
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 20 Attempt to Interpret

There was no unexpected surprise, just as Lucien expected, during the four hours from dinner to falling asleep unconsciously, I only deciphered the content of the first ten pages of the magic note, and mainly discontinuous words, There was no way to form a complete sentence, because many of the words involved in magic were very strange and uncommon.

Of course, with Lucien's ability to study for many years, he can indeed restore and make up the meaning of some sentences through these words, but it is definitely not accurate enough. According to this understanding, Lucien would not dare to rashly start learning magic. The dead don't know.

Fortunately, as a magic notebook, the witch will occasionally record her thoughts and encounters while recording the magic she has learned, just like a diary, and the words in this part are not uncommon, and the grammatical structure is also similar to that of Lucy. En usually spoke the same way, so Lucien successfully deciphered the similar sentences contained in the first ten pages, and roughly knew the origin of the other two magic notes, or should be called magic books.

The witch came from a magician family that survived the fall of the ancient Sylvanus magic empire. Although this family lived in a remote mountain castle after the occupation of Alto, their whereabouts were secret, but after hundreds of years of attacks by the church, Under the hunt, the population is still getting smaller and smaller. If it weren't for the fact that the church has not been more aggressive in attacking and hunting in the past 100 years, the family may have perished. But even so, in the generation of witches, only her is left. I'm a family of three with my parents.

After an accident in summoning "creatures represented by words unknown to Lucien", the witch became an orphan, and at the same time officially inherited "Book of Astrology and Elements" and "Illustrated Book of Common Things Related to Magic" These two magic books.

There are only so many witches' "diary-style" descriptions in the first dozen pages, so when Lucien woke up the next morning, the first thought that came to mind was: "The best witch's magic notes are complete, without cutting corners. Otherwise, where would I go to learn the ancient Sylvanus script."


Since most of the jobs that Lucien can find from the Copper Crown Tavern are related to Aaron's gang, Lucien is unemployed again and can only rely on savings for a short time.

However, this is exactly in line with the plan of Lucien, John and Joel, which is to let Lucien concentrate on learning characters for a while to avoid possible revenge. After all, Joel and Alisa are either working as street performers in the administrative area, or cleaning clothes in a powerful guild, and Ivan can also follow Alisa to the textile guild to help do some small things for free, which has nothing to do with the Aaron gang Intersection, only Lucien, if you start to do things, it is really difficult to jump out of Aaron's strong market area.

Even John and the others asked Lucien not to go out of the city during this time, not to go to secluded places, and be careful not to be secretly set on fire at night by those who are not afraid of death.

Therefore, after Lucien got up and washed his face, and ate the soft black bread boiled in boiling water, he felt a leisurely feeling that he had nothing to do.

Of course, this was just an illusion. Lucien quickly curbed his laziness and went out to find an open space in the Aderjan District. Then, according to John's teaching, he began to exercise his body and practiced the basics of swordsmanship with a wooden stick.

For Lucien, before learning magic, the best way to meet the possible dangers is to work hard to enhance his own strength, even though John has said that if he didn't practice from a young age and started after he was sixteen, he would basically be There is no hope of inspiring the power of the bloodline and gaining the grace of God, unless you get the "Water of Holy Light" bestowed by the church.

And Lucien still has Jackson's dagger on him, so he can fight at the critical moment.

After exercising, it was already nine o'clock. Lucien returned home, rested for a while, and then began to review what he learned yesterday and what he gained when he tried to interpret the magic notes last night. The seriousness, diligence and self-consciousness were unprecedented. Far more than ever.


In the lobby of No. 12, Sneva Street, Jisu District.

Victor looked at Lucien in disbelief: "You really haven't studied characters before, whether it's pronunciation, spelling rules or grammar?"

From the thirty-two letters he asked to recite, to several questions, Lucien's answers were perfect, and he also raised several questions about the spelling rules, which are often only after formally learning words and grammar. The problem he found was that Lucien's learning progress was astonishing. Just one day of study was equivalent to the effect of a beginner for three months, and he was almost catching up with the ordinary students Colin and Renee who had a certain foundation.

This is the second time Victor was surprised by Lucien's performance, and the other students couldn't help but look at Lucien again. Is this poor boy a genius of language and writing, or is he deliberately lying? In fact, he has a certain foundation?

"Mr. Victor, I really haven't learned characters before. It's just that when I was studying, I accidentally thought that it could be connected with the usual pronunciation and habitual ways of speaking. After comparison and reference, I can learn so quickly." In Alto, Lucien hoped that others would regard him as a genius, but he didn't want to treat himself as an incomprehensible monster. It would be troublesome if he attracted the attention of the church, so he calmly explained his learning method briefly.

This is indeed the method Lucien used, but without the help of the library and text books to try to interpret, it also cannot reach Lucien's learning speed.

Although Victor was born as a commoner, his father was already a good violinist and was admired by many nobles. He started to learn the common language since he was a child, and he had no experience in this field. , very good, you can make good use of your advantage of being able to speak the common language and sum up the method to prove that you are very smart and have a talent in this area."

His satisfaction with Lucien was obvious.

Herodotus, Colin, and Renee looked at Lucien with a hint of envy and jealousy.

After studying with Victor for five years, Lotte and Phyllis, who have no problems in the common language and are not low in music, rarely see Victor praise students like this, so they can't help but glance at each other.

"His method sounds quite useful." Phyllis clasped her hands, put them on the skirts of her legs, sat dignifiedly and ladylikely, nodded slightly, maintaining a slightly haughty attitude.

Lott originally intended to shrug his shoulders, but he immediately thought of how un-noble it was. It would be fine if he was with other familiar companions or the commoner girls around him, but the person sitting opposite him was trying to compare himself faintly. Phyllis, who is stingy and sarcastic in music, so he just smiled and said in a low voice: "After speaking the common language for so many years, it's normal to have this kind of thinking, and this method can't be used in learning music. , right, Phyllis?"

"Do you think I'm so naive, so naive? Besides, I have my own way of learning music, unlike someone who always relies on a little bit of talent, refuses to pay attention, and hangs around among women. Lotte, I think you should I understand that talent cannot be squandered for long." Phyllis showed a standard smile, her eight white teeth were neat and beautiful, "If this, um, poor man named Lucien, starts to learn music, maybe he will over you."

She mocked Lott with Lucien.

In fact, except for a guy like Lucien who has no common sense, and Joel, John and others who know that he just wants to learn characters and change their lives, everyone else, including Cohen, Victor, Lotte, Phyllis, Lei Ni and the others thought that Lucien wanted to develop in the direction of music, because once he chose to learn characters, it often meant he chose a future path.

For example, if you want to be a clerk in a village court or an administrative officer in a city hall, you will definitely choose a scholar of law and history rather than a musician like Victor when you study language and characters.

As for those who want to be pure scholars, a small number of people who are not of noble origin or who are closely related to nobles cannot be recognized. Even if it is a music path that relies on its own strength, it cannot Known as a musician.

Lott sneered: "If you surpass me, then you must pass you, Phyllis."

Phyllis was about to fight back when she suddenly saw Teacher Victor looking over, so she straightened her long fiery red hair, lowered her head, and continued to look at the score.

After Victor affirmed Lucien's talent, he speeded up his teaching to Lucien. He quickly finished explaining the spelling rules combined with words, and started to talk about some grammar knowledge, which was exactly what Lucien wanted.


Friday, Lucien's last day of study this week.

After a few days of study, Lucien has mastered most of the grammar. If it weren't for the lack of vocabulary, he could start learning magic. Even so, Lucien also deciphered the witch's magic notes to the last few pages To the extent that she figured out why she came to Aalto.

"With the growth of spiritual power, the effect of meditation is obviously reduced. Is there room for improvement?"

"Do you want to take the risk of trying a meditation method that can only be used by formal magicians?"

"I almost died, it's too dangerous, maybe I should consider referring to this meditation method to improve the apprentice's meditation method."

"Aimless, unable to find direction, no wonder after hundreds of years of inheritance, the ancestors of the family have not improved the apprentice's meditation method. I am too arrogant and too shallow."

"The structure of the first-level magic is too complicated, and it is difficult to establish an imprint model."

"I'm going crazy. If I can't build an imprint model, I can't use the existing magic potion to advance to a full-time magician."

"Maybe, I should try to concoct the 'Gate of Magic' potion, which itself contains a first-level spell model, which will hopefully make me an official magician."

"Needed ice gorse not found."

"Alto is the largest and most prosperous city in the west of the mainland, and it is also a city where many magicians hide. Maybe I should try my luck."

This is the "diary-like" content that Lucien deciphered. He was curious about the witch's experience after arriving in Alto, so he decided to continue tonight and decipher the last few pages.

Today, when Lucien came to study with Victor, he also hid a small thought, that is, while mastering the basics of grammar, he would find an opportunity to borrow a common language dictionary and use the library to write it down. If he succeeds, maybe two days on the weekend , Lucien can start learning magic.

Lucien was full of expectations.