
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Your POV about when your family died

"April 17, at 3:36. It all started when I was running around hiding from my sitter, because i didn't want to leave yet. I was looking for Mom's office hoping she would allow me to stay with her and i could play superhero. Mom would everyone once in a while take me out on patrols. And thankful enough nothing ever bad happen when she did, on that day tho mom and dad were getting ready for there patrols and all of a sudden there was a flash. No one knew what it was it just...happen. Then one by one the floors collapsed. Lucky while i was running i was only on the third floor, so the 6 floors above me somewhat protected me. I soon found out mom got trapped inside a room filled with smoke that had made her pass out. Dad got shot in the chest and died on scene. I was supposed to die to. My quirk was somehow taken for a good amount of time so i wasn't able to protect anyone. I felt so scared and angry at what happen. I had woken up in the hospital. Police came in and talked to me. They told me they knew what the villains wanted and who did it. I'd never heard about this villain but apparently he's well known now"

"Who was it" he asked in a shocked tone

"All for one. They said he's the worse of them all. Hell i remember a few years ago he practically killed Allmight. That was his first showing since he planned my parents and mine's death. In all honesty I hardly remember all the details. My brother and sister were home with the babysitter. Being only 2 and 4 they didn't manifest there quirks yet so they had no way of protection. Yet the sitter was there but she was the first to die. They shot her right in the head. Then- th- they suffocated my siblings. " i say on the break of tears. This was always a touchy subject and the only other people i talked about this with was Flora and Bakugo. "Like i said, we were all meant to die, me included. That's why the news said there were no survivors. They didn't want them finding out and come back after me. So we changed my last name and started living a different life style."

"After i woke up in the hospital bed my aunt and uncle were there, there was no sadness to losing a great part of there family they were actually mad they had to deal with me now. So, they decided they would leave me here, an 8 year old by her self in her own apartment. I was ofc fine with it. I always hated them both. They were always jealous they didn't become famous like my parents did. I always had someone watching over me like Aizawa and Mic. They were always there oh and there son shinso but don't tell anyone" i giggle a little "After everything happen, I started back up in middle-school and that's where i met midoriya and bakugou. Us three werent exactly friends, But i had gotten closer with Deku over time. After middle school ended they put in a recommendation to UA and i eventually went there moved into the dorms. And everything was fine. I met some great people i had a somewhat of a sister and brother again (shinso and eri). And During the sports festival i came in second, along with falling in love for the first time." i look away saying the last part.... "Shinso warned me about him but i didn't care. Bakugo was, well Bakugo. He was pretty much my first everything. But i'm not gonna detail into that. "

"But when the second year rolled around we began fighting a little bit more. And about the same things too. Everything would be blamed on me and i didn't care as long as i got to keep him by my side. But i eventually opened my eyes and i had had enough. After our last fight i figured it was good time to break up. I was sad but at the same time i felt free and happy. I still love him i mean like i said first everything... But i still felt....Happy. Hah didn't expect to tell you my whole life story. sorry" I look at him and smile.

Hawks POV

As she's telling me her story i can't help but feel like i could have helped her in some way. Sure i was only 12 at the time but i wish i would have been able to.

"Hey kid it's fine. I like listening to people's life stories" i say with a happy tone and give her my cute smile. As i see her smiling at me i can't help but feel my check start to warm up and heart speed up. "What the hell is happening to me" I think to myself.

Your PoV

I start seeing Hawks blush and that mades me chuckle a little but i fell my check warm up too when he asks me "Say kid wanna go out again?" I was shocked he asked but remembered "I thought we were!" i give him a tilted head smile. "Oh right we still have this Saturday right. Well why don't we change the place to something better, and i'll even pay for it". He says smiling. My face turns bright red, as i feel it start to brighten i start to cover my face.

Hawks POV

I can see her getting all flustered when i ask her if she wanted to go somewhere better i can't help but think "cute" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wait i shouldn't be saying that! She's a student... That would get me in serious trouble. Plus....i doubt she'll feel the same, since she still had a thing for her bitch of an ex. "So what do you say kid?" i say out loud. she looks up at me and smiles " that's sounds great Hawks" "Kegio, you can call me Kegio.

Your POV

As he says i can call him Kegio i can't help but blush again that makes me feel special when i can call a hero by there first name. "So chickadee why don't we get goin? You still have a curfew right?" "Mhm" i replay "So let's go i'll take you back.

~~~~time skip to outside~~~~

He picks me up but this time i feel safer, plus i'm not freaking out like last time. As we're flying i can see Haw-Kegio is deep in thought.... Sooo i boopped his nose. "Haha sorry you just looked so deep in thought. Whatcha thinking about Kegio."

"Well chickadee why don't we stop for ice cream on the way huh?"

"Was that really why he was so deep in thought." i wondered

We land at and ice cream cart about 10 minutes from school. So we, well i decided we would walk the rest of the way. We started talking, laughing and goofing off. when all of a sudden Hawks pulls me down an Ally way. And pinned me up against the wall

"H-Hawks?!?" I look at him shocked