
The Notice

The blaring alarm clock shattered the silence of the empty house, jolting Wooyoung from his sleep.

He looked like he hadn't slept at all, with his disheveled hair and dark circles under his eyes.

His shirt was half unbuttoned, and he was soaked in sweat as if he'd been through a marathon in his dreams.

With a sharp intake of breath, he snapped awake, his heart racing. He glanced at the alarm clock with a mix of frustration and despair, silencing it with a heavy hand.

Rubbing his face vigorously, he tried to shake off the exhaustion clinging to him like a heavy cloak.

All he wanted was some rest, but how could he even think of sleeping when Y/N and their daughter had been missing for two agonizing weeks?

"Broken" didn't even begin to describe the shattered pieces of his soul. With a determined sigh, he pushed himself out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.

If you asked Wooyoung how he was feeling two weeks back, he'd probably have said he was feeling a mix of love and contentment.

He had this big plan in mind - taking Y/N and Grace back to his home in Seoul, proposing to Y/N with this stunning ring he picked out himself. That ring? It was always close to his heart, quite literally, hanging around his neck like a pendant.

Finally finding happiness after five long years since he reunited with Y/N, those memories painted his dreams with bright colors. But every time he woke up, reality hit hard - they weren't there with him.

Just a month, that's all the time he got with Y/N and Grace before they vanished. Or to be precise, they were taken away.

It's this messed-up rumor about some government order to incapacitate the immigrants who weren't just tourists.

Government Order

To Whom It May Concern,

Subject: Implementation of Measures Regarding Illegal Settlements in South Korea

In light of recent events, and in response to the concerning incidents occurring in our regions, the Government of South Korea has taken a decisive stance on the matter of illegal immigrant settlements.

Effective immediately, we hereby issue the following order:

Illegal immigrants settled, excluding tourists with valid visas, are to be apprehended and detained by law enforcement authorities.

This measure is undertaken to prevent further instances of recklessness and misconduct witnessed on September 20th, wherein a girl fell victim to exploitation by certain individuals residing illegally in our territory.

Additionally, substantial damage to property was incurred as a result of their actions.The government emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law and safeguarding the welfare and security of all residents and visitors within our borders.

Any individuals found to be in violation of immigration laws will be subject to appropriate legal action.

We urge all citizens and residents to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying and reporting instances of illegal settlement and related criminal activities.

These measures shall remain in effect until further notice.

The Government of South Korea remains committed to ensuring the safety and prosperity of our nation and its people. By enforcing these regulations, we aim to uphold the integrity of our borders and maintain social order.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Wooyoung still vividly recalled the day he received the letter from the government. It was a chilly afternoon in Seoul, the remnants of his recent vacation to Jeju still lingering in his mind.

During his time there, he cherished every moment with Grace and Y/N, relishing the opportunity to make up for the lost years.

However, he knew all too well that one month couldn't possibly compensate for the five years that had slipped away.

With plans to bring Y/N and Grace back to Seoul, Wooyoung had returned ahead of them to ensure everything was perfect upon their arrival.

He wanted to create a warm and welcoming environment, a place they could finally call home.

Little did he know that this decision would mark the last time he laid eyes on them before they vanished without a trace.

The memory of their faces haunted him—Y/N's gentle smile and Grace's hopeful gaze etched in his mind.

He couldn't shake the feeling of regret that gnawed at him, wishing he had stayed by their side or even whisked them away with him to Seoul.

But alas, the future remained elusive, and hindsight offered no solace. If only he could have predicted what lay ahead.

"Would you like us to come with you? I'm well aware of the state of your room, and Grace... well, she's as messy as you, after all, she's your daughter," Y/N suggested as Wooyoung busied himself with packing his bag for the trip back to Seoul.

He needed to attend to a few arrangements to properly welcome Y/N and Grace.

Wooyoung had been staying at Y/N's spacious home since he found them. His vacation was coming to an end, and September was almost over, with just two days remaining.

He expressed his desire to celebrate Grace's birthday in Seoul and to introduce Y/N and Grace to his department. He wanted everything to be perfect.

"No, I want to welcome my ladies perfectly," Wooyoung asserted as he dropped his bag on the couch and approached Y/N, who cradled Grace in her arms.

With tenderness, he cupped Y/N's cheeks, his eyes reflecting determination laced with love, commitment, and an unspoken promise.

"I'll be back in two days, and then I'll take you both," he murmured softly, his thumb grazing Y/N's cheeks. Though tears threatened to spill from both their eyes, they refused to let them fall.

Y/N nodded gently, surrendering to the warmth of his touch.

A soft smile curved Wooyoung's lips; the realization that he would soon be with Y/N, and now with his daughter too, filled him with joy.

He glanced at Grace, tears shimmering in her eyes as she pouted, her innocence tugging at his heartstrings. She looked so adorable that he yearned to squeeze her cheeks endlessly.

"I'll be back in no time, princess," he assured her, gently bopping her nose.

"I'll miss you," Grace whispered, her voice trembling with tears, as she reached out her arms toward Wooyoung, silently pleading to be lifted by him.

Wooyoung, with a gentle smile, gladly scooped her up, holding her close and pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "I'll miss you more," he whispered softly.

"Okay, Grace, let daddy go so he can come back soon," Y/N chimed in, her voice attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere that lingered, especially challenging after five years of separation.

Wooyoung gently set Grace down, and she clung to Y/N's finger, ready to bid farewell to Wooyoung.

Reluctantly, Wooyoung grabbed his bag, preparing to depart, when Y/N caught hold of his hand, her gaze downcast, almost as if she feared meeting his eyes.

A rush of warmth flooded Wooyoung, his heart quickening its pace. Y/N had held his hand before, but each time, it stirred butterflies within him whenever they were close.

"Come back soon," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible. Wooyoung turned to face her, gripping her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Please," she added, her expression tugging at his heartstrings.

The last time Wooyoung had seen such vulnerability on her face was when he had ended their relationship.

Without hesitation, he pulled her into a tender kiss, their lips fitting together perfectly like a completed puzzle, before enveloping her in a tight embrace, tears welling in his eyes.

"I promise to come back to you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and longing.

Pushing aside both beautiful and painful memories, Wooyoung embarked on his venture to locate Y/N and Grace.

Currently, he found himself seated in the office of the Commissioner General, seeking insights into the recent implementation of the controversially localized immigrant capture rule.

It was on the 28th of September when he first received the official notification about this matter.

While the directive seemed straightforward—capturing illegally residing immigrants within South Korea—a perplexing question lingered: why were individuals with permanent residence status, like Y/N and Grace, being apprehended, notably from a place like Jeju?

"Superintendent General Wooyoung, I understand your concern," the Commissioner General began, his tone composed despite the weight of the situation, "but rest assured, all illegally residing immigrants have been detained for either deportation or incarceration. I can confirm that neither Y/N nor Grace is among them."

Listening intently, Wooyoung's jaw clenched as he absorbed the Commissioner's words.

Despite his efforts and the official reassurance, he remained clueless about the whereabouts of Y/N and Grace. His tension palpable, the Commissioner, observing Wooyoung's demeanor, offered a sympathetic insight.

"Wooyoung, I understand your frustration," the Commissioner said, his voice softening slightly.

"However, it's essential to recognize that as law enforcement officers, even with our esteemed positions, there are limitations to our authority, especially when it comes to governmental matters."

With a nod, Wooyoung acknowledged the Commissioner's explanation, though the knot of worry in his stomach remained firmly in place.

He couldn't shake off the gnawing sense of helplessness, realizing that despite his rank and determination, some obstacles remained beyond his control.

"Could you clarify?" Wooyoung's voice was tinged with concern as he sought understanding from the commissioner.

The commissioner hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting before he responded, his words laden with gravity.

"There are individuals among the immigrant population who not only reside here unlawfully but are also deeply entrenched in illicit underworld activities. These individuals... they are currently held in confinement under the jurisdiction of the National Intelligence Services."

Wooyoung's eyes widened in shock as he absorbed the implications of the commissioner's words. "But...," he began, his mind racing with questions and fears.

Before he could voice his concerns, the commissioner interjected, his tone grave yet resolute.

"I'm not suggesting that Y/N and Grace are among them, but..." Another pause, heavy with unspoken implications.

"I will arrange for you to review the list of detainees or perhaps even visit the facility, although I must caution you, it's an exceedingly difficult endeavor."

It has already been two weeks, and the whereabouts of Y/N and Grace remain a mystery. Despite efforts, an FIR was fruitless in uncovering any leads, leaving both the police departments in Jeju and Seoul at a loss.

During this turmoil, Wooyoung took decisive action, ensuring the case landed in the hands of the National Police Agency's Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB).

He couldn't afford to leave anything to chance, his frustration mounting with each passing day of uncertainty.

The Commissioner General offered a glimmer of hope, promising to arrange a visit to the National Intelligence Service (NIS). Though fearful, Wooyoung clung to this possibility, patiently awaiting the green light.

With the involvement of the CIB, the search intensified. They combed through the house meticulously, scrutinizing every detail for clues.

CCTV footage near the residence and in possible areas Y/N and Grace might have ventured was scrutinized, hoping to catch a glimpse that could shed light on their disappearance.

Gratefully, the nurse, who happened to be a close friend of Y/N, provided invaluable assistance during this troubling time.

Recounting the events of that fateful day when Y/N and Grace disappeared, she revealed crucial details.

According to her, the individuals who arrived appeared to be part of a specialized unit, their faces obscured by masks, giving off an air of governmental authority.

They swiftly whisked Y/N and Grace away in ominous black vans, leaving behind an unsettling void.

"Every time I think back on it," Miss Kim admitted, her voice carrying a weight of worry, "it's like I'm watching the same haunting movie over and over again."

She recounted the scene with a hint of unease etched in her tone.

"I went to their place, you know, just to catch up, but when I got there, the front door stood wide open, like an ominous invitation." Pausing, she couldn't help but relive the tension of that moment.

"I kept calling out to Y/N, hoping for a reassuring answer, but silence hung heavy in the air, gnawing at my nerves with each unanswered ring. As I stepped inside, the emptiness of the rooms sent a shiver down my spine. It felt like a scene from a nightmare." She swallowed hard, grappling with the lingering fear.

"There were no signs of a break-in, no clues except for a chilling note left behind on the desk, hinting at something about illegal migration."

Her words hung heavily in the air, conveying the gravity of the situation. "Without hesitation, I contacted Wooyoung."

She sighed softly, her gaze drifting to where Wooyoung stood silently in the cramped confines of the interrogation room.

Across from her, Mr. Yunho, the head of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, meticulously combed through every detail of the case.

Despite Miss Kim's valuable insights, they still found themselves at a dead end in tracing those who masqueraded as government officials.

The vans they employed had been discovered near a serene lake, meticulously scrubbed clean to erase any evidence of their previous use.

Even the vehicle's license plate had been removed, thwarting any attempts to track them through official channels.

Surveillance footage offered little assistance, capturing only the vehicles' outward journey toward the lake, with no glimpse inside and no witnesses to shed light on their activities.

Yunho's frustration was palpable as he sighed heavily, realizing that their current approach was futile.

It was time to delve deeper into the heart of the matter. With a determined expression, he posed his next question.

"Miss Kim, could you please share your relationship with Y/N and Grace? We understand that Y/N moved to Jeju five years ago. Were you acquainted with her before that time?"

"No, I'm merely a nurse, and she was my patient. That was the extent of our relationship when she first visited our hospital," Miss Kim replied, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she reminisced about the encounter with Y/N five years prior.

Wooyoung, listening intently, realized he had never inquired about the friendship between Y/N and Miss Kim, sparking his curiosity.

It was a rainy day, the kind where even a short walk could leave one thoroughly soaked. "Reason for your visit?" the receptionist inquired as Y/N entered the hospital.

"I moved here a week ago, and I don't know any doctors in the area. If you could help me, see a gynecologist, I'm already 5.5 months into my pregnancy," Y/N had murmured softly, prompting a surprised expression from the receptionist.

"Okay, you can pay the visitation fee and fill out this form. I'll arrange for you to see a gynecologist," the receptionist instructed, handing Y/N the necessary paperwork.

Y/N's baby bump was already noticeable under the loose dress she wore as she patiently filled out the form in the waiting area. Y/N gracefully handed over the form and tendered the visitation fee, a quiet thank you escaping her lips as she did so.

The receptionist, her eyes scanning the form, acknowledged her with a warm smile. "Mrs. Jung Y/N," she read aloud, "Mr. Park will be available shortly. Please, have a seat in the OPD area over there," she gestured toward a corner furnished with plush, inviting chairs.

With a nod of gratitude, Y/N made her way to one of the chairs, her hands betraying her nerves as they fidgeted anxiously.

She gently placed one hand over her belly, a protective gesture as though guarding something precious.

Time seemed to stretch as she waited, each passing moment amplifying her apprehension.

Finally, the receptionist's voice broke the silence. "Mrs. Jung, Dr. Park is ready to see you now. His office is at the end of the corridor, the last door on your right."

Y/N murmured her thanks and turned to leave, but before she could, the receptionist inquired, "Is anyone accompanying you today?"

A subtle shake of her head was Y/N's response, her lips forming a tight line as she made her way down the corridor, a lone figure navigating the maze of hospital halls.

"May I have a look at your file?" asked the nurse stationed outside Dr. Park's cabin as Y/N approached.

Without a word, Y/N handed over the file, her gaze fixed anxiously on the nurse's face. "Ah, a new visit," the nurse remarked, flipping through the pages. "Any previous reports?"

Y/N shook her head, her expression a mixture of resignation and hope. "That's alright," the nurse reassured her with a gentle smile.

"You're fortunate; the clinic isn't too busy today, especially with the rain. Please, come inside." Her tone was kind, a balm to Y/N's frayed nerves.

"Thank you," Y/N murmured, her eyes briefly flickering to the name tag pinned to the nurse's shirt, which bore the name "Miss Kim." With a faint smile, she followed the nurse into the doctor's office.

"Hello, Mrs. Jung," Dr. Park greeted warmly, his gaze shifting briefly to the general information in the file before him.

He possessed an otherworldly beauty as if his features had been meticulously selected from the heavens themselves. Behind his glasses, which complemented his striking appearance, there was an air of professionalism and compassion.

"Who attended to you previously? Can I review your past reports before we proceed with your examination?" he inquired.

"Actually, no one," Y/N replied. "I discovered I was pregnant almost into my third month. It was quite a surprise for me. I had been experiencing what I thought were normal periods—I did miss one, but I didn't think much of it. Then, during a routine checkup, I learned I was pregnant."

Dr. Park nodded thoughtfully. "It could have been due to implantation bleeding, although that typically occurs earlier in pregnancy. Why did you delay seeking medical attention after finding out?"

"I've always had irregular periods, and those three months were particularly stressful," Y/N explained.

Understanding her situation, Dr. Park motioned for her to lie down on the examination bed while Nurse Miss Kim offered reassurance and assistance.

As he conducted a routine cervical examination, Dr. Park gently inquired about Y/N's family situation. "Do you have a husband or any family members with you?"

"I'm alone," Y/N replied softly, her voice tinged with sadness. Sensing her discomfort, Dr. Park didn't press further.

"Thus far, everything appears to be in order," Dr. Park said reassuringly. "However, during pregnancy, it's common for women to experience fluctuations in their vitals. I'll be prescribing some tonics and vitamins for you, as well as scheduling an ultrasound for tomorrow, as our ultrasound specialist is not available today. Miss Kim, please assist her with the appointments and prescriptions."

Miss Kim politely nodded and led Y/N outside the cabin, murmuring, "Don't be scared, he looks serious but from the inside, he's like toothless."

"I can hear you, Miss Kim," Dr. Park remarked, earning a chuckle from both Miss Kim and Y/N.

Since then, their friendship has blossomed. Miss Kim always regarded Y/N as her younger sister, someone she needed to support.

And support her she did.

Miss Kim helped Y/N with everything, starting from finding a suitable house to live into organizing her appointments and clothes shopping for the upcoming baby.

She was the first person beside Y/N to hear the heartbeat of the baby and to know that it was a little princess. As the baby developed happily, the sadness that had engulfed Y/N seemed to dissipate like dark clouds.

She had found an elder sister in Miss Kim, and she was content with her job at a publishing company that primarily worked on children's books.

Although Y/N missed her old work, with all its crime articles, everything was different now. She couldn't delve into crime scenes with a baby on the way.

Occasionally, Y/N would find herself lost in her thoughts, crying uncontrollably for hours.

Despite the happiness she found in her life, there was a part of her heart that longed for Wooyoung. She would talk about him to Miss Kim, often crying on her shoulder.

Her emotional state became a bit overwhelming, and she had to resort to taking anti-panic pills.

"Although the baby was developing healthily, Y/N's state became unstable during delivery," Miss Kim explained with a somber tone.

"She experienced a panic attack, rendering her uncontrollable for her own safety and that of the baby. We had no choice but to perform a C-section."

As Miss Kim relayed the events, Wooyoung's expression remained inscrutable.

Despite his efforts to maintain composure, his eyes betrayed the turmoil within.

Y/N had always stood by him through every trial, but in her most vulnerable moment, he found himself absent.

Now, as uncertainty loomed over her whereabouts, he couldn't shake the weight of his absence and the regret it brought.

"Even after the delivery," Miss Kim continued, her voice heavy with concern, "Y/N struggled with depression. I had to step in to take care of everything. She was alone, with no one beside her to provide comfort. My shifts made it impossible for me to be with her around the clock. It was an incredibly trying time for her."

With a final glance toward Wooyoung, Miss Kim's eyes bore into his, conveying a mix of understanding and reproach.

Wooyoung, unable to meet her gaze, felt the weight of guilt press down upon him even more heavily than before.

"Thank you, Miss Kim; your assistance has been invaluable to us. You are dismissed for now, but rest assured, we'll reach out if further assistance is required," Yunho courteously advised, expressing gratitude for Miss Kim's contribution.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Miss Kim gracefully rose from her seat, ready to depart. However, their exchange was momentarily interrupted by the sudden appearance of one of Yunho's juniors, who had been diligently working on Y/N's case.

The young colleague approached Yunho, leaning in slightly to convey a message discreetly. Yunho received the whispered communication with a nod of understanding, his expression morphing into one of approval. "Good work, Jeongin," he commended warmly, a smile gracing his lips.