

Faced with a sudden extreme meteorite attack, the Human Race tried everything they could; tanks, jets, to nuclear powered weapons and everything in their arsenal that could count as a destructive weapon. However, nothing worked. The Human Race despaired and thought it was time for their annihilation. Many people claimed it was the end of the earth. As a last ditch attempt to save themselves, the Human Race's richest and most important people took off with space ships and the rockets prices soared. With great difficulty they managed to evade the meteorites, the poor people of course could not get out of planet Earth and accepted that they would be dead in a couple of hours. But fate was truly an unpredictable thing who could have thought that the metereorite wasn't actually an annihilating thing but was actually a blessing. All the meteorites didn't hurt them but instead gave them a mutation in their body, it changed their physical strength and gave them a special power that they could use. Along with the mutation, they learned alot about the universe and got their answer to if there were any life on far away planets. They learnt that they were very far away from becoming the Universe's top of the top, but now with their mutations, they could still compete for top race position. They could also Level up through great practice of their specific powers as every power_ later named Kei_ was unique. Another great discovery was made through the RAIN OF MUTATIONS, a separate dimension with its own rules. It was a place infected with mutated creatures that were ranked the same way as Humans, through Levels. The place was called Gladiator and didn't allow any technology to enter the place. A thousand years later, a boy named Tylex was born, his parents had disappeared and he had to live alone. He had no kei in a world where everything depended on how talented you were with your Kei He is able to gain a system that helps him gain power in exchange for killing creatures. He is able to get a powerful Kei that no one will ever have or had. Will he use that power for destructive activities? Or will he use it for good, or maybe he will be neutral, neither for good or nor for bad, only for things that benefit himself. Will he become an unfathomable existance or a powerless and useless ant in the face of the vast Universe. Will he waste all the power bestowed upon him and do things that don't benefit him? Follow on Tylexs' interesting journey as he unravels the mysteries of the great Universe, gambling with his life while at it.

Cosmic_Drex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Phantom! Phantom! Phantom!"

A young man with jet black hair seemed to be doing battle with a wolf that had extreme strength, speed and senses.

Doing a backflip, he managed to evade an incoming claw. Then, landing on his feet, he dashed forward with speed greater than the wolf could react and slid down with his back almost touching the ground.

He reached the belly of the wolf and swiped a dagger at it, and with the added momentum from sliding across the ground, he was able to pierce and cut through the wolf's stomach in half, releasing all the contents onto the ground. He then put the dagger back in it's sheath.

Then the boy caught ahold of the wolf's tail and using it to push himself up and land on the wolf's back. He then removed the dagger from it's sheath and then he swiped at it's neck multiple times to kill it.

Due to it having a wound on it's stomach, and a large and deep one at that, it was already weak, so killing it was definitely a little bit easier. However, it still resisted and tossed him around, if not for the fact that he had a really strong mind and will and he was not affected by these sort of things, coupled with how experienced he was in this fighting style, he would have long since emptied his bowels and lost his grip on the wolf, letting it take advantage of that period of time of weakness to end him.

Despite not having a Kei in a world where kei's were everything; used for construction, healing in hospitals, and by the military including many other jobs, one could say he was able to gain quite the experience after watching his display of skills,and he was also quite powerful.

His name was Tylex Scyrile, and this was his daily life. A useless person in the eyes of many, only seen as a source of entertainment.

It took him around one minute to kill the wolf, which clearly displayed it's toughness was plain to see.

Tylex took out a dart with a black colour, it had a smooth surface and feather like end, it's front was very sharp, he threw the dart and with expert precision stabbed the wolf's brain.

The wolf started healing itself at an incredible speed and in a few minutes, it was back on it's feet again, like it was never wounded. It then disappeared and in its place was the black dart with the words LL on it's flat side.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" A handsome young man with short brown hair wearing a black suit with black sharp eyes laughed a little then muttered, "I knew you would win that's why I came to watch you."

"Yes he is good, too bad he doesn't have a Kei, otherwise he would have been very powerful. Now he can only rely on entertaining the rich to survive, but if he gets a little bit stronger, he should be able to join the police and become a police force officer. Then he could gain more money by hunting mutated creatures, " Another young man with white hair, green eyes and also dressed in the same black luxurious suit, who sat next to the brown haired man said.

"But I still don't know why you took an interest in him Kevin, It's not as if he's very strong to the point that a person of your status would have an interest in him as you would when you want someone to be your bodyguard. " The man with white hair said.

"Like I said before Nig, I feel that he will come to become very powerful and important, " The brown haired man known as Kelvin said.

"So strong even without having a Kei, but still, this is the first time I've ever seen him tame the organization's beast, although it's understandable since it cannot be used anywhere else except the arena, " A black haired man in the midst of the audience said.

"Hmmm, that's true, I'm pretty sure if you were a Keiless person equivalent of barely Level 10 you would be interested in taming the beast also as from this stage if he wants to go on with the fights he has to have some sort of power to help him, " The person next to him said.

"You're right, it is dangerous to continue on without some power, " The black haired man replied.

All sorts of comments were directed at him, but he was just focused on getting the reward for his fight.

After he took a look at all the money he had in his account, he noticed that one thousand had been added to his bank account.

He nodded his head, indeed satisfied with the money earned.

Suddenly, as he was about to walk out of the arena, a crimson glowing sphere appeared out of nowhere and floated into his head.

Groaning, he fell to the ground while starting to hyperventilate like a dear running away from a hungry lion.

{Congratulations, you have been blessed with the WARLOCK SYSTEM.} A masculine voice said.

"What sort of crap is this?" Tylex thought as he began to wonder if his ears were playing tricks on him, but that didn't feel right. He then thought that he was dreaming but a sharp pain came suddenly and made him throw that idea out the window.

It felt as if a thousand swords were stabbing his body all over at once.

{This ain't crap kid, this is your future so endure the pain and you will get stronger.} The masculine voice said to him.

It all felt weird and was everything was very real: the pain, the voice, everything.

Then, another thought came into his mind, could it be that he was hallucinating?