
The Way To My Heart

On a rainy night, she rushes home from her business trip that ended earlier than expected. As she exits the airport, she hops into the car that her chauffeur has driven to pick her up. She opens her Weibo account to see if anything has happened in the past few days that she's been out of the country. To her disbelief, the top headlines are all about her long time boyfriend getting engaged to her number one nemesis. Not only that, but they're expecting! Devastated and heartbroken, Xia Biming makes her way her penthouse. She spends her entire evening downing bottles of wine to drown the sorrow. In her drunken state, she makes up her mind to go give the backstabbing duo a piece of her mind. With her hazy mind, she makes a wrong turn and ends up in an unknown alley. Not knowing where she is, she tries backing out only to hit a man on a motorcycle. The impact of the hit was minor, only causing scratches. The man walks up to the driver's side and knocks on the window. Biming gets out of the car and continuously apologizes for not watching where she was driving. While she's apologizing nonstop, she starts crying and remembers why she's in the mess she's in at the moment. Flabbergasted, the man doesn't know how to console her and takes her to a nearby cafe to dry up from the rain. She realizes that she had left her wallet at home and had been out the entire time without money or her license. She writes the man an IOU on scrap napkin with her name on it and they go their separate ways. Little did they both know that that night was the first of their many meetings that would lead them on an adventure for love. This is a sweet love story that unravels between the sweet and strong female lead and the charming and shameless male lead. Join in and read to see how the male lead makes his way to her heart that she's closed up after getting hurt. Expect sweet romance and some smut scenes from the shameless characters ;) Hello! Blackberry1 here just wanting to greet all of you. This is my first novel so I'm hoping you all enjoy and stick with me as I write this. Please feel free to leave comments with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you all!

blackberry1 · Urban
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41 Chs

Secret meeting

With Xia Biming all alone, now was the time for Xue Changmin to strike. He swiftly made his way over and sat down next to her.

"Hey kiddo, can you recognize me?" Chang asked as he stared at her glistening face. But the only response he got back was some murmuring as her eyes were closed. "Hey cutie, drink some water. I didn't realize you couldn't take much alcohol."

He helped raise her head and brought the water for her to drink, which she drank without a pause. He sat with her for a few minutes. Then out of nowhere, Biming's eyes shot open. She grabbed his hand, looked him straight in the eyes with her round sparkling ones, "I think I'm gonna throw up!"

Panicked, Chang looked for a trashcan nearby. Luckily there was one under the table. He quickly grabbed it and pushed it in front of her. As soon as he did, she threw it up. She threw everything up. "Blleuuaaagghhhh!"

He held the trash can with his legs as he used one hand to hold her hair up and the other to gently pat her back. He felt a little guilty for sending so many shots to her, but at the same time he didn't. Because he was able to be near and help her now.

Chang got her more water to drink after she threw up. He also helped wipe her mouth. Xia Biming no longer felt as queasy as before but was pretty sh*tfaced so she leaned up against him and fell fast asleep. She felt a familiar warmth coming from him. And a fragrance. 'Oh, something smells good. Smells like that nice guy from before. A mix of aftershave and camphor. I just wanna hug him more but my I'm so heavy.' And with that thought, she fell into a deep slumber.

'Looks like she's out. But man, now that she's not a crying mess, she's really beautiful. I couldn't tell from her disheveled state, however, she's pretty and got spunk. I wonder what favor I'll be collecting from you.' Chang thought to himself before he lifted her upper body off of him and laid her down on the seat.

He asked the guard to bring a blanket and he tucked her in so she could sleep more at ease. He got and up and left but ordered a guard to stay nearby and keep an eye on her and not let anyone but those girls near her.

When the clock struck 1 am, Fang An Xi and the girls finally called it quits. She noticed the blanket on her big sister but brushed it off as she was used to being spoiled. She asked another girl to help her pick up Biming and brought her to her Mercedes Coupe. An Xi was sober enough to drive so she put Biming in the passenger seat and drove to spend the night at Biming's penthouse.

When morning hit, Biming woke up with a killer hangover. Her head has never hurt so bad before. She was still dressed in last night's clothes but her makeup had been wiped off. She felt a small arm over her waist. She looked over and found her sweet little Xi Xi cuddling her still slumbering away. She gently lifted Xi Xi's arm and made her way to the bathroom. She took a nice relaxing hot shower and then put on a pair of comfy lounging clothes.

An Xi was still knocked out like a sleeping rhino so Biming made her way to the kitchen to cook up some hangover soup and congee to regain her energy. To help ease the queasiness in the stomach she added lots of ginger and lemongrass to the congee.

Just as the food was finished, An Xi stomped her way out of the bedroom half asleep. "Wow Ming! You woke up so early and made such yummy food for me! I've really missed your cooking!" An Xi cheerily said.

"I didn't wake up early, silly. It's nearly 11 am now. I've only been awake since 9. My head was killing me! Now don't talk so loud and come eat with me." Biming grumpily replied back. She set the table up for the two of them and they happily ate their hangover relieving food.

"Okay Ming, tell me. What happened? How did that scumbag end up with that witch? I don't understand any of it." This really puzzled Fang An Xi. She wondered how a guy like him could leave her beautiful, strong, and smart sister behind.

Xia Biming took a second to think and answered, "Xi Xi, I really don't know either. I came back Friday night and just saw the headlines. It really hurt me. I even hit someone in my drunken state on Friday on my way to yell at Tianhao."

"What!? Did you kill someone?!" An Xi shouted. Now she was really confused. How could her sister be so calm after injuring someone?

"No, haha. Just let me finish. The person I hit was fine. They even helped calm me help me put my mind on the right track. I went over yesterday morning to confront Tianhao and Liling... And then I realized, they're perfect for each other. My heart still hearts, but I'm healing slowly. He'll be out of my heart and mind in no time now that I've witnessed his disgusting habits." Biming finished off slowly.

"What habits? I thought you found him to be the perfect gentleman?"

"Shut up, now I know I was wrong and blind. When I got there I thought I would find him and Liling in bed... But he was enjoying such a sensual morning in bed with Zhao Lingyu! I almost died right on the spot from schock!" Biming informed An Xi as she gave an evil chuckle.

"No way! What the hell?! Ugh! No wonder you've given up so easily on him. Who knows if he's gotten any STDs from that pair of sluts. It's okay, you don't need him and you deserve better. Speaking about better, I saw a hot guy eyeing you like a hawk last night!" An Xi excitedly reported to Biming.

"Ugh, don't even talk about last night." Biming shot back, and then continued to recount all the events that happened when she went to use the restroom and some gross pig tried to feel her up. An Xi laughed the whole time as if this wasn't the first time such an event happened. The cousins spent the rest of the afternoon lazing around the penthouse watching movies before An Xi made her own way home.

How are you all liking my writing and story? Feel free to let me know your thoughts and suggestions!

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