
The Way of the Monkey King

What would a weakling do in the world full of strong people? It is to become strong themselves! With enough motivation and determination, a weakling can become the strongest too! This is the story of such weakling who want to become the strongest in order to survive in the world full of monster-like people!

CouchPotatoes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 04

Tuesday, 21st April, 2009.

Okay, this might be coming out of nowhere, but this is the first time I've been sleeping together with a woman in the same futon, and it was a very beautiful and sexy woman too. Wait, let me correct myself, it wasn't a 'woman', but 'women' in fact. Yes, I'm sleeping with two girls right now, one was a beautiful woman with massive boobas and the other one was a cute girl with beautiful legs.

"Mmnnyaa~" This cute sound was coming from a blue-haired woman as her arms that held my body tightened a bit, and brought my face deep inside her exposed cleavage.

"Nnngrrhh...!" While this guttural sound was coming from a red orange-haired girl, as one of her legs tangled with mine, and the other one was slipping inside my white tee.

These two girls are Tatsuko and Angel. And no, nothing happened last night, unfortunately. We just slept together without doing anything lewd.

After my fight with Angel last night, I didn't go home, or one could say that I couldn't, because Tatsuko said she wants to know more about me. So she invited me to have dinner together as we talked about just anything yesterday.

And why do we sleep together, you said? Well, that's because Tatsuko invited me to sleep together, and there's no way I could refuse such an enticing invitation, especially from a beautiful and sexy woman like her. Also, the reason why Angel is sleeping in here too is because she doesn't like the idea of me, a certified pervert, sleeping together with her pure and airheaded sister.

At first she was so adamant about kicking me out of the house, but after I challenged her in games, she became docile for some reason. We played all night long until Tatsuko dragged both of us to her room so we could sleep together, with me stuck between both of them, therefore why I was in this position right now.

When I look at the clock on the wall, I can see it's still around 5 AM. Ever since I've been living as Yonpachi, I've been waking up early for some reason, and I used my free time to train my body before I went to school usually.

Now that I've fully woken up, I use my enhanced strength to gently peel Tatsuko's arms off me in order to escape her ironclad hug while pushing Angel's feet off me as well without waking them both, but not before feeling up Tatsuko's breasts and Angel's legs for a minute and more.

I also move carefully so Angel's foot won't accidentally touch the raging boner I have under the shorts I'm wearing right now, either from having two girls sleeping so carelessly beside me or because of a natural phenomenon that happens to every man in the world in the morning.

After I successfully escaped from exciting and arousing situation, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up and calm myself down. On the way, I saw Shakadō lying down on the floor in the living room, snoring loudly while buried in can of beers and a pack of cigarettes like a sleazebag.

Upon finishing my business in the bathroom, washing my face and so on, I went to the kitchen this time to take some milk, which I knew was stored inside the fridge.

I opened the fridge, and found cartoon milk behind the door. There were also a lot ingredients stored inside. With all of these ingredients, I could make a breakfast for the residents of this house.

Since the original Yonpachi lives alone, he knows how to cook himself a simple food, and I, someone from another world, have a lot of experience too when it comes to cooking. While I don't know anything about my job in my previous life, but I feel like I was a cook or something with how many repertoire I had stored inside my brain.

But it's still quite early to create breakfast anyway, so I just took the cartoon milk, poured the said milk into the glass and drank it with gusto.

Just as I enjoyed the milk in my hand, I heard a voice coming from outside the kitchen and there I saw a sexy purple-haired woman lightly yawned while stretching her arms out, showing her bellybutton and toned body.

"Ah, good morning." I greeted Ami with a nod after checking her out discreetly.

"... Morning." Ami greeted me back in a rather hesitant manner, looking at me weirdly with how I just casually drank a milk from their fridge like I own the house or something, "Fukumoto, right?"

"Right..." I scratch my cheek at that before putting the glass on the counter nearby, "I'm sorry that I couldn't greet you properly last night, and yes, my name is Fukumoto Ikurō. I'll be in your care from now on."

Ami looks at my face for a second as if trying to find something but she shakes her head lightly in the end, "Itagaki Ami. And I guess, it's nice to meet you... But why are you still in here? You didn't go home yesterday?"

"Haha..." I awkwardly laughed at her inquiry, "To be honest, I was about to go home last night, after cleaning the mess I created in my fight with Ten... But, Nee-san— I mean, Tatsuko-san invited me to have dinner instead, and before I knew it, I was having sleepover with her and Ten."

"Sheesh, Tatsu... What the hell are you thinking..." Ami muttered under her breath in a low voice, feeling frustrated and confused at the same time. "Fine. Just don't do something that'll make me chase you out, understand?"

"Aye aye, ma'am!" I straightened my body and saluted her.

After saying whatever she wants to say, Ami leaves the room and goes to the bathroom next door. And while she's walking out of the room I don't miss the chance to look at her behind, specifically her wide hips and plump ass. 

While it might be not as big and plump as Tatsuko's, believe me I know, she's definitely up there when it comes to the size. Also I can clearly see the crack of her ass due to the fabric of her shorts sticking to her skin right now.

If I had my digital camera on me, I would definitely take a picture of that, but then again, it might be a bad idea if I just did that. While Tatsuko wouldn't mind if I did something like that, but doing it to Ami, who is clearly hasn't opened to me at all at the moment, feels like suicide, either socially or literally. And I really don't want to cause a trouble when I'm still new to all of this, especially after Ami just warned me earlier.

Let's just take it easy and focus on getting stronger for now.


Today, I decided to skip school in favor of taking my first training with my new teacher. After having breakfast together with Itagaki siblings and Shakadō, we moved to the backyard to burn out the calories we just consumed in pretense of training.

"Alright you brats, hear me out!" Shakadō roared, catching everyone's attention. He was currently standing in front of us with hands stuffed inside the pockets and shoulders hunched forward like usual, "As you already knew, we got ourselves a new friend here." He glanced at me for a moment followed by Itagaki siblings who also standing nearby, "By traditional standard, I should let him have a match against one of you to confirm his skill, but I think we can just skip that bullshit since he already proved what he was capable of yesterday."

Three of four Itagaki siblings were looking at Angel when our teacher mentioned that while the said youngest grumbled under her breath, definitely cussing me and the old man out altogether.

As she was about to say something, she suddenly turned her head to me when she heard a light snort coming from my direction, and after she noticed the smug expression I had on my face, clearly mocking her for losing against me last night, she grew angrier as the hold on her golf club tightened.

And without warning, she lashes out at me like a rabid dog, swinging her golf club in frenzy, but I easily dodge all of them like it was nothing, which infuriates her even more, "Stand still, you pervert monkey!"

"Hah! Make me, you stupid gremlin!" I taunted her while bending my body backward to dodge the wide swing of her club before pushing my body backward, performing a smooth back roll to keep my distance from the crazy girl.

"Hehe~ Kurō-kun and Ten-chan are really getting along with each other~" Tatsuko leisurely stated, looking at both of us with a smile on her face, "Ten-chan looks so happy right now~"

"Happy...?" Ryuhei, who stood beside Tatsuko, parroted. He squinted up at Angel in confusion. No matter how he looked at it, in his perspective there were no traces of happiness on Angel's face right now, "Is that look happy to you, Tatsu-nee?"

"Un~" Tatsuko nodded her head confidently.

Indeed, if you look at the current situation, there's no way you'll see that Angel is happy like Tatsuko just mentioned, especially with how the said girl was snarling and screaming at me while swinging her golf club like a crazy person.

But if you look closely at her, you'll notice a small tug of her lips each time she came at me as I dodge her attack, and there's also the fact that there's barely any strength behind her attacks, which Ami just noticed.

Angel wasn't really trying to hurt me, but more like she just wanted to play around with me. She is the type of person who really doesn't know how to express her true feelings like normal people could, as she can only express those through violence just like now.

With her living alone with her older siblings and Shakadō, who lived their life in violence, as her model all these times, I guess it is inevitable for Angel to become this socially inept.

"I'm surprised... But Tatsu was right. Ten looks so happy right now." Ami confirmed with a shake of her head. The only time she ever sees her youngest sister look this happy was when Angel got a new game to play in her free time.

"Really...?" Ryuhei on the other side is still skeptical about it, then again it's not like he cares anyway.

"Okay, that's it, you lovebirds!" Shakadō crowed as both Angel and I became stiff in surprise. Rather than surprise, it was more like embarrassment with how our faces erupted in red after hearing what he just called us.

"SHUT UP!" And once again we accidentally showed our annoying teacher that both of us really complement each other if the big smirk that appeared on his face tells us everything.

With a grumble, we walk side by side to Tatsuko, and the woman in question looks really happy when we approached her, as we took our position on each of her side with me on the right and Angel on the left. We conveniently make the tall woman as the barrier that will act to separate both of us from making trouble.

"As you can see, this monkey over there is good enough to match the brat in fight despite still being a beginner in this field." Shakadō started, the smirk never leaving his face, "Just like I said yesterday, I want y'all to get along with each other since he will be joining our little band from now on. But it seems like there was one of you who are still not happy about this."

I huffed in annoyance when I noticed who the old man was just talking about right now. Glancing at the man in question, I saw Ryuhei glares at me with blatant contempt written on his face.

"Yeah, I don't like it at all." Ryuhei scoffed, "Just because he can match Ten's strength that doesn't mean shit to me. Ten was the weakest between 4 of us after all." He added with a sneer.

Angel growled when she heard that, "What did you just say, Ryu!? Want me to split that useless head of yours into two, huh!?"

Ryuhei once again scoffed at that, ignoring his little sister's threat, which makes the youngest become more irritated. If not for Tatsuko in her way, Angel would jump on Ryuhei with a golf club to the head at any moment now.

Shakadō on the other hand simply raises his eyebrows, while he knows and understand what Ryuhei wants to achieve from blatantly showing his hostility against me, the old man still decided to ask the only son of Itagaki household, "So?"

The bastard licks his upper lips in a lustful manner as his eyes focused on my bum, showing his deep desire to mess me sexually, "I want to fight him."

Ami shakes her head in exasperation at her younger brother's behavior, yet from the looks of it, she doesn't seem to have any intention to intervene or reprimand him again like yesterday.

Well, not surprising at all, this is just how Itagaki household works. I can see some concern in Tatsuko's eyes when she looked at me, she then throw a dangerous look at Ryuhei, as her usually closed eyes opened slightly, showing a sharp glint of her slit eyes for a second.

And Ryuhei got the warning from his twin sister the moment they made eye contact with each other, especially since he was so shaken up at the moment, but even so, he still put on a tough façade in front of me.

Angel on the other side looks happy and excited for the upcoming battle. She's basically jumping on her feet right now, "Yeah, fight! And fuck him up, Pachiyon!"

Shakadō scrutinizes Ryuhei for a moment before a wide smirk appears on his face, seemingly amused at whatever the hell he's thinking just now. "Got it, you can have him, Ryuhei. And you!" He points a finger at me, "Don't have any right to refuse this fight."

I simply shrug my shoulders in response. It's not like I want to refuse the fight anyway. This fight is quite important for me as well, so I can show him his place and establish my position in this little group of theirs as someone you shouldn't really mess with, and Ryuhei's rewards are basically a bonus for me. "Sure, I have no problem with it." I cracked my knuckles with a grin plastered over my face.

Shakadō's smile turned vicious for a moment before it melts into a normal smirk as he pats my shoulder twice, "Don't show any mercy."

You villain bastard, "Never intended to."

Satisfied with that answer, our teacher walks to the side of soon-to-be duel arena together with other Itagakis, while I and Ryuhei approached each other, standing face-to-face. Ryuhei threw a cocky smirk at me while I simply stared impassively at him.

If the one who fights him now was yesterday me, then it'll be a very tough battle and it will take a lot for me to beat him. But unfortunately, for him, I am not the same person as I was yesterday, because...


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kama Sutra

Rating: C

Physical Strength: 155 – New!

Spiritual Power: 49 – New!

Martial Art:

Sumo (Basic)

Karate (Basic)

Boxing (Basic)

Wrestling (Basic) – New!

Bōjutsu (Basic)

Kenjutsu (Basic)

Taekwondo (Intermediate)

Brawling (Intermediate)


Sleight of Hand

Iron Body 

Iron Fist

Heightened Sense

Monkey Reflexes

Battle Continuation

Berserk – New!

Loli Empowerment



You have basic understanding and comprehension of how to wrestle.



Berserker won't lose to anyone, because he's the strongest in the world! Converts all the damage you received into physical strength to enter a Berserker mode for a set period of time.


I just received all of these from 'defeating' Tatsuko last night. I exploited the loophole as usual, and with how kind and airheaded Tatsuko was, it was easy for me to make her accept my request to duel and defeated in purpose. It only takes a soft pillow and a nice lullaby to defeat the Blue Cuddly Dragon.

While there might be a gap between our Rating powers, it won't become a big problem for this fight. Ryuhei may be physically strong than me, but as far as I know, he usually fight with brute strength only, almost similar to Angel. He doesn't really dabble in martial arts, despite having a strong body, in a sense that he was more of a street fighter than proper martial artist.

And with Battle Continuation and Berserk as my ace up the sleeve, I think I have a good chance against Ryuhei. As long as I don't really let my guard down too much, I'm confident enough to come out as a victor in this duel/spar.

"I can't wait to wreck you later in private after I beat you!" Ryuhei growled, as he breathes hard at the same time with how excited and turned on he is. I can even see the bulge in his pants got tighter.

You sick fuck. "You sick fuck." I growled back at him. I take my battle stance, glaring and baring my teeth at him, "I'm ready whenever you are!"

Without wasting any moment, Ryuhei sprang himself on me with a snarl. His fist cocked back before throwing a straight punch to my face, which I dodged by weaving to the side. While doing so, I twisted my hip and threw a perfect hook with my left straight to his cheek.

Ryuhei staggered upon contact, yet still managed to hold on as he threw a knee to my exposed torso. But I reacted fast enough to pull my hips back and push my shoulder downward, intercepting Ryuhei's knee with my biceps.

I grunted as I felt the throbbing pain after successfully blocking his attack. Ignoring the pain, I moved fast to wrap my arm under his knee, locking his leg with one hand, then pushed him off balance to force him down.

I succeeded in tripping him down, but Ryuhei showed me the reason why the system rated him B. He recovered fast enough to put one hand on the ground, stopping himself from face-faulting the earth below.

"Get off my leg, you fuck!" He growled as he put more strength on his leg to push me off.

In response to that, I release the leg I had been holding on but not before striking his kneepit. He howled, when a sharp pain coursed through his brain upon having the back of his knee attacked. He then lashed out by throwing a kick with his other leg at me.

I barely dodge the kick by pulling my body backward and keeping my distance from him in the process. I look at Ryuhei, who is hopping on one foot while glaring at me hatefully, as the pain he felt from my earlier attack is still affecting him.

Not giving him a chance to recover, I dash forward, cutting our distance at blinding speed before throwing a one-two to his face multiple times. Since Ryuhei couldn't really react with how the pain in his leg hindering him, my attacks were connected, but it only served to irritates him more than anything.

'Hm, he's indeed tough, alright...' I hummed thoughtfully, avoiding a back-hand Ryuhei just threw in anger. He still looks fine despite receiving a couple of my punches. "It can't be helped, I guess..."

I stepped forward, using my shoulder to stop Ryuhei's momentum before his fist could reach me. He looked surprised for a moment and I used that moment to my advantage, landing a direct blow straight to his diaphragm, making it difficult for him to breathe.

As Ryuhei stumbles backward, he kicks the ground, trying to keep his distance from me and use that chance to recover. But of course, I don't let him go so easily like that as I rush forward, rushing at him with almost breakneck speed.

He was having hard time to regulate his breath, which made him slow to react when I was already in range, leaping forward with my both legs extended in kick motion.

"Monkey Kick!" I put my whole weight into the kick, maximizing the damage it gives, and the result was acceptable, with how Ryuhei spat a blood when my flying kick connected to his chest. 


The force behind the kick was powerful enough to blast him off for a few meters until he crashed on the ground harshly.

"Fuck..." Ryuhei growled in pain before smacking the ground hard, expressing his frustration and anger at the current situation. He then stood up, looking straight at me with bloodshot eyes as he spat a blood stuck inside his mouth onto the ground. 

I sighed loudly when I noticed that he seemed fine and his leg had already recovered; he could stand properly now without limping anymore. "Maximum effort, I guess..." As I muttered that, I rushed at him once more.


(POV Change)

"Well, I'll be damned." Shakadō rubbed his chin in contemplating manner. His trained eyes locked on Yonpachi's form, trying not to miss every little thing his newest disciple just did in this fight, "I thought he would be having more of a tough time against Ryuhei, but he's actually holding on his own quite well."

Ami shared the same sentiment with her teacher. Her visible eye widened at the sight in front of her. If Ami was being honest right now, similar to his younger brother, she doesn't quite accept the notion of Yonpachi joining them at the moment. To her, Yonpachi was a stranger, there are no reasons for her to put a trust in him, but she doesn't voice or show her contempt to the newest addition of their group blatantly like Ryuhei.

Despite her belief in her teacher, Ami still doesn't really know how much the truth there is in her teacher's words about Yonpachi being a capable fighter or martial artist with higher potential than Tatsuko's. But now she finally had a chance to see Yonpachi in action, going toe-to-toe with Ryuhei, making her realize that monkey-looking kid was indeed capable enough to warrant Shakadō's attention and interest.

"Wow~" Surprisingly enough, Tatsuko wasn't sleeping and was actually watching the battle ensued without missing a single thing, "Kurō-kun is strong~"

"Kyahaha! That's to be expected, Tatsu-nee! He is my rival, after all!" Angel proudly stated. She already knew how strong Yonpachi was after clashing with him previous night, and she believed that he won't lose against someone like Ryuhei.

Shakadō snorted when he heard that, "Rival, eh? So, you trusted him enough that you weren't really surprised with how he could fight your brother in equal footing like that?"

"Huh? What kind of stupid question was that, Sensei?" Angel questioned back with genuine confusion written over her face, "I don't know 'bout y'all, but I trust him. I mean, he can be acting like an asshole sometimes, but he is a good guy overall!" She answered without hesitation, her innocent yet serious face showed everything Shakadō wanted to know. She then formed a circle around her mouth with her hands before shouting, "You better not lose against that shitty Ryu, Pachiyon! Or I will call you a loser for the whole day!"

"Fuck you, Ten!!" Yonpachi shouted back while trying his best to dodge or deflect Ryuhei's flurry attacks.

Angel simply laughed at that, and everyone who watched their interaction had their own thoughts regarding the matter. 

Shakadō puffed a breath through his nose in amusement, while he will not call her out for now since it is quite entertaining to see their interactions with each other, but when the brat finally notices her own feelings she got for Yonpachi, he will rub it in her face like a proper adult he is.

"Hehe~ Aren't both of you are just so cute~" Tatsuko on the other side looked very happy, seeing how close her little sister and new little brother had become. Tatsuko reached out to Angel and patted her head affectionately, much to the youngest girl's embarrassment, "Onee-chan is very happy that both of you are getting closer now~".

"Mou! Stop that, Tatsu-nee! We're not close at all!" Angel crossed her arms and humphed at Tatsuko, "And who the hell wants to get close to that stupid monkey, anyway? He is just... um, umm..." She was struggling to find the right word to describe their relationship for a moment before plopping her fist on top of her other palm, "Sandbag! Yes, that's right, he was my sandbag! And, friend, I guess? Yeah, he is a... f-friend, right, a gaming friend!" She seemingly satisfied with the answer she just gave with if the big smile on her face was any indication.

While Shakadō and Tatsuko looked amused at Angel's reaction, Ami was not. The eldest daughter scrutinized Angel from the side when she noticed something in the youngest girl's tone that makes her instinct as the big sister go haywire all of a sudden.

She may not have proper experience in dating someone, but because of her job as a queen in an S/M Club, she can easily pick the tone in Angel's voice. She realized that there was a slight affection mixed with it, which befuddled her.

'Was Ten, that brash and crazy Ten, already lowered her guard down that much around him? She even showed some affection towards him just now! Her becoming affectionate towards somebody outside her family was already shocking enough to be honest...' Ami sighed and shook her head in exasperation. Just like her teacher, she won't say anything about this. She'll just let Angel to figure things out on her own.

"By the way, what makes you looked surprised, Sensei?" Ami focused her attention toward her teacher this time, "I thought you already know how strong he is since you're the one who personally scouted him."

Shakadō takes a moment to think something before answering her question, "I'm just surprised at how crazy his talent is, and his battle sense was top notch too. It's like he was learning from his opponent in the middle of the fight. He's basically improving and evolving in every battle he just fought, and not only that, but he's physically gifted just like Tatsuko too. Ain't that just crazy? Hahaha! He's truly a good catch!" 

"What..." Ami opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Is that true, Sensei? Are you sure he doesn't just try to imitate them or something?"

"Nah." Shakadō shakes his head firmly, "His postures and forms are just too perfect for someone trying to imitate something. I think I can understand why he always tried to challenge people nowadays. He was using the duel as a pretense to learn their techniques so he could make it his own. I don't know how many martial arts he had under his belt, but as far as I knew, he already showed at least 6 of them."

"Six!?" Ami gasped, her purple lips slightly quivering in shock. 

"Really?" Angel tilted her head, her green eyes blinked in surprise, "That's amazing!"

"Oooh~" Tatsuko clapped her hands, languidly, showing her amazement, in her own lethargic way. 

There aren't many people who could learn that many martial arts, at least not in this short amount of time. "... I can finally understand now why you decided to make him your disciple, Sensei."

"Yeah, that monkey is indeed interesting. And the best part about him is that..." Shakadō purposely trailed off his sentence for a moment there as he looks at Yonpachi used a low blow attack against Ryuhei, striking his groin with a nasty punch, "He would absolutely do everything just to win the battle he fought, no matter how dirty it is. His drive and hunger for victory was something that far exceeded every person I had ever seen. It is almost borderline obsession and insanity."

Ami reflexively winced when she heard the anguished howl coming from Ryuhei's mouth. While she may usually find those types of screams endearing to the ears due to her job, but when they're coming from her blood relative, she doesn't want to hear them at all.

On the other side, Angel was laughing her ass off at the sight of Ryuhei writhing in pain on the ground while clutching his groin, while Tatsuko who saw the sight, had an expression similar to shocked Pikachu's face.


(POV Return)

With tears rolling down from the corner of his eyes, Ryuhei clenched his teeth, pushing the intense pain coming from his crotch through willpower as he began to dash forward, swinging his hands in frenzy.

Just as I've suspected, this man doesn't have any techniques in his fighting style; he simply relies on pure physical strength. His fighting style is just basically a tactic of 'as long as it hits'; it was something only brutes or meatheads would do, which is why it is easy to predict his moves.

"Stop moving around!" Ryuhei roared in annoyance as he threw another punch at me, this time from below. No matter how you see it, there is no technique behind those punches. It's simple but very effective in some ways, as he can easily cover the lack of his techniques with his brute strength. 

"Kuh...!" Even after I guarded or deflected one of his attacks, I can still feel the spasms in my arms' muscles and each strike leaves a bruise mark on the surface of my skin, showing how powerful his attacks are.

After I once again deflected one of his attack, I moved to strike him on his side, and much to my surprise, he was able to react in time. He moved his body, dodging my punch and catching the same arm with one hand.

"Finally! I got you this time, you fucking asshole!" He roared with a big grin over his face. I tried to pry his hand off my arm, to no avail. This is where the gap between our physical strength really showed up. He was far above me at the moment.

"Fucking hell..." I gritted my teeth in frustration before my sight was covered in black when his punch landed straight to my face, "Bhhraagghh...!"

"Ahahaha! Take this, you fuck! Die! Die!" Ryuhei repeatedly punched me in the face, neck, and shoulders without stopping.

I can feel my vision flickering, my ears ringing so loud, my nostrils stuffed with blood and I can taste an iron-like substance inside my mouth with how much damage I just received. But even so, I don't let the pain take control of my action and my mind as the Battle Continuation going overdrive right now. And because of that, even in the verge of passing out I still can react fast, twisting my neck to the side in the exact moment Ryuhei threw another punch to my cheek, minimalizing the damage his punch gives in the process.

That gives me a little leeway to slightly recover my sight and focus just for a second, and that exact second was something I truly needed. Taking the advantage of him getting flustered over my reaction timing, I pushed my body close to Ryuhei's, touching my right shoulder to his chest. And before he could react to such sudden action, I already turned my whole body 180 degree with my left elbow positioned forward, and using the momentum of the spin to my advantage, I was able to increase the power of my elbow strike.

"Ugh!" Ryuhei unconsciously loosening the hold in my arm the moment my elbow connected to his cheekbone and it gives me the chance to finally prying my hand off him.

Now that I am finally free, I launched a fast attack with my left hand, attacking the under part of Ryuhei's arm where his radial nerve would be.

"Arrrhhggghh!!!" Ryuhei bellowed in pain, his right arm twitching a lot as he lost the ability to move his arm for a moment. He glared at me hatefully before unleashing a kick straight to my body.

But I easily dodge them by twisting my body in reverse motion, sliding through his kick and threw yet another vicious punch from unpredictable position, targeting his chin this time. The force behind my punch should be enough to knock out normal people, but as expected from one of the cast members in the series, he withstand the strike, though he lost his focus for a while, with how he's throwing random attacks to the empty air in front of him like an idiot right now.

I hopped backward to create a space to finally recover and regulate my breath to a normal pace. I then wiped the blood coming out from my nose and mouth, without losing sight of Ryuhei in front of me who was panting a lot by now. "You must have thought that you could walk over me easily, huh?" I asked in a low voice, but the growl under my breath can't hide the animosity I felt right now. "Better think wisely next, bitch!"

Before he could even react, I was already dashing forward, instantly closing the distance between me and Ryuhei.

I activated the Berserk, converting all the damage I just received into my strength as I can feel the surge of power flowing through my body. My eyes glows brighter than usual as my pupils turned white slits, and I unconsciously leaking out the energy inside my body in a form of steam-like substance.

Everyone was so surprised when they saw my current state in Berserker Mode, because it was so similar to Tatsuko's when she went berserk after all.

But before any of them could question anything, I was already on my move, using the momentum of my dash to twist my body so fluidly. I then utilized the flowing motion I just created with my right leg raised linearly straight, performing a perfect back kick that passes through Ryuhei's sloppy defense, straight to his chin, striking it once more with more force and power behind them this time.

"Monkey Thousand Wheels!!!"

The moment my kick connected, it released powerful shockwaves outward that blasted Ryuhei upward as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. I would follow up with another attack to finish him off if not for Shakadō suddenly raising his voice, forcing me to stop midway from jumping as I was already in position, crouching down on four limbs like a monkey and ready to jump at any moment.

"Stop the fight!"


The sound of Ryuhei's body slammed harshly to the ground was the sign of me to finally ceasing my fighting spirit and took down the adrenaline I'd been building up all this time. My shoulders sagged down as I fall on my butt, all the pain I just received from this battle finally took over me.

"Haaa... Fucking heeeeell... That was tough... haaa..." I groaned loudly, the pain on my body was truly killing me right now.

"Haha, good job, kid." Shakadō laughed, peering at my face with his infuriating smirk still presented, "The fact that you only suffered this much when fighting against Ryuhei already showed us that you are indeed strong. Now then..." He turned his attention to the other Itagakis, as Ryuhei was already out of commission in the background, "You guys just saw what he was capable of in this fight, so I hope there won't be any more problem with him joining our group, alright!"

Ami sighs loudly with hand on her forehead, as she looked at Ryuhei's unconscious body for a second before shaking her head tiredly and turned her attention to our teacher, "Yes, I'm fine with it, Sensei. Just like you said, he was indeed strong, and the fact that he can also enter the berserk state similar to Tatsu's was something that showed us how special his talent is."

"Hehe, he was the same as me~? I'm happy~" Tatsuko giggled behind her hand as she looks fondly at me, "I would love to have Kurō-kun in our family~ He's funny and cute too~" She added before looking at Ryuhei's unconscious body, showing genuine concern about her twin brother, "By the way, is Ryu-kun alright, Sensei?"

"He's still breathing, so he is going to be fine. Don't worry." Shakadō answered offhandedly. No matter how hurt Ryuhei was at the moment, as long as he's still breathing, then everything was okay in Shakadō's book. "And I had to say, I was surprised too. I never thought that there is another person who can do something similar like Tatsuko. Haha! The more I observed him, the more interesting he became! He's a good catch, alright!"

"Hah!" Angel barked in amused manner when she saw how battered and bloodied his brother was right now. She then approaches me with a big smile over her face, smacking my chest repeatedly without considering how much hurt I was in the moment, "I don't mind either! It'll be fun for me to have a sandbag to vent out after all!"

I was upset when she casually smacked my chest like this, but now she's saying some bullshit too!? Now, I'm pissed.

"Who did you just call a sandbag, you aquabag!?" I shouted indignantly at her.

"Aquabag!? Fuck you!!" She snapped at me and smashed my forehead against hers like a crazy bull.

"Now you've done it, you crazy bitch!"

We growled at each other, and before we know it, both of us had grabbed each other's limbs and roll around the grass, screaming and screeching, ignoring everything around us.

"Are those two really gonna be okay...?" Ami hesitantly asked when she saw how I and Angel can't really get along right now.

"Bah! Don't worry about those lovebirds!" Shakadō waves his hand off in response, "That's just how they are."

"Hehe, aren't they just cute together, Ami-nee~?" Tatsuko giggled at the comedic scene happening in front of her like usual.

"... I guess?" Ami answered unsurely. She may be expertise in her job, but she doesn't really have any experience or a good understanding when it comes to human's relationships. So, she doesn't really have anything to say about this. 

The least she could do was to make sure that the man her two younger sisters hold affection for was someone she could trust her sisters with. Though she really hopes none of this will become a headache for her in the future.



[You have successfully defeated Butthole Hunter!]

You have received +15 Physical Strength!

You have received +5 Spiritual Power!

You have received Brawling!

You have received Intimidation!



[Your proficiency over Brawling has increased from Intermediate to Advance class!]


[Brawling (Advanced)]

You have a good understanding of how to fully utilize your body in dog fights.



Even a small monkey can be intimidating too when cornered. You can scare and catch others off guard by releasing your intent towards them.


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kama Sutra

Rating: C

Physical Strength: 170 – New!

Spiritual Power: 54 – New!

Martial Art:

Sumo (Basic)

Karate (Basic)

Boxing (Basic)

Wrestling (Basic)

Bōjutsu (Basic)

Kenjutsu (Basic)

Taekwondo (Intermediate)

Brawling (Advanced) – New!


Sleight of Hand

Iron Body 

Iron Fist

Heightened Sense

Intimidation – New!

Monkey Reflexes

Battle Continuation


Loli Empowerment



"Ouch—ouch! That fucking old coot...!" I groaned out loud, feeling the pain lingering all over my body from the duel with Ryuhei and the training with Shakadō.

That old snake made me have a spar match against him all the time until high-noon. And while I did say it was a sparring match, it was more like one-sided beating to me though. I had to use a medical eyepatch over my left eye just to hide hideous swelling behind them and hidden under my blue marine hoodie was a bandage-covered body. At least that old man was still considerate enough not to break my bones or something.

"You are sure loved by Sensei~" Angel snickered next to me as she took a big step in walking, showing how excited she was at the moment.

And why she was in high spirits right now? It was because our current destination is the arcade building in front of Nambu Line Station, the most popular game center in Kanagawa prefecture.

I grumbled under my breath when I heard that, much to Angel's amusement, "Oh, shut up..."

While the sparring match against Shakadō was fucking hurt like a bitch, but the benefit of enduring such torture was quite tremendous. It's true that I couldn't win against him even once in those sparring matches, but I still learned a lot under his guidance.

Not only he helped me in refining my techniques, he also taught me the Kawakami Style too. I learned the basic and I noticed the essential part of this martial art was to know how to harness one's accumulated energy and manipulate said energy to perform the intended techniques.

So you had to have a good understanding of your own body, but you also needed a good understanding of how to control the aura/energy inside your body. So basically, it depends on your innate talent or how much effort you poured into learning this martial art if you want to master this style. No wonder it is so hard to become the Assistant Master of Kawakami Temple if you were not talented enough.

The focus of this martial art is to strengthen a person's will through rigorous training and prolonged meditation. The more I progress through the lesson of learning this style, the more it reminds me of Nen from HunterxHunter's merchandise, but it's far less restrictive. 

I guess that was the reason why Kawakami Style practitioners in the series were so versatile when it came to their techniques, such as Momoyo's random bullshit techniques, Kazuko's straightforward naginatajutsu, principal Tesshin's giant avatar(similar to Netero's), Lu-sensei's laser beams, Shakadō's Destructo Disc, principal Nabeshima's Ki Puppets and many more. 

And that was reason why there is no Kawakami Style as a reward for defeating the practitioners of Kawakami Style. This martial art was considered as an Anime's martial arts, and the system is too petty when it comes to this particular type of rewards.

While there are some rewards that came from other series such as True Sight, 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, Heaven and Earth End in Ashes, Paper Art, and Iron Body. But those are considered as Abilities rather than Martial Art, and as far as I've noticed, the martial arts prepared by the system as rewards are always something that truly existed in my previous world.

That's why I said this Dueling System is truly hardcore! It won't let me become overpowered that easily by giving me a martial art from other CGN's merchandise.

But I digress. You see, according to my teacher, I had a knack for the Kawakami Style. I had already progressed a lot just in a few hours by practicing the art and in addition to him giving me a lot of pointers to refine each martial art I practiced, I've finally succeeded in creating a martial art unique to my own, something that I've been working on for two weeks.

It is an amalgamation of all the martial arts I possess with Kawakami Style as its base and foundation. This martial art emphasizes in unpredictable, aggressive, acrobatic, fast and powerful techniques by utilizing every martial arts' technique I've learned so far.

I named it 72 Heavenly Formation Arts, and it was inspired by Sun Wukong's 72 Earthly Transformation. As the name suggests, this martial art has 72 techniques in total and the higher its number, the more powerful its techniques are. 

I've tested it against Ami, and the result was as wonderful as I expected. I successfully defeated her in a sparring match without receiving a lot of damage this time.

By using this new fighting style, I have a good chance of fighting against someone with a rating of B like Ami because of how unpredictable my move was. The moment she thought I was going to use karate move, I suddenly used another martial art on her instead, catching her off guard by many times.

While I can't really overpower her with my current strength, I can still corner her and makes her choose to surrender, saying it was not worth it to fight me seriously and get hurt like Ryuhei did.

My new fighting style was really good at upsetting my opponent's pace and dragging them to my own pace instead. That's how I won against Ami in the first place. She just felt tired being led around by me as I relentlessly cornered her, not letting her to catch a breath even for a moment.


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kama Sutra

Rating: C

Physical Strength: 180 – New!

Spiritual Power: 64 – New!

Martial Art: ▾

 Bōjutsu (Intermediate) – New!

Ability: ▾

Pleasure Point – New!


[Bōjutsu (Intermediate)]

You've started to understand how to use the staff more efficiently.


[Pleasure Point]

It is a perfect skill for a pervert monkey like you. Your touch or attack can directly stimulate someone's nerves to cause immeasurable pleasures.


I was so happy when I got the Pleasure Point. Just like the description had said, it was a perfect skill for a pervert monkey like me! 

I mean, the moment I got the ability, the first thing I did was to test it on Tatsuko and Angel. And the result was as fantastic as I imagined, a simple touch to their neck made both of them weak on their knees, moaning and breathing so hard while rubbing their own thighs together, trying their best to hide the fact that they almost orgasmed from that.

Ami and Shakadō were impressed, Tatsuko looked so happy, and Angel was embarrassed and ashamed beyond relief that she was on the verge of crying. So I decided to take responsibility for making her like this and received a slap from her like a man.

In the first place, the reason why we were both here walking together was for me try to make up with her. And she's the one who suggested that we go to the Arcade together by the way.

"Kyahaha! Because of you, we sister can have easy with our training!" Angel turned her head on me and grinned. I've to say that was cute of her, but that grin irritated me. "Thanks!" And the sincerity behind her voice didn't really make it better at all!

As I found myself lost in such thought, I felt something soft yet bony digits wrapped around my fingers and pull me forward. I couldn't help but look up when I heard a happy squeal coming from Angel's mouth as she holds my hand tight, and I saw a cute smile appeared on her face that made my irritation reduced greatly.

Fucking hell, I'm so weak against girls.

I shake my head lightly before matching my pace with hers. It doesn't take long for us to finally reach our destination, as we stand in front of a big colorful building with neon plate on top of the bi-parting sliding door, and Angel once again dragged me to enter the building.

As usual, this place is goddamn noisy. There are a lot of noises going around the building, such as screaming, shouting, or even swearing in the background as if it was a fucking slaughterhouse or something. But then again, this is the best place for people to vent out their stress and frustration by screaming a lot of nonsense things and people around you won't mind at all. It's something normal in this place after all.

"Okay, so what are we gonna play today, princess?" I looked at her curiously.

"Ew!" Angel made a face when she heard that. She released my hand and smacked my shoulder in a playful manner, "Stop that bullshit. It doesn't suit you at all!"

I rolled my eyes in response, "Yeah, yeah. So, what makes you so happy anyway? Is there any new game added today?"

"Huh? Happy, me? What do you mean?" She tilted her head in genuine confusion.

"Huh...?" I felt my jaw slightly dropped at that response. 

Is she serious right now? Now that I look at her, she seems like she really doesn't notice how happy she looks right now. Man, this girl is kind of a pain in the ass, and I hate myself for getting ensnared by her.

"Whatever. Let's just find something to play. If I go on my own, I'll play Naked Mahjong in the corner section." I hummed, pointing to the said section behind me with my thumb over my shoulder.

"You play that shit?" She makes a face yet again.

"Rude." I grumbled as we both exchanged our money for coins, "It's not shit, mind you. It's a freaking masterpiece! You should know that it's not every day you can see a public game center daring enough to put a game where you can see an uncensored image of nude women, especially in this country."

"Truly a perfect game for a pervert monkey like you." She snorted while counting the coins she had.

"Oh, please. Your flattery won't get you anything, lady."

"Fuck off."

A second later we both found ourselves laughing at each other. We may banter and quarrel with each other a lot ever since we met, but for some reason I love this awkward relationship between me and her.

"Let's play Street Fighter!" Angel grinned while flipping the coin with her thumb and caught them in midair, "Do you in?"

I matched her grin with mine as I slipped two coins between my fingers, swiftly switching their positions with each other through a flick of my fingers, "Sure. I'll kick your ass!"

"Kyahaha!" She lets out a bark of laughter, "I'll see you try! I'll show you why people called me Gaming Master Ten!"

"You sure had a lot of names, Red Ben 10." I rolled my eyes once again.

"It's Red Beast Ten!" She retorted with a loud groan as she raised her hands in air, looking frustrated by my ribbing.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just play." I ignored her and walked to the '90s game section where they usually put machines for playing Street Fighter.

Angel grumbled under her breath, but still followed me nonetheless. I look around for empty machines and found them far in the corner.

"Kyaha! I'm first!" Angel rushed forward and jumped onto the stool before inserting the coins in her hand into the machine in front of her, "C'mon, you slowpoke monkey!"

"Geez, calm down, gremlin." I sighed and sat next to her, staring at the familiar logo filled with nostalgia in front of me before inserting my coins into the machine as well.

"I can't wait to kick your ass, Pachiyon!"

"You sure love to talk big, Ten!"

We both grinned at each other's quips and selected the menu for matching us up with nearby machines. After the machines successfully set us a match, we started to select our characters to use in the game, with me picking Blanka and C. Viper for Angel.

We wait patiently until our character finishes their intros, and as we hear the famous line of 'READY, FIGHT!', we both aggressively mash the buttons on the machines, throwing combo after combo at each other like it's nothing.

We both are so focused on the battle that we failed to notice there was a crowd starting to form behind us. They were looking at our battle in wonder and amazement as me and Angel were pulling off some crazy moves on each other right now.

I was even able to pull off some crazy stunts with Blanka in rapid succession, which resulted in me winning the battle after battling for 10 minutes or so. Feeling relieved and satisfied at the sound of 'YOU WIN!' entering my ears, I almost jump out of my seat in surprise when I heard a roar of excitement coming from behind.

I awkwardly looked behind and saw a crowd piling up without us noticing, even Angel looked surprised. It seems we were too focused on playing that we let our guard down so much that we failed to sense all these presences behind us.

I smiled wryly at the crowd when they started to praise me for my crazy combos, but Angel didn't seem pleased if the pout and frown on her face was any indication.

"Gah! One more time, Pachiyon! I'll kick your ass this time!" Angel roared all of a sudden, surprising people nearby. She furiously inserted another coin to continue, and I shrugged my shoulders in response while doing the same.

In the end, we played the fighting game for ten rounds until we finally got bored of playing the same game too much. We ended in a draw, with me winning five times and Angel doing the same. Because she wasn't satisfied at all with such a result, we played every game available that came into our line of sight, trying to one-up each other.

We talked, quarreled, bantered, made jokes, and laughed together at silly and funny mistakes we made while playing. I also brought some souvenirs for people in Itagaki's household, except for Ryuhei, because fuck that guy.

I got a funny and classy-looking match for Shakadō, a red whip for Ami, and big penguin plushie for Tatsuko. I got all of them from exchanging all the tickets I had on me from playing all kinds of games with big score points.

And of course, I didn't forget about Angel. I gave her a glowing bracelet which she loved very much, apparently, and in exchange she gave me a red Yankees cap. Similar to Angel, I also wore her gift right now just to show how much I love them.

Not only I can enjoy a (not so) date with a cute girl like Angel, I also received good amount of attribute points from the system. In this outing, I found another loophole where I can get a reward by defeating a Challenger in a game. As long as the mechanics behind the game are direct and physical like rhythm games, shooting games and something similar, the system will still count the challenge I propose to the Challenger as a duel without really fighting them.

So, yeah, while having fun with Angel, I also exploited the loophole at any moment I could, and the result was...


[Congratulations! You have successfully defeated 13 Challengers!]

You have received +16 Physical Strength

You have received +15 Spiritual Power

You have received Capoeira!

You have received Revolution Step!


[Capoeira (Basic)]

You have basic understanding and comprehension of how to dance and do acrobatics.


[Revolution Step]

You have very flexible legs and quick feet. You are able to deceive people's eyes through quick steps.


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kama Sutra

Rating: C

Physical Strength: 196 – New!

Spiritual Power: 79 – New!

Martial Art: ▾

Capoeira (Basic) – New!

Ability: ▾

Revolution Step – New!


Most of the Challengers I have been defeated were a bunch of Fs and Es. They gave me a good amount of Physical Strength and Spiritual Power points. I also defeated 1 C-tier in the rhythm game called Dance Dance Revolution, which gave me Capoeira and Revolution Step as rewards.

Finally satisfied with playing all kinds of games in the arcade, Angel and I decided to leave the building to eat some junk food at MgD nearby the station. But of course, being the whimsical asshole he is, Murphy suddenly said he wouldn't let everything end happily just like that. So he decided to open a can of worms and threw it on my face like an asshole he is.

"I finally found you, Itagaki Angel!!!"

Angel and I reflexively lookd over our shoulders when we heard someone say that, and there we saw a weirdo who dressed like a delinquent from the '90s.

He's wearing a black gakuran and black baggy pants with chains all over the hips area. His hair was dyed in yellow and styled into a pompadour, like typical delinquent you can find in movies or dramas. I could even see one or two gold teeth when he opened his mouth.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Fujitani Tennosuke

Bloody Tooth

Rating: C


+5 Physical Strength

+5 Spiritual Power

[Would you like to request a duel?]


And behind that man was a group of people, which I pretty much guessed as his subordinates. There are total 16 of them, including Tennosuke, and they all pretty much lower-rating than Tennosuke himself. I guess they were your typical cannon fodders with a rating of D and E.

"The hell are you?" The confusion on Angel's face was apparent, but she was also being vigilant right now, with her hand beginning to lightly grip the handle of her golf club, which was fastened on the back of her hips. She also threw a brief glance in my direction, signaling me to ready to fight.

I acknowledged her signal by giving her a small nod as I adjusted the position of my medical eyepatch a bit while still paying attention to my surroundings, just to make sure that there are no more delinquents around that will try to make a funny move behind us, trying to flank us or something.

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten about this Great Tennosuke!?" Tennosuke shouted as he puts his thumb on the chest, looking proud and angry at the same time.

There was a pregnant silence between us, even the pedestrians nearby were perplexed by such stupid statements.

"Do you know that idiot?" I decided to ask Angel beside me.

"Hm..." Angel looks genuinely confused as she tilted her head while crossing her arms under her small chest. Cute. She then shakes her head in negative, "Nah, no one comes to mind."

Tennosuke suddenly takes a step forward to approach Angel, recklessly putting himself in danger with how close he was to her right now. He is basically inside the range of Angel's golf club. With no fear, he pushed his head close to Angel, trying to intimidate her but unfortunately for him, this simply served to annoy her.

If you can see the twitch in her fingers and mouth, you can easily understand how annoyed she is at the moment. The fact that this idiot blatantly let out his stinky breath in front of her nose was something that'll end badly for him.

"Do you remember this!? This teeth!!!" Tennosuke opened his mouth wide and pointed at the golden teeth implanted inside his mouth, "You are the bitch who made me lost my precious teeth!"

"Get your..." Angel gritted her teeth in annoyance. She doesn't even hear what the idiot said, as she simply doesn't care at all.


Oh boy. The tremble in her body was getting stronger, and I can even hear the sound of her gnashing her teeth so hard right now. The group of delinquents in the background was snickering at Angel, saying some bullshit like she was actually afraid of Tennosuke and crying right now.

'How stupid...' I shake my head helplessly at the situation while stretching my body lightly to ready myself for upcoming battle.

"I ssssaiidd..." Angel took a deep breath and sneakily took out the golf club from the strap.


Everyone nearby clearly heard something snapped just now, and then a sound of crunching meat and crushing bone were echoing through the area accompanied by Angel's shrill voice, "I SAID GET YOUR FUGLY MUG OUTTA MY FACE, YOU FUCK!!!"

Tennosuke, who stood in front of Angel earlier, was blasted far into the air with his bloody teeth flying out all over the place, shocking the pedestrians and delinquents who watched the scene.

"Woah, home run~" I clapped my hands in amazement.

The man was flying far just now. I wouldn't be surprised if his head sustained some nasty concussion from that attack. Angel really swung her golf club hard with all of her might there.

"You fucking bitch!" One of the delinquents shouted.

"You hurt Tennosuke-san! You just made an enemy with The Cobalt Devils gang!" Another one followed.

"GET HER!!!"

And that was the signal for the group of delinquents to rush at us like housewives on a discount day. I sighed tiredly and hopped on my feet left and right repeatedly, waiting for them to come at me themselves rather than rushing at them like Angel did at the moment.

"Kyahaha!" The red orange-haired girl looked very happy as she rushed to the group of delinquent. The smile on her face was really dazzling as she smashed one of the delinquents in the head with her club.

I hopped back when I saw a metal bat coming at me from above. With a smooth motion, I stepped forward, pivoted my leg, and landed a perfect linear kick on the guy who just tried to attack me. Afterward, I pushed my upper body downward to dodge another strike coming from the side. I then weaved to the side, and using the momentum of my fast movement to throw a straight punch directly to the gut of the one that just sneak attacked me.

Now that I finished two delinquents who rushed at me, I decided to charge at nearby delinquent who was about to attack Angel from behind.

"Yotto." I kicked the delinquent's hand holding a baseball bat, making him scream in pain as I'm sure that I just broke his arm, "No sneaking attack allowed here, sir!"

I then tested the Revolution Step's ability by throwing a fast kick that actually was a feint at the guy in front of me and he was indeed reacted to my feint, seemingly feeling he was getting kicked if the scream he lets out was any indication.

'It works just fine. Good' I nodded my head in satisfaction before actually finishing off the guy with an axe kick straight to the head. 

And when I executed a capoeira's techniques on another delinquent, I could feel how awkward and sloppy my move was. It truly showed how inexperienced I was in it, so I begin to use capoeira a lot in this fight to get accustomed to it. 

And these guys are not really that challenging anyway, so they are pretty much a good living dummy practice for me to practice my martial art with.

It doesn't really take long for me and Angel to finish all of the delinqunts for good without breaking a sweat, and I found yet another useful loophole in this situation. It seems I can still get the rewards from Challengers that were defeated by another person as long as they are still conscious.

After noticing that, I checked every delinquent defeated by Angel and whacked some people who were still awake to defeat them, earning me a weird look from Angel in the process.

I even got the reward from defeating Tennosuke. That poor lad was still conscious even after being whacked in the head so hard, much to my surprise. He was bleeding and twitching profusely, so I pretty much gave him a good rest there by rendering him unconscious before calling an ambulance to take these idiots to the hospital or something.

"What's their problem anyway?" I asked Angel who was smiling beside me.

The smile on her face faltered a bit as she wiped the blood stained on her beloved golf club with a handkerchief, "I finally remember that ugly son of a bitch was hitting on me not long ago, so I whacked his face good with this baby." She twirled the club in her hand with a wide grin plastered over her face.

I stared at her with one of my eyebrows slightly raised when I heard that.

Angel scoffed when she noticed the lack of my response, "What? Do you think I'm joking!? Just so you know, I—"

Before she could even finish what she wanted to say, I opened my mouth first, "Nah, you don't have to tell me. I already understand." I wave my hand lightly, "It's obvious why he's hitting on you. You are a very cute girl after all."

"Wh—Wha...!"Angel was stunned and turned stiff for a moment, as her cheeks decorated in healthy as she heard the praise coming from my mouth.

"I can see people easily attracted to your exotic looks." I hummed, not noticing what happened to Angel next to me. 

"You have a very beautiful and unique hair." Angel subconsciously twirls the strands of her red-orange hair. 

"Your snow-white skin was something that many would envy." Angel poked her skin lightly with quivering lips.

"And your breathtaking emerald eyes will easily suck people in." Angel stopped her feet and buried her red face behind her hands, trying her best not to scream in embarrassment right now.

"BUT!" I shouted all of a sudden, raising my finger up above before turning around and pointing at Angel who slightly lagged behind, "The most attractive thing about you was your absolute gorgeous sexy legs! The length! The posture! The firmness! And that 'ABSOLUTE TERRITORY'! Definitely 100 out of 100!

I gave her a thumbs up and grinned broadly as I boldly stared at the area of exposed plump flesh between her high-boots and hemline. What a beautiful sight! As a thighs and legs lover, I approved!

Now that I finally look and pay attention to her face, I can see how red her face is. Her whole body was trembling either from disconcertment or embarrassment. Honestly, I don't know and I can't ask her either since I had to run for my life when she suddenly swings her golf club at me, screaming something unintelligible while doing so.

If I looked back and saw the big smile on her red face as she chased me down, I didn't say anything. But if I had to say something, that smile of hers really did something to my heart as I could feel it beating faster than normal. 

Well, I guess it was the sign of me being attracted to her as person, and it makes really want to know and get closer to her even more now. If this situation will result in for us to become something more than friends in the future, I will just let the future me handle them. 

Because for now, I'm just gonna enjoy this happy moment.


[Congratulations! You have successfully defeated 9 Challengers!]

You have received +22 Physical Strength!

You have received +18 Spiritual Power!


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kama Sutra

Rating: C

Physical Strength: 218 – New!

Spiritual Power: 97 – New!

Martial Art:

Sumo (Basic)

Karate (Basic)

Boxing (Basic)

Wrestling (Basic)

Kenjutsu (Basic)

Capoeira (Basic)

Bōjutsu (Intermediate)

Taekwondo (Intermediate)

Brawling (Advanced)


Sleight of Hand

Iron Body 

Iron Fist

Heightened Sense


Monkey Reflexes

Revolution Step 

Pleasure Point

Battle Continuation


Loli Empowerment