
The Way of the Monkey King

What would a weakling do in the world full of strong people? It is to become strong themselves! With enough motivation and determination, a weakling can become the strongest too! This is the story of such weakling who want to become the strongest in order to survive in the world full of monster-like people!

CouchPotatoes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 02


Just as lunchtime was finally here, I can hear a very loud and rowdy voice of a man outside the schoolyard, catching everyone's attention, including mine.

I walk toward the slider window of our classroom and look around, trying to find what kind of asshole who dared to interrupt my precious lunchtime. When my brown eyes landed on the center of schoolyard, I found the person who was screaming like an idiot.

"What the hell you howler about there?" I asked, planting both elbows on the meeting rail and looking at him with an uninterested gaze.


I roll my eyes at such childish way of provocation. I mean, I am this close to ignoring him and going on my own merry way to the cafeteria to slurp some delicious banana milk, but the familiar blue screen that appeared in front of my face stopped me from doing so.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Namikawa Kouki

World's Gayness Record 2009

Rating: D


5 Physical Strength


[Would you like to accept the requested duel?]



Now that I look at him closely, there is a shinai fastened on his hip. The question is, should I accept his challenge or simply ignore him?

'Decision~ Decision~'

Nah, who am I kidding? Of course, I'll hunt him. This is a good opportunity for me since I don't need to use any energy to search people with Kenjutsu as a reward. If they come at me like this, then it is a good thing, especially since his power rating is similar to mine. I think I'll have a good chance of winning against him.

"What are you gonna do?" Yamato asked beside me as he looked at Namikawa below in interest.

"What do you mean by what am I gonna do?" I asked back with one of my eyebrows raised high, "Of course I'm gonna go there and kick some ass!"

And with that, I smack the [YES] button on the translucent screen in front of me before putting both hands on the frame window and push myself out the window without a second thought.



[You have accepted the duel! Good luck, Challenger!]


People around me gasped in shock and surprise at my reckless action of jumping out the window so abruptly from second floor like that. Then they gasped once again for another reason when I utilized my Monkey Reflexes by reflexively grasping a nearby object to hold on and help me to descend the building like a pro monkey I am.


[Monkey Reflexes]

Your movement pattern is enhanced to the point you can easily do what monkeys normally do. These reflexes will greatly enhance your chances of survival.


"Since when he can do something like that?" Moro asked incredulously. But nobody could answer him since no one really knows either.

"Wow!" Kazuko opened her mouth wide in amazement as she clapped her hands excitedly at my performance, "He moves just like a monkey. That was awesome!"

Most of my classmates were baffled when they witnessed my skill. Now that I think about it, I never really showed them what I was capable of until now.

"Yotto~" I grunt lightly as I finally land on the ground with four limbs like monkey would do, "I am here as you requested. So, what is this about?"

"You fucker... You really look like a monkey." He's not even acknowledging my question and starts insulting me for no reason at all.

Okay, so he's that type of person, huh. Got it. "Fine, you jackass, don't answer it."

I reached the front pocket of my uniform and took out a small object inside. It is a special pin with the Kawakami Academy emblem carved on it, which school had provided for this exact situation.

I openly show the pin to him, "I requested you to duel!"

With a growl, Namikawa also whipped out his pin on me, "I also requested a duel!"

"I APPROVE!" A thunderous sound of an old man suddenly reverberating through the schoolyard, easily covered the whole academy, as the said old man suddenly appeared in a flash, standing between me and Namikawa with a light smile on his wrinkly face.

I'll be lying when I said I'm not surprised, because I'm freaking the fuck out right now.

'What the fuck, old man!? Just where did you come from!?'

I really want to shout at him, but I held my tongue back. This old man is someone that could kill me with a simple sneeze to the face, and I'm not ready to die a virgin yet.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Kawakami Tesshin

Old Monster of Bloomers and Swimsuits Maniac

Rating: SSS


+99 Physical Strength

+99 Spiritual Power

Perfect Body Control

100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva

Heaven and Earth End in Ashes


There it is, another ridiculous Challenger. Seriously, like grandfather like granddaughter, both of them are freaking monsters in human skin.

"So what type of duel would you like?" The old monster asked with an amicable smile on his face, looking over us with grandfatherly gaze.

"I'm fine with anything~~" I casually answered while yawning.

Namikawa narrowed his black eyes to a dangerous level when he saw my attitude towards him and this duel, "Let's use weapons."

"Sure." I grinned as I took my uniform off and fold it before I put the uniform on the ground together with my digital camera. 

While the reason why I did so was to avoid getting my uniform dirty or something in the battle, the most important part of it was that I just want to show off the muscles I had on my body with how tight the black tank top I wore underneath the uniform.

Well, it's not like I really want to show off though. It is mostly just to show people around me that I'm not a pushover anymore. I really want them to understand that.

This is the result of my hard work in working out to build a perfect physique for fighting and me practicing all the martial arts I got all these weeks. To become the strongest, I need a stronger physique and foundation to match my power after all.

And there's also the fact that every time I get Physical Strength from defeating the Challenger, the mass of my muscles grow denser while my bones get harder and stronger than ever. It is also enhancing my growth, which I really appreciate since I don't like how short I am compared to others.

Yonpachi's original height is 5 feet, which is 152 in centimeter. It is too short for my taste to be honest, and I want to grow taller at least to average height, which is around 5'7 to 5'10 feet. And last time I checked my height, I'm already 5'3 feet by now.

For Spiritual Power, it enhances my spirit and aura, which empowers my presence over others. There is also this feeling that the cruxes of my energy getting sturdier and stronger, while the container insides my body is expanding and getting bigger.

"Lu!" The Principal shouted the name of his Assistant Master towards the sky, and in response, a bunch of replica weapons dropped from the sky in front of him like shooting stars, leaving a trail of dust around the area.

"I've brought the replica weapons as you requested, Grandmaster!" Lu-sensei, a man of Chinese descendant appeared out of nowhere in a flash, bowing respectfully to the old monster.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Lu Yi

The Virgin Drunken Master

Rating: SS


+50 Physical Strength

+30 Spiritual Power 


"Hohoho, now both of you, please pick the replica weapons presented here."

With the Principal's permission, both Namikawa and I move forward to pick our respective weapons. Namikawa easily picked the standard-sized katana, while I picked a bō-staff that had a similar length to my height.

"Hm..." I hop backward to make a space and playfully swing the bō-staff in my hand with fluid motion, creating a small gust of wind each time I twirl the staff, "Umu, umu! I like the feeling of it. Okay, I'm ready."

Other people around the area were curiously looking at how I masterfully used the bō-staff and were impressed by it, especially the Principal and Lu-sensei.

"Good! Now, on your side, you two! The duel will begin shortly!" The Principal's voice once again reverberated through the schoolyard, causing a lot of students appear around the area, easily forming a giant crowd of spectators.

It doesn't take long for the schoolyard to fill with excited murmurs of students trying to see the duel and a loud shout coming from group of people trying to make money in this situation, such as opening a betting stand or food stand.

Just as I and Namikawa moved to the edge of our soon-to-be duel arena, I can hear a very obnoxious voice from the crowd, which I am quite familiar with.

"Isn't that the monkey of monkeys from class F? What is he doing over there?"

When I look at the direction where the voice was coming from, I can see a black-haired girl wearing a pink high-class kimono that makes her stand out like a sore thumb looking at me incredulously. 

It seems the Class S bunch is here as well. How surprising.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Fushikawa Kokoro

Loner Princess

Rating: B


+15 Physical Strength

+5 Spiritual Power

Paper Arts 



"Can he really fight? Does he even know how to throw punches with those flimsy arms? Hyohoho!" Kokoro mocked me from afar while covering her mouth with her loose sleeve.

That crybaby brat! Just you wait, after I have enough power to defeat you, I'll smack your ass so hard that you would cry a river! You better remember that!

"At least he's far better than you could ever do with those weak ass arms of yours." A short brown-haired maid suddenly shot Kokoro down with no hesitation at all.

With Kuki Hideo being distracted by Kazuko's presence nearby, Oshitari Azumi, Hideo's personal maid, can let loose for a while without having to maintain her cute persona anymore in front of others.

"Waaa! Which side are you on!?" Kokoro whined out with comically big tear drops on the corner of her eyes.

"You shouldn't underestimate him, Fushikawa. Those muscles are that of a fighter's. He's definitely learning some martial arts." Inoue Jun, a bald man who had been standing beside Azumi all this time, decided to voice out his opinion, interrupting Azumi before she could verbally murder Kokoro with her poison-filled words. 

"But, since when I wonder?" He asked no one.

"I think it was about three weeks ago." The one who answered him was a dark-skinned handsome young man. His brown eyes, which hid behind those glasses, were currently looming over my form in a very uncomfortable way, trying to assess me for whatever reason. His eyes gleamed in a dangerous light that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up for a reason that I could easily point out right now.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Aoi Touma

Omnivore Bi-Hunter

Rating: F


+1 Spiritual Strength


"How did you know about that, Boss?" Jun raised his eyebrows in a curious manner.

Touma smiles while languidly fixing his glasses, "I heard a bird talk about him challenging people around like maniac these weeks. I don't know the reason why though."

"Bird talk~? Krruku~" Sakakibara Koyuki, a girl with rabbit-like appearance due her white-pale skin, snow-white hair and bright pink eyes, let out a funny voice beside Touma, trying to imitate the sound of pigeon.

"Oh? Ain't that just interesting?" Jun rubs his chin in interest, "Why isn't he challenging me though?"

Touma reaches out his hand and endearingly pat Koyuki's head while answering Jun's question, "Fufu, because he knows he will lose if he challenges you, Jun. Just because he loves to challenge people here and there in duels, doesn't mean he will challenge every person he meets. He definitely knows and understands who and when to fight."

"The womanizer is right, Baldy." Azumi hummed while crossing her arms over her medium-sized chest. "You guys should be careful from now on. That monkey may look like harmless idiot from outside, but he got those eyes of a hunter. He's definitely looking at us like some prey to hunt!" A smile that wasn't really a smile appeared on her face as her fingers were cracked in very ominous way while looking my direction, "I don't like it. Not at all! He seriously dared to look down on me, huh! That fucking monkey! I'll cut his dick off and shove it on his asshole if he dares come to me!"


Scary! So fucking scaaarrryyy!!! That stare of hers just now seriously sent a cold and terrifying shivers down my spine just now! I seriously need to get stronger ASAP if I want to live a long and happy life!

"Both fighters, would you please come forward!" The Principal's gruff voice boomed once again, forcing everyone to close their mouths as Namikawa and I came forward, "Now, introduce yourselves!"

"Namikawa Kouki from Class 3-C!" Namikawa bows down in a traditional way like many would do before facing their opponents in a duel.

"From Class 2-F, Fukumoto Ikurō!" Unlike him, I don't have any reason to lower myself to him, not even for courtesy.

I can see Namikawa bristling at how I casually disregard him like that, not like I care anyway. He glares at me with a hateful look as if I just killed his pets and ate them in front of his eyes or something.

Namikawa brandishes the tachi in his hand, glowering at me.

But, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this dude? Why is he being so hostile toward ol' me? Did I seriously just kill his pets without knowing!?

"I'll never forgive you, Fukumoto Ikurō...!" He gnashed his teeth in anger as he held the replica sword's handle so tightly I could see his knuckles turn white.

"And the reason for that is?" I raised one of my eyebrows at him.

"Don't you dare make a fool of me, Fukumoto Ikurō! You should know what have you done, you VILE CREATURE! Even if HEAVEN forgives you, I, NAMIKAWA KOUKI, WON'T!!!" He suddenly shouted at me with so much aggression that it caught everyone's attention.

"Can you be more specific?" I pushed once more, and I swear I heard something snap just now.


Okay, this is seriously getting nowhere. "Nothing I can think of."

"YOU—! YOU—!" He started stammering as his face turned dark, his sword clattered with how much his body trembled, in outrage probably, before suddenly he exploded with so much anger and fury that shocked everyone within the vicinity, "YOU JUST DEFILED MY DAISUKE-KUN!!!"

The crowd gasped at the sudden reveal. I can even hear excited squeals coming from the familiar girl with blue hair in the crowd.

"Dai-who...?" I tilted my head in confusion, "And what do you mean by me defiling him? As far as my doctor is concerned, I am straight and still love the girls just as much as the next guy."

"Stop fooling around!" He smacked the ground with his replica sword, creating small gash on the earth in its wake. "Haibara Daisuke, a man you just challenged a week ago! I won't ever forgive you if you dare to forget about it!"

'Haibara Daisuke... Hm... Hm~ Ah!'

I snap my fingers in acknowledgment when I finally remember who he is talking about right now. It's the green belt Karateka dude I just challenged back then, someone who I just barely won against.

So what? Is this some kind of revenge match or something? But what does this man mean by me defiling that Karateka guy? I never did such a thing... Hm, wait a fucking minute...

"Are you referring to how I grabbed his balls and almost crushed them?"

I'm really feel sorry for that Karateka dude when I did that, but I can't help it since if I don't do something like that, I would definitely lose the duel back then.

The crowd once again gasped in shock, but this time mostly the males, as they cringed in pain when a thought of their balls almost getting crushed flashes inside their head.

"SO YOU FINALLY ADMIT IT!!! PAY FOR YOUR SIN, YOU HEATHEN!!! BECAUSE OF YOU... BECAUSE OF YOU..." His voice started cracking up at the end, as he pointed the sword in his hand at me with bloodshot eyes, "BECAUSE OF YOU, DAISUKE-KUN WAS SO TRAUMATIZED THAT HE WOULDN'T LET ME PLAY WITH HIS BALLS ANYMORE!!!"

There was a pregnant silence surrounding the area when everyone heard what he just said. Nobody, I mean, literally no one, had ever prepared for such bold statements right now.

Everyone was dead silent, not knowing what to say about this sudden and ridiculous reveal of one's sexual activity, even the old monster couldn't help but to crack open one of his normally closed eyes in shock.

I can even hear the sound of a crow crowing out 'AHO! AHO! AHO!' far in the distance!

I should've known! I should've prepared! His title should tell me everything about him! But no! I'm not prepared at all! I'm still in shell-shock! What is this about again!? What am I fighting this idiot again!? Why am I here!? What the fuck!?

"YOU FUCKING DICKSUCKER!! HAVE YOU NO FUCKING SHAME, HUH!?" I couldn't help myself but to shout out some profanities with everything I had, I can even feel my veins bulged on the surface of my skin as my irritation finally reached its MAX point, "YOU SERIOUSLY PICK A FIGHT WITH ME OVER SOMETHING SO STUPID LIKE THAT!?"

"STUPID!? STUPID, YOU SAID!!?" Namikawa swings his sword furiously to the side before holding the handle with two hands and raises it above the head. He finally entered his fighting stance. "This is very important matter to me! Without Daisuke-kun's balls in my life, I am nothing but an empty man!! I need his balls in my life, without them, I don't know what to live anymore!! That's why I won't ever forgive you, Fukumoto Ikurō!!! You, who took my purpose of life, I'll smite you here and now!! PREPARE YOURSELF!!!" 

The crowd gulped audibly at the aggression and hostility Namikawa just released.

"Oh! Come at me then, you fucking balls boy!" I twirl the bō-staff in my hands before taking my own fighting stance, "I'll show you how much I don't give a monkey about your balls problem!" 

Seeing that both of us are already so eager to fight, the smile on Principal's old face broadened as he raised his arm high above before swinging it downward in a knife motion, "FIGHT!"

With a boom, Namikawa and I dashed forward with vigor, as our war cry accompanying our charge.

The moment both of us entered each other's attack range, Namikawa was the one who makes a first move. He swung his replica sword from above with such speed that I almost missed it if not for Monkey Reflexes. A thunderous strike descended on me with so much power that it tore through the air, but I swiftly moved my whole body to the side, dodging the powerful swing by a hairbreadth.

The impact of his sword created a gash on the earth despite having a blunt edge, just showing how powerful his strike was. But it doesn't bother me as much as other people who watched such move from the sideline. I move fast to strike him while he's still trying to regain his bearings after unleashing such a heavy move from the start. With fast and precise movement, I strike his sternum with a straight palm before following it up with a smack to the side of his head using my bō-staff.

Namikawa exhales in pain, feeling short of breath due to the palm strike, as he stumbled to the side, feeling his vision jumbling in messy puzzles after receiving the smack to the head. He hastily shakes his head to recover himself, but just as his vision came back to him, I was already on his face, ready to introduce his ugly mug to my handsome knee.

But as expected of a Kendo practitioner, his awareness and reaction time are quite high, as he was able to respond to my attack with such precisive parry using his forearm.

After Namikawa successfully parried my knee, he was about to counterattack me at the exact moment. But unfortunately for him, I was already on the move once again, twisting my body in mid-air, smacking his extended hand sideward harshly using a half-kick before the staff in my hand moved in fluid motion, finding itself to Namikawa's cheekbone at the same time as I kicked his hand.


Namikawa's body flew through the air due to how much force I used in that swing. He tumbles on the ground thrice before stabbing the replica sword into the ground to stop the momentum of his roll.

He coughed multiple times as spits spilling out from corner of his mouth, feeling the pain flare out from the damage he just received. And while he is being distracted by the pain, I don't waste my time either. I dashed forward with my bō-staff positioned behind me near the hips area. Namikawa, with a growl coming out of his mouth, stands on his feet fast, and brings the sword to his side, poised to attack me at any moment when he noticed I was approaching him at high speed.

The moment I entered his sword's range, a fast and precise slash finds its way to my body and I would have received a fatal damage if not for my fast reflex. I hastily bring my staff forward, tanking the slash with its shaft, but the moment the slash connected, I was pushed back with my hands slightly trembling despite successfully blocking it.

'Hm, he's indeed powerful...' I hop back once while trying to not miss the sight of Namikawa's presence even for a second, as I once again bring the bō-staff forward, this time to my left side where Namikawa just swung his sword at.

I swiftly deflected his strike and threw a half-spin kick to his unguarded head. But the kick grazed his neck instead because Namikawa saw my intention and move backward in time.

Namikawa taps the ground multiple times with one leg, keeping his distance from me. After make sure I wasn't following him, he then slowly brought the sword near the side of his head with both hands holding the handle, showing a perfect form. And with a graceful step, he slides on the sand like it was nothing, approaching me at a full speed.

I take a breath for a second before dashing forward as well, interrupting the sword user's momentum in midway. Our weapons clashed at each other's, as we were trying to assert dominance over the others.

I grinned at Namikawa's futile attempt to push me right now. He gritted his teeth, trying to exert more strength and force to the sword in his hand yet he still couldn't push me or anything. 

When it comes to physical strange, I was above him after all.

Seeing that there's nothing he could do in this situation, Namikawa tries to keep his distance from me but I didn't let him, as I chased after him so relentlessly. 

He was forced to engage me in close range once again, with me easily controlling the pace of the battle right now. We then begin to exchange blows using our weapons, and every time our weapons meet each other, they produce small shockwaves outward, forcing people nearby to shield their face from the wind caused by the shockwave.

And the more we exchange blow after bows, the more I get used to Namikawa's speed and it makes it easier for me to dodge and anticipate his attack by now.

Namikawa clenches his teeth in frustration upon noticing that I've getting accustomed and more comfortable to his speed the longer we exchanged our attacks. And as time passed, bruises marks started appearing on his body, while I only had small scratches on me.


(POV Change)

"Would you look at that?" Azumi hummed with a smirk appeared on her face, showing a small interest to the fight between Yonpachi and Namikawa. "The monkey was good enough to properly overpowering that sword user right now. How surprising..."

"Yeah, it's surprising all right..." Jun nodded his head numbly, "He's almost like different person now. What the hell..."

"My, isn't that just interesting..." Touma fixes his glasses trying to hide the unreadable emotion that appeared in his eyes for a second, "This is out of my expectation to be honest..."

"Wow~?" Koyuki tilted her head slightly with her point finger on the cheek. She doesn't really understand what they were talking about, since she doesn't pay attention to her surrounding that much, but since she wanted to join in their conversation, so she tried to express her amazement(?) as well.

"Hmph! So, what? In the end, he is still a low-class monkey from class F! He is no match for such a noble person like me!" Kokoro impudently announced while slightly puffing her cheek that was covered by her sleeve.

And as usual, everyone from Class S ignored her statement and focus on the battle ahead instead.

"Fuhaha! I thought that man only knows how to pervert on girls, but it seems like, someone as great as I, was still capable of mistaken something!" Kuki Hideo, a young man with spiky gray hair and sharp golden yellow eyes, shouted with a big smile on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Fuhaha! We need to reevaluate his worth, Azumi!"

"Understood, Hideo-sama!" Azumi happily saluted her master with stars twinkling in her eyes, basking in Hideo's imperious aura.


(POV Return)

I twirl the staff in my hand, deflecting Namikawa's attack with the end point of the staff causing the hand holding the replica sword blown upward, exposing his unguarded body to me in the process. I then strike his exposed torso three times with palm thrusts. 

He coughed harshly due to the impact of my palms but he pushed the pain coursing through his body through willpower only, and snapped his wrist to swing the sword in his hand to the right side of my torso. But without putting a proper form, the slash he just executed was so sloppy and looks so slow to me, making it easy for me to dodge the attack by crouching down below the swing's trajectory.

"Monkey Punch."

I twist my body in quick motion while throwing a fast punch upward from my crouching position simultaneously. The punch was so unpredictable that Namikawa couldn't react to it at all. My fist easily reached him from unexpected angle, landing a strong blow to his jaw, and causing light concussion that makes him almost lose his consciousness.

I touched the ground below with one arm and pushed my body backward, performing a backflip in order to create a distance from Namikawa just to make sure if he is still conscious or not. But I reflexively narrowed my eyes when I noticed that his fighting spirit is still there, despite looking like he was in half-conscious state right now. I can see his eyes were still full of life, showing that he still had the fight in him.

With Namikawa's current condition, I thought the fight would've ended at this point. But when I glanced toward the Principal, the old man didn't say anything and simply observed the situation with smile over his wrinkled face. Seeing that the Principal really has no intention of ending the duel at any moment now, I guess I have to finish this battle in one go. I need to knock Namikawa out of consciousness.

Without wasting any moment, I made my move, running at him with full speed as I brandished the staff in my hand.

Namikawa's sight was still in jumble mess after earlier attack, and yet he still pushed himself to stand up, holding the replica sword with both hands in proper central sword stance.

Alright, I admit it. He may be a gay, and the whole reason of him fighting me was stupid, but his determination and fighting spirit are something that I could respect as a fighter. 

He raised the sword in his hands above his head and executed a mighty vertical slash at front. He was sure that I was within his sword's range at the moment, yet his sword reached nothing but an empty air.

Knowing that he couldn't really perceive my presence and estimate the distance between us properly with his current state, I took advantage of that by stopping my advance just as I was about to enter his sword's range, and because I stopped so abruptly like that, Namikawa who already in the swing motion to attack, missed me by a hairbreadth.

Now that I've perfectly created a chance for me to finish this battle, I grip the shaft of my bō-staff tightly and twist them in counterclockwise motion, causing a whirl of wind to appear surrounding the staff from the end to midsection like a drill.

"I hope you don't mind spending your time in the hospital for a week, Senpai."

Namikawa's black eyes widened, as he went through a lot of emotion within that short moment. He realized that his defeat was inevitable the moment he missed his attack just now, which is why the grip on his sword loosened a bit. With a shaky and resigned smile on his face, he cursed me for the last time, "Fuck you, Fukumoto Ikurō..."

"Yeah, nice fight, Senpai." Saying that, I dash forward with big, powerful step, leaving deep imprints on the ground below and instantly covering the short distance between me and Namikawa as the hand holding the bō-staff extends forward in a thrusting motion towards Namikawa's torso.

"Dread Bore!"


A sound similar to sonic boom reverberated through the schoolyard, together with a crunch sound of grinding meat and broken bones. It was the sound of pure violence which leaves the crowd who watched the battle in daze as they saw Namikawa's body fly through the air like a cannonball, and would have smashed the school building in the distance if Lu-sensei had not already moved to stop Namikawa's body.

"Hm, it's not too shabby for a move created on the spot, I guess." I nod my head in appreciation upon seeing how much damage the technique I just executed, feeling unbothered by how deadly it is to the human body.

Seeing that Namikawa finally lose his consciousness and couldn't continue the fight anymore, the Principal raised his arm high and shouted, "Winner, Fukumoto Ikurō!"



[Congratulations! You have successfully defeated World Gayness Record 2009!]

You have received +5 Physical Strength!

You have received Kenjutsu!



You have basic understanding and comprehension of how to use swords.


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kamasutra

Physical Strength: 55

Spiritual Power: 29

Martial Art:

Sumo (Basic)

Karate (Basic)

Bōjutsu (Basic)

Kenjutsu (Basic) – New!

Taekwondo (Intermediate)

Brawling (Intermediate)


Sleight of Hand

Iron Body

Heightened Sense

Monkey Reflexes


Upon hearing the Principal's announcement, I can feel all kind of stares on me, some filled with amazement, anxiety and even fear, but I ignored all of them and turned my attention toward the Principal who decided to approach me right now.

"Hoho! That was a good fight. You truly exceeded my expectations, Fukumoto Ikurō." The Principal laughed before cracking one eye open in order to gauge my capabilities and inner potential properly with a simple glance. He then nodded his head in satisfaction before looking at Namikawa's battered figure, which had been carried by other teachers to the infirmary, "But tell me, my boy. Is it really necessary to go that far?"

I hummed at that question while casually slung the bō-staff over my shoulders and looked at the sorry state of my opponent as well, "Well, Principal... If I don't go that far, I don't think he will stop at all."

"Ho?" The old monster turns his head to me in a curious manner.

"The fact that you didn't stop me from using such destructive technique was already a big hint to me." I huffed while kicking the sand below lightly, "Despite his stupid reason for picking a fight with me, I—no, we can see and feel how much determined he was to defeat me. And do you think someone with such fighting spirit and resolve will stop if I simply just disarmed him or something?" I looked at the old monster straight in the eye, "Hell no, he will still continue to fight unarmed or not until he achieved his goal of defeating me. So, it's either me finishing him off with big and destructive move to render him unconscious or I beat the shit out of him until he can't move or feel his limbs anymore. It's one of the two."

"I see, I see." The Principal nods his head twice while stroking his long white beard, "Good observation, and I appreciate it that you chose the former choice rather than the latter one."

"Geez, I may be an irredeemable pervert, but I am not that crazy, old man."

"Ohoho!" Rather than feeling upset or offended that I just called him 'old man' like that, the Principal instead just laughed merrily at my quip, "I'm happy to hear that you have a good head on your shoulders, my boy. Make sure to keep practicing and you'll reach far."

After saying whatever he wanted to say, the old monster finally left me alone. I look at the bō-staff in my hand for a moment, contemplating about something before I casually throw it into the sky while going back to retrieve my uniform and digital camera. 

I don't even need to see or confirm the bō-staff I just threw earlier had landing smoothly on the ground near other replica weapons, which had been slowly collected by school staffs while I was approached by Mayo and Chika.


(POV Change)

"Is that really Yonpachi?" Moro couldn't help but ask that when he witnessed the one-sided battle earlier.

No one answered that question since most were flabbergasted at what they had just witnessed as well after all. How could they not? 

If it was somebody else, then they may be okay with how one-sided the duel was. But they're talking about their friend here, someone who they thought never really had any experience in fighting or whatsoever until just now. 

This is not the Yonpachi who gets horny 24/7 they knew. Well, nothing really changed about that though, he is still a horny monkey in heart and action, but there's definitely something different about him. Especially now that they finally saw how strong he became all of a sudden.

"Well..." Yamato scratches the back of his neck, feeling quite lost on what to say about the matter but still decided to voice out his opinion, "He may change a lot these weeks, but fundamentally it's still Yonpachi we all knew. And to be honest, the change in him is not that serious, his personality and the way he treats people is still the same, nothing really change about that. So, it's should be fine, don't you think?"

"I agree with Naoe." Suguru fixes his glasses after nodding his head firmly, "The changes that happened to him lately are not something we should make a big deal about in the first place. Just because he got stronger and braver than usual, it still won't really change anything. To me, Yonpachi is Yonpachi."

"Yeah, you are right..." Moro awkwardly rubbed his arm when he realized what they just said was the truth. While there might be a big difference between current Yonpachi and past Yonpachi, it doesn't change the fact that he still treats his friends the same. 

"Rather than that, I would like to know how he can become so strong this fast to be honest." Yamato pointed out while pinching his chin between his thumb and index fingers, "That's the real question I really like to know right now."

"Yeah, he really surprised me with those moves he just performed earlier." Gakuto inclined his head while crossing his arms over his chest, his forehead creased with his eyebrows knitted together, "But if he can do something like that, why bother making all of us surrender in fight when he challenged us back then?"

"Hmm..." Yamato hummed in a thoughtful manner, "I can't really think of anything about the reason why he did that, but I noticed that there are certain patterns when he challenges someone." He elaborated while raising two of his fingers, "One, he only challenges people he can win against, and two, it's someone who he can reason with."

"Reason with...?" Suguru raised one of his eyebrows in confusion, but it didn't take long for him to understand the meaning of Yamato's word as recognition finally came over him, "I see. You were right."

Yamato smirked when Suguru finally understood what he was talking about while the others were still in the dark, "Why do you think he accepted Namikawa-senpai's challenge when Yonpachi knew nothing about Namikawa-senpai's problem until he elaborated himself back then?"

Yamato let the question lingered in the air for a moment before he continued, "It's simply because Yonpachi knew he could win against Namikawa-senpai."

The other goes "Ahh" when they heard that. Now that they think about it, there are no reasons for Yonpachi to accept Namikawa's challenge just like that without knowing anything about what the problem is. 

"And when he challenged us back then? Why he only wanted us to surrender without a fight?" Yamato asked again, and the others started to mull over the question. "That's because we are type of people that he can reason with. There's no need for him to fight us because he already knew what we wanted, and he used our desires to his advantage, which is the reason why we decided to surrender in the end."

Tadakatsu, who had been standing behind the group all this time, shook his head after hearing all of that and decided to leave the premises because he had heard enough.

Everything Yamato just said was spot-on. If not for Yonpachi had something that they wanted or needed, there's no way they'll just accept his sudden request for a duel and weird suggestion for them to surrender without a fight, without knowing the reason why they needed to do something weird like that.

"It's another reason why he never bothered to challenge Nee-san, Miyako, or Wanko."

Standing diligently behind Yamato like a proper wife from the Edo era, Miyako perked up when Yamato called her name, as she suddenly blushes for no apparent reason, but as usual, Yamato simply ignored her.

"While it's still possible that Yonpachi had something that could make Miyako surrender without a fight, but when it comes to Nee-san and Wanko, both of them would never agree with his proposal of surrendering in battle without a proper fight."

"Fufu~ You know so me well, Yamato~" A smooth and lascivious voice of a girl interrupted their conversation, making Yamato shudder in delight with how close her voice was to his ears and her breath tickling his nape.

Kawakami Momoyo, a young woman with waist-length black hair casually sneaking in and leans her bodacious body onto Yamato's back. Her blood red eyes dance with mirth at Yamato's reaction, especially with how rigid his body is when her big boobs smush on his back.

Most of the men in the vicinity grumbled under their breath and glared at Yamato with jealousy oozing out of their pores when they noticed how close both of them were right now.

That's the special privilege of Protagonist for you.

"Of course!" On the other side, Kazuko's cheerful voice boomed with so much energy, and a big grin appeared on her face, "I won't ever back down from the fight no matter the reason is! That's my bushido, after all!"

"Whohoo! You're so cool!" Someone shouted loudly from afar, and everyone recognized whose voice was that. It was Yonpachi, who was standing not far from them. He was currently talking with Mayo and Chika, but it seemed he had heard what they were talking about just now.

Kazuko bashfully rubbed the tip of her nose at what Yonpachi just shouted, while the others were conveniently ignoring that to focus on their current conversation.

"By the way, Nee-san..." Momoyo perked up when Yamato called her, "What do you think about what the Principal just said earlier?"

Momoyo hummed and rest her chin on Yamato's shoulder, "Yeah, I had to agree with the old man there. That monkey is really full of potential. You can definitely say he's a diamond in the rough. If you polish him good enough, he will definitely reach far as a martial artist." Her sharp gaze lingered over my form for a second before she closed her eyes with light smile on her face, "I don't know how far he will go at this rate, but if he puts in a lot of effort in training and polishing his talent even more, he will at least reach the old man's strength. That's for sure."

People who heard that opened their eyes and mouths wide as they couldn't believe what they just heard. Everyone who lived in the Kawakami City and attended its Academy knew how strong and powerful the Principal was, and hearing that their perverted friend who talked nothing but sex all day had potential that could reach the old monster was truly surprising.

"Wow! Since Onee-sama said that, then it must be true!" Kazuko exclaimed all of a sudden. Everyone nearby can see how much excited she was upon hearing such a statement, with her eyes twinkling in excitement and anticipation. "I can't wait to fight him now!"

"Hahaha! Right... Even I can't help but to anticipate the day I fight him too, y'know." Momoyo pointed out as she moved away from Yamato, much to his disappointment, reaching out to Kazuko's head, she patted her little sister in very affection manner, "But, I think you should wait for now, Wanko. If you come at him right now, he will definitely refuse the challenge as he is still far from reaching your level with his current strength."

"Eeehh~" Kazuko whined childishly when she heard that, "Mumumuu... If Onee-sama says so, I will hold myself back for now! But... Nnunuh! I still want to fight him!"

Momoyo laughed merrily at that while others are simply shook their heads endearingly at Kazuko's antics.


(POV Return)

Even I can't help but let out a chuckle when I heard what Kazuko just whined about. While I would love to indulge her needs to fight me now just to make her happy, I would rather not.

Like what Momoyo just said, I am not in the state where I can truly hold a candle against someone like Kazuko. With my current strength, I say I can only hold on for 5 minutes or something against her and that without me doing nothing but running around or playing defense. There is a reason why she rates A in Dueling System, after all.

First, I still need time to build experience and strengthen my martial arts before I can fight Kazuko in equal manner.


A shout filled with concern pulled me out of my musings as I reflexively turned my head toward the source in front of me, which was Mayo, who was currently puffing her cheeks in a very cute fashion, showing how upset she was.

"Yes, Class Rep?"

"Mou, as expected! You didn't hear me properly, aren't you!?" Mayo crosses her hands over her small chest in slight annoyance.

"Sorry, sorry." I awkwardly apologize to her, "So, what were we talking about again?"

Chika shakes her head in exasperation at me from Mayo's side, while Mayo herself looks at me in the eyes before she lets out a tired breath, "I said, why are you being so reckless just now? Do you know how worried I was when I saw you jump out the second floor like that!? Just what are you thinking!?And why are you accepting the duel against that upperclassman anyway!? Just look at those cuts on your body! Are you sure you're okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary as well?"

I'm not gonna lie, Mayo shooting those questions like machine gun kind of stunned me, especially with how concerned and worried she was on my behalf. But then again, I had to remember, she 'is' an actual big sister, so her obvious concern is absolutely justifiable for her character.

I scratch the back of my head while shifting awkwardly on my feet, this is quite awkward and embarrassing. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that someone is this worried about me, especially if that someone is a cute girl like Mayo...

Oh shit, I'm getting horny now. It makes my imagination going wild with how certain image of me lifting Mayo's small stature high and shoves my—Whoa, whoa! That was close!

Seriously not now, Sylvester Stallone. This is a public place. We can do something nice later in private. So get down!

"Fukumoto-chan, why aren't you answering me?" Mayo asked worriedly as she grabbed both my hands and shook me out of my imagination, "Is there something wrong? You can hear me, right, Fukumoto-chan? Or are you really hurt somewhere!? If that's so, let's go to the infirmary now!"

"Haah... Calm down, Mayo." Chika hastily interjected her best friend from behind as she dragged Mayo back to her side and trying to calm the pink-haired girl down, "You don't have to worry about this monkey, just look at his perverted face right now." She shook her head while looking at me with judging eyes, her stare was kinda stabbing me right now, "That face is the face when he thinks something pervert."

"Kyah!" Mayo let out a strangled squeak when she heard that, as her face erupted in red with hot steam coming out from her reddened ears.

'Ugh, busted!'

Just as I was about to make some excuse, I can feel something ominous looming behind me that sent a shiver down my back as the atmosphere around me turned cold and scary all of a sudden. And if you hear me shriek like little girl when I turned my head over my shoulder just now, then you must have misheard it, because that was not me. 

Nuh-uh, not me at all!

"Yo, Fukumoto. Want me to 'send' you to the infirmary myself?" Jun 'kindly' offered with a sinister smile appeared on his scary face, which half of it was covered in shadow, while his eyes strangely turned white and gleaming in a very dangerous light. I can even see a visage of a red oni hovering above him now.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Inoue Jun

The Strongest Guardian of Loliconia

Rating: SS


+70 Physical Strength

+10 Spiritual Power

Iron Fist

Loli Empowerment


[Would you like to request a duel?]


Despite how scared and terrified I am at the current situation, I can't help but still to look at the screen in front of me with a flat look.

I forgot that this lolicon is someone who can seriously reach the strength of the Big Four when it comes to little girls or lolis. I'm really surprised that his Challenger sheet changed though, but I have to say this is very welcoming surprise.

I look at his scary face in contemplation, my fear toward him slowly dying due to anticipation and excitement slowly swelled inside me right now. This is truly like a chance given by heaven for me to get stronger fast, and I would be a fool if I miss this chance.

So without wasting more time, I prompt him to follow me to the place where no pestering eyes and ears could interrupt us. I can see that Mayo was about to say something but Chika stopped her as she threw me a suspicious and weird look that almost looked like she worried about me or something.

Meanwhile, Jun raised his eyebrows in confusion, failing to understand what I was trying to do here, but even so he still followed me nonetheless without complaint.

As both Jun and I leave the schoolyard together, I can feel all kind of stares directed at me but, I simply ignored them in favor of focusing on my current goal.

It's not like Jun will kill me or something anyway. Despite looking so scary at the moment, he is still a man full of compassion. Even when he becomes the antagonist in certain routes, he still thinks about his friends first and foremost. That exact good-natured trait of him that makes me love his character even more in Majikoi games.

Now that we're finally alone and after making sure nobody followed us, I turn my full attention towards him as Jun does the same. And I feel relieved knowing that his Challenger sheet is still the same, which means he's still in his Super Lolicon mode despite looking so calm.

"Okay, Inoue." I clapped my hands together with a big smile on my face, "I want to challenge you in a duel as well. It's an unofficial duel though."

Jun crossed his arms in response to that, his eyebrows knitted together in suspicion, "Why—"

"And I want you to surrender without a fight." I readily interrupted him with a broad grin. Sorry bro, but I want your reward ASAP.

He uncrosses his arms, clearly not amused at my sudden and weird proposal, "Look, I would happily accept your challenge in a fight anytime. But, what makes you believe that I'll surrender to you without a fight?"

"Well..." I purposely trail off while taking certain items out of the custom pocket inside my school uniform. I already knew the method to handle Jun, so I've been preparing these babies all this time, "Because I have something that'll interest you heavily right now."

I show him the items in my hands one by one.

"You—You—! D-Don't tell me, that item was...!" His reaction was something that I already expected.

The moment I whipped out these babies and showed it to you, my victory is already set in stone.

"So~? What do you think? Would you like to accept my proposal now, O' Strongest Guardian of Loliconia?" I languidly spread and showed him a bunch of pictures of the certain class rep in cute pajamas, an apron, maid outfit, and all kind of wholesome costumes.

I can see the resolve in Jun's eyes crumbling so fast each time I tease him with the pictures I have in my hands right now. 

This is the time for you to fall under my feet, Guardian of Loliconia! This is my victory! Mwahahaha!



[Congratulations! You have successfully defeated The Strongest Guardian of Loliconia!]

You have received +70 Physical Strength!

You have received +10 Spiritual Power!

You have received Iron Fist!

You have received Loli Empowerment!

You have received Boxing!


[Iron Fist]

Your fist has the weight of an iron. The power of your punches will greatly enhance and strengthened.


[Loli Empowerment]

Age? It's just a number! You are the strongest when it comes to protecting little girls or lolis. This ability will give you the access to gain infinite power for a set duration of time when little girls or lolis is within your range.


[Boxing (Basic)]

You have basic understanding and comprehension of how to boxing.



[Your power Rating has been updated!]


[Congratulations! You have reached Rating C!]


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kamasutra

Rating: C – New!

Physical Strength: 124

Spiritual Power: 39

Martial Art:

Sumo (Basic)

Karate (Basic)

Boxing (Basic) – New!

Bōjutsu (Basic)

Kenjutsu (Basic)

Taekwondo (Intermediate)

Brawling (Intermediate)


Sleight of Hand

Iron Body

Heightened Sense

Monkey Reflexes

Iron Fist – New!

Loli Empowerment – New!


The grin I had on my face couldn't be bigger after I saw the rewards I just got. I can feel the surge of power inside my body now that I just received those beautiful +70 Physical Strength and +10 Spiritual Power points.

Now that my Rating finally increased to C as well, I couldn't feel more happy right now. It is the fastest promotion I've ever experienced. I really feel lucky right now that I feel like nothing can ruin my day today! I mean nothing at all! Mwahahaha!

-----*Maji de watashi ni koi~ SHINASAI!!!*-----

I jinxed it. I truly fucking jinxed it!

There was nothing wrong with the rest of my school day. It went pretty normally as there's no more melodrama happening, except for some people curiously asking about what happened between me and Jun back then, but I easily dodged the question and told them nothing really happened.

While some are still curious and suspicious, Chika particularly, but they decided to let it go since I was quite adamant about my answer. So yeah, except for that, there's really nothing happened which worth to mention at all.

Now we're back at why I said something like I just jinxed something.

Well, you see, after the school finally ended, I went to the secret meeting ground in the empty second gymnasium where we usually organized Mōryō's Gathering without teachers' knowledge.

Nothing wrong with the process, it went very smoothly like usual, and I earned some serious amount of money from the pictures I sold. Seriously, those fucking degenerates are so desperate that they're going crazy over simple panty-shots of Kawakami Momoyo.

As expected of Japanese virgins and their obsession with panties, I guess. But I really have to thank them for their obsession, because of that my wallet was fat with green and I'm crying in happiness right now.

So after I finished the black business, I went to Chika's Candy Shop. I bought shortcake from there, greeted and talked with Chika's pops for 10 minutes or so, and then I gave Mayo's pictures to Chika just like I promised this morning.

After doing all of that, I went back to the apartment I had rented.

I don't know if the original Yonpachi in the games was living alone or with his parents, but it seems in this world, Yonpachi lives alone in an apartment which is located near Nakamise District, where it leads to the entrance of Kawakami Temple and a place where many specialty and souvenir shops are located at.

And for reminder, my current parents are still alive, but they're not in Kawakami. Instead, they're living in Kyoto right now due to my dad's job, and my mom joined him because they're an idiot couple.

They're not really neglecting me, though, because I can still tell they truly love and care about me. The fact that they never forget to send monthly expenses and weekly letters full of love and concerns for my wellbeing was obvious enough.

But I digress. So when I was finally inside the premises of my apartment, there was an old man with a gruff-looking face currently standing in front of my door, inhaling the smoke in his hand before puffing it out upward.


The old man noticed my presence when my breath hitched in my throat upon finally recognizing the identity of this old man.

I can see his red eyes looking over my form, trying to assess my capabilities or worth just like the Principal did today. After a moment passed, I noticed the snake-like smirk slowly appeared on his face, looking very satisfied on what he just found.

Just what the hell is this man doing here anyway!?

"Yo, Fukumoto Ikurō-kun right?" I just nod my head numbly at the question and the smirk on his face widened, "Good."


[New Challenger has been found!]

Shakadō Gyōbu

Redeemable Scumbag of Love

Rating: SS


+40 Physical Strength

+40 Spiritual Power

Venom Bite

Violent Instinct


"I've been watching you since a week ago."

... What?

"I've noticed how astounding your potential is, especially after your fight with the Kendo kid today. You were also the type of fighter who wasn't afraid to use dirty tricks just to win, and I really like that resolve and hunger of yours!"


"That's why, kid. I want you to be my disciple. And just for your information, I insisted."