
The warm hearted : Once in a millennium

Katherine_Kare · Fantasy
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14 Chs


''Who's she?" "Never seen her"

She could hear and see people staring her.

Cat came out of nowhere, she led her to the bar.

"You look pretty gorgeous " Cat complimented.

"You too"

Cat was wearing a blue gown. A long cut in the left side of the gown displaying her leg. She wore a pearl necklace which got along really well.

She spotted Red at the other end of the hall near the stage where musicians were playing for the people dancing in the centre of the hall.

He was surrounded by many men and women. They were holding wine glasses and he also had one.

"I was not surprised to see you here" Cat began.

"You are the only one I think so"

"Mmm...I was sure you would come"

"How? He told you? "

"No no, he didn't have anyone else to come with so I figured"

"Why would he come with me? Why me? I mean... what is all this?"

"I'm sure that he told you nothing"

"Yeah. He just called me and said to be ready and said everything in super speed and that's it. I didn't even get a chance to talk"

"Well sometimes he's pretty quick"


"See, feel free here, it's just... a business party. Very popular business tycoons are present here. Nothing but just a fancy meeting that's all"

"I see.....what's with everyone coming with someone? "

"It's a party right? So usually everyone comes with their partners, so..."

"Hmm.... Is Mr. Jerane he..... "

Before she could finish, a hand came in front of her.

"Care for a dance ?"

She lifted her face to see the person whom she had once admired and still does.


Her face lit up.

"I was just asking about you"

He smiled and pointed out towards his hand in front of her waiting to receive hers.

"Y.... yeah"

Her hand settled in his.

She hid her nervousness deep within.

He led her towards the centre of the whole.

Cat stood their watching all this, drinking a glass of wine and taking note of each and everything happening there like a spy.

Both of them reached the centre. She could see people immersed in the music and dancing pleasantly with their partners.

Jerane took her right hand and made it rest in his left shoulder.

His left arm approached her weist. Gently settling his arm fully around her waist he made made her left hand take hold of his right one completing the posture of partner dancing.

His touch felt warm.

'Does both of the brothers have this warmth?'

He slowly started to move along the beat with Reichel following his lead.

For her when Red and Jerane was compared both of them have this similar warmth but sometimes Red was more than warm. Like, the last time he touched her, her hand felt really hot. The warmth of Jerane was not discomforting or something. It was ok. Jerane was very gentle and polite towards her whereas Red has been strange with his behaviour.

With each second passing Jerane was coming closer to her. She knew it but didn't know how to react. She wasn't uncomfortable but was confused.

Her focus immediately shifted towards a cold aura which she felt was approaching them.It was familiar. She could no longer feel the musical atmosphere, it had changed into a cold one .

Jerane was getting closer to her so was that aura.

Her heartbeat fastened.

Within no time a force in her shoulder dragged her away from Jerane.

She turned around to see an inflamed Red.