
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

unexpected talk

Bakugo's POV

I had gone to bed around 8 when everyone in the dorms wanted to play a game of truth or dare. I had a hard time staying asleep so around 9:40 I got back up to go get some food. As i was walking down to the kitchen Kirishima stopped me suddenly.

"Heyy Bakubro, thought you went to sleep? The game we played was awesome. Someone dared Todoroki to leave a mark on Midoriya. And then Mina dares me to go to your room and kiss you but i didn't want to die" he tells me rubbing the back of his neck.

" Dumb ass, you could have just knocked I was awake the whole time" i mumbled  "A dare is a dare" as i said that I pulled Kirishima in t fulfill the dare he had gotten earlier. And with that he kissed back. We heard noises coming from the elevator so we suddenly stopped and i had realized what i did. Mine and Kirishima's checked turned red. We both quickly as quietly walked away pretending like nothing happen.

I continued my way to the kitchen still thinking about what i had done. "Damnit now it's gonna be weird between us" i growled "Between who" i hear a girly voice behind me I time around and see the pink freak loser standing behind me. "None of you business idiot just forget i said anything" and with that i finally made it to the kitchen.

Going threw the cub boards and  then the fridge trying to find something to eat. Not wanting something heavy but light. I then settled for Ramen. Everyone says me making ramen is the best they've had. I don't know why it's such a big deal. My mom makes it the same way.

I finished preparing my food and started walking back to the dorm. I was coming across the windows that show the forest next to the school. I stop and look out them as i notice and quick flash of red go threw it. Thinking it was a villan i quickly went outside to investigate. Not telling anything i was out there i see the red as i slowly get a little closer. I finally see who it is and it's- Hawks and

Y/n!?! 'What the hell is she doing out here. And why is she with Hawks.' i thought to myself. Just then i see him pull her in and they.... kissed!?! My eyes widened and my blood starts boiling. I was tempted to go over there and punch him off her. But instead i quietly made my way back into the kitchen waiting for her to get in here.

Y/n finally got back into the dorm but she was with the vines freak. I was about to walk up to them but i felt a grab at my wrist.. "Kirishima... What the hell are you doing." i sounded mad when i said that. but seriously wth is he doing. "Bakugo I- Listen. When you kissed me i-it." he stoped. "It what.!?! It was just a stupid kiss so  you could finish your dare" with that kirishima then pulled me in for another kiss. This time it didn't last vary long. I quickly pulled away and began to quietly yell "Kirishima!! What are you doing!!! You know i just broke up with Y/n like not even a month ago and your already going at me!!" i angrily said. "Bakugo listen!! I've been in love with you for a while now. And when you kissed me I- I felt so happy. I know you feel the same way about me but you keep denying your feelings." My eyes widened "Kiri, i-..... I can't do this right now" with my  head hanging low i walked away. Deep down i knew he was right I maybe did have feelings for him. Way back before i met Y/n in my first year. But now there buried.

After i walked away from Kiri, I went to y/n room but she wasn't there. I figured you went to the other classes dorm building so i went there to. I looked for the vines room and after about 10 minutes of searching i found it. I waited in the hallway for about half an hour waiting for you to come out of her room.

I soon heard her door open and saw you walking out. I don't know what they were talking about but it took to long. And y/n is about to walk past where i am i quickly grab her arm and turn her around, trapping her between me and the wall.

Your POV.

"B-Bakugo!?!? What the fuck are you doing!?!?" i stuttered. "What the hell am i doing?? What the hell are you doing!?! I saw you out there earlier, in the forest." he spoke up to me "I don't...." I hesitated "I don't know what your talking about. I've been with Ayaka the whole time." i lied

"Cut the damn crap y/n, i saw you out there with the Pro Hero Hawks." he leaned in closer and with that i leaned in and quickly kissed him.. I tried to stop the kiss many times but he had my arms pinned to the wall his knee between both my legs. I was trapped He finally let up out of the kiss. "So whay is that your way of trying to get me to be quiet" he asked snarky. "Yea it actually is. So do me a favor, you hurt me now you get to fix me. Forget you saw me with hawks ok. Forget you saw me kissing him. And butt out of my life from now on. Go be someone else's guard dog. " i pushed him away only to be quickly grabbed and pulled back onto his lips again.

I quickly pushed him off, "Hah, that'll do." was all he said before waking away slouched over with his hands in his pockets got onto the elevator and that was it.

I then walked back to my dorm. I wanted to take a quick shower cause i hadn't taken one since before my coma. I hoped into the shower. And quickly washed and got out. Put my pajamas on brushed my teeth, put my hair up into a long french braid ( if short hair in a smaller braid) and laid down on my bed. I pulled out my phone to pug it into the charger, then noticing the messages from Hawks.

Hawks🐥🔥: hey y/n thanks for hanging with me today. Well more like flying. Make sure to take the little guy to the vet tmr.

With that i looked over at my bag and saw the little girl laying all curled up in a ball. I got out of bed and walked over to her. Picked her up and carried her to the end of my bed and laid her down. "Figured this would be more comfortable." i whispered with a smile.

I picked up my phone and read the other messages from Hawks.

Hawks🐥🔥: Hope you enjoyed tonight. Let's have more lunch/dinner dates ;).

Hawks🐥🔥: Did you fall asleep already?? You just got back.

Hawks🐥🔥: Y/n?? Are you ok. You don't normally go to sleep that early...

Hawks🐥🔥: Y/n i'm flying back to the school to check on you. you better be with someone and not ignoring my texts. 

Hawks🐥🔥: If you didn't enjoy tonight you could had just said so....I'll leave alone from now on.....

"Hawks!?!? Wdym leave me alone. I did enjoy tonight! I had so much fun. Did i do something to upset you???

    read 12:54 am

"Hawks!! Don't just ignore me!! I was just talking to a friend she needed to talk to me! i'm sorry i didn't reply"

    read 12:55 am

"Come on Keigo!!!"

        read 1:00 am

Fine i'll call you instead.

~~~ring ring ring~~~

After calling him 5 times he finally answers:

"What do you want y/n?"

"Im sorry i didn't answer you!! I was with Ayaka she was telling me what happen with her while i was in a coma. Why do you seam so upset now. Did i do something wrong??

"If you wanted to go back to or ex so badly you should had just said so i would have saved me some heart ache instead of see you two kiss with him pinning you on the wall!!

"Keigo- can we met up so i can explain what happen?? Please.

"Fine . My next day off is Sunday."

"Ok perfect met me at the cafè downtown! I promise i'll  explain everything you just need to hear me out ok? Now go to sleep i'm sure your pretty tired from carrying me. Goodnight Keigo"

And with that he hung up. I could hear the sadness in his voice. 'I'm so sorry Hawks. I only did it for you' i thought to myself. Tears filling up my eyes. I feel a little nudge at my food I sit up and see the baby fox staring at me. "How about a name for you little fella.... Hmmm how about, Hana!! Since i found you in a flower bed and my best friends name flower" i say with a grin picking her up and laying her next to me. As i laid her down next to me i felt the tears fall off my cheek. Slowly closing my eyes i start to drift off. Waiting for Sunday to come so i can see him again.  Then i fell asleep.