
The Way To My Heart

On a rainy night, she rushes home from her business trip that ended earlier than expected. As she exits the airport, she hops into the car that her chauffeur has driven to pick her up. She opens her Weibo account to see if anything has happened in the past few days that she's been out of the country. To her disbelief, the top headlines are all about her long time boyfriend getting engaged to her number one nemesis. Not only that, but they're expecting! Devastated and heartbroken, Xia Biming makes her way her penthouse. She spends her entire evening downing bottles of wine to drown the sorrow. In her drunken state, she makes up her mind to go give the backstabbing duo a piece of her mind. With her hazy mind, she makes a wrong turn and ends up in an unknown alley. Not knowing where she is, she tries backing out only to hit a man on a motorcycle. The impact of the hit was minor, only causing scratches. The man walks up to the driver's side and knocks on the window. Biming gets out of the car and continuously apologizes for not watching where she was driving. While she's apologizing nonstop, she starts crying and remembers why she's in the mess she's in at the moment. Flabbergasted, the man doesn't know how to console her and takes her to a nearby cafe to dry up from the rain. She realizes that she had left her wallet at home and had been out the entire time without money or her license. She writes the man an IOU on scrap napkin with her name on it and they go their separate ways. Little did they both know that that night was the first of their many meetings that would lead them on an adventure for love. This is a sweet love story that unravels between the sweet and strong female lead and the charming and shameless male lead. Join in and read to see how the male lead makes his way to her heart that she's closed up after getting hurt. Expect sweet romance and some smut scenes from the shameless characters ;) Hello! Blackberry1 here just wanting to greet all of you. This is my first novel so I'm hoping you all enjoy and stick with me as I write this. Please feel free to leave comments with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you all!

blackberry1 · Urban
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41 Chs


At 9 am sharp the next morning, Biming was waiting outside the Condo complex for Xue Changmin. He had called her an hour before to make sure she was up and ready. More like he was making sure she wouldn't back out on her word.

Xia Biming had a light breakfast consisting of some plain porridge and a fried egg. She quickly got ready, not putting much importance into her looks. He had told her to dress casually. Nothing too revealing, too tight, or too loose.

'What the hell does he want me to wear then? Already so controlling.' She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that morning. It wasn't even 8:30 am yet!

She set her mind on wearing a light blue cashmere sweater with buttons on the front. The sleeves were three-quartered, and she paired it with white capri denim pants. She chose to wear low red blocked heels. She left her pin straight hair down but kept it out of her face with a cute red bowed headband that had a floral print.

The only make up she put on that morning was some concealer for her dark eyes and some mascara to give her eyes a more awake look.

Xia Biming had just arrived downstairs right on time to find a gleaming Xue Changmin waiting for her. He drove a different limited editions cobalt blue sports car today. There was no driver around, it seemed he wanted to be alone with her today.

"Good morning, Xia Biming. You are looking very beautiful today." He couldn't help but compliment her goddess-like presence.

Xia Biming rolled her eyes under her sunglasses. "Good morning, Mr. Xue. Your punctuality for time is much appreciated."

She made her way to the passenger side of the car but Xue Changmin was quicker by one step and opened the car door for her. She got in and buckled herself. Chang also got in the car and looked at her with the same excitement of a child looking at his favorite candy.

"Where are you taking me today?"

"It's a surprise. I spent all night planning it! You're going to love it!"

With that, he sped off into the streets while fiddling with the music. He wanted to set the right mood for the day. He played some light-hearted songs about love. Nothing too sappy or slow. It was going to be a great day!

Not getting much sleep the previous night, Xia Biming dozed off on the ride to their destination. The entire ride, Xue Changmin could not stop laughing to himself.

It seemed that Xia Biming was really dead asleep, with even the slightest of turns and her head would roll around and her mouth stayed open the entire time. Changmin thought she was the most adorable. She even started to drool a little.

How embarrassing!

When they reached the destination, Xue Changmin reached over to wake Xia Biming up. He lifted her head with his hand and gave her a peck on the cheek. She still didn't wake up.

He lightly shook her by her shoulders before Biming's eyes slowly fluttered open. Her long thick eyelashes were even more charming with the coat of mascara on them.

Biming opened her eyes to find Xue Changmin right in front of her. A little too close for her liking. She quickly moved her head away from him, forgetting the tiny space they were in.


"Ouch!" She threw her hands up to the back of her head. She bumped her head into the window of the car door.

"Pfffttt!! Hahahaha!" Xue Changmin could no longer hold in the laughter. His was woman was just too cute! "Biming, ahaha, are you alright?"

"Don't laugh! You scared me just now. It's your fault I bumped my head." Rubbing her head, Biming gave Changmin a cold yet adorable glare.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I was just trying to wake you up. We have arrived."

Xia Biming looked out of the car and noticed that they were in a very large open field. The field was luscious and green. The perfect landscape from a painting. There were even wildflower growing in shades of purple, yellow, and white.

"So beautiful…" rendered speechless by the view, she didn't realize that Xue Changmin had already slipped out of the car and rushed over to her side to open the door.

"I know you are. Now let's go." He cheekily said to her.

She didn't hear the first part and just followed him. To the side of the field stood a helicopter awaiting to take them to their actual destination.

"Where are we going now? Do we need to travel more to reach the place?"

Xue Changmin nodded at her, "Yes, just a while longer. It shouldn't be more than 10 minutes." He held her hand in a reassuring manner.

In less than 10 minutes, the helicopter landed in front of a wooded forest entrance. Xue Changmin hopped off the helicopter first and gestured to help Xia Biming down.

She bent down to let her help him only for him to grab her by the waist and prop her to sit on the floor base of the helicopter. His hands traveled to her feet and Xia Biming instinctively pulled back.

"What are you doing?!"

"I… you need to change your shoes."

"Oh.. well you should have told me in advanced. I would have worn sneakers then."

"No, its okay. I didn't want you to worry about what to wear. I just wanted you to be comfortable." He smiled at her.

Truthfully, he didn't tell her because he had wanted to carry out his secret plan of them wearing matching sneakers. Yes, couples sneakers. Who knew Xue Changmin was secretly such a romantic at heart?

Biming was very ticklish at the soles of her feet so she didn't move much and let him do as he pleased as she didn't want him to find out one of her weaknesses. She tried very hard not to fidget.

Once finished, Biming was staring off into space and didn't notice. Xue Changmin decided to lift her off the helicopter by the waist and carried her horizontally until they were a distance from the aircraft.

"Put me down now! I can't walk." He quietly obliged but continued to hold her by her hand.

"I think you're going to love it."

They continued to walk into the blooming forest. The air was a thousand times fresher and the beautiful melody of birds calling could be hear everywhere. Xia Biming was lost in the beauty that mother nature bestowed upon them.

Looking out into the woods, Xia Biming watched many squirrels run around scavenging for food. She was so distracted that she didn't see the huge rock in her path and stepped right on it.

"Ah!" she let out a short and loud shriek.

Xue Changmin, who was walking in front of her turned around quickly. He had just enough time to witness Xia Biming's misfortune of steps and reach out to her.

Xia Biming closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate. Then she felt strong arms envelope her and her face landed on a firm chest.

She felt the safety of his embrace before inhaling the calming of his scent. Only to open her eyes to be pacified by his handsome and gentle face.

Thuh-thump thuh-thump thuh-thump

Her heart had already been racing because of her fall, but compared to before, being held in Xue Changmin's arms made her heart race a hundred times faster.

A deep shade of red washed over her cheeks and ear as she stared deeply into Xue Changmin's eyes. What is this feeling?