
The way of the black dragon

Zero, one of his world's best assassins, died in an ambush during a mission. Transmigrating thanks to the pendant he had during his death, he finds himself in another world where different species live and magic is common. ***************** No NTR. No Yuri. ********************* English is not my original language so there may be errors in the chapters, words and expressions may change or not exist in English so it may look strange, if you find an error in a chapter comment it to change it...

Black_Reaper13 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Elven continent

The Elven continent, with its lush forests and vast landscapes, was characterized by its cities built with Starlite, a material found only in the region. These cities were architectural marvels that harmoniously combined nature and technology.

At the heart of this natural paradise lay the capital city, Initium, named after the current Empress Aeliana Initium Tempest. It was here that all elven nobility resided. Inside the royal library, a beautiful young woman sat, diligently reading through several tomes.

Her long, silky green hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders, and her green eyes shone as brightly as emeralds. She wore an elegant green dress with embroidered accents that emphasized her slender waist and the size of her breasts.

Absorbed in her studies, the young woman barely noticed the passage of time, her mind immersed in learning new knowledge.

Midway through her reading, Elara looked up upon hearing soft footsteps approaching. A royal messenger, dressed in silver armor, approached with a respectful expression.

"Princess Selene," she said with a slight bow, "Empress Aeliana wishes to see you in the throne room. It is a matter of great importance."

Elara carefully closed the book and rose gracefully. She replied briefly, "Thank you for the message. I will come immediately." Tucking the grimoire away, she exited the library and made her way to the courtyard where a carriage awaited, drawn by two majestic white stags with long golden horns.

Selene climbed in gracefully and settled inside, feeling the gentle caress of fresh air as the carriage began to move.

Eventually, the carriage arrived at the royal palace, a magnificent structure surrounded by greenery. Guards in silver armor patrolled the perimeter. Once the carriage stopped, Selene descended slowly, and the guards bowed in respect, clearing her path.

Walking through the castle halls, Selene soon reached the throne room. She entered through grand white doors adorned with the image of a massive tree. Making her way down the aisle, she approached the throne where a beautiful woman sat.

Her long green hair fell over her shoulders, her green eyes gleamed like gems, and she wore an elegant green dress embroidered with intricate designs.

"Mother, I have come as soon as I received your message," Selene said, bowing slightly to Empress Aeliana.

Empress Aeliana, with a slightly stern expression softened by warm eyes, looked at her daughter. "Have you been studying in the library all afternoon?" she asked.

"Yes, Mother, I was finishing my studies on humans and their customs," Selene replied.

"You shouldn't be cooped up studying all day. Why don't you go out and enjoy yourself with one of the dukes' daughters?" Aeliana suggested.

Sighing, Selene replied with some exasperation, "Mother, we've discussed this before. Besides, I don't find them pleasant; they only talk about lineage and their superiority over others."

"I shouldn't have been so strict when you were younger," Aeliana conceded. "Very well, Selene, you win. I hope you make some friends at the royal academy."

"Speaking of the academy, how is your training going?" Empress Aeliana inquired.

"I've managed to master the spell ' ' you taught me up to rank D," Selene replied proudly.

Aeliana responded with satisfaction, "You've done well. Mastering a spell, no matter how simple, is quite challenging."

"Hmmm... I can see your core has advanced to the 'Very Rare' rank. For now, don't try to absorb more mana; let your core adjust to the ascent," Aeliana advised.

"Very well, Mother," Selene replied.

Breaking the silence, Empress Aeliana spoke again, "Tomorrow you will depart for the academy via the teleportation matrix. Nariel, one of my most trusted guards, will accompany you as your guardian during your time there and will protect you at all times."

"You should get ready to leave early. I left some things in a storage ring in your room; they may come in handy if you need them."

Nodding with a bow, Selene exited the throne room.


Emerging from the shadows, an elf dressed in black robes stood beside the Empress. Without looking at the elf, Aeliana asked, "Well, what do you think of Selene, Nariel?"

"The princess seems very eager to learn new things. Besides, she has been practicing the magical spell you taught her all week," Nariel replied.

"I take the blame for being strict since she was young, especially considering everything that was happening outside the continent and my ex-husband's betrayal," Aeliana said, the last part tinged with sarcasm.

"Why send her to the academy then?" Nariel asked.

"There's currently no war involving the other continents. I think it's a good move to have her attend. With her personality, seeing more people with similar or greater talents will surely awaken her competitive spirit and help her make some friends," Aeliana explained.

"It will be a great learning experience for her. She'll have to learn to make her own decisions," Aeliana added.

Nariel silently agreed with Aeliana. After a moment, she spoke again calmly, "The academy will be a challenge, but also an opportunity for Selene to find her own path."

"How many elves will attend this time?" Aeliana asked casually.

"About twenty-five thousand noble elves and around twenty-five thousand common elves, thanks to the scholarships provided by His Majesty," Nariel replied.

"That's many more than last year. It seems there are many promising talents," Aeliana remarked, a smile forming on her lips.

Setting aside formalities, Nariel asked Aeliana as if she were a close friend, "Aeliana, how long has it been since your rank advanced beyond Legendary?"

"I don't recall exactly, but it's been more than two centuries since the mana I could absorb decreased," Aeliana replied. She continued with a chuckle, "Why do you ask?"

"I'm concerned. If your rank doesn't increase, your lifespan will decline at some point," Nariel replied with concern.

Aeliana laughed before responding, "You don't need to worry about that. I still have thousands of years before that happens. Perhaps by then, I'll find a solution."

"I hope that happens. I will go observe Selene; perhaps I will see something interesting," Nariel responded. With that, she vanished into the shadows as if she had never been there.
