
The Way of the Sword (BL)

Zemin Yan is an orphan who lived on the streets, until the day that the Celestial Sword Sect makes large-scale recruitment, in which even the beggars were analyzed in the Qin Empire. He who lived in an isolated village had managed to pass through the most difficult examination of the sect, but even so, his talent was the only medium. At best, his prospect was to reach the intermediate-level Aurore Core realm. Zemin Yan was happy with this prospect, after all, he was just a humble mumper, over time, he learns to read and write, he even grew a little taller, but his physique was delicate and flexible, not pretending that he was a martial practitioner, thus generating mockery for his colleagues even a strong bullying. However, Zemin Yan didn't care and always proceeded with optimism, until the moment that was allocated to be assistant of the greater cultivator of the young generation of Celestial Sword Sect. Zhong Liang is the supreme talent of the Heavenly Sword, he is tall, handsome and powerful, he is the dream of all women and the goal of all the boys. He is loved and appreciated by all but remains with his cold character and his expressionless face. Because of his Swordless Dao, Zhong Liang was getting colder, indifferent, and cruel, so his Master, fearful that he would turn to the demonic cultivator, decides to put three young disciples to serve him and keep him company, whether in missions outside the sect or even in as servants of this great prodigy. The Master of Zhong Liang wanted him to develop some kind of bond that would prevent him from getting lost in the path of the Dao of the Swordless Thrill. Unfortunately, Zhong Liang doesn't agree with his master's vision and astounds all the young disciples, only one remains he is as firm as a sword stuck in the ground, this disciple is Zemin Yan. "Senior Zhong, do you want grapes or apples?" Asked Zemin Yan with his typical silly smile. Zhong Liang didn't respond and continued training with his sword, he just ignored the existence of this young disciple. "So it's going to be grapes," Zemin Yan said without even letting his mood fall, he had already grown accustomed to the lack of response from his senior disciple. When Zemin Yan came back to call Zhong Liang for dinner, the grapes were far from visible, which left Zemin Yan with a silly and contented smile for the rest of the night. NOTE: 1. R 18 (IN THE FUTURE) 2. Slow Romance 3. Romance 1x1. 4. Contest 59. 5. COVER: POPPY QUEEN 6. Follow my Ko-fi for news and weekly calendars: https://ko-fi.com/post/Calendar-1001--1601-L4L27V5L9 and Ko-fi.com/take_the_moon. Thanks for your support in the 2021. Hope we're together in 2022 too.

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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184 Chs

Hong Yu begins his Schemes

Zhong Liang left the office pleased, Elder Han said it would take at least another hour to sort things out, so he took the reports from Hong Yu, who was still stunned by the whole situation, and he went to read all he could about Nam Yang City, he didn't want to miss a thing, the more he knew the better it would be to protect Zemin Yan… Cough… Cough… I mean protect all junior disciples.

The pile of documents was huge, it would be easier to ask Elder Han or Hong Yu, but with Zhong Liang's cool and indifferent personality, that would be impossible, at least this young prodigy has trouble talking without seeming to scratch his head that someone's cold eyes didn't intimidate anyone.

Then senior brother Zhong left the room and went to his own room, leaving Hong Yu to process all the confusing conversation and Elder Han regretted that his martial nephew was so stubborn!

Hong Yu was surprised by Zhong Liang's intense interest in Zemin Yan, didn't the gossip say that this senior brother had negatively implicated Zemin Yan's group? After today he would have to rethink these rumors better, as it was as clear as the day that Zhong Liang was concerned about Zemin Yan's welfare!

This veteran disciple for a moment had a dark look, it is unknown what he was thinking, but soon that shadow was dispelled and he was once again a kind and friendly young man. Hong Yu seemed to have formed something in his mind, there was even a flirtatious smile on his crimson lips, which made his already charming appearance even more attractive, yet there was something evil about that expression.

Elder Han, who was more concerned with how to control the damage Zhong Liang could do, did not pay much attention to his personal disciple. If he had seen Hong Yu's expression, he could have sent his disciple on a mission far away from the children. Elder Han Yie knew that Hong Yu had a distorted personality who liked to play with schemes and such nonsense, which in no way increases the ability of sword cultivation, but he did not imagine that his disciple could be far beyond the so-called "schemes".

After a few minutes talking with Elder Han, Hong Yu left the room with the student list and called some disciples from the Foundation realm, making them go to each group with a specific name.

Hong Yu went to group number 2 which is Bohai Xiulan's group, who was one of the children who took the test with Zemin Yan and Chu Yue, was also the child who was jealous and jealous of Zemin Yan, it was also he who He wanted to talk to Chu Yue, but because of his rigid and materialistic upbringing, he eventually despised the poor girl.

Of this group, only two people were eligible for this special training, Zhie Quan and Sun Jie. Yes, Bohai Xiulan had no qualifications to join this group. Zhie Quan is Bohai Xiulan's best friend, he saw this cute and cute child as his little brother, this boy is a very kind person and always likes to advise his little brother to do the right things, because he knows Bohai Xiulan's temperament, that despite being 10 years old was very vain and arrogant.

Zhie Quan has an academic appearance with his black hair tied in a formal bun with a silver crown, his eyes were thin and curved giving the appearance of always being kind and warm, his brown eyes resembling the hue of Indian teas, which seemed to shine slightly like an amber jewel. His robes were the Pien Fu, which consisted of a short dark green tunic with silver-patterned design, the sleeves of the tunic were long and wide allowing his hands to be hidden and to hide things inside, and baggy long pants made of a lightweight and comfortable fabric, just like the tunic, complementing his garments with a black sneaker that had some light silver designs, all paired with his gentle appearance, giving this boy a peaceful and clean aura.

If not for the strange sword that looked more like a giant handsaw, as if it were a prehistoric animal, even if the material was wood. It was a heavy-style sword, but it looked a lot fiercer than really heavy and wide. Which completely disagreed with the person's kind appearance.

Sun Jie is a typical upper-class young woman and daughter of the first wife, she had her beautiful long black hair full of ornaments like gems and silver, her hairstyle was in two cute rolls, her eyes were like flowers of peachtree and her eyes were dark and deep, her lips small and pink, in short she was a great young beauty. She was wearing a long pink tunic with green designs, depicting a beautiful forest, a loose and comfortable black trousers, the whole tunic was tight in the body which allowed her movements to be easier, but also outlined her curves still in formation and her bust that was budding softly, complementing with a pink sneaker.

In short, Sun Jie is a beautiful 13-year-old with her flowering beauty and is 16-year-old Zhie Quan's childhood "sweetheart", most importantly she has an extraordinary lineage that is very appropriate for cultivating the Yin sword, so it far surpasses Bohai Xiulan talent. Her wooden sword was a long thin sword since it spent time with Sun Jie, the wooden sword gave off a cold aura.

Of course, Bohai Xiulan was not resigned to this situation, especially when Hong Yu accidentally told her that Zemin Yan's group would participate in this special training, the whole group, even Chu Yue who had just started cultivating and the most odious thing is that Poor child with his little dog was also going to participate!

So shortly after Hong Yu told his juniors to get ready and soon to leave, Bohai Xiulan followed Hong Yu, who strangely moved to a somewhat remote area. However, the 10-year-old did not see this detail, he just wanted to try to convince his senior brother to let him attend this training.

Hong Yu smirked, but Bohai Xiulan didn't realize that he was slowly entering the snake trap.


Elsewhere, Zhong Liang was in his room reading information about the city of Nam Yang and information about underworld domains. There was not so much information on the latter, as the sect really just wanted to use the training ground and didn't want to disturb or destroy this underworld.

As Zhong Liang read the information, Lan Ruan, Zhong Liang's second eldest brother, entered the room, but this junior brother did not seem to care about his presence, which made Lan Ruan sigh heavily.

Lan Ruan had just received the information from his master, he knew that Zhong Liang had received it too, but seemed not to care that because of a crush on a princess, the body of this little brother was contaminated with demonic energy!

Hello guys!

Sorry for the delay in publishing. Today there was a power surge here in my neighborhood and I had not put the chapter in automatic mode, so publishing now.

Now a little theater:

Lan Ruan: Zhong Liang let's talk about your problems ...

Zhong Liang: Senior brother, do you think little Yan will like this Yang fruit more or the golden fruit more? * ignoring Lan Ruan's concern *

Lan Ruan: Guess the Yang fruit? Forget it! Let's talk about your problems ...

Zhong Liang: So, senior brother, what will little Yan prefer, this rare sword or this rare ring? * looks thoughtfully at objects *

Elder Han Yie: Of course, that will be the ring, it is precious, but not noticeable, so people will not covet! That will be the safest! * Elder Han speaks, sprouting from the ground *

Lan Ruan: O_O * Face palm *

Zhong Liang: The elder is right! The elder is a boring old man, but he's very smart! * with a serious face *

Elder Han Yie: Yes, I'm a smart old man ... Hey who's old! *heartbroken*

Lan Ruan: Forget Elder Han! Zhong Liang we need to talk about your problems ... * look where Zhong Liang is, but it's empty *

Lan Ruan: O_O

Elder Han Yie: He left while you were talking ... * pats Lan Ruan on the shoulder * Yes, he's very silent! He must have gone after my little godson! Stay away from Zemin Yan! * disappears just as it appeared under the ground *

Lan Ruan: Ç_Ç * stands in a corner * No one takes me seriously!

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