were able to find a day off work that matched both schedules so we decided to head to a local bar and catch up.

My brother is something of a genius himself, and since he wood everyone at that new position, he's gotten a pretty big head. We always get along when badmouthing our superiors and business clients which is nice though. My brother is the kind of guy with an attitude after all.

Adam has always been a hero type character, reaching for the moon and accomplishing everything he sets his mind to with fine planning. I've never understood that mentality, when you're always putting so much responsibility on yourself, how are you supposed to kick back and enjoy life?

We were at the bar when Adam asked me about my aspirations for the future, I told him bluntly to kick rocks.

However, what I didn't know is that he is quite the salesman himself.

He was saying something about less hours, more money, and more fun so I was eager to suck up to him when two lovely ladies walked in.

It seems big bro is also adept with the ladies, because in no time flat, they sit down and we start a conversation.

I've taken a liking to Cassie. Pretty sure it's love at first sight cause she offered to buy us some beers. When they stood up I noticed two vials in her purse had fallen onto the floor. Curious, I picked them up and checked them out. One looked like some kind of medication. "Maybe eye drops?" I thought

The other was not labeled so i thought maybe ill give it the smell test. Opening the vial, my brother nudged my arms and I dropped it on the ground.

"Sheesh Adam, you're in good spirits eh?"

"I mean come on, look at those two!" he replied

When my gaze returned to the floor I had panicked a little but quickly recovered by squeezing some of the medication in the other vial into the dropped one, and went to the bar to return the dropped items.

When the ladies returned I knew i had to show Cassie I'm better than my brother so I challenge Adam to a chugging contest and get utterly defeated

I got bloated, that's why I lost…

On the way home we decided to take the subway for some reason even though Adam is loaded.

When he makes that suggestion all i can think is "what a dick"

However my stomach is more bloated than before and making some strange sounds so I excuse myself.

"Ill be right back, got to find a washroom"

"No washrooms on the subway"

As Adam reminds me I think. Ah, So today I shit myself. And in front of these beautiful ladies too.

As I accept my pathetic state I also notice Adam is in a similar position.

"Strange, Cassie, are you two feeling alright?"

"Yep, we're great, just sit back and relax, you'll feel better soon"

With such a devious smile while returning her answer I have to wonder what in the world is going on.

Then the light begins to flicker and the subway begins to shake violently. When this happens, the vial falls out of her purse again, but now, both vials are empty.

I glanced at my brother and understood my fate.

"These ladies put laxatives in our beer"


But it was too late, Looking at the train ahead was starting to rise. This is not something you should see on a flat subway track…

When I woke up, Everything was in disorder. There were bodies everywhere and I saw my Older brother, who did not appear to be reaching for my calls.


When i looked down, I understood:

I had been pierced in the liver…

"This is the end huh, I guess in my next life i'll be someone strong, like you…"

Whether I bled out or the laxatives were the final blow, no one knows.