
The way of the black dragon

Zero, one of his world's best assassins, died in an ambush during a mission. Transmigrating thanks to the pendant he had during his death, he finds himself in another world where different species live and magic is common. ***************** No NTR. No Yuri. ********************* English is not my original language so there may be errors in the chapters, words and expressions may change or not exist in English so it may look strange, if you find an error in a chapter comment it to change it...

Black_Reaper13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Getting the first star 2

[You have killed an F-rank Horned Rabbit and gained 100 experience points.*6]

[Level up >10]

Feeling a familiar sensation in his body, Aethereis noticed his muscles expanding and contracting, brimming with strength and vitality. Just as the sensation faded, his dormant core began to suck in mana from the surroundings like a black hole.

The core started to glow, releasing a thick mist that sometimes changed colors. At times it was white, reminiscent of a cold winter; other times completely dark, as if it could devour all light. Occasionally, the mist turned blue, releasing intense lightning; at others, a purple mist distorted space.

Forming around the core, a small star took shape. The core ceased absorbing mana and sucked back the mist it had previously released, blending with pure mana. The pure mana of the core split into two parts: while the newly formed elemental mana was calm and docile, its aura was silent and sharp as a sword.

Amidst this phenomenon, Aethereis lay with closed eyes, still standing amidst the blood and parts of the rabbits. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling that his core had completed the process.

The first thing he saw upon opening his eyes was a new world. Previously, he could only sense mana particles, but now they were fully visible to him.

Not only that, but his connection to his affinities had increased. If before he couldn't attempt to move his mana, now his instincts told him that with a single thought, he could manipulate it at will.

"Is this what you meant, system?" Aethereis asked, watching mana particles gather around him as if welcoming him.

[You are correct, host. Dragons are beings loved by nature, and because of this, their talent in magic is superior. As the progenitor of an entire race, there are of course advantages to this compared to any other dragon.]

[Once reaching epic rank, the host will gain a skill that will be very useful]

"What are these advantages?" Aethereis asked, processing all the information the system shared.

[Lineage Suppression. With it, by releasing your dragon aura, you can make your enemies submit, much like your 'Bloodlust' ability]

[Universal Language, the ability to speak and understand any language. Once the 'Mastery' ability reaches rapid growth, it can evolve into a more powerful one]

[These are some of the abilities that the host currently has access to. Increase your rank to access more abilities]

Lastly, Aethereis reviewed his status observing his progress.


---|Demon Dragon System|------

[Name]: Aethereis Tenebris Noctis

[Level] - 10 (EXP 450/1000)

[Race]: Demon Dragon

[Bloodline]: Progenitor of the Demon Dragon

[Body Constitution] - Common Mana Core of 1 star


After the talk with the system, Aethereis began to collect the useful parts of the horned rabbits. Although with the previous attack the skin and meat that could be worth something were in very bad condition, he was fortunate enough to collect twenty pairs of horns and some rabbit skins that he had previously killed.

Once everything was in his storage ring, he left the place, leaving the forest in a state of silence. As he sped up, Aethereis encountered some monsters in his way, which he evaded without being detected thanks to his stealth skills.

Approximately two hours later, he entered the outskirts of the forest. The tall trees were decreasing, giving way to an extensive meadow. Lowering his guard a bit, Aethereis allowed himself to sigh. He had leveled up and could finally start his magic training. This journey allowed him to learn firsthand how powerful skills are.

The sun was setting on the horizon when Aethereis glimpsed the city walls in the distance, walking along the path. Finally, he reached the main gates, flanked by the same guards he paid before. Repeating the same words, the middle-aged guard said, "Halt there, I need you to show your Passage License," and continued, "Furthermore, the entrance fee is 1 silver coin and, if you do not carry identification from any institution or citizenship, you will be fined 10 silver coins."

Taking out his guild membership card, he tossed it to the guard, who caught it and examined it carefully. Finally, he looked up at Aethereis with a more relaxed expression and said, "Everything is in order, you may pass," as he returned his card.

Taking the card, Aethereis nodded. With that, he entered through the city gates, thinking, 'There are many more guards stationed than when I left. It must be because of the war between the kingdom I am in... Hmm, its name was Vaicricia, and the kingdom of the Golden Lion.'

Walking through the quiet streets as he headed towards his residence, his gaze caught a stall with meat being breaded. Stopping in front of the stall, he watched as a man cooked the meat.

Approaching the stall, Aethereis asked, "Good evening, how much do the breaded skewers cost?"

The vendor, a middle-aged man dressed in an apron, said, "Good evening, sir. The breaded skewers are two silver coins each," as he skillfully turned the skewers on the grill.

Aethereis decided to buy them as a small snack. He then said, "In that case, I'll take four," taking out eight silver coins.

The vendor nodded in thanks and handed him the wrapped skewers. As Aethereis ate his skewers, he finally arrived at his residence.

Using the access card, he entered through the door and walked into the foyer. He turned on the lights with the command "turn on."

After that, he headed towards the stairs. He entered the bathroom, turned on the lights, and activated the artifact responsible for supplying water. He placed a magical crystal.

Desiring to rid himself of his armor, Aethereis unequipped it and entered a tub. He submerged himself, enjoying the refreshing sensation. He finished washing his body and then entered the bedroom. He lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered the land of dreams.


I really ran out of ideas today and the chapter came out quite short. I'll try to move the plot forward a little faster. I hope you liked it, at least.