
Important Filler

The day after the test, Suguru got up a little late because he had spent a considerable amount of time at the cemetery, remembering the times the previous guest spent with his parents. After that, he went to a training camp to practice his aim and chakra control using the leaf exercise he overheard from a couple of passing instructors. This training made it very easy for him to keep the blade attached to his forehead, which initially surprised him. However, after a few more minutes, it began to annoy him, as it either meant he had good control of his chakra or he had very little of it, making it easy for him to perform the exercise.

Before he could get more frustrated about it, he decided to test his aim and strength with the kunai. At first, his throws were uncoordinated, which bothered him, but gradually, he realized that he was simply holding it the wrong way. After experimenting with different grips for a while, he heard something behind him. This made him alert, and he tried to hide, though the key word was "tried."

After a few seconds, a black-haired man appeared with an official Konoha jounin uniform, he also had a kind of purple shadow on his eyelids along with an eyeliner of the same color. It seemed strangely familiar to Suguru. The jounin spoke.

"Why are you hiding? The worst that can happen is they scold you for entering a training area without permission, kukuku. We're not on the battlefield here, so there's no need to assume everyone's an enemy."

After a brief pause, he continued.

"I'm not going to scold you or kick you out of the field. Instead, I want to offer you some advice, since it seems you're not quite skilled with shuriken and kunai throwing."

I continued to stay silent until, at one point, I saw him disappear. I searched for him with my eyes until I felt someone lift me into the air. I turned my head and looked at my captor.

Jounin: "What's your name, kid?"

Suguru: "Suguru Geto. And you?"

Jounin: "That's not important right now. You're holding your kunai wrong. You grip it like you're fighting hand-to-hand when you try to throw it. Plus, you throw it with a strong but slow movement, when it should be a continuous and relaxed motion so it doesn't deviate from its main trajectory."

Suguru: "So, how's it done, know-it-all?"

Jounin: "Watch, kid."

Listening to him was calming, and he was a very good teacher. Something about him made me want to follow him, which scared me the most in this world where everyone manipulated each other for their own benefit. But his grip on the small knife was with just three fingers—the index, thumb, and middle finger. When he threw it, it was just a quick but smooth wrist movement, yet the force with which it pierced the target left me astonished, and he noticed.

Jounin: "See? You don't need to move your whole arm. Just a wrist movement is enough. Plus, if you coat your weapons with poison, even if you don't have much strength, you'll cause significant damage to your target."

Suguru: "¿Really? But how will I prepare for such things if I'm an orphan? No one will teach me for free," I replied.

The jounin stared at me, his eyes clear and slit-like, as if he was assessing me. His eyes resembled a snake's, and I felt like I was being hunted by a predator, like a snake cornering its prey. At that moment I recognized that person I'ts orochimaru of the legendary Sanin but before I could say or do anything he spoke.

My name is orochimaru jounin from konoha and I could teach you that and more things but you must show me that you are worth it, and I just recognized you as the civilian boy who defeated two children of the clan, one with an incredible brain and the other with great physical ability, You are someone who can be one of the best with the right guidance, you are interesting but I want to know if you meet my expectations, I will be following your learning at the academy since you passed and as a gift for passing with a good score, have this. From a storage scroll he pulled out a couple of books, the first on plant species and poisons I can make with them and the second on the anatomy of the human body.

Orochimaru: "don't disappoint me Suguru Geto"

And just as he came, he left after teaching me how to correctly throw my kunai and senbon, as they are similar, I suppose. Although he didn't teach me how to throw shuriken, I can work with what he gave me. I thought about making poisons but dismissed the idea because buying them was very expensive. Creating them was out of the question as I didn't know the correct proportions to make many, and you needed a tutor if you wanted your poisons to be effective.

While anatomy is important, I only remembered to target the heart and kidneys. But this opens up the possibility of cutting tendons or specific areas of the body to cause more pain with precision. After practicing how to throw kunai for a while longer, it became easier to direct them where I wanted. I just needed to work on how to throw multiple kunai at the same time, which would require practicing how to do it while moving with just one kunai.

When I got to my lonely house, I started reading a book about plants to see if I could find any around here. After a few hours, I was overloaded with information. I realized it would be easier to make poisons if I grew these plants myself. However, it seemed that only some paralyzing and lethal poisons could grow in Konoha's climate. I would have to collect more when I go on missions to different places, but that would take a good amount of time. I'll study anatomy all day tomorrow since the Snake Sannin informed me that I passed and rewarded me by putting me in a good position as a civilian and although I would have to go ask when the academy starts.

"Ahhh how complicated it is to think of a plan so that something strange comes out every time I'm going to cook, that's what I'm better at."

Heading to the kitchen, I looked for a dish in Mom's recipe book to entertain for passing by and I found a fried fish along with egg and rice as well as adding a simple salad.

Grilled Fish with Egg Fried Rice and Mixed Green Salad


For the Grilled Fish:

2 fish fillets (such as salmon or tilapia)

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 lemon (sliced)

2 cloves garlic (minced)

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh herbs (such as dill, parsley, or thyme) for garnish

For the Egg Fried Rice:

2 cups cooked rice (preferably cold)

2 large eggs

1 small onion (chopped)

1 cup mixed vegetables (like peas, carrots, and corn)

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 cloves garlic (minced)

Salt and pepper to taste

2 green onions (chopped) for garnish

For the Mixed Green Salad:

4 cups mixed salad greens (such as spinach, arugula, and lettuce)

1 cucumber (sliced)

1 cup cherry tomatoes (halved)

1/4 cup red onion (thinly sliced)

1/4 cup feta cheese (crumbled)

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste


Grilled Fish:

Preheat your grill or grill pan to medium-high heat.

Brush the fish fillets with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

Place the fish on the grill and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

During the last minute of cooking, add the lemon slices to the grill to warm them up.

Remove the fish from the grill and garnish with minced garlic and fresh herbs.

Serve with the grilled lemon slices.

Egg Fried Rice:

Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a large skillet or wok over medium heat.

Beat the eggs in a bowl and pour them into the skillet, scrambling them until fully cooked. Remove the eggs from the skillet and set aside.

In the same skillet, add the remaining tablespoon of oil. Add the chopped onion and garlic, and sauté until fragrant and translucent.

Add the mixed vegetables and cook for another 2-3 minutes until they are tender.

Add the cooked rice to the skillet and stir to combine. Pour in the soy sauce and mix well.

Return the scrambled eggs to the skillet and mix everything together. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Garnish with chopped green onions before serving.

Mixed Green Salad:

In a large salad bowl, combine the mixed salad greens, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, and feta cheese.

In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper.

Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss gently to combine.


Plate the grilled fish fillets alongside a generous serving of egg fried rice.

Add a portion of the mixed green salad to the plate.

Enjoy your balanced and flavorful meal!

When I finished my meal I washed the dishes and finished reading the introduction to the anatomy book before I fall asleep at 11 o'clock 

When I woke up I saw the sun high in the sky so I went to take a shower to start the day, after a few minutes I came out of the bathroom with my gray shirt and black shorts with my matching sandals to have a small breakfast. Which consisted of milk and bread with some of the fish that I didn't finish yesterday, putting on my scarf I took a few kunai, my anatomy book and my keys I left the house to ask about the start of the academy in addition to practicing my precision with my kunai in addition to my chakra control. After a light walk reading my book I began to reach the commercial district where some people asked me something that I didn't care about and I continued my way to the academy. When I reached some houses before the academy, some shinobi also looked at me and me. I started to ask why so many people were looking at me, some of them with contempt and others with admiration. In an alley I looked at my clothes but I was fine. I checked my hidden kunai and it was still there and only the shinobi would notice my kunai, so why not? Lastly, I looked at my book and I understood why they were looking at me so much. The book I had in my hands was Orochuimaru's own notes. Many of them knew who the said shinobi was, an incredibly talented one who only hung out with people like him, those who won't believe that I stole it or that he gave it to me out of mercy. After this discovery I continued my path the same as before, making this discovery not important, I will be strong and I will survive in this world, which is the only thing that matters to me, I thought. When I arrived at the academy I noticed a crowd of people waiting to look up their names on the wooden board, so I joined the queue and waited for my turn in line a few minutes later, Shinji arrived accompanied by his parents, I guess, to see his score, when Elmevio simply greeted him and he returned the greeting somewhat sleepy. When my turn came I saw my name in position 6, one before Shinji and the teacher who had left told me that classes were starting in a week to come on Monday at 7 am to room 102.

After that reminder, I thanked him for the information and snuck back to the same training field as before to read and practice my accuracy in a false sense of tranquility. Upon arrival, I noticed a few kunai scattered on the ground, indicating that someone had been there recently or was still around trying not to be discovered. Deciding to find another place to practice, I searched for about eight minutes until I found a small clearing with a lake nearby, surrounded by a few trees.

I started by marking a small circle on a tree with my kunai and tried to hit it while running or jumping. After that training session, where I managed to hit only four out of ten throws near the target, with only a couple actually striking the target, I refreshed myself in the small lake. Then, I sat on a rock to read my anatomy book, where I found some interesting notes from Orochimaru on how to strike certain parts of the human body to cause more damage or where to stab someone with a senbon to immobilize a limb.

Where to hit a person to inflict extreme pain:

Ears: A strike to the ears, especially the middle ear area, can cause intense pain and loss of balance.

Ankles: A hit to the ankles can cause sharp pain and hinder mobility.

Fingers: Striking or twisting the fingers can cause significant pain and limit the ability to use the hands.

Neck: Besides the throat, the side of the neck contains nerves and blood vessels that can cause a lot of pain if struck.

Kidneys: A hit to the kidney area in the lower back can cause deep and lasting pain.

Inner Thigh: This area is sensitive, and a strike can be extremely painful.

Elbows: A strike to the back of the elbow, where the ulnar nerve ("funny bone") is located, can cause sharp pain and numbness.

Nose: A hit to the nose can cause sharp pain, tearing, and temporary disorientation.

Eyes: Hitting or pressing the eyes is extremely painful and can cause permanent damage.

Throat: A strike to the trachea can cause intense pain and breathing difficulties.

Groin: This area is extremely sensitive, especially in men, and a hit here can temporarily incapacitate a person.

Stomach: A strong hit to the stomach can cause intense pain and nausea.

Knees: A hit or kick to the knee can cause significant pain and hinder mobility.

Ribs: The ribs are vulnerable, and a strong hit can cause severe pain and breathing problems.

Where and what to target to impair or restrict mobility:

Arms and Hands:


Dislocation: A strong hit or twist can dislocate the shoulder, causing intense pain and loss of arm mobility.

Clavicle Fracture: An impact to the clavicle can break it, severely limiting arm use.


Dislocation or Fracture: A strike or twist can dislocate or fracture the elbow, affecting the ability to bend the arm.


Wrist Fracture: A direct impact can fracture the wrist bones, making it difficult or impossible to move the hand.


Fracture or Dislocation: Striking or twisting the fingers can fracture or dislocate them, preventing normal use.

Legs and Feet:


Dislocation or Fracture: A strong impact can dislocate or fracture the hip, causing leg immobility.


Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury: A lateral hit can damage the knee ligaments, preventing movement and stability.

Patella Fracture: A direct impact on the patella can fracture it, severely limiting leg mobility.


Severe Sprain or Fracture: Twisting or hitting the ankle can cause a severe sprain or fracture, hindering walking or foot movement.


Metatarsal Bone Fracture: An impact on the top of the foot can fracture these bones, preventing normal foot use.

After practicing throwing kunai for a while longer, it became easier to direct them where I wanted. I just needed to work on throwing multiple kunai simultaneously, but that would require practicing how to do it while moving with a single kunai.

When I got home, I read the book on plants to see if I could find any locally. After a few hours, I was overloaded with information and realized it would be easier to make poisons if I cultivated the plants here. However, it seemed that only some paralyzing and lethal poisons could grow in Konoha's climate, so I would have to collect more when going on missions to different areas, but that would take a while. I decided to study the anatomy book tomorrow all day, knowing that the Snake Sannin rewarded me for doing well in a civilian position.

(What do you think is Suguru chakra nature?I will read your comments)

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