1 Prefacio. ¿Donde estoy?

Oscuridad, una profunda y dura oscuridad era todo lo que podía recordar, ver y sentir. Pero en algún momento, la oscuridad fue consumida por una luz fuerte y al segundo siguiente, todo lo que pude decir fue que estaba en medio de un desierto.

Al mismo tiempo, un fuerte dolor de cabeza me invadió, provocando que perdiera el conocimiento a los pocos segundos de llegar a este mundo nuevo y desconocido.

Cuando desperté, me di cuenta de que, aunque no sabía dónde estaba ni quién era, conocía demasiadas habilidades más allá de mi comprensión.

Curiosamente, levanté vacilante mi mano izquierda y la arena frente a mí tomó la forma de una mano en una posición similar a la mía, pero de enorme tamaño.

Al ver esto, algo dentro de mi corazón saltó, fue como si algo que siempre había querido, pero que nunca había logrado, finalmente estuviera en mis manos.

Con entusiasmo y curiosidad por probar las habilidades que mi mente decía que tenía, comencé a experimentar con este extraño poder.

Después de pasar un tiempo, la emoción en mí se amplificó mucho más cuando me di cuenta de que además de controlar la arena podía hacer muchas más cosas, pero justo cuando iba a seguir probando una nueva técnica que acababa de venir a mi mente. una katana y algunos libros junto con una nota aparecieron de la nada frente a mí.

Vacilante, pero curiosa. Me acerqué a los objetos de origen desconocido y principalmente a la carta porque era lo que más me llamaba la atención, decidí leer primero la carta. Tal vez eso contenía alguna información sobre quién era y qué estaba haciendo aquí.

Cuando abrí la carta y comencé a leerla, sentí que mi mente se quedó en blanco y eso se debió a que la carta solo tenía unas pocas palabras.

<<Congratulations on your successful reincarnation, we send you the books that we promised you along with a weapon that can be of help in the future.

Remember her current name is Edwar Star. And as you promised, your body can now use all that magic you asked for along with the abilities you wanted. But you will have to train, although in the world you find yourself in it shouldn't be difficult for someone with your powers to survive.

We hope you have fun and if everything goes well we'll see you soon.

Att. The celestial>>

When I finished reading the letter, it struck me as a condescending comment that said it was too powerful for the world I lived in.

I couldn't help but have a blank stare as I stared off into space for a while. Unfortunately. My stupor quickly ended when my seemingly gifted body, my magical power, my absurd OP mind, felt people approaching in my direction.

From the number of people and the fact that they were coming from two different directions, I assumed they weren't coming for me, but to interact with each other.

With some anxiety, but with an even greater curiosity and a determination to know where he was ... Wait

As I waited, I felt how the people with the strongest energies felt my presence and began to make their sides cautiously join towards me.

Knowing that the people who came would take their time arriving. I turned the sand on my feet into a graceful and incredibly comfortable sand throne. At the same time, I used the magic of shadows to condense an umbrella that provides me with shade. The sun was starting to get annoying.

While I was in my thoughts finally, the two bands of people arrived in front of me.

One side wore mostly brown clothing, although some wore black, red, or yellow.

While the other side mainly wore clothes with colors a little less in keeping with the desert being green, purple, white clothes, there was even a whole group of people who wore black.

But what struck me was the variety in both groups. Both in the people that I assume are local from the desert and in the invading people, there were people between 12 and 40 years old. With some exceptions such as a couple of elderly people over 80 years of age with those in the arena and with a child of no more than 5 years with the invaders.

Although I have no idea where it came from, my newfound common sense was telling me that this looked like a battlefield, but that it was incredibly illogical that there were old people and children in something like this.

As I was lost in my thoughts on the subject, suddenly 2 of the people who gave off the strongest presence between both sides began to slowly walk towards me, it was evident that they were both on guard against each other, but both were even more on guard against me.

But I simply decided to ignore that assuming a bit of the situation and instead, I made two other chairs equal to my throne so that they were formed with the sand, in such a way that the 3 thrones were looking at each other, but gave a zone safe to escape.

Noticing my actions, the two people walking towards me tensed a bit, but the man coming from the group of desert villagers visibly relaxed while the man from the invading group tensed even more, but simply sat down anyway on the throne prepared for him.

When I saw the 2 sitting in front of me, I couldn't help being curious, thanks to the information in my head, I knew that all the time I had a special ability activated that allowed me to talk to all living beings and understand each other. So I was not afraid that the two in front of me would not understand me.

With that line of thought, I decided to be the first to speak.

"Eeee ... excuse me, but where are we?"

At my words the two men who cautiously looked at each other and looked at me more cautiously. They couldn't help but see me with a dead fish look, which made me a bit embarrassed and I said quickly.

"I know I am in a desert, but what I want to know is where exactly. Am I in the land of a country? The land of a people? No man's land? ... That is what i want to know. Where I am? And at the same time, the most important question, am I in the middle of a dispute or something similar? If that's the case, please say so and I'll be leaving right away, no, I don't really care about other people's conflicts. "

At my words, the two men seemed even more shocked, which made me frown slightly, but still. The two of them realized this and were quick to try to answer. Which made me laugh internally.

After all, if I could feel them, that meant that maybe they could feel my power and deduced that I was the strongest, which by my own deduction is correct and I should be able to erase both sides if I wanted to, but there was a problem. Although I have the knowledge of my powers as if I had trained them for centuries, this is the first time I have used them, so my performance in battle should be pathetic at best.

While thinking about this nonsense, the two men finally agreed who should speak and apparently, the one who would speak would be the man who belonged to the invading group, that was interesting, apparently the desert people are losing the battle against this. group.
