
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Hawks POV

Walking down to the café i get an urgent call from Endeavor saying there was an attack down town. Rising to the sense forgetting all about my make up with y/n. Once I arrived at the sense  i saw endeavor fighting a Numo.

Rushing into the scene, unsure how the situation unfolded in the first place I see endeavor and what seems to be three lower ranking heroes. Out of instinct I aimed feathers at the nearest Numo and targeted its final points, hitting each one and watch the creature fall over with a loud thump. Diving in, endeavor gives me a slight nod to show that he still able to fight and begins to light up a nearby Numo that the two other heroes are fighting and I rushed over to the third and final one against the numo. The current hero was struggling as they sent gusts of wind to block heavy punches from landing. The Nemo broke the current pattern as they quickly moved behind the hero and threw their arm back as if readying for a punch. The hero was thrown out of the way in the blink of an eye as I moved to where they were replacing them and taking the full force of the blast...

My body slammed into the wall of a nearby building as I slid to the ground. I couldn't feel anything, the world spun as the ringing in my ears only got louder. All I could do was focus the best I could on the Numo with a smirk forming from the corners of my lips as Crimson feathers shot out from behind me and punctured the vital spots, pinning it against the nearby wall of the building directly across from me. That was it... that was all I could do before my body went limp... I was worthless at this moment as everyone continued to fight the remaining Numo. Endeavors flames ignited in my hazy vision as my head dropped down I to find a new found hole in my gut where skin should probably be 'that's gonna leave a mark' I thought to myself as reality began to slip away and the ringing in my ears was soon replaced with the sound of sirens from an ambulance and paramedics coming to save my sorry ass yet all I could think of was Y/N and the expression she must have right now. Knowing full well that all of this fight was being broadcasting on live Tv. After my sad thoughts i soon heard a loud thump before everything went black.

~Few hours after surgery~

I start to wake up feeling immense pain in my stomach. But i also feel a hand over my own. I look down at the end of the bed to find a sleeping y/n. 'Shit' i thought to myself 'how long had she been there...how long have u been here!!' i continued these thoughts. I made sure not to move as i didn't want her waking up. Slowly trying to make my way out of the bed to leave the room. I hear a sound of a yawn. Realizing y/n woke up.

Your POV.

I start feeling something move from over my hand. But i continued to lay sleeping away. Before i fell asleep beside hawks i help his hand in rest assurance. I knew he would wake up and that he would be fine but, all of that just scared me.

I start to open my eyes finding the person whom i can to see not sleeping in his bed anymore. I yawns and turned around seeing the red-winged hero hovering above the ground trying to leave the room. "Hawks? You should be resting  you dumb chicken wing!!" i frowned at him. He just chucked and gave me that cocky grin of his.

"Well kid i'm a top hero and can't be out for to long. You know i have people to save. And i had something important to do before all this hospital crap happened". He replied to me. "You remember?" i shockingly asked him. "Duh kid. I was on my way to talk to you but got an urgent call" he said, but wouldn't face me.

"Will you please come and lay down Keigo~" his name slipped of my tongue like it was natural. He turned around and tried to hid his face from me. Seeing it fully knowing that me saying his non-hero name made him blush.  "A-Alright." was all he said laying back into the bed. When he laid down i reached over for his hand and held onto it. Gripping it and intertwining our hands. He looked down and gave a soft smile, then i smiled back.

"Can i explain to you now without you getting all-" i hesitated with what to say next "getting all!?!?" his eyes widened. "Hmmm i guess you could say, getting all jealous~" i teased.  "J-Jealous!! I- I wasn't jea-jealous" he threw at me.  "Mhm im sure. Now listen closely ok?"

After about 20 minutes of explain what had happen hawks took my by the hand and pulled me in closed for a hug. Knowing full well he was to blame for what Kachan did. After he eased up on the hug i was fully straddling him on the bed. And we both got flustered. Him and i slowly moving in closer our noses were touching but-

"Mr.Hawks." The Dr came in slamming the door open. I flew off the bed onto the floor. "Ahh Ms.Intern, would you mind stepping out so i could have a word with the patient" As the Dr said the word Intern hawks just turns his head at me in confusion. I then step off of the room waiting for my assurance to re-enter.

Hawks POV

The doctor came in and then Y/N left the room. Wondering why he called her my intern. I'll just have to ask her when she comes back. "Alright Mr.Hawks, i am afraid i have done slightly bad news." my eyes widened as those words came out of his mouth staring blankly at him and he continued " you will need to stop all hero work for at least two months no training or physical labor whatsoever. And you must have someone with you at all times not knowing when or if that wound on your abdomen again" He finished up " I have no family who can help me or stay with me if needed. So that's out of the question." I explained to him "Why not ask your intern that was just in here?" He asked "Uhm i'm not sure if she'll be able to...." i replied "I'll ask her and the teachers if it can be aloud. " i finished up. " very well I shall take my leave now you will be able to leave in the morning." he assured me.  Y/n then walked back into the room. "Tell to me "Intern" how would you like to be my caregiver for the time being" i asked her "I-uhh- huh!?!" was all she managed to say. I chucked at her and motioned her with my hand to come back to the bed. She then laid down next to me and i held her in my arms. "I would love to take care of the chicken that saved me" she smiled at me laying her head down on my chest. I pulled her in tight and kissed her head. "By the way-" i continued to talk to her " I got an invitation to a bar for the hero's. And got a plus one." She looked at me in confusion. "How would you like to me my plus one miss Autumn" i said her hero name and blushed. " A-Are you su-sure!? Won't people think it's weird for your "intern" to be your plus one!?  "Not if you really are my intern" he said with a relaxed face. That's when it hit me. We were supposed to be interning with hero's soon!! "Ekkkk" i squeaked out and my eyes lit up. "You mean i can be your intern!?!" i asked with stars in my eyes. "As long as you do the paper work" he casually replied back.

'The last two years i had worked with Best Jeanist but since he was missing. I have to choose someone else. And who else better than the number 2 hero i've been cr-' i thought to myself but stoped and felt my cheeks redden. "You alright kid looks like your a cherry now" he teased "Oh- uh - y-yea........" We both laid in a casual silence for a while and i began to drift of into sleep again. Exited for tomorrow and the days with Keigo.