
The Wastrel young master

A remake of my previous novel, the Hedonistic Lord. The young master of the Dumas clan suddenly gains access to a system that is designed to give him the life of the hedonist he truly desires. Power, Money, Women will all be his along as he dances to the tune the system plays.

Arthur_Dumas · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Going with the Flow (R18)

As the limo pulled into the Dumas estate, Alex noticed another car parked on the left hand side of the giant mansion, seeing the emblem on the hood of the car, Alex smiled and looked down at Lady Mu and said" It seems that your father is here, I wonder why that would be?"

Lady Mu smiled and responded with" Today is the day we were meant to discuss the proposal properly, my brother is set to inherit the Mu corporation and as the future heir he is most likely here with father to discuss the bride price for me."

Alex's smile vanished as he looked into Lady Mu's eyes and said" You have built that business up alongside your father, why is your brother set to inherit it?"

Lady Mu's smile also vanished, a small tear appeared in her left eye as she croaked" I'm unable to cultivate the families method as my Qi is fire attributed while the only method we could get our hands on is suited for the wind Qi, like that of my brother and Father. It is rare for fire affinity Cultivators to appear in the Azure kingdom and so we can't use our connections to get one either."

Alex's smile returned as he said" You don't need to worry about that, I will find one for you, then you may rise like a Phoenix alongside me." He leaned down and whispered in Lady Mu's ear "I have a dual cultivation technique that will help you absorb Fire Qi for now until we can get a specific cultivation method for you."

As if on queue a voice interrupted the scene developing between the two

*Dual Cultivate for the first time. Reward: Cultivation method of the host's choice. 500 Hedonist points and 100 Hedonist xp.*

Alex smiled as Lady Mu's cheeks flushed bright red, Grandpa Wu heard them and smiled as well, knowing that Alex had a master is was fair to assume that they had given Alex a cultivation method too. When the limo got closer to the mansion, a large group of servants left the building and lined up down either side of the path into it.

Grandpa Wu then got out of the parked limousine and opened the doors for both Lady Mu and Alex, the latter grabbed Lady Mu's hand and waled passed the servants who shouted" The servants welcome Young Master and Young Mistress."

Alex nodded to them and pulled Lady Mu past them and into the mansion, as he entered, an older butler walked towards him and said"Young master, Master is having a meeting with the Mu Son and Father within in the living room, he asked that you join him as soon as you arrive."

Alex nodded his head and walked into the living room with Lady Mu still holding his hand, he motioned for her to stop so he could eavesdrop on the conversation happening in the room in front of him. Alex's father sensed him straight away however the Mu Son and father were both in the Mortal Cultivator realm and their spirit sense wasn't strong enough to sense the two presences in the room.

Alex's father said with a commanding tone" 5000 crystal coins is way to much for a bride price, especially considering your daughter is 3 years older than my son. I will give you 3000 at most, that is no shame to Lady Mu however considering we originally agreed on 1000, you should count yourself lucky to get 3000"

His aura spread across the room and suppressed the two people sitting in front of him, the Son scoffed and said" You a peak earth realm expert, have the gall to use your aura on a Wind spire sect member? The Elders of that sect are at the Sky expert realm, what will you do against them huh? You made a mistake trying to intimidate me, Mu Xin."

Unable to help himself, Alex walked into the room, chuckling "Father you do not need to worry about this child's threats, Grandpa Wu knows the sect leader of that sect, they are blood brothers. No harm will come to us from them." Alex then made a show of his storage ring on his finger, he tapped it and 5000 of his crystal coins came flying out and landed in front of the father and son.

Alex smiled and said" My master gave me this money to buy a water based cultivation method however he will be just as happy if I used it buy a lovely wife." Turning to the Mu Xin he said" In a few months time, during the Royal tournament, if your sister places higher than you, you will relinquish the company to her, is that understood?"

"Why would I accept those terms? Xin u responded with a snarl.

"Because if you don't dear brother in law, I will make it so no business in the Blossom Dukedom will do business with you again"

Mu Xin let out an angry roar before channelling his wind Qi and launching himself at Alex, only to be stopped by Alex's father who grabbed the brat by the throat. Alex walked in front of the now barely breathing Mu Xin and said" You may act mighty in your sect or within your family home but right now you are within the Dumas estate and you will remember your place, do you understand?"

Mu Xin nodded his head and Alex smiled and said" Father you may release him now, as the bride price has been paid, Lady Mu will be staying in our estate from now on. You two gentleman can leave now, do not forget to take your coins, any left will be taken off of the bride price."

The two men scrambled to collect the coins, Mu Xin and his father then hastily left the Dumas manor, significantly more wary of Alex then they had been when they entered. After all anyone who had a storage ring was not simple, it is rumoured that only the crown prince has one amongst the royal family, not even the Emperor had one.

Alex then shouted" Wu Zhan, can you take lady Mu to her new room? I have something I need to discuss with father."

Alex then smiled at Lady Mu as Wu Zhan came into the room, her blonde hair and blue eyes took Lady Mu by surprise, she looked at Alex and said" Can you come and find me after you have talked with your father? I wish to start" the next part was whispered so only Alex could hear "cultivating as soon as possible"

A shiver went down Alex's spine as the words floated into his ear, Lady Mu bowed towards Lord Dumas and followed Wu Zhan upstairs. As soon as they went upstairs, Alex turned to his father and said" Dad we have a lot to catch up on, we can do that tomorrow, I would like to ask you to prepare to talk about my Mother as I know she isn't dead. I want you to know that I have been taken in as a disciple to a prominent Cultivation master form a different continent, by tomorrow I will have taken my first steps in the cultivation world. I ask that you leave my room alone until I come out of it myself."

His father simply nodded his head, he remarked" You seem to be growing up quite rapidly, I will talk to you about the true circumstances surrounding your mother in the evening after school. Be careful with Mu Xin and your father in law, they will try to knock you down a peg sooner or later."

"Thanks for the advice Dad, speak to you tomorrow."

Alex then walked upstairs and opened the door to My Xiao's room and ignoring the stunned Wu Zhan, he took Mu Xu and left for his own room...

*Nsfw Starts here, you have been warned*

Alex carried Mu Xiao into the bedroom before gently lying her down on the bed, gently cupping her cheek in his hand he asked with a gentle smile on his face" Are you sure about this?"

Her cheeks blushed as she nodded her head squeaking out" I want to do this, I want to be with you for as long as possible."

Alex laughed slightly before lowering himself down, gently placing his arms either side of Mu Xiao before moving in to gently kiss her on the lips, Alex held the kiss while gently stroking her face. Finally letting her breathe, Alex kissed her forehead, then her cheeks before settling on her lips once more, this time however he gently inserted his tongue into her mouth, seeking out hers they began to passionately kiss.

Alex broke off the kiss and moved to her neck, slowly kissing his way down, he moved his back towards her, placing it next to her ear he whispered" I'm going to take it off"

Moving his hands from Lady Mu's side, Alex lifted her dress from over her head with some force, pulling it away, he froze for a second, his mind stuck in a paradox, wanting to keep looking but also touch the beautiful breasts in front of him. Smiling to himself, he kissed her one more as his hand gently clenched her breasts, before subtly moving around to her back and tugging the straps on her bra until they came undone.

Grabbing the freed mountains, Alex continued to passionately kiss Mu Xiao as he gently caressed her breasts, occasionally playing with her nipples between his fingers, when she broke of the kiss to let out a little moan. Alex moved to kissing her neck while continuing the assault on her breasts, slowly moving down her body, kissing as he went, Alex arrived at her breasts which he gently kissed before taking one of her nipples into his mouth. Sucking it gently, Mu Xiao let out a loud serene moan as her body shook from Alex's action.

Moving his mouth away form her nipple Alex whispered"If you continue to be that loud then the servants and my Father will know what is going on."

Mu Xiao blushed at what he said before quickly pushing his face between her breasts, a small smile appeared on Alex's face as he got back to work on her breasts, as he took the other nipple into his mouth, he gently bit down on it causing Mu Xiao to let out another moan. Alex then caught her subtly rubbing her legs together, knowing that this was a sign for him to move on, he gently licked the nipple he bit before moving down to her stomach, kissing his way down until he met the fabric of her black laced underwear.

The anticipation was clear on Mu Xiao's face however Alex teased and instead kissed the inside of her right thigh, making his way down her thigh, she once again was prepared for someone to touch her secret garden however Alex this time kissed the inside of the left thigh and made his way back to the centre once more. Finally having teased her enough, Alex gently kissed the top of her underwear, dragging his tongue lightly down the underwear, Mu Xiao clenched the sheets as the sudden pleasure overwhelmed her.

Alex smiled, moving the panties to the side with his teeth, he gently invaded the flower before him, slowly he began to devour the mound in front of him, his tongue moving occasionally to lick the small clit that was beginning to harden at his touch, Mu Xiao began to shake heavily as Alex attacked her most sensitive places repeatedly. In a final push to make her feel pure bliss, Alex pushed his tongue as deep as it could go as he used his hands to play with her breasts. When Mu Xiao began to buck heavily on the bed as she let out long and laboured moans, he knew that he had succeeded in bringing pleasure to her, he rose from the bed and removed his own clothes before taking off her panties and throwing them onto the floor.

He placed his rod over her vagina, placing it between her thighs, he moved his face next to hers and asked once more" Are you sure you want to do this? You only get one first time, your Yin essence will be gone after this.."

Mu Xiao nodded her head and squeaked" Please just do it, I want to be by your side as you grow, I want to be able to fight my brother for control of the business, I want my father to acknowledge my talent and finally because I love you.

Alex leaned in and gave Mu Xiao a strong kiss before pressing his groin forwards and piercing her womanhood, as he felt resistance, Alex pushed a little harder however he made sure to keep kissing Mu Xiao, breaking past the resistance, Alex began to channel the Coiling snake as the Yin Essence entered his Dantian.

Mu Xiao let out a small scream of pain which Alex quickly sealed with a kiss, looking into her eyes, he whispered" I'm going to make you feel better then start moving, I refuse to leave you in pain."

Before Xiao Mu could respond, he had sealed her mouth with his, his tongue seizing her own as his hands moved down her sides beofre taking a hold of her breasts, he began to play with her nipples, each time he did, she would break away form the kiss and moan, Alex would immediately close the distances between their mouths and kiss her again, with more and more force, making her moan more and more, eventually it was too much for the woman who once again began to buck, this time however it caused Alex's rod to slide deeper into her.

Both of them let out a moan, Alex looked into the beautiful emerald eyes of Mu Xiao and said"I'm sorry, I can't hold my back anymore, the pleasure I'm getting is to much to deny."

Mu Xiao smiled and whispered" What are you waitin-"

Alex smiled and began to thrust his hips, cutting her off, his movements began slow and hollow, feeling out the area in which they were both connected, his cultivation method sucking in the Qi around them and sending it into both of their bodies, heightening the pleasure and giving Alex a better sense of what Mu Xiao was feeling.

Knowing that she was ready for more, Alex sped up his movements, his hands took a firm grip on her breasts, occasionally moving upwards to play with one of her nipples, his rod was thrust deeper and deeper into her, mu Xiao's screams of pleasure pushed Alex on further and further. As his strides got deeper, he felt himself hitting another wall, this one however he knew was Mu Xiao's womb, confused he looked down and saw that Mu Xiao's face was ripped apart by pleasure so he ignored it and moved his face closer to hers and began to kiss her between thrusts, further increasing her pleasure.

Alex felt her vagina begin to squeeze his rod with an immense fervour, the mix of pain and pleasure brought him close to the edge, Mu Xiao's next words through him deep over it" Alex, something is coming, I'm feeling too good, Help meeeee"

Her body convulsed, sending shock waves through Alex's own body, making him release his hot liquid deep within her, this action cause Mu Xiao to convulse harder. When she finally stopped, Alex laid down next to her, his rod still facing the heavens and he whispered" Once is not enough for me, catch your breath because there will be a lot more coming."

Mu Xiao just meekly nodded her head, which caused a smile to appear on Alex's face.

*Nsfw ends here*

The following morning Mu Xiao awoke to no one sleeping next to here, a small amount of panic appeared in her heart. she quickly looked around the room and the panic was replaced by happiness and then concern, she saw Alex sitting with his legs crossed in the centre of the room, a large snake was coiled around the lower half of his body while a smaller one moved around his body.

Confused, she went to move until she felt movement on her skin as well, looking down she saw a tiny snake circling around her stomach, as much as she wanted to scream, she could feel that the snake had zero ill intentions towards her. Remembering that Alex said he had a dual cultivation technique, she looked within her Dantian to find a copy of the snake on her stomach coiled up within it, as soon as her spiritual sense touched the snake, it exploded, releasing a large amount of fire Qi into her body.

She immediately felt the Qi entering and changing her body, opening her meridians and allowing a complete circuit of the Qi within her body, sensing that someone had awakened as a cultivator, Alex's father burst into the room....

A longer chapter, hope you enjoy.

Arthur_Dumascreators' thoughts