
The way story's are mostly made

you see the sistim you are the sistim and I want bananas

banana123aregood · Fantasy
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3 Chs

bear villain

Ya so after war the monke started I forgot the bear. The short way to say, it is I put too many females as now theirs thousands, thousands of cubs... I'm putting villain bear because I hate deman kings the crazy trash names the plot armor, and the pay I'm poor not one rich guy throwing thousands of pounds of gold and virgins to sommin Satan. Now I can't decide if I want a young or old bear

Monke 3 says " the war is now a reavslosan over thew the governments"

Oh no it's here I gotta go back to the bears. Wait can I sell bears to you monke 3

"Yesss" monke 3 says in an echo voice

How about $300 a bear?

Monke 3 said "yes how many as supplying an army is not cheap and the food is my poop and some bear poo with the worms"

A thousand or two as can do also. "F i l e r please I need you to read this as my morgue is not cheap and ( athir notes todayđŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶ba ba boaw plop if you think it's a me no that's the sisam most is canan foter, now have law suit by Nintendo have a nice day or night dispense catsup now on my burger) banana" monke 2 says with a banana with ketchup .

Is that another monke, oh no wait I seen it before in. The next episode of villain bear BA ba barup if only cats more cats mooorreeeee