
5. Our new home

Shanti slowly came down from the car as she looked at the building before she shook her head and her gaze fell on her sister and on the building before she walked to her sister and dragged her inside and told the driver to give them a minute before she closed the door.

"Tell me Emer, where did you get the money for this house or, she let out a shocking sound, did you sell drugs" she looked into Emer eyes searching for answers before an amusing laughter filled the air. It was coming from Emer

"Shan your very funny, how can you think of that?"

"Why won't I think like that, you working in a pizza store can't pay you millions"

"Well they do, my salary has been one point five million dollars, I don't know why but that's what I get paid at the end of every month. For past eight months . I once asked Mrs. Gretty why but she told me that she gets more than that and definitely don't know what to do with it.Thats why she pays us high amounts "


"yes us, the other employees "

"did you ever ask them how much they were paid?", " no"came Emers reply as her eyes slightly started widen as she realized she has made a mistake.

"How did you buy the house, how much", Shanti saw the need to ask

"I bought it, eleven million"

"how much is remaining from ur savings "

" it's remaining, three point eight"

"how come, I thought you where being paid one point five?"

"My last salary was increased to three million dollars and two hundred dollars deduction from all our petty expenses in the past"

Shanti was beyond shocked, Emer has been receiving such an amount and she didn't discuss it with her

"Emer why didn't you tell me. They can't just wake up one morning and increase your salary without saying something to you about it"

"Actually I spoke to her son. He was the one that increased it"

"Her son?????!!!!!!!!!!!!.OMG Emer. Consider yourself engaged or maybe married. This was their goddamn intention right from the begining Emer, you where the one, the one baby!!!. He likes you that's why you were paid that kind of amount. Baby girl, for Lucas to single handedly see you and then increase your salary that means he likes you. "

Staring at Shanti as she put all the puzzle and conclude that she was his girlfriend or whatever she was thinking upstairs made her quiet upset

"why would you think like that. I'll call rose and ask her how much is her salary, your lying you know , he hasn't seen me before"

"Dear, dear, pictures exist darling. Maybe seeing you in person made him like you even more. And for this house, I think it's his doing also. Our new home is dazzling, home sweet home. "

she grabbed the door handle and opened it and fled towards the truck and began offloading their items. Emerald was still standing by the door dumb struck.


She stood there as Shanti arranged their belongings in their various rooms,the truck man has already left.

After arranging, Shanti came and shook her until she was drawn back to the present. She looked around and saw that some of their belongings were placed perfectly in place and made the mansion more comfortable.

Emerald went upstairs and saw that all her stuffs were placed in the most appropriate corner in her room, she just sighed, grabbed her jacket and phone went downstairs.

"I'm going for a walk, ok. I'll be back before evening". she left the house immediately she wore her jacket and started trekking the streets of this magnificent estate.

"hello rose, can I ask you something?", tears forming in her eyes.

"yea. you weren't at work today, what happened?"

"please don't take this question as anything ok, how much is your salary?"

"oh is it that, it's thirty thousand dollars dear.yours is how much, your the highest paid?"

forging a laughter, "it's just sixty dear. Thanks anyway"

she hung up as tears slid down her eyes. Everything Shanti said was true, I'll marry him because of his kindness towards me. No, it can't be. This isn't his house too?, she thought as tears continued it's way down her cheeks. Why didn't I think of it, why was I so stupid. oh God.