

**Boom** The longsword came crashing down.

The man rolls out of the way just in time. Chunks of wood fly around the room of the inn as the wooden floor was destroyed.

The man quickly draws out his sword and got into an offensive stance.

"Just drop all your money and you'll be free",the man sneered.

"Come get it", Jake said and waved his sword.

The man rushed towards him swinging the sword downwards, Jakes parries with his longsword and follows up with a kick to the gut.

The man retreats a few steps to regain his posture. He spat out blood from his mouth.

Jake swung the sword at him, but he rolled out of the way just in time and moves quickly to Jake and thrust his sword towards his abdomen.

Just in the nick of time, he unsheathed the rusted sword from the scabbard and blocks the attack. The two men moved back and sized themselves up.

"Who are you", Jake asked as he removed the face mask he was wearing( just a piece of cloth).

"How about you gimme the gold in your bag and we can talk", he sneered.

Jake moved closer, his long sword on his shoulder, his black hair moving with the rhythm of the wind.

Suddenly shock was written all over the man's face as he dropped his weapon.

(What's wrong with this guy), Jake thought.

Then the man half kneeled as he said, "Young master Jake, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. We were forced to roam around after been driven out of the Kingdom and we've only survived this far by looting".

(Young Master? Isa did say I was the heir.)

Seeing the look of surprise on Jake's face, he quickly sheathed his sword and added, "I was assigned as your personal bodyguard by princess Isabella. The name's Marcus."

"Ok... Marcus.... Do you have any news regarding my parents and the castle in general", Jake asked calmly as he put the long sword in the scabbard on his back.

"The Kingdom as been overrun by Alexander, the most powerful wizard in Azerath. I know not of what has become of your family. Your mother, the Queen told me to keep you safe. I've been on the lookout for you since then", he said as he too lowered his guard.

"I see", he muttered.

"Ok do this. Go on a little bit of intel gathering. Meet me at Liam at South West.", Jake said stiffly and grabbed his bag.

"No Young Master, I promise your mother I'll take care of you. I can't leave you like this, all alone",Marcus said sternly.

" Listen Marcus, this is the best thing you can actually do for me. I need to do something alone", he said and dropped the weapon.

**Yawn** I'll be going back to bed now.

"Yes Master, I'll stand and keep watch"


Jake came into the room wearing only a towel below his waist, water all over his body.

"Hey... Marcus",Jake called out

"Yes Master? ", he replied bowing his head.

"Take this and go get us something to eat", Jake said holding out the remaining coins he looted.

"Right away", he walked out of the room quickly.