
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 18 Familiar People

The Copper Crown Tavern was a little brighter near noon, and the light pierced through the darkness. Compared with the early morning when Lucien came last time, there were a lot more people inside. The voices of bards singing, talking, and talking Mixed together, it seems noisy and noisy.

Lucien noticed that there were quite a few strangers wearing leather armor or with a fierce aura, and there were even some beautiful women, who seemed to be mercenaries and adventurers.

After struggling through the crowd, Lucien finally squeezed to the front of the bar.

"Hey, guest, would you like a drink?" Cohen greeted without raising his head while drinking ale.

Lucien said with a smile: "Uncle Cohen, it's me."

"Uh, Lucien, why are you like this?" Cohen looked a little surprised when he saw Lucien's bruised face and his beard shaking, "Wait, Jackson from Aaron's gang came to inquire about you this morning. .Little guy, you won't mess with these villains, will you?"

Lucien didn't want to say more: "Well, the matter has been settled, Uncle Cohen, I want to know which scholars are teaching characters?"

"You, have you collected enough five silver gnars? Could it be that you robbed those villains?" Cohen was even more surprised, looking at Lucien as if he was looking at an unknown creature.

Lucien thought that it was indeed a robbery, but he couldn't say that, so he explained a few words, and mentioned that the Joel family lent him money in the end to get it together.

Cohen took a gulp of ale and praised: "Lucien, you and John are finally grown up, and you are men who know blood and glory!"

"However, you and the Joel family should be careful. Although as long as John is still Sir Wayne's knight squire, they will not dare to retaliate directly, but in private, there are always guys who like to take risks and gamble." Cohen warned Lucy again En word.

Lucien nodded solemnly: "We will be careful."

Cohen then took out a blank piece of paper, on which strange patterns were drawn like a child scribbling: "Hehe, I can't read, but I can always draw some marks by myself."

Then he read out the name, address, and study time of the scholars who were willing to teach characters, and let Lucien choose by himself.

Lucien listened carefully, comparing one by one, and suddenly heard a familiar name: "Victor? Musician Mr. Victor?"

Cohen looked at Lucien strangely: "Yes, you know Mr. Victor?"

"I met you at the Musicians Association last time, but isn't Mr. Victor going to have a concert in the chant hall in more than three months? He has time to teach words?" Lucien wondered if Cohen made a mistake .

Cohen laughed: "It is because of this that Mr. Victor will teach writing."

"It's not so easy to hold a concert in the Chant Hall. You need to be invited by the Council of the Musicians Association, or His Majesty the Grand Duke or Princess Natasha. And since the Chant Hall only has one concert a week, unless it is a famous The dozen or so musicians in the concert, others have to wait for a long time. Mr. Victor got the invitation half a year ago. In order to prepare for this concert, he turned down all the performances, including the invitation from the Syracuse court, so his income became very small , It is said that it is all supported by savings."

Lucien finally understood the reason: "But since Mr. Victor attaches so much importance to the concert in the chant hall, why waste time teaching characters?" It can be spent on borrowing money.

"I don't know either. I heard that the closer the concert is, the greater the pressure on Mr. Victor. You also know that musicians are always very sensitive. If you don't find something else to do, maybe Mr. Victor will be overwhelmed by the music." Going mad! Grunt." Cohn took a sip of his ale.

Lucien thought for a while, compared to other scholars, he had met Victor at least, and thought he had a good personality and demeanor: "Well, then I will learn from Mr. Victor."


Gisu District, named after the great musician Gisu who invented the violin, is home to most of Aalto's musicians and musicians. The scenery is beautiful, quiet and tidy.

The trees on both sides of the street are tall and dense like sycamore trees. The sunlight shines on the ground through the leaves, forming bright golden spots, which form a melody of light and darkness with the surrounding shadows.

Lucien walked under the tree according to the address given by Cohen. After getting lost several times, he finally found No. 12, Sneva Street, Jisu District.

Inside the blue-black wall is a two-story building covered with green vines, exuding an ancient and quiet atmosphere. If all goes well, in the next two months, every Monday to Friday afternoon From two to four, Lucien will be here for a life-changing study.

Lucien knocked lightly on the door, and soon a servant came over, looked at Lucien's clothes through the iron gate like a fence, and frowned slightly: "Who are you looking for?"

When Lucien made it clear what he came for, he still didn't quite believe it: "Learning characters costs five silvers a month. Pay first and learn later. Are you ready?"

Lucien no longer cared much about this level of discrimination. Now, there was nothing more important than learning characters by himself, so he took out his wallet and poured out a few silver Gnars in his hand: "Of course."

The middle-aged servant looked at the silver gnar in Lucien's palm in disbelief, and couldn't believe his eyes. Such a poorly dressed guy could take out five silver gnar at random. A servant of a musician costs only ten silver nars a month, and it would be nice to save one silver nar a month after deducting family expenses.

As he opened the door, he looked at Lucien warily: "Mr. Victor is a well-known musician in Alto, and he is very familiar with the city hall officials." He seemed to suspect that Lucien obtained wealth through abnormal channels.

Lucien smiled and did not answer. He followed the fancy-dressed servant through the courtyard to the small building on the second floor. He watched him gently open the brown wooden door and let him in to make an announcement.

After a few minutes, the servant came out and whispered softly, "Follow me in, and hand over Yinnar to Butler Ace in the hall later."

The hall is very wide, covered with a low-key dark yellow carpet, amber coffee table, brown sofa, small round table and other furniture are placed nearby, and there is a long table in the distance, which seems to be a dining table.

Perhaps because there are many people who come to study, Victor did not choose the study room to teach characters, but in the hall.

On the sofa and on the red wooden chair, there were five men and three women sitting respectively. They looked young, ranging from thirteen or fourteen to early twenties.

There are quills, papers and other items on the tea table or small round table in front of them. From time to time, they are seriously copying something, but most of the time they are whispering pronunciation, reciting words or humming.

Judging from their clothes, Lucien could clearly find that two of them, a man and a woman, although their clothes were cleaned and tried their best to dress up, they were still very ordinary in essence, while the other three men and two women, Clothes, old or not, look like they're worth a fortune.

Lucien guessed that they were ordinary members of aristocratic families who could not inherit the title and most of the property, nor could they stimulate the power of their blood. They did not have extra money to hire specialized tutors, so they could only learn from scholars. In Alto, It is a very good choice to become an elegant musician.

This kind of private teaching, it is impossible for everyone to progress at the same rate, so Victor in a red coat spoke in front of this person for a while, and whispered in that ear for a while.

Lucien glanced around the hall, and saw a dignified butler in a neat black dress near the door. His hair was grey, his face was wrinkled, and he was not young, but he stood there with his back straight. Meticulous.

"Hi, are you Mr. Ace?" Lucien walked over gently and asked in a low voice.

The butler nodded: "Yes, I'm Ace, may I know your name and your current level of study?"

"I'm very honored. I'm Lucien Evans. I've never studied characters before." Lucien answered in a low voice while handing five silver Gnars to Ace.

Butler Ace took Yinnar away, and gave Lucien a slightly strange look. The one who wore such poor clothes and had no education at all was obviously from a slum area. Young people in such places generally Rude and rude, but he didn't expect that although Lucien in front of him didn't know much about etiquette, at least he was very polite and appeared very mature, which was beyond his expectation.

He walked lightly to the center of the hall and whispered a few words in Victor's ear. Victor turned his head to look at Lucien, then nodded kindly to him, pointed to an empty single sofa, and signaled Lu Xien Sean sat there while Ace walked upstairs.

At this moment, the eight young men, five men, three women, who were concentrating on their studies in the hall noticed the arrival of a new learner. They raised their heads and looked curiously at Lucien beside the gate.

He has black hair and black eyes, delicate and profound facial features. He has a good appearance, but he is wearing a linen jacket, trousers of the same color and ordinary shoes without heels. Although he is clean and tidy, he cannot hide his poor and poor living environment.

"This kind of poor people actually want to learn writing?"

This was the first thought that came to their minds, and they couldn't help showing strange and surprised emotions on their faces. They didn't expect that the new companion would be a poor boy.

Then, the five boys and girls who may have come from noble families quickly covered their expressions with indifference, lowered their heads, and continued their studies, while two men and one woman who seemed to be commoners kept looking at Lucien until he sat down. On the single sofa, there was curiosity and doubt in his eyes.

Among them, the ordinary boy of seventeen or eighteen years old with the same black hair and black eyes next to Lucien subconsciously moved aside, as if there was an invisible stench emanating from Lucien.

Lucien didn't have a sensitive heart made of glass. Instead, he seemed very mature because of his experience, so he just thought it was funny, shook his head, and put a stack of white paper and a quill pen bought at Copper Fair on the small round table in front of him. Go up, quietly waiting for Victor to come.

After maybe five minutes, Victor took a black hard-cover book from Ace who had returned, walked up to Lucien, put it on the small round table, and whispered: "This is the book. "Common Language Pronunciation and Elementary Grammar" is just suitable for beginners at your level, well, turn to the first page of the first chapter, and I will teach you the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters first."