
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 5 Mutation

Faced with this weird and terrifying scene, Lucien really felt like his hands and feet were trembling and his head was swollen. His thoughts about what to do and what not to do were confused. On the surface, Lucien was stunned. There, no response at all.

"Holy Emblem, wait, I still have the Holy Emblem of Truth!"

The flustered Lucien thought of his greatest reliance, subconsciously concentrated his mind, wanted to read the spell, and activate a ring of magic "Holy Light Shield". No matter what, protecting himself is the most important thing.

"Ha!" At this moment, a thunderous roar sounded in Lucien's ears, causing Lucien's back to tense, his hair to stand on end, and his panicked and confused thoughts to freeze suddenly.

"Light Art." Gary's steady voice came into Lucien's ear, and he roared just now, the one who awakened Lucien, Correa, and Howson from the bewildering shock was Gary.

Gary's calm and composed attitude infected Lucien, and he quickly returned to his basic reaction. Without thinking too much, he stroked the holy emblem and whispered a strange syllable: "Gaya."

A ball of white light appeared in front of Lucien and the others, dispelling the deep darkness.

Then, Lucien saw a patch of black mice. They were normal in size, but their eyes were red. They were densely packed on the floor, wall, and strange human-shaped plants in a secret room, making Lucien's scalp tense.

As soon as the white light appeared, these mice seemed to see their natural enemies, squeaking and rushing towards Lucien, Gary and the others like a tide.

As the red-eyed mice dispersed, the appearance of the secret room appeared in the eyes of Lucien and the others. A desk was in the corner, with three books with strange shimmering lights on it, and a flat, wide and strange table was in the corner. In the center, there are many strange patterns painted on it, some are red, some are blue, and some are green, which are inexplicably similar to the patterns around the cross of the "Sacred Emblem of Truth". On these patterns, there are small stoves, small Pots, glass bottles, etc.

Neither Lucien nor the mutant Gary in Chapter 5 had time to observe carefully, because those crazy mice had rushed to him with a stench and weirdness.

The silent Howson and the sharp Correa, after being awakened by Gary's roar, skillfully held the long sword and shield, leaned on Gary from left to right, and formed a simple battle formation.

Facing mice instead of other monsters with strange shapes, Lucien, who was infected by Gary's calmness, eased his tension even more. However, there were too many mice and they were too weird, which still made Lucien's heart palpitations uncontrollably.

The red-eyed mouse in the lead jumped up and rushed towards Lucien, with its mouth open, revealing two long and sharp teeth.

Holding the radiant sword in one hand, Lucien hurriedly slashed the radiant blade towards the red-eyed mouse.

The lightsaber summoned by magic is far sharper than ordinary knights' long swords, but Lucien swung the sword hastily, but misjudged the red-eyed mouse's jumping speed and strangeness, the lightsaber can only move from It slides by.

Where the red-eyed mouse rubbed against the lightsaber, the black fur quickly scorched and spread into the flesh. But at this moment, the red-eyed mouse had already pounced on Lucien. smell.

A sword swung in the air, and the red-eyed mouse was right in front of him. Lucien immediately panicked. He wanted to slash back with his sword, but also wanted to directly block with his left hand. Under the contradiction, he almost dropped the sword of brilliance on the ground.

Seeing that the red-eyed mouse was about to bite his chest, Lucien was helpless and had no choice.

Suddenly, a long sword flashing with cold light stretched out from the side, just slashed at the neck of the red-eyed mouse, cutting it in two.

"Don't panic. If it's too late to resist, just avoid the vital points. Those with healing spells." Gary's deep voice came.

Correa's sharp voice sounded at the same time: "Stand back and lean against us, are you a rookie standing in front alone looking for death?"

In such a situation, no matter what negative impression Gary, Correa, Howson and the others have on Lucien, they all understand that he is a combat power that cannot be underestimated with the holy emblem, and even when other changes occur, It is the key to turning the situation around. No one knows what monsters or magical traps will exist after the red-eyed mouse.

After avoiding the bite of the red-eyed mouse, Lucien, who became flustered again, breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down again. Compared with Gary, a high-level knight attendant who has been trained and even has rich combat experience, he is more vulnerable to danger. In the face of sudden changes, they all seem too immature, too young, and too at a loss. Not everyone is born with a talent for fighting, or a gifted person who can still maintain calm in the face of danger.

In the first real battle in my life, it was a great fortune to have a veteran like Gary guide and help me, and it was a valuable experience when I faced battles and dangers in the future.

This time Lucien didn't panic. While slashing the lightsaber forward, he slowly moved backwards, and retreated to Gary and the others.

There were not just one or two red-eyed mice that rushed over, but dozens of them, and behind them came a steady stream of mice.

The lightsaber is bright and sharp, and there is still a faint light and shadow left when the sword passes. The sword that Lucien slashed was based on Gary's guidance, focusing on defense, giving full play to the characteristics of the shining sword, and avoiding Lucien never learned any flaws in swordsmanship.

The brilliance brought by this sword seemed to form a pale white barrier in front of Lucien. The rats that rushed to bite directly hit the lightsaber, and they were divided into pieces as effortlessly as mud. The two halves, the internal organs and the severed skin were scorched black, and fell heavily to the ground without any blood flowing out.

As for those who were not hit by the lightsaber, when passing through the remaining light and shadow, the fur on their bodies began to dry and burn, and their speed slowed down. They either fell in front of Lucien, or were swung by Gary and Correa on both sides. The sword hit.

"Hey, kid, you did a great job. This sword directly killed more than a dozen monster mice." Correa whistled, and it was unclear whether he was praising or sarcastic.

Lucien himself was not proud. He was able to kill so many red-eyed mice with one sword, all because of the strength of the Sword of Radiance and Gary's guidance. At this moment: "I feel that the power of the Sword of Radiance is beginning to lose."

After killing the red-eyed mouse this time, Lucien felt that he was somewhat used to this kind of scene.

Cooperating with Lucien's slashing of the glorious sword, Gary kept slashing and stabbing the long sword, repelling the mice that slipped through the net: "Don't be nervous, the remaining power is enough to kill these monsters."

After a group of them were killed and retreated, the red-eyed mice swooped over again. This time, there seemed to be hundreds of them in the dark.

Lucien became more and more proficient in slashing. Although he was a little scared and worried that he would not be able to completely block the hundreds of mice, he still fully believed in Gary and Correa, and believed that they could help him block the mice on both sides.

The Sword of Glory slanted out from top to bottom, drawing a beautiful light and shadow in mid-air, crackling, an unknown number of red-eyed mice collided with the sword, and the pressure on Lucien's hands doubled. Ordinary people trained as knights almost couldn't hold the sword of brilliance.

There were too many mice. Even though half and half of the corpses fell like rain in front of the Radiance Sword, dozens of them still broke through Lucien's block and passed through the wall of light and shadow drawn by the Radiance Sword.

"There are so many mice, unless Gary and Correa can swing five or six swords in a second, they won't be able to stop them at all!" It was too late for Lucien's glorious sword to be drawn again, so he could only think worriedly in his heart: "Maybe It's not necessarily true that the high-ranking knight servants trained by the church will have some power similar to divine magic."

Just as Lucien was thinking about it, what blocked him from both sides were not two sharp knight long swords, but two round small shields wrapped in silver-gray metal skin.

The two small shields swung fiercely, and dozens of impacts merged into a bang, and the red-eyed mice were directly knocked out, fell to the ground, twitched, and soon died completely.

Correa laughed: "A good knight is not only good at using a long sword, but also good at using a shield."

While Lucien heaved a sigh of relief, he continued to wave the Sword of Radiance to resist the attacks of the red-eyed mice.

The red-eyed mice seemed to have sensed something was wrong after repeatedly failing to bite and bite, so some stopped flying and ran directly from the ground, while others climbed up the wall, preparing to attack from above the four of them.

The situation suddenly became precarious.

"Leave the top to me." Howson, who had always been taciturn, tall and strong, said suddenly.

Lucien swung the sword of radiance from top to bottom, blocking the mid-air and ground mice, and asked, "Do you want to use the 'Holy Light Shield'?"

Gary shook his head: "Wait a little longer."

The four of them were like a small boat in a turbulent sea, swaying among the red-eyed mice falling from the sky, rushing in mid-air, and swarming on the ground, as if they would be washed away at any time.

Suddenly, there was an omission in Howson's blocking. A red-eyed mouse landed on Correa's shoulder. Correa's long sword and shield resisted in front of him. Before he could guard against it, he was bitten directly on the neck and let out a painful groan. , With a shake of his shoulder, he shook the red-eyed mouse out.

Correa said bitterly: "The wounds are numb, they seem to be poisonous."

"Okay, I will activate the healing spell." Lucien rubbed the holy emblem with his free left hand while talking.

Gary stopped him and said: "Don't worry, Correa can still hold on. It seems that there is no way to stop it completely, wait for a few more bites, and then activate the healing magic." There are too many mice, and the healing magic has to be used sparingly .

Before he finished speaking, he also groaned, and was bitten between the boots and the kneepad by a red-eyed mouse.

After this encounter, Gary, Correa, and Howson all changed their fighting styles. Although mice can bite people, their teeth are not sharp enough to bite through armor. , relax a little bit, fully guard against other places, and the situation suddenly improved.

Only Lucien, wearing a short linen jacket and trousers of the same color without any protection, was immediately bitten on the ankle by a red-eyed mouse.

Numbness and itchiness rose from the ankle, and quickly spread up. Lucien almost couldn't stand still, and at the same time, his mouth was dry and he wanted to drink water very much.

"Your physique is much worse than ours. Use the Holy Light Shield first, and then use the healing spell." Gary judged the situation. At this time, the red-eyed mouse was almost half dead.

It was about his own business, Lucien didn't delay, concentrated, and stroked the holy emblem:


A strange and mysterious spell sounded, and a pale white light shield appeared on Lucien's body.

Lucien couldn't concentrate after inspiring a magic attack, so he took a step forward and blocked all the red-eyed mice in front with his holy light shield and radiant sword.

The mice that escaped the sword of light attacked the shield of light one after another, but the shield of light did not shake in the blink of light, giving Gary and Correa a chance to kill and fly the mice calmly.

After two or three seconds, Lucien regained his mind, stroked the holy emblem again, and chanted the awkward mantra: "Gurdi."

A white light shot out from the cross of the Holy Emblem and landed on Lucien's feet, and the itching disappeared immediately.

With Lucien blocking the front with the holy light shield, although occasionally Correa and Gary still have time to avoid being bitten, the situation has gradually turned around. With fewer and fewer red-eyed mice, the danger is slowly subside.

Lucien took the time to activate the holy emblem and healed Correa and Gary's injuries.

Not long after, Correa hacked a red-eyed mouse to death with a sword, and after making its blood splatter, he exhaled softly: "Finally, it was completely killed."

The ground was already full of corpses of red-eyed mice, and puddles of dark red blood.

Lucien looked at these in a daze, unable to believe that he did it by himself, Gary nodded: "Lucien, you did a good job."

Lucien came back to his senses and was ready to thank Gary.

Gary took a breath. He ordered: "Hausen, you and Lucien go into the secret room and have a look."

Lucien has a shield of holy light, and Howson has been standing behind him, so he has not been bitten by the rats. At this time, Gary will naturally play everyone's role.

But there was silence in the back, and Howson, who had been taciturn, didn't answer.

Correa looked back strangely, and then he was full of shock and panic, and said intermittently: "Hausen, Howson is gone."

Howson, who had just repelled the red-eyed mouse above his head and stood behind the three of them calmly, disappeared? !

Lucien felt creepy again.