
The Matchmakers Quarrel with a Squirrel

As all great story's start, Once upon a time…

In the lush, vibrant realm of Qing Qui, where magic and mystery blended together, you'll find a stunning landscape filled with beauty and hidden surprises. Qing Qui was a vast land of ethereal beauty and untold hidden wonders. As the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of rose and gold, the forests of Qing Qui awoke with gentle whispers and the sound of rustling leaves.

In the distance, towering mountains stood tall with their mist-covered peaks, resembling ancient guardians safeguarding the land's secrets. Waterfalls cascaded down from high cliffs, their crystal-clear waters shimmering like precious gems as they meandered through green valleys and lush meadows.

In the heart of the forest where the trees stand tall and proud, their branches stretching towards the sky. It gave the feeling of magic filling the air. Colorful flowers bloom in abundance, their petals shining with a gentle, mystical light that suggests the influence of otherworldly powers.

Yet, it's not only the stunning scenery of Qing Qiu that enchants the heart—it's the touch of the supernatural that lingers in every shadow and breeze. Forest spirits sway in the flickering sunlight, their ethereal shapes shifting and dancing. Legendary creatures of magic wander the land, their eyes gleaming with both ancient knowledge and playful mischief, making Qing Qui one of the most fertile and verdant lands in all the celestial realms. The kingdom was highly coveted by many but the Armies of Qing Qui kept evil intent at bay.

The armies of Qing Qui were renowned throughout the eight wildernesses, four seas, and six rivers, their reputation instilling fear in those who harbored ill intentions and fostering a sense of safety for all beings who harbored good intentions. Qing Qui was known for its strength, discipline, and unwavering loyalty in upholding peace and order in the realms. At the forefront of this formidable army stood the firstborn immortal phoenix, Zhen Yan, a legendary figure known far and wide as a guardian of unmatched power and protection.

Zhen Yan, true form was written to have fiery feathers that blazed like the sun and eyes that gleamed with ancient wisdom, was a symbol of strength and authority that struck fear into the hearts of any who dared to challenge Qing Qui. His presence at the kingdom's gates served as a formidable deterrent to those who sought to disrupt the peace and harmony maintained by the army. Yet it had been thousands of years since he had to ever become his true form.

Legends and stories of Zhen Yan's exploits spread far and wide, each tale embellishing his prowess and valor in defense of Qing Qui. His name became synonymous with protection and justice, with many looking to him as a beacon of hope in times of turmoil and strife.

As the firstborn immortal phoenix and guardian of Qing Qui, Zhen Yan stood as a testament to the kingdom's commitment to upholding peace and order in the realms. His presence alone was enough to quell any thoughts of rebellion or aggression, ensuring that the kingdom remained a bastion of safety and security for all who sought its protection.

As the first light of dawn painted the horizon, Bai Feng Jiu, a spirited and determined immortal fox, awoke from her slumber. Stretching and yawning, she felt the gentle rays of the golden sun filtering into her cozy fox den, softly brushing against her lashes and nudging her awake. The adorable little fox kit, who had just reached her immortal adulthood that day, had overslept, muttering incomprehensible words as she emerged from her deep slumber.

In her half-asleep state, Bai Feng Jiu's eyes shot open as a sudden realization dawned on her. Today was an important day, and the significance of the occasion flooded her mind.

"Oh no, oh no... I overslept. Father is really going to flog me this time!" Bai Feng Jiu cringed at the thought of facing her father's punishment.

Even in her disheveled state, Bai Feng Jiu possessed an immortal beauty that radiated a captivating charm. She was ranked 2, just under her aunt Bai Qian in beauty in the celestial realms. There was just something about her playful and mischievous nature that enchanted all who met her, she made an impression wherever she went.

Feng Jiu's fox lineage was linked to the esteemed general Bai Yi, who was not only her father but also the second son of King Bai Zhi of Qing Qui. Bai Yi was revered as a symbol of honor and wisdom in Qing Qui, all respected him even the Nine Heavens.

The beautiful Jiu was Born from the union of two devoted fox immortals, she was a cross breeding between white and red fox. She embodied a rare fusion of immortal and celestial fox qualities. Gifted with the sacred celestial 9-tailed fox spirit, she was the sole 9-tailed entity in existence, carrying a secret carefully safeguarded by her family.

Due to her extraordinary 9-tailed nature, she could easily become a sought-after target for those with evil motives, particularly demons who sought rare pelts. Each of the 9 tails possessed exceptional powers. Her family took extreme care to keep her hidden, to the extent that even the Emperor of Heaven was unaware of her existence.

Bai Feng Jiu had always been told to keep her power hidden, she knew that revealing her true identity could jeopardize not only her own safety but also her families. As she was still very young and incapable of protecting herself.

Keeping the emperor out of the loop was a fairly simple job, as Dong Hua, the ruler of the celestial realm, maintained a steadfast position of non-interference in mortal or immortal affairs. His commitment to this principle served to simplify matters and maintain a clear boundary between the celestial realm and the mortal world.

By refraining from involvement in trivial issues, Dong Hua avoided entanglements that could complicate the delicate balance of power and relationships between immortals and mortals. This stance allowed him to focus on his duties as the ruler of the celestial realm without being drawn into the complexities and conflicts.

Dong Hua's dedication to maintaining this separation helped to preserve order and harmony within both realms. It ensured that each realm could function independently, with its own set of rules and responsibilities, without unnecessary interference or disruption from the other.

In this way, Dong Hua's hands-off approach to most matters created a sense of clarity and stability, making it easier for all beings, celestial and mortal alike, to navigate their respective worlds without the risk of outside interference or influence.

Thankfully Bai Feng Jiu kept to her parents strict script, and only tormented Qing Qiu's residence with her mischievous nature. Just like her forebear, Feng Jiu exuded unmatched courage and wisdom in her young kit years, which was cherished by her kin who spoiled and nurtured her free spirit.

She possessed a rare and mystical power so potent that it could alter destiny itself. As long as this power remained a secret, there was little cause for concern. However, this gift would be both coveted and feared by many, yet she remained oblivious to its true nature and potential.

As the sun continued to rise in the blue sky, dawn turned into morning as it casted a golden light over Qing Qiu, Bai Feng Jiu stood before her mirror, getting ready for a momentous meeting with the matchmaker. Her celestial attire shimmered in the morning glow, enhancing her otherworldly beauty and strong resolve.

Many men from the 4 seas and 8 wildernesses coveted Feng Jiu's beauty, but her infamous reputation for having a mischievous and fox-like personality made it impossible for them to approach her. The matchmaker was their only hope in winning her affection.

With unlady-like gestures, she adorned herself with ornate jewelry and sweet-smelling flowers in her hair, a reflection of her elegance and noble lineage in the mystical realm. Bai Feng Jiu fidgeted uncomfortably in her elaborate attire, finding the weight of the ornate accessories cumbersome and unappealing.

She couldn't understand why women found such extravagant displays of beauty alluring. These women wanted to be peacocks. Such an ugly bird to begin with, in her opinion. The male species stole all the beauty.

As Bai Feng Jiu adjusted her dress uneasily, her mother's quick slap on her hand caught her by surprise, accompanied by a hushed reprimand. "Behave yourself, Feng Jiu," her mother whispered, a blend of exasperation and concern evident in her tone. She silently prayed that her daughter's restlessness wouldn't sabotage a promising match.

"Mother..." Bai Feng Jiu pouted cutely, giving her mom a playful fox-like expression. Despite her mother's worries, Bai Feng Jiu's charm never failed to bring a smile to her face. In that moment, the tension between tradition and individuality melted away, replaced by a shared moment of affection and understanding between mother and daughter.

Once ready for the day, Bai Feng Jiu strolled gracefully through her Den towards her father and mothers Den. On this day of the spring equinox, her father, the immortal General Bai Yi of Qing Qiu, had an important meeting with the matchmaker planned. As her father was unwell that morning due to post war related injuries, he had tasked her fourth uncle and his life partner Zhe Yan to accompany her in their absence.

Before she departed, her father bestowed upon her words of encouragement and wisdom.

"Remember, Feng Jiu," General Bai Yi began with a warning. His voice filled with paternal forbearing, "bravery is not just in battles but also in facing the unknown paths that life presents."

Bai Feng Jiu nodded, her eyes reflecting determination as she listened intently to her father's words.

"And," General Bai Yi continued, his expression stern despite the hint of a smile, "perhaps a touch of grace and charm wouldn't hurt in your meeting with the matchmaker. Conceal your tomboyish ways for today."

Bai Feng Jiu chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'll try, Father, but you know me too well. Grace and charm may not be my strongest suits."

Her father chuckled heartily, unable to maintain the serious facade he had been wearing, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Just a little effort, my spirited fox. Remember, a touch of mystery can be quite enchanting."

With a shared moment of laughter and love, Bai Feng Jiu embraced her father's advice, holding it close to her heart. She bid farewell to both her mother and father, as her mother had chosen to stay home to care for General Bai Yi. With a blend of courage, humor, and grace, Bai Feng Jiu was now prepared to embark on the day's journey.

As Bai Feng Jiu gazed at her reflection in the mirror, the gentle breeze carried whispers of both excitement and nervousness. Her heart fluttered with a blend of emotions, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension swirling within her. The weight of tradition and the burden of meeting expectations bore down on her, fueling her determination and fortitude. With a steadying breath, she braced herself for the pivotal meeting that held the key to her future.

Walking through the bustling village of Qing Qiu, Bai Feng Jiu felt a blend of nervousness and determination as her handsome uncles walked by her side. She couldn't help but chuckle at the trail of broken-hearted women left in the wake of the two charming men. The sun illuminated the old cobblestone paths as she approached the matchmaker's house, a location steeped in long-held customs and rituals.

Feng Jiu stood before the grand doors of the matchmaker's house, decorated with its detailed carvings symbolizing unity and peace. Her heart raced with a blend of nervousness and determination as she entered just barely making her appointment after oversleeping, the sound of her footsteps ringing in the serene courtyard. The air was filled with excitement, carrying the delicate fragrance of jasmine and the distant hum of melodies.

A dozen of Qing Qiu's bachelorettes gathered outside the matchmaker's courtyard, their anticipation palpable. Feng Jiu couldn't help but roll her eyes at the tackiness of the girls' peacocking. "Seriously, are we matchmaking or in a peacock parade?" she muttered under her breath, trying to stifle a giggle.

The over-the-top displays of glamor and ostentation were enough to make even the most flamboyant peacock blush! Unfortunately, the male peacocks seemed to have stolen all the good looks, much like her uncles who were being blushed and whispered about by the awaiting women. Feng Jiu couldn't help but snicker at the thought that these two mated male peacocks wouldn't dare downgrade to a woman.

Her uncles seemed to revel in the attention, finding a peculiar enjoyment in the situation. Their pride swelled as they basked in the admiration and whispers of the awaiting women, adding a touch of amusement to the otherwise tense atmosphere. Feng Jiu couldn't help but shake her head at their antics, wondering how they managed to turn a simple matchmaking event into a spectacle of their own.

Feng Jiu straightened her composure as she stood before the matchmaker, as she was the last woman to arrive just barely making it before the courtyard door closed, sealing shut anyone who dared to show up later. The finality of the moment hung in the air, adding a sense of urgency to the proceedings. Feng Jiu took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever fate awaited her inside the matchmaker's courtyard.

The matchmaker, revered as a figure of wisdom and authority, Bai Feng Jiu felt a surge of inner strength and resilience. In that moment, she channeled the legacy of her father, General Bai Yi, drawing upon the unwavering determination that defined her lineage. With a steady gaze and a heart filled with courage, Bai Feng Jiu steeled herself to confront the matchmaker known for her foul temper and strict policies. The weight of her heritage and the resolve of her ancestors bolstered her spirit as she prepared to face the challenges ahead.

The matchmaker's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she observed Bai Feng Jiu's approach, harboring a long-held desire to humble the princess of Qing Qui. Unaware of the matchmaker's secret vendetta stemming from a harmless prank played over ten-thousand years ago, Bai Feng Jiu remained oblivious to the looming threat. Despite this, she sensed the matchmaker's interest in her unique birthmark and tomboyish demeanor.

The matchmaker sat motionless, studying Bai Feng Jiu, a look of interest and curiosity flickering in her eyes. Bai Feng Jiu stood her ground, looking back at the matchmaker with an equally intense stare. After a few moments, the matchmaker spoke.

"You must be Bai Feng Jiu," said the matchmaker. "I've heard a lot about you."

"I am," said Bai Feng Jiu.

"And you're the daughter of the revered General Bai Yi, is that right?" asked the matchmaker.

"That is correct," said Bai Feng Jiu, standing taller.

"I see," said the matchmaker, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "So, you are a child born of nobility. I suppose that explains why you have such an unusual birthmark."

"Yes, my mother told me it was a sign of good luck," said Bai Feng Jiu, her fingers subconsciously tracing the outline of the birthmark on her forehead.

The matchmaker thought to herself, ' Good luck ,' convinced that this princess was an omen of misfortune from her past pranks. Everyone in Qing Qiu knew of Feng Jiu's little devilish pranks. She had earned the nickname Xiao Mogui (little devil) at just a thousand years of age.

Bai Feng Jiu innocently captured a spider and placed it into the matchmaker's hand. She had obviously assumed the child was offering her candy as a sweet childish bribe to favor her aunt Bai Qian. This innocent act occurred while the matchmaker was giving Bai Qian a hard time.

Unaware of the implications, Feng Jiu saw it as a clever distraction from the matchmaker's sharp-tongued remarks which were unkind to her auntie. Little did she know that this simple gesture would escalate into chaos, especially with Emperor Dong Hua Dijun present for Ye Hua and Bai Qian's matchmaking. The small house spider inadvertently became the unexpected catalyst for disruption and amusement in the matchmaker's courtyard.

The matchmaker screamed loudly and then threw a tiny spider at her aunt, Bai Qian. Bai Qian quickly picked it up and accidentally tossed it at the Emperor. The Emperor caught the spider easily and then gently released it outside through a nearby open window, allowing it to crawl away to safety.

The mischievous little fox had even managed to elicit a smile from Emperor Dong Hua Dijun at the time. Dong Hua Dijun found this incident highly amusing. However, no one dared to make a remark, as the spider prank had caused such a big ruckus and disrupted the solemn atmosphere of the matchmaking ceremony.

Si Ming, who had a close bond with the mischievous little devil fox, seized the opportunity to sneak her away before her father Bai Yi could give her a scolding. Si Ming himself had fallen victim to the fox's playful antics in the past. However, this matchmaking ceremony was of utmost importance, and the disruption caused by the spider prank needed to be addressed.

Even Lian Song, who found it difficult to contain his amusement, tried to stifle his laughter behind a fan while coughing to compose himself and restore the solemnity of the occasion.

Feng Jiu had already forgotten about the spider incident, but the matchmaker had not. Having orchestrated a series of challenging trials for Feng Jiu, she believed it was best to punish the mischievous girl behind closed doors, away from prying eyes. This would keep her away from the protection of her two overprotective uncles.

As the matchmaker's sharp eyes landed on Bai Feng Jiu, a sense of anticipation and curiosity filled the room. The matchmaker, a respected and perceptive figure renowned for her keen judgment, observed Bai Feng Jiu with a blend of interest and scrutiny. The traditions of the past and the weight of centuries-old customs lingered in the air, creating a serious atmosphere during their meeting. Feng Jiu, known for her playful and carefree nature, found it difficult to contain her boredom in the face of such seriousness.

Feng Jiu's usual exuberance was replaced by restlessness as she fidgeted in her seat, her mind wandering to thoughts of mischief and fun. The matchmaker's stern demeanor and the weight of the situation only fueled Feng Jiu's desire to break free from the constraints of formality and tradition. She longed for the freedom to laugh and play, to bring lightheartedness to the solemn proceedings.

As the matchmaker continued to speak, her words laden with wisdom and authority, Feng Jiu's boredom turned into a quiet rebellion. She yearned to inject a spark of levity into the somber setting, to shake off the seriousness that hung in the air like a heavy cloak. Despite the matchmaker's watchful gaze and the gravity of the moment, Feng Jiu couldn't resist the urge to break the tension with a touch of her mischievous spirit.

Bai Feng Jiu took a deep breath and steeled her resolve. She was determined to show the matchmaker that she was a worthy and deserving candidate, she did help her auntie find her soulmate after all. Feng Jiu stood tall and proud, her presence commanding the attention of the room.

As the matchmaker spoke once more, her words laced with subtle implications and veiled suggestions, Bai Feng Jiu tuned in with unwavering focus and a calm resolve. The air was charged with anticipation as the weight of the moment hung between them.

"Young lady," the matchmaker began, her voice carrying a mysterious undertone, "the path you tread is not solely determined by the stars above but by the choices you make along the way."

Bai Feng Jiu's eyes sparkled with comprehension as she grasped the subtle wisdom embedded in the matchmaker's words. However, her charmingly clueless expression remained unchanged as she gazed at the woman before her. The matchmaker's lecture seemed to drone on in Feng Jiu's ears, prompting her to absentmindedly respond with a nonchalant "mhm."

The matchmaker's demeanor stiffened slightly at Bai Feng Jiu's casual reply, a flicker of disapproval flashing across her features. It was evident that the matchmaker expected a more respectful and attentive response from the spirited fox immortal.

As the matchmaker gestured towards the tea set, her demeanor serious and anticipatory, Bai Feng Jiu's eyes widened in astonishment. A mischievous glint danced in the matchmaker's gaze as she issued a directive, "Kindly pour the tea, my dear."

Little did the matchmaker know that all her efforts to sabotage the mischievous was for naught, as Feng Jiu would sabotage her own self. Despite the matchmaker's attempts to impose challenges and trials to rein in Feng Jiu's playful nature, the fox's own subconscious tendencies and whimsical spirit proved to be her own undoing.

As Feng Jiu navigated through the matchmaker's orchestrated obstacles and tasks, she found herself unwittingly entangled in her own web of mischief and mayhem. Each trial designed to test her mettle and discipline only served to ignite her innate curiosity and desire for fun, leading to unintended consequences and unpredictable outcomes.

Despite the matchmaker's best efforts to curb Feng Jiu's mischief, it was ultimately the fox's own nature and impulses that prevailed. Feng Jiu's father, although he had tried to be stern, allowed the free spirit to be cultivated. He wasn't the only culprit in condoning her behavior; her entire Qing Qui family was at fault.

Feng Jiu, renowned for her spirited and tomboyish nature, picked up the teapot with a playful grin but a clumsy grip. Her unpolished movements betrayed her lack of familiarity with such delicate tasks as she attempted to pour the tea, her actions awkward and uncoordinated. The matchmaker observed with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, unsure of what to make of Bai Feng Jiu's unconventional approach to the simple gesture.

As Bai Feng Jiu attempted to pour the tea with an awkward grip, a sudden slip caused the teapot to topple, spilling its contents in a comical cascade across the table. The matchmaker's eyes widened in disbelief at the unexpected turn of events, while Bai Feng Jiu's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Amidst the laughter that erupted in the room, a mischievous squirrel darted in, drawn by the commotion. With nimble paws, the squirrel inadvertently added to the chaos, knocking over cups and sending saucers flying in all directions. The matchmaker's initial surprise quickly morphed into frustration as the tea catastrophe unfolded before her eyes.

The matchmaker, well aware of Feng Jiu's mischievous nature, even speculated that Feng Jiu had trained the squirrel to assist her in her pranks.

As chaos ensued with the mischievous squirrel causing a tea catastrophe, the matchmaker's initial surprise quickly turned to frustration. With a stern expression, she scolded Bai Feng Jiu for the mess and the disruption, her voice tinged with annoyance. The once solemn atmosphere now filled with tension as the matchmaker's patience wore thin. Bai Feng Jiu, realizing her mistake, tried to apologize amidst the chaos, but her attempts only seemed to make matters worse.

In a desperate attempt to battle the mischievous squirrel, Feng Jiu grabbed a nearby broom and swiftly transformed it into a makeshift weapon. With a determined expression, she lunged at the squirrel, trying to shoo it away and restore order. However, in her frantic efforts, Bai Feng Jiu accidentally knocked over a vase of delicate flowers, sending petals cascading to the floor in a colorful shower.

The matchmaker's exasperation reached its peak as she witnessed the unfolding chaos. Her usually composed demeanor cracked, and with a sharp tone, she admonished Bai Feng Jiu, "Enough! Xiao mogui, your reckless actions have brought nothing but disorder and disrespect to this sacred space. It is clear that your warrior spirit blinds you to the decorum and traditions that we hold dear."

'Did she just call me a little devil?' Feng Jiu wondered, her mischievous spirit undeterred by the matchmaker's scolding.

Bai Feng Jiu's warrior spirit radiated from her, her determined stance and fearless demeanor in stark contrast to the matchmaker's expectations. The clash between Bai Feng Jiu's bold and independent nature and the matchmaker's rigid ideals created a palpable tension in the room, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

The air crackled with conflicting energies, each refusing to yield to the other, threatening to disrupt the fragile balance of the matchmaking encounter. Amidst the silent standoff, the matchmaker's gaze bore down on Bai Feng Jiu, a silent challenge hanging in the air as their contrasting spirits clashed in a battle of wills.

Bai Feng Jiu, a free-spirited and passionate soul, stood unwavering in the face of the matchmaker's disapproving scrutiny. The matchmaker, a staunch traditionalist bound by the ancient ways, found her beliefs tested by Bai Feng Jiu's bold defiance. In Bai Feng Jiu, the matchmaker saw a reflection of rebellion against the rigid confines of tradition, a daring departure from the norms of the celestial realm.

With a voice steeped in the authority of centuries-old customs, the matchmaker delivered a sharp reprimand to Bai Feng Jiu for her unorthodox behavior and refusal to conform to the established norms. The weight of tradition hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over Bai Feng Jiu's hopes and dreams. However, in a moment of unwavering defiance, Bai Feng Jiu stood her ground, a glint of determination in her eyes as she refused to sacrifice her true essence on the altar of societal expectations.

"You are a child born of nobility. Your actions will reflect on your family's reputation. If you cannot respect our customs and traditions, then you are not fit to be a bride. You are no different from those wild creatures," said the matchmaker.

Bai Feng Jiu tilted her head to the side, a look of confusion crossing her features at the matchmaker's disapproving gaze. Has she just been compared to a squirrel? The thought struck her as absurd, considering she had always been likened to a fox, a creature known for its cunning and grace. Lost in her thoughts, Bai Feng Jiu couldn't help but let out a giggle at the unexpected comparison. The idea of being called a squirrel, a creature so different from her own nature, seemed amusing and oddly endearing.

With a playful glint in her eye, Bai Feng Jiu found humor in the mismatched comparison, a moment of levity in the midst of the tense exchange with the matchmaker. Despite the gravity of the situation, Bai Feng Jiu's irrepressible spirit shone through, embracing the unexpected comparison with a lightheartedness that defied the matchmaker's stern expectations.

The matchmaker's words cut through the tense air like a sharp blade, dismissing Bai Feng Jiu's hopes of a traditional marriage with finality. "Your strong and rebellious personality deems you unfit for marriage at this time. Leave now," the matchmaker declared, her tone unwavering and resolute.

Bai Feng Jiu felt the weight of the matchmaker's decision pressing down on her shoulders as she stepped outside, the cool breeze offering little solace to her troubled thoughts. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, a fierce determination burned within her, fueled by her warrior spirit and unwavering resolve.

As she gazed up at the vast expanse of the celestial realm, Bai Feng Jiu knew that her path was no longer bound by its confines. The rejection she faced only fueled her determination to forge her own destiny, to chart a course guided by her own principles and beliefs. The world beckoned to her, a realm of endless possibilities and untold adventures waiting to be discovered.

With a steely resolve in her eyes, Bai Feng Jiu embraced the uncertainty of her future, ready to embrace the unknown with open arms. The celestial realm may have turned its back on her, but beyond its borders lay a world ripe with opportunities and stories yet to be written. And with each step she took, Bai Feng Jiu moved closer to a future where her spirit would shine brightly, unbound by the constraints of tradition and expectations.

Standing outside the matchmaker's house, Bai Feng Jiu felt sad for being rejected and worried about following old customs. She feared this might cause trouble for her father, but was relieved that he was too weak now to scold her as he used to. Finding comfort in her uncle Bai Zhen and the quirky immortal Zhe Yan, they gave her love and support in a time of confusion.

"Bai Feng Jiu, do not let this setback weigh heavily on your heart. The path ahead may be uncertain, but with courage and resilience, you will find your way," reassured by her third uncle Bai Zhen, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Bai Feng Jiu nodded, grateful for her uncle's words of wisdom. Bai Feng Jiu couldn't contain her laughter as Zhe Yan, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, leaned in to whisper a humorous remark about the matchmaker's appearance.

"Have you ever wondered, my dear niece, how the matchmaker herself ended up with such a plump figure?" Zhe Yan quipped, his voice barely concealing his amusement. "I can't help but imagine her trying to matchmake women based on her looks. 'Oh dear, you have the same round face and rosy cheeks as me! You'd make the perfect match for that dashing warrior with a penchant for dumplings!'"

Bai Feng Jiu burst into giggles at the absurd image painted by Zhe Yan's words, the tension of the earlier encounter melting away in the face of his playful banter. "Oh, Zhe Yan, you never fail to bring a smile to my face, even in the most unexpected moments," she chuckled, grateful for his ability to find humor in the midst of adversity.

As they shared a moment of lighthearted laughter, the weight of the rejection from the matchmaker's house seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and warmth. In the whimsical world of Zhe Yan's humor, Bai Feng Jiu found a reprieve from the seriousness of their situation, a reminder that even in the face of challenges, there was always room for laughter and joy.

Zhe Yan, your humor always brings light to the darkest moments. Thank you for being a source of laughter in my time of need," she expressed, her eyes reflecting gratitude.

Zhe Yan chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ah, my dear Bai Feng Jiu, life is full of twists and turns. Embrace the challenges with a smile, and you will emerge stronger on the other side. Remember, in every storm, there is a moment of calm waiting to be discovered," he imparted, his words carrying a hint of enigmatic wisdom.

Feng Jiu playfully bumped her shoulder against her uncle Zhe Yan and whispered, "Uncle, she even called me a Xiao Mogui, my first nickname and..." Zhe Yan, trying to contain his amusement, suppressed a laugh and quickly hid his grin behind the wave of his fan, a skillful move to maintain his composure.

As Feng Jiu blew out her cheeks in frustration at her uncle's admiration for being called a little devil, she couldn't help but give him a playful side-eye before succumbing to laughter. The teasing banter between the mischievous fox and her uncle brought a lightheartedness to the tense atmosphere, easing the tension and creating a moment of camaraderie and shared amusement.

Zhe Yan's subtle gesture of concealing his laughter behind the fan added a touch of elegance to the playful exchange, showcasing his ability to navigate social situations with grace and wit. Feng Jiu's exasperation at her uncle's reaction only served to deepen the bond between them, highlighting their close relationship and shared sense of humor.

The brief moment of levity amidst the seriousness of the matchmaking ceremony brought a sense of warmth and familiarity to the interactions, reminding both Feng Jiu and Zhe Yan of the importance of laughter and joy in even the most solemn of occasions.

With the support of her fourth uncle and the eccentric immortal uncle, Bai Feng Jiu felt a renewed sense of determination and hope. As they stood together, united in their bond of love and friendship, she knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with courage and resilience, guided by the wisdom and compassion of those who stood by her side.

Both uncles talked side-by-side in a hushed tone, "It is probably for the best she got kicked out. At least she didn't tell the matchmaker she'd fallen for Dong Hua's smile over ten thousand years ago."

Feng Jiu harbored an innocent and naive childhood crush on Lord Dong Hua, the esteemed emperor of the Nine Heavens and one of the Four Holy Beings. Her admiration for the powerful deity was a secret closely guarded by only a select few of her closest confidants. Lord Dong Hua, a figure of unparalleled power and status, held a special place in Feng Jiu's heart ever since she first laid eyes on him at her aunt and uncle's matchmaking ceremony.

The memory of Lord Dong Hua's captivating smile, a rare and fleeting moment that seemed to light up the heavens themselves, lingered in Feng Jiu's mind long after the matchmaking ceremony between her aunt and uncle had ended. His aura of grace and majesty, coupled with a mysterious allure that drew her in like a moth to a flame, left an indelible impression on the young fox.

Despite the vast difference in status between a mortal fox and an immortal deity, Feng Jiu's innocent infatuation with Lord Dong Hua blossomed in the depths of her heart, a hidden treasure that she cherished and nurtured in silence. Her admiration for the emperor of the Nine Heavens fueled her dreams and fantasies, painting a picture of a forbidden love that transcended boundaries of realm and status.

As Feng Jiu navigated the complexities of her feelings for Lord Dong Hua, she found solace in the secrecy of her crush, treasuring the pure and unadulterated emotions that blossomed in her heart. The memory of his smile remained a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding her through the trials and tribulations of her journey towards self-discovery and growth.

She couldn't help but feel a secret sense of relief that she had inadvertently sabotaged her own matchmaking event. Despite the gravity of the situation, a part of her was quietly thankful for the unexpected turn of events and the role played by the quarreling squirrel in aiding her unintentional rebellion. As she reflected on the chaos she had caused, she knew deep down that it would only fuel her dreams and fantasies about Dong Hua Dijun, the emperor of the Nine Heavens.

The uncle on the left continued, "What single woman in the Nine Heavens isn't in love with him? Truly, you could do worse for a nephew-in-law. The question is, do we want to be related to that God?"

Zhe Yan replied, "Yes, that would be bad. We should be glad she is just a little head-over-heels in love with the thought of him. She'd be disappointed to see his true personality."

Together, Bai Feng Jiu's uncle and their close family friend stood as pillars of strength and support, their unwavering love and guidance serving as a reminder of the bond that transcended tradition and expectation. In their embrace, Bai Feng Jiu found the courage to face the challenges ahead, knowing that she was never alone in her journey through the celestial realm.

As Bai Feng Jiu sought solace in the presence of her two uncles, Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan, a figure stood at a distance, observing the unfolding events with a stoic expression. Chong Lin, the enigmatic and revered guardian of the celestial realm, stood with an air of detachment, his gaze fixed on the scene before him. Under his arms, concealed from casual view, lay the Heaven Emperor's decree, a symbol of authority and power that held sway over the immortal realm.

Despite the gravity of the situation and the weight of the matchmaker's judgment, Chong Lin remained aloof, his attention seemingly focused elsewhere. The whispers of the wind carried the faint rustle of the decree's parchment, a reminder of the celestial laws and decrees that governed the realm. In the presence of Chong Lin, a sense of reverence and deference hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of his role as a guardian and keeper of celestial order.

As Bai Feng Jiu looked at Chong Lin, she felt a brief moment of worry in her heart. The Heaven Emperor's decree reminded her of the complex world of power and control in the celestial realm. It showed that even in times of personal struggle, fate and destiny were guided by forces beyond human understanding. Under Chong Lin's careful watch, Bai Feng Jiu prepared herself for the difficulties ahead, aware that her journey was connected to the celestial world of immortals.

As the sun set, bathing the realm of Qing Qui in a golden glow, General Bai Yi, Bai Feng Jiu's father, stood tall and proud, eagerly awaiting his daughter's return from the matchmaker. The noble visage of General Bai Yi bore the marks of ancient battles, a silent testament to his strength and resilience. The echoes of past conflicts resonated in his weary steps, a testament to his unwavering dedication to protecting the realm.

Despite the toll of age and battles, General Bai Yi, the esteemed son of the patriarch of the Fox Clan, passed down to his daughter, Bai Feng Jiu, the sacred knowledge of riding mythical beasts and mastering celestial weapons. In a realm where such expertise was rare among female immortals, General Bai Yi instilled a deep belief that all beings, regardless of gender, should possess the skills required for warfare.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the village in warm hues, a sense of foreboding descended upon the tranquil streets of Qing Qiu. Whispers of impending conflict spread like wildfire, as government officials sent warriors to the village, signaling the looming threat of war and the need for able-bodied men to step forward for battle.

In the gathering dusk, the stern military envoy unfolded a scroll in the village square, revealing a solemn list of names. Each name represented a volunteer, a courageous man chosen to answer the call to arms on behalf of his family and community. The weight of duty and sacrifice hung heavily in the air, casting a somber shadow over the once peaceful landscape.

Bai Feng Jiu watched with a heavy heart as the events unfolded in Qing Qiu. The tension in the air was palpable as the scroll bearing the names of volunteers was unveiled in the village square. Her heart sank as she saw the name of her beloved father, General Bai Yi, among the list of volunteers. She knew the toll another battle would take on his weary spirit, a burden too great for him to bear alone.

In a moment of profound realization, Bai Feng Jiu grasped the gravity of the situation. Being an only child, there was no son to take her father's place in battle. With years of service having weakened her father, the uncertainty of his future on the battlefield loomed large. With unwavering determination shining in her eyes, Bai Feng Jiu recognized that she alone could step into her father's shoes and uphold her family's honor.

However, the harsh reality of the military's rigid rules weighed heavily on her. In a society where girls were deemed unsuitable for warfare and barred from defending their loved ones, Bai Feng Jiu found herself at a crossroads, torn between duty, tradition, and the relentless call of her heart.

As the quiet of the next morning enveloped her, Bai Feng Jiu made a pivotal decision that would shape her destiny. With determination and resolve blazing in her heart, she donned her father's armor and transformed herself into a warrior, disguising her celestial attire to appear as a man. Defying tradition and societal expectations, she embarked on a courageous journey to take her father's place, a solitary figure bravely stepping into the unknown path that lay ahead.

In a moment of desperate determination, Bai Feng Jiu sought out Zhe Yan, the skilled immortal renowned for his transformative abilities, to help her alter her appearance and pass as a man. Drawing inspiration from her aunt, Bai Qian, whose transformation had once captivated her, Feng Jiu implored Zhe Yan to use his magic and assist her in assuming a male guise.

"Zhe Yan, I need your help," Feng Jiu's voice trembled with urgency as she addressed the immortal.

Zhe Yan regarded her with a knowing expression, fully aware of the gravity of her request. "What troubles you, Xiao Mogui? Speak your heart," he replied, his gaze both piercing and compassionate.

"I need to disguise myself as a man to take my father's place in battle," Feng Jiu's eyes reflected unwavering determination. "Will you help me, as you once aided my aunt Bai Qian?"

Zhe Yan nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of her plea. "I will do what I can, but know that such transformations come with risks," he cautioned. "Are you prepared for the consequences?"

With resolute determination, Feng Jiu met his gaze without hesitation. "I am ready," she affirmed, her mind steadfast on the path she had chosen.

Zhe Yan, known for his principles, did not undertake tasks without fair compensation. As he extended his hand, expecting a token of gratitude, Bai Feng Jiu reached for a white jade hairpin meticulously crafted by her uncle. With a smile of appreciation, Zhe Yan accepted the gift, his eyes reflecting a sense of contentment.

With Zhe Yan's ancient magic, he transformed Feng Jiu into an adorable young boy, bearing a striking resemblance to his lover, Bai Zhen. As he beheld his creation, a nod of approval signaled his satisfaction with the enchanting disguise he had crafted.

Once Feng Jiu had taken off, Bai Zhen emerged from his concealed vantage point behind a peach tree, where he had stealthily observed the interaction between Zhe Yan and Bai Feng Jiu. With a playful glint in his eyes, Zhe Yan greeted him, "Ah, Bai Zhen, I see you couldn't resist eavesdropping on our little exchange. It seems the Bai women have a talent for surprising us with their excursions into cross-dressing!"

Bai Zhen's laughter resonated melodiously as he joined in the banter, "Indeed, it appears that our family possesses a penchant for unconventional disguises. Who would have thought that beneath those graceful garments, a warrior's spirit lay dormant!"

The two shared a moment of camaraderie and amusement, relishing in the unexpected twists of fate and the peculiar traits that seemed to define the Bai lineage.