
The Way of the Sword (BL)

Zemin Yan is an orphan who lived on the streets, until the day that the Celestial Sword Sect makes large-scale recruitment, in which even the beggars were analyzed in the Qin Empire. He who lived in an isolated village had managed to pass through the most difficult examination of the sect, but even so, his talent was the only medium. At best, his prospect was to reach the intermediate-level Aurore Core realm. Zemin Yan was happy with this prospect, after all, he was just a humble mumper, over time, he learns to read and write, he even grew a little taller, but his physique was delicate and flexible, not pretending that he was a martial practitioner, thus generating mockery for his colleagues even a strong bullying. However, Zemin Yan didn't care and always proceeded with optimism, until the moment that was allocated to be assistant of the greater cultivator of the young generation of Celestial Sword Sect. Zhong Liang is the supreme talent of the Heavenly Sword, he is tall, handsome and powerful, he is the dream of all women and the goal of all the boys. He is loved and appreciated by all but remains with his cold character and his expressionless face. Because of his Swordless Dao, Zhong Liang was getting colder, indifferent, and cruel, so his Master, fearful that he would turn to the demonic cultivator, decides to put three young disciples to serve him and keep him company, whether in missions outside the sect or even in as servants of this great prodigy. The Master of Zhong Liang wanted him to develop some kind of bond that would prevent him from getting lost in the path of the Dao of the Swordless Thrill. Unfortunately, Zhong Liang doesn't agree with his master's vision and astounds all the young disciples, only one remains he is as firm as a sword stuck in the ground, this disciple is Zemin Yan. "Senior Zhong, do you want grapes or apples?" Asked Zemin Yan with his typical silly smile. Zhong Liang didn't respond and continued training with his sword, he just ignored the existence of this young disciple. "So it's going to be grapes," Zemin Yan said without even letting his mood fall, he had already grown accustomed to the lack of response from his senior disciple. When Zemin Yan came back to call Zhong Liang for dinner, the grapes were far from visible, which left Zemin Yan with a silly and contented smile for the rest of the night. NOTE: 1. R 18 (IN THE FUTURE) 2. Slow Romance 3. Romance 1x1. 4. Contest 59. 5. COVER: POPPY QUEEN 6. Follow my Ko-fi for news and weekly calendars: https://ko-fi.com/post/Calendar-1001--1601-L4L27V5L9 and Ko-fi.com/take_the_moon. Thanks for your support in the 2021. Hope we're together in 2022 too.

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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184 Chs

Fai Biyu's illusion and Lan Ruan's annoyance

Lan Ruan could feel his junior brother's eyes full of doubt, but he would not answer those silent doubts, as Zhong Liang cultivated the sword Dao without emotion, he had little curiosity about the subjects… Cough… Cough… between men and women, much less about matters between men… Cough… Cough… Anyway, this second senior brother won't say anything about it! 

Meanwhile, Elder Han, who was checking the names of the selected disciples, for the second time that day he felt a chill down his spine! He looked back, startled, but clearly there was no one, no danger nearby either… But his heart was beating like a wife who was harassed by her husband in public! 

"I must be wondering!" Thought Elder Han calming down, but for some reason, he thought of that shameless man who liked to take off his clothes… Cough… Cough… I mean he liked to challenge him!

Lan Ruan could no longer wait and even before Zhong Liang read the information again, he had already left the room they shared. On the way he met his junior martial sister, Fai Biyu, as always she was very pretty with her long red hair adorned with precious stones, not like an ordinary daughter of a high-ranking person, because the stones in her hair it wasn't just shiny and ostentatious ornament, they were defensive items that helped improve cultivation. 

"What is Junior Sister Fai doing here?" Asked Lan Ruan, even though he knew this junior sister had come to see his junior brother Zhong Liang, probably to try to get the attention of this emotionless-faced junior martial brother. 

"Oh, senior brother Lan, I came to see big brother Zhong, I wanted to ask him for some guidance," said Fai Biyu with a gentle smile, his face slightly flushed, otherwise Lan Ruan would have left this cute little sister of his pass, but today he was a little worried about Zhong Liang.

Besides, he felt a little irritated in his heart, after all, clearly Zhong Liang had already rejected Fai Biyu's advances, but she continued to insist on chasing and pushing the other girls away from her little martial brother Zhong. It's hard enough for Zhong Liang to interact with people, but she still had someone to scare people off, so wouldn't Zhong Liang be alone forever? That was very annoying!

What right does Fai Biyu have to control who talks or not to his little martial brother Zhong? Even though Lan Ruan knows that Zhong Liang didn't care about these things, but he (Lan Ruan) worried that this little brother would be alone forever! 

However, he revealed nothing of his irritation on his face, because arguing with Fai Biyu would not change anything, he had talked to her before about it, but nothing has changed, the only difference is that she does these dirty things - to scare, fight and humiliate other people - far from the eyes of her martial brothers and her master. 

"It's really junior sister Fai! What a coincidence I just left the room and junior martial brother Zhong is not there. I was going to see Elder Han, if you need guidance you should ask me or we can go talk to Elder Han together, I'm sure the elder can better guide you than Martial Brother Zhong! "Lan Ruan said with a modest smile on his face as he put his hand on Fai Biyu's back. 

Fai Biyu wanted to protest and say she just wanted to talk to her older brother Zhong, but she felt an inexplicable life hostility to her second martial older brother, so she kept her lips sealed. She knew Lan Ruan wasn't a frivolous person so she allowed herself to take her like that, with his big hand on her slender, delicate back. 

Zhong Liang, who felt Fai Biyu's presence near the room, sighed with relief when he felt her walking away, this junior martial sister acting increasingly poorly. This little martial sister entered the sect shortly after the disappearance of baby Song Yan.

At the time Zhong Liang was 14 years old and Fai Biyu was 12 years old, for Zhong Liang who had been devastated by the disappearance of the celestial couple and baby Song Yan, he acted like a zombie, living only for training and their social development it was not much, it became practically nonexistent, except for his master, he did not interact with anyone else. 

Fai Biyu fell in love at first sight with the handsome Zhong Liang, she a girl who came from a prominent family of the Zhou Empire, is also the daughter of the first wife, besides being very talented in cultivation, so she was always treated as a treasure, had several young men and men running after her or just to get her attention.

She at first thought Zhong Liang would be the same, but this time she was willing to be chased. Unfortunately, Fai Biyu was destined to be disappointed, as Zhong Liang never paid her any attention beyond the first day they were introduced. 

Confusingly, that was what made Fai Biyu's desire to conquer take the young heart. She could not accept that there was not a single person who disliked or appreciated her, so she tried in many ways to approach this indifferent third martial brother. 

It could be said that women were confused creatures and cling to impossible things, but one must take into account this society and the creation of Fai Biyu, which created the sad illusion that everything and everyone should revolve around her. It would be too much to assume that all women were crazy for love or as self-centered as this red-haired young woman. 

There were many women who were focused only on martial cultivation, there were women who were more impressive professionals than men, strong and talented women, general women and strategists, alchemists and doctors… This was the world of the fort, even women were so proud and powerful as a man!

Zhong Liang's heart was still as cold for Fai Biyu as the first day they met, even if there was a change for the better, it would just be a fraternal relationship, but Fai Biyu would not feel resigned to it. Did she think Zhong Liang should be hers, after all, wasn't she the most beautiful and strongest rose in the Celestial Sword Sect? What another woman would best match the powerful and wickedly handsome Zhong Liang? 

Lan Ruan was unaware of Fai Biyu's wandering thoughts, so he continued "taking" this junior sister to Elder Han's office, who was already talking to Hong Yu and another disciple of the cult's core. 

Of course, when Lan Ruan and Fai Biyu entered the office, whatever conversation this group was having had ceased, the two core disciples stepped back a little allowing these two sect wonders to approach Elder Han. 

Hello guys!

Thank you for the support and gifts!

The author has two things to say: 1. I got a little sick, my pressure went up because karma came after me. 2. The women in this novel will not be like Fai Biyu, at least not all of them.

Now a little theater:


Fai Biyu: I like you, Zhong Liang! * says shyly *

Zhong Liang: Ù_Ú I don't like it * says indifferently *

Lan Ruan: I like my little brother Zhong * says happily *

Zhong Liang: U_U I don't care * says indifferently *

Lan Ruan and Fai Biyu: Ç.Ç * shed tears and broken hearts *

Zemin Yan: Big Brother Zhong ... * calls happily *

Zhong Liang: I like you and we are getting married! * responds hurriedly, interrupting Zemin Yan *

Zemin Yan: O_O I just wanted to ask if big brother Zhong likes sweet or salty! * says Zemin Yan shocked *

Zhong Liang: I like you! Everything else is superfulo! * says without a shred of shame *

Zemin Yan: @ _ @ * gets dizzy with Zhong Liang's words and turns red to the root of his hair *

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