
The Wastrel young master

A remake of my previous novel, the Hedonistic Lord. The young master of the Dumas clan suddenly gains access to a system that is designed to give him the life of the hedonist he truly desires. Power, Money, Women will all be his along as he dances to the tune the system plays.

Arthur_Dumas · Urban
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8 Chs

Divine Dance 3/3

All eyes turned to the door as a Butler shouted" Presenting The heir to Dumas Family, Alex Dumas."

Alex shook his head and walked into the centre of the room, scanning the room quickly he found that Lady Mu was not present yet, with little desire to talk to anyone else Alex walked towards the bar of the establishment. The bartender looked delighted when Alex approached and asked" Young master Dumas, what can I get for you?"

Alex politely smiled at the Bartender before saying" Whiskey coke please."

"Of course young master." The Bartender responded before making the drink quickly and putting it down in front of Alex. Who drank it in one and returned to the masses who were slowly filling up the ballroom.

Next, the Butler announced"Presenting Lady Mu, Heir to the Ruby Dragon Hotel chain and the Mu conglomerate."

Seeing that his 'Fiancee' had arrived Alex took a deep breath and steadied himself before approaching her, as he got closer he was momentarily stunned by the way she looked. Alex had only seen her once and that was 3 years ago when it was decided that they were to be engaged against his will.

Even back then she was considered beautiful, now however she nearly caused Alex's heart to stop beating, her long black flowed elegantly past her shoulders, she had a slim build however she had significantly large breasts, she wore a dazzling red dress that highlighted the perfect features of her body.

Seeing that Alex had stopped his approach to check her out caused a beautiful smile to appear on Lady Mu's face, she walked over to Alex and said in a flirtatious tone" What are you shocked by my beauty? Going to stop heavily resisting the engagement now? We could sneak off from this party and have one of our own.."

The last sentence was whispered into Alex's ears, the sound of her voice pulled him back into reality and he smiled at her and said" For unrelated reasons, I have indeed changed my mind about the engagement, I was acting like a child and that was unfair to both you and my father."

She laughed and lifted her breasts up and said" Are you sure that it has nothing to do with these?"

Alex laughed and placed his hands over hers and said" It may indeed have something to do with these"

Before she could respond however Alex pulled on her hands and as a result, pulled her body closer to his own, when she gently collided with his body he whispered in her ear"Would you like to dance my dear?"

Slightly blushing Mu Xiao giggled and nodded her head, Alex then began to slow dance with her to the orchestra that was playing in the background. Instantly the eyes of most of the people within the ballroom turned to them as Mu Xiao's beauty entranced the men while Alex's aura of safety and nobility pulled the girl's attention, the couple instantly became the stars of the show, for the entirety of the dance, Alex gazed into Mu Xiao's eyes unsure of what he truly felt about the girl in front of him.

For the past three years he hated her for coming between him and Qin Li however right now as she danced in his arms he felt as if he was simply behaving like a child. It wasn't her fault that he couldn't have Qin Li, it was his own for reusing to cultivate, he was simply blaming her and his father because it was easier than blaming himself. As the music stopped and so did their dance, Alex was still holding Xiao Mu's waist as he stared past her and at the door, lost in thought.

Annoyed at being ignored by Alex yet again, Mu Xiao gently turned his head towards her own, she wanted to try and kiss him, to see if this was all a dream or an act on Alex's part. Although it was originally a business marriage between the two massive conglomerates within Ironglade city, Lady Mu was genuinely attracted to Alex and was not nearly as opposed to the marriage as he was. Tonight further confirmed this for her, instead of the open hostility that she had come to expect from Alex, the key reason they had only met once, he was instead kind and even a bit flirty with her.

Finding himself starring into Lady Mu's eyes once more, Alex on instinct alone leaned in and lightly kissed her on the lips, moving his face away he laughed as Lady Mu's hair tickled his nose, he gently pushed her hair behind her ears, cupping her face in his hand, he moved towards his own once more, kissing her with slightly more force, the second time around. Mu Xiao was standing there stunned by Alex's actions, although she got what she wanted, she believed that everything prior to this was all an act so his father would lay off of him.

Breaking off the kiss for a second time, Alex smiled and said" Believe it or not Lady Mu those were my first kisses, I would like to sing a song for you if you would allow me to."

Thinking that he would sing a song to her when they were alone she absently nodded her head, her mind was still thinking about the kiss the two of them had shared in front of the other young nobles within the city. When she finally came too, she saw Alex climbing onto the stage in the middle of the ballroom, he picked up a mic and said" Ladies and gentlemen, Young nobles of Ironglade City, tonight is your lucky night as I will performing a song for you. This song is dedicated to the Lovely Lady Mu, my Fiancee."

Alex walked past the orchestra and towards the band that was setting up on the other side of the stage, he handed them sheets of music to which they nodded, as they got their instruments ready, Alex walked back over to the mic and spoke once more "This song is named 'Flirt'. I hope you enjoy it."

Alex took a deep breath and relaxed his body, the band signalled that they were ready, Alex made eye contact with Mu Xiao and started singing as the drums and guitar kicked in.

His voice began to flow through the now still ballroom, the focus of his Song was Lady Mu, his Fiance, he made sure she was aware of this. Looking into her eyes as he sang, he made sure to single her out, make her feel like she was the only one who mattered to him, even if this was not strictly true.

Alex then detached the mic from the mic stand, he was sure it was one of the detachable ones the Mu corporation had just released. He walked towards Lady Mu and lifted her onto the stage while carrying on, staring into her eyes he continued to sing.

Tears began to fall from Mu Xiao's eyes, a huge smile on her face, the last 4 words of the verse hit her hard 'You're never second best', Qin Li, it was known to everyone that she was the one Alex wanted the most however these five words, even if not true meant for at least a few seconds she shared the same amount of space within his heart.

Alex began wiping her tears with his free hand as he continued to sing;

Alex pulled Mu Xiao into his embrace, letting her snuggle into him as he continued singing,

As Alex stopped singing, silence occupied the ballroom, no one had expected the Young Master of the Dumas family to be able to sing. As their shock subsided it was replaced with rampant applause, looking down at the tearing Mu Xiao, Alex caressed her head and said" Did you like your song my little Fiancee?"

In between Sobs she said" I did, it was beautiful. Can you take me home, I have ruined my make-up?"

Alex smiled and said"Thank you for the applause, can we get a round of applause for the band that played the music so excellently as well? Again thank you but it seems like Lady Mu has come down with an illness so I have to take her home."

Alex walked with lady Mu in his embrace and left the hotel, Grandpa Wu had seen the song and the slow dance between the couple, when he heard Alex say he was going to leave, he had left and brought the car around the front for them. As they got in the car, Lady Mu immediately hugged Alex as soon as she got her belt on, with her leaning on his side, Alex placed his head on top of hers and closed his eyes.

As soon as he did a familiar voice spoke:

*Both quests have been completed, Select a cultivation method by saying 'Reward', Storage ring with 20,000 Crystal coins has been placed on the host's right index finger. Relationship with unknown has increased by 20.*

A huge smile appeared on Alex's face as he thought 'Reward'....