
The Way of the Sword (BL)

Zemin Yan is an orphan who lived on the streets, until the day that the Celestial Sword Sect makes large-scale recruitment, in which even the beggars were analyzed in the Qin Empire. He who lived in an isolated village had managed to pass through the most difficult examination of the sect, but even so, his talent was the only medium. At best, his prospect was to reach the intermediate-level Aurore Core realm. Zemin Yan was happy with this prospect, after all, he was just a humble mumper, over time, he learns to read and write, he even grew a little taller, but his physique was delicate and flexible, not pretending that he was a martial practitioner, thus generating mockery for his colleagues even a strong bullying. However, Zemin Yan didn't care and always proceeded with optimism, until the moment that was allocated to be assistant of the greater cultivator of the young generation of Celestial Sword Sect. Zhong Liang is the supreme talent of the Heavenly Sword, he is tall, handsome and powerful, he is the dream of all women and the goal of all the boys. He is loved and appreciated by all but remains with his cold character and his expressionless face. Because of his Swordless Dao, Zhong Liang was getting colder, indifferent, and cruel, so his Master, fearful that he would turn to the demonic cultivator, decides to put three young disciples to serve him and keep him company, whether in missions outside the sect or even in as servants of this great prodigy. The Master of Zhong Liang wanted him to develop some kind of bond that would prevent him from getting lost in the path of the Dao of the Swordless Thrill. Unfortunately, Zhong Liang doesn't agree with his master's vision and astounds all the young disciples, only one remains he is as firm as a sword stuck in the ground, this disciple is Zemin Yan. "Senior Zhong, do you want grapes or apples?" Asked Zemin Yan with his typical silly smile. Zhong Liang didn't respond and continued training with his sword, he just ignored the existence of this young disciple. "So it's going to be grapes," Zemin Yan said without even letting his mood fall, he had already grown accustomed to the lack of response from his senior disciple. When Zemin Yan came back to call Zhong Liang for dinner, the grapes were far from visible, which left Zemin Yan with a silly and contented smile for the rest of the night. NOTE: 1. R 18 (IN THE FUTURE) 2. Slow Romance 3. Romance 1x1. 4. Contest 59. 5. COVER: POPPY QUEEN 6. Follow my Ko-fi for news and weekly calendars: https://ko-fi.com/post/Calendar-1001--1601-L4L27V5L9 and Ko-fi.com/take_the_moon. Thanks for your support in the 2021. Hope we're together in 2022 too.

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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1.  It is necessary to reach the ninth level to be able to move to the other stage of cultivation. For example Level nine of Qi Realms may attempt to enter the Foundation Realms cultivation stage.

2.  Cultivators can try to reach the eleventh level to reach the level of perfection for their respective stages of cultivation. This can assist in unlocking some skills earlier, such as cultivating an element in dantin, telekinesis, opening the nirvana palace, manipulating Heavenly Qi for battle, among other benefits. For example, if a martial cultivator is at level 11 of the Foundation Realms stage, when he moves to the Aurore Core Realms stage he will have an 85% chance of opening the Nirvana palace in the very first levels of Aurore Core Realms.

3.  In the Aurore Core Realms stage, there are three baptisms that the martial cultivator has to face. The baptism of the evil fire, the baptism of the roaring soul and the baptism of eroded water. Baptism of fire occurs between level 3 to level 4, baptism of wind occurs between level 5 to level 6 and water baptism occurs between level 8 to level 9. If the martial cultivator of the Aurore Core stage Realms reaches level 10 he/she faces the baptism of the icy land. If he/she reaches level 11 he/she will face a single celestial ray.

4.  In the Aurore Core Realms stage, as the name implies, this is the stage of martial cultivation that creates the nuclei within the dantin. Each level is a new core. The nuclei can hold not only the reserve Heavenly Qi, but the nuclei are also where the elements are maintained and strengthened. After the Aurore Core Realms stage, the cores will increase in quantity until it evolves to the True Deity cultivation stage.

5.  In the Rising Soul Realms stage, for every three levels the chakra points that distribute the Dantin's celestial Qi, they transform into a whirlwind, which allows for greater absorption of the energy of heaven and earth more effectively and also allows cultivation more quickly if it is present with an affinity element, moreover, it allows the purification of the channels of Celestial Qi more effectively. At level 3 the chakras of the left foot, hand and shoulder turn into small eddies. At level 6, the chakras of the right foot, right hand, and right shoulder swirl. At level 9, the chakras that are close to the heart, stomach and sexual organ also swirl. If you reach level 10, the chakra of the legs (thigh) and arms become swirls. If you reach level 11 the chakra of the head, back (spine) and shoulder blades are unlocked.

6.  When moving from the Rising Soul Realms stage to the Immortal Realms stage, you must face at least nine celestial rays. If the martial cultivator is in the perfect Rising Soul Realms stage (11 levels) there will be 11 rays when going to the Immortal Realms stage.

7.  The intensity of the rays will depend on the strength of the martial cultivator, the more skills, the more talent and the more strength, the greater the power of the celestial ray. After all, cultivators go against the path of heaven (destiny).

8.  Flying swords can be used in the Aurore Core Realms stage, but they must carry stones that provide a certain type of energy for swords to fly. In the Soul Rising Realms stage, mental power is used to support swords. Exceptions to this rule are if the sword is already conscious and can be cultivated.

9.  Martial cultivators can use alchemy pills or pharmacists' elixirs to move from one level to the next. From level 1 to level 2. They can also use cultivation matrices to accelerate the process of martial cultivation. It just doesn't work when you reach the last level of the martial cultivation stage. It takes inspiration or a deep understanding of its techniques or even the formation of new power to break the limit from one stage to the next.

10.  Protection items against celestial rays can be used to decrease lightning mortality.

11.  Martial cultivators can die in the baptisms of Aurore Core Realms and by the rays when crossing the stage Immortal Realms.

12.  The False Deity stage has only three levels, each level is a different test. A test to strengthen the soul, a test for the strength of the body and a test for the intelligence. Each of these tests is deadly. The soul test the cultivator ends up in a coma to fight against himself. In the strength test, he has to win against an enemy that is at least level 1 True Deity with just physical strength. In the test of intelligence, the martial cultivator will go into a coma and be placed in several tests that defy sanity or in a single giant maze.

13.  Martial cultivation scholars researched the False Deity stage, concluding that these were evidence left by ancestors that attracted the soul of these cultivators to perform the tests. But more studies are still needed to determine the veracity of these theories. 

The information can be modified according to the need of the plot or I can be added information. So whenever you have doubts you can check here the rules of cultivation levels.

As I said before, we will soon have information about the professions and what the levels and evolutions are like.

Soon I will publish the daily chapters again. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy!

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See Ya!

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