
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 come with oneself

The evening sun pierced through the crimson clouds and shone on the serene Adrien Church Square. The little sun held by the bishop had lost its bright brilliance. He hung it on his chest and turned to walk into the church. go.

In the center of the square, the rather beautiful black-robed witch had been burned to ashes, but the crazy laughter and curses seemed to be still reverberating, and many people couldn't help but tremble. They looked around and followed the bishop and priest. They walked into the church, repented of their crimes under the Lord's attention, and prayed sincerely.

The dazzling white light seemed to be still in front of his eyes, and the sacred and majestic power contained in it seemed to be vaguely felt. Under the impact, Lucien had accepted his own identity and buried everything in the past deeply in his heart. Not daring to show the slightest difference.

"The power of magic is so powerful, I wonder if I have a chance to learn it?"

Lucien was thinking in shock, without the awe that ordinary people should have. Suddenly, a huge force hit Lucien on the left shoulder, causing him to fall to the left involuntarily, and almost lost his standing.

"Oh, my poor little Evans, you are all right at last, it's the Lord's blessing, I thought you would be like your father, who fell ill and never got up again, thank the Lord for such a wonderful Good lads live on."

After being slapped like this, Lucien had already woken up from the shock and absentmindedness. He saw a brown-haired aunt who was twice as wide as his own standing beside him, wiping away tears, and frequently slapped him with his right hand, which was comparable to a bear's paw attack. on his shoulders.

Moved away a little to avoid vomiting blood, Lucien opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say a word, because: "What should I call this aunt? It seems that my full name should be Lucien Evans ?"

Lucien's hiding made the aunt even more sad: "Poor little Evans, you must be very sick, look at this little face, so thin that you can see the bones..."

While talking, Lucien was extremely embarrassed. He came here through time travel. Except for being able to understand and speak the language here, he didn't inherit any memory. In this sense, Lucien's soul is indeed occupied by the devil.

Fortunately, at this moment, a middle-aged man standing next to him patted the fat aunt, and comforted him: "Alysa, little Evans just recovered, he must be very weak, please don't disturb him. Aiwen, hold him up." Your mother, let's go home together."

This middle-aged man is very thin, with a slightly arched back. He has short blond hair that is slightly gray, and his youthful handsomeness can be vaguely seen on his face that has been engraved with the vicissitudes of time.

But in Lucien's eyes, this middle-aged uncle was like an angel with a white halo, an angel who freed himself from embarrassment and tension.

"Aunt Alisa, I'm all right now, but I'm still a little dizzy." Lucien planned his words so as not to show his flaws.

Aiwen, the little boy who took Lucien to watch the witch burning, half supported his mother and made a grimace: "Brother Lucien is not the kind of coward who gets sick and dies, only you still think he needs it." Take care of the little one."

Aunt Alisa wiped her tears: "Little Evans, I'm relieved to see you recover, and blame that damned, evil, witch who has gone to hell."

Supported by Aiwen, Aunt Alisa walked forward slowly while nagging: "When she just moved to the room next to yours, she was so quiet, beautiful, and gentle. I still think that if little John To be able to marry such a girl is a gift from the Lord, but, she turned out to be a witch, and even went to the cemetery to steal the remains of the dead to cast evil magic. Fortunately, the glory of the Lord shines on everything. At that time, there were night watchmen from the court Just in the cemetery, catch her directly, or she will prepare evil magic, and we don't know how many people in Adrian District will die..."

Walking behind with the middle-aged uncle, from the nagging of Aunt Alisa, Lucien probably knew what happened. The witch was caught by the night watchman of the church when she went to the cemetery to steal the corpse, and As her neighbor, she was also interrogated by the church. The middle church may have used some magical means to rule out the suspicion of the real Lucien, but at the same time caused him to suffer mental or physical harm. , So he got a serious illness and died, so he was able to let himself be possessed.

Seeing that Lucien didn't speak, the middle-aged uncle patted Lucien on the shoulder and comforted him softly: "Alissa is just nagging like this, just pretend you didn't hear it."

Lucien didn't know what to say, so he just nodded.

The middle-aged uncle looked at the back of Aunt Alisa and sighed softly: "Hey, Alisa was a pure and passionate beautiful girl back then, but since she gave birth to Little John, she seems to be cursed by the devil. It's the same, and it has become what it is now in just one year."

He seemed to be full of emotions in life, his eyes were quite deep, and then he paused: "I can't beat her anymore."

Just after transmigrating, and seeing and experiencing the power of the magic spell with his own eyes, Lucien was greatly shocked and was in a state of restlessness, so he just smiled reluctantly and didn't answer directly, and he didn't know that this uncle What should I call it.

Perhaps the uncle was too engrossed in his memories and didn't notice the control of the voice. Alisa snorted: "Joel, you, a bard full of ideals and passion, have worked so hard to come to Alto to pursue music dreams Haven't the youths who have become drunk all day become drunkards."

Joel smiled sarcastically: "Alto is the city of chant. I don't know how many young people come to pursue music dreams every day, but how many of them can succeed? Alissa, besides, since Little John started exercising, I have Are you quitting drinking?"

Aunt Alisa glanced back at him: "Fortunately, with the blessing of the Lord, you also know that our hope lies in John and Ivan. If Little John didn't exercise every day, how could he be picked by Sir Wayne, fuck him The manor conducts formal knight training, if he can arouse the 'divine grace' in his blood and become a real knight, he can be named a lord by the Grand Duke and become a respected nobleman."

The stern gaze made Joel shrink his shoulders, but Alisa quickly noticed Lucien's trance: "Oh, I'm sorry, little Evans, aunt didn't mean to mention this matter, you are also very talented, It's just that I didn't start exercising from a young age..."

Realizing that the more she spoke, the more painful the scars in Lucien's heart became, Alisa quickly shut her mouth and signaled Joel to speak with her eyes.

Joel laughed loudly, and patted Lucien on the shoulder again: "How could our little Evans be so fragile, he is the man who will inherit his Uncle Joel's dream of being a musician."

The restless Lucien could only grin and say, "Yes, my dream is to become a musician."

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Lucien, Alisa continued to babble about various trivial matters, which gave Lucien a better understanding of the city he was in.

This is a big city called Alto, near the Dark Mountains, known as the City of Psalms, prosperous and full of opportunities.

At present, the place where I live is the Aderjan district where the poor gather in Aalto, and I seem to have lost my regular job of helping to carry goods in the market area because of a serious illness for a few days.

Soon, the four of them walked to the hut where Lucien was.

Aunt Alisa originally wanted to invite Lucien to her house for dinner, but Lucien, who urgently needed to be quiet, politely refused her.

When they parted, Aiwen quietly and curiously asked Lucien: "Brother Lucien, when did your dream become a musician?"

"Just now." Lucien moved his mouth numbly.

Evan let out a long cry.

After entering the house, he locked the door behind him, and Lucien sat down recklessly, resting his elbows on the wooden table, and buried his head deeply in his elbows.

"I actually crossed over!"

"And it's still this kind of world with inhuman power."

"If you are not careful, you will be tied to the stake and burned alive."

The emotions that arose from witnessing the witch's miserable end just now finally erupted when there was no one around. Lucien was startled, frightened and frightened.

Of course, as a guy who hadn't experienced many major events, although Lucien was a little introverted and easily panicked when encountering things, he still kept his calm in the face of the huge pressure, and he couldn't hold back until he came back.

I have to say that the environment and encounters are the most tempering.

As time passed, the darkness gradually fell, and Lucien also got used to the fear and calmed down. Now that he had already crossed over, no matter how frightened, worried, and afraid, it would not help. He could only take one step at a time carefully. If you die again, you may not be able to have a good time travelling.

After regaining his emotions, he suppressed his thoughts and worries about his parents and friends. Just as he was about to plan his life, Lucien immediately felt a surge of hunger. It was like a fire was burning in his stomach, and his saliva kept secreting.

Swallowing his saliva, filling his stomach was the top priority, Lucien stopped thinking and walked to the only crate in the house that could store things.

In the dilapidated box, apart from some clothes, Lucien saw two pieces of black bread-like food, and seven brass coins that shone with metallic light.

The stomach pouch had replaced Lucien's brain, he had no extra energy to think about other things, so he picked up a piece of black bread and gnawed it down.

With a click, Lucien quickly covered his mouth with his hands, his teeth almost fell out. Is this bread or a stick?

After smelling it, Lucien was barely sure that it was indeed bread, but it was so hard that an adult could be stunned.

Suppressing his hunger, Lucien dug out the flint and steel from the crate. After a few failed attempts, he finally lit the wood under the stove and began to bake bread in an orderly manner.

"Braised pork, spicy chicken wings, steamed beef, diced Kung Pao chicken..." While baking bread, Lucien couldn't stop drooling while talking about the food.

The black bread became a little softer, and Lucien couldn't help but gnawed on it. The horrible taste was like chewing sawdust.

But Lucien still ate hungrily, and couldn't help lamenting while eating: "If you eat this kind of food every day, you might as well die, no, you must make money, and you must get rid of this kind of poverty." Life."

"If I can learn divine arts and become a bishop and a priest..." In his endless thoughts, Lucien thought of the well-dressed bishop and priest he saw in front of the church, and thought of the inhuman power and the power they derived from it. With a noble status, I couldn't help but be moved, "But, in my situation, isn't going to the church courting death? I don't know if there are other ways to obtain inhuman and extraordinary power? For example, that divine favor?"

"If I can't get this kind of power, will what I learned be useful in this world?"

After stopping his hunger, Lucien began to seriously analyze his own way of survival, but when he just recalled the knowledge he had learned, Lucien suddenly had something extra in his mind.

When he noticed it carefully, Lucien couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Aren't these books in the library? They also traveled through time?"

There are books in the entire comprehensive library in my mind. They are not like memories, but like projections. They are put away by category for Lucien to read.

The curious Lucien flipped through the books casually, but it happened suspiciously that most of the books could not be opened.