
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 Sour

John smiled and said: "In the Knight's Code, there are two rules: protecting the homeland and protecting the weak. I don't think I have violated it. Sir Wayne must be able to understand it. In comparison, the words of your gangsters seem to be unreliable."

"You have no evidence!" Jackson said viciously.

Many people know that making all witnesses unwilling or afraid to testify is the gangster's forte, and the church generally does not get involved in this kind of thing. Besides, the big man behind the Aaron gang is not without influence in the church.

Lucien laughed, recalling the lines of bully nobles and knights he had heard and seen before, and said with a superior attitude: "Evidence? He is a knight servant, and you are a gang leader. This is the evidence." !"

From the Copper Crown Tavern, Lucien knew that in the Principality of Violet, knights are real nobles. Although their official servants are not high, they are definitely not low. Therefore, he believes that a gangster like Jackson is not qualified. To frame a knight attendant, after all, he and John have no other great benefits that make Aaron's gangsters excited.

On the contrary, John, who has always been influenced by chivalry and rules, and Aunt Alisa also thinks so, so it is inevitable that he will be a little fooled by Jackson.

Jackson was blocked by Lucien's words, and fell silent. It is indeed possible for Aaron's gang to frame a knight servant, but there are many relationships and resources that need to be used. How could Boss Aaron do it for A small boss like himself took action, especially the atmosphere in Alto seems a bit weird recently. Really just scaring John.

Besides, this matter is not a blood feud, so there is no need to gamble your future and life for it.

After becoming the leader, Jackson naturally lost his ruthlessness towards himself.

So Jackson said with difficulty: "How much compensation do you need? I only have two silver Gnars with me."

Seeing that he had successfully frightened Jackson, Lucien turned his head to look at John, letting him make a decision. At the same time, he looked at the end of the street in the distance, and said in a low voice, "It seems that the sheriff has brought someone over. Let's leave quickly, so as not to Things are getting big."

As for people like Aaron's gang, they often deal with the sheriff a lot, and it's not hard to find a reason to get out.

Although Lucien was a little worried about the gangster's secret revenge in the future, and occasionally thought about completely subduing or cutting off the possibility of future troubles, but at this time, neither he nor John's strength was enough to complete it, and killing people in the street would really hurt John. be evicted.

John abided by the rules of the knight, and did not think about extorting Jackson, nodded: "Okay, I will pay two silver Gnars."

Lucien was just robbed of more than forty coppers and some undisposed garbage, and the rest of the money was carefully hidden in a corner of the witch ruins. Because they were afraid of witches and being cursed, the villains didn't even I dared to get close, so I didn't find it. In addition to the broken furniture, at most one silver gnar was a little more, and the compensation for two silver gnars was doubled.

Jackson struggled to take out the money bag and threw it to John. It was empty, except for two silver Gnars: "The Copper Fell was rewarded to them just now."

John poured out two beautiful silver coins, handed them to Lucien, and then threw the money bag to Jackson's hand: "Do you want to search those villains and get back your stolen copper fir?"

After taking Yinnar, Lucien raised his chin to the sheriff and his subordinates who were getting closer: "It's too late, let's go."

Although he might not be punished if caught in person by the sheriff, but be careful, Lucien didn't dare to gamble with John's future, so he gave up those lovely copperfels without much heartache.

"Okay!" John picked up the stick without leaving any physical evidence, while Lucien picked up the dagger that Jackson dropped.

Then Lucien and John ran wildly, ran towards another street, then rushed into the alley, and quickly disappeared in the market area.


"Phew, don't run away, it's almost time, take a rest." Seeing that he had run back to a remote corner of the slum area, Lucien finally felt relieved, leaning on the wall, gasping for breath, only then found that his legs It was very soft, and after doing the math, I really ran a lot this morning, so I just sat down on the ground and said with a smile, "Hehe, I don't have the strength, huh."

John was also panting, seeing that the two wounds on Lucien's body were not deep, and the bleeding had stopped, so he also sat down and leaned against Lucien: "I don't have much strength, the short body surrounded by them Dozens of seconds is more tiring than running for half a day, but it's been a long time since I had such a hearty fight, it's really comfortable!"

The two of them just sat on the ground leaning against each other, gasping for breath and recovering their strength.

"Yeah, it's really comfortable." Lucien squinted his eyes and looked up at the clear blue sky. The fight just now really felt hearty to him, as if he had put away the depression, The pain, confusion, and hesitation were all vented, and the mind was clarified like never before, and he really recognized John as a good friend, so he couldn't help laughing, "Hahahaha."

The laughter is wanton and carefree.

John was very strange: "Lucien, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm thinking that in the future, when I learn to write and earn money, I will travel around the mainland to see different scenery, different cuisines, different countries and all kinds of wonderful legends."

Lucien didn't answer, but looked at the sky, and spoke slowly, but in his heart, he continued silently:

"I want to learn magic, I want to travel all over the continent, seek the knowledge and laws of this world, penetrate the reality of this world, and find the way home."

"Whether it's successful or not, this is what I'm working on, for my parents and my former friends like John."

"There are already three silver Gnars. Even if we borrow usury for the rest, we need to collect them as soon as possible so that we can start learning magic in the shortest possible time. Aaron's gang does not dare to retaliate openly, but they are good at doing things secretly."

If it is said that Lucien decided to learn magic because of external pressure, negative emotions, and yearning for strength, status, a better life, and wonderful enjoyment under the beating of Aaron's gang before, then now, it is completely A fundamental, heartfelt decision.

John smiled and said, "Travel around the mainland? Hehe, Lucien, although the dark creatures and magical beasts in the continental countries to the east of the principality have almost been exterminated by the church, the wild is still not safe. Those kobolds, goblins, and jackals, Just like rats, they can give birth, and after killing them all, a group of them will emerge soon, with your strength, I am afraid that you will not be able to travel alone."

"Kobolds, goblins, gnolls, uh, can they be eaten?" Lucien asked subconsciously, and the first thought of destroying such fast-growing creatures was to eat.

John was a little baffled and couldn't understand Lucien's train of thought: "Should...can't be."

"Forget it." Lucien said slightly disappointed.

John didn't ask much, but also looked up at the sapphire-like sky, and said with longing: "If I can become an official knight, I will also tour the mainland. I don't know what it will be like outside of Alto, is it like Those bards are as good as they say."

"By the way, Lucien, you have to be careful recently, try not to go outside the city or to secluded places, those villains are real scum."

"Well, John, when you see Sir Wayne, you must take the initiative to bring up today's matter and ask for punishment." Lucien urged John.

John was surprised at first, and then nodded emphatically: "Okay. Hey, it's a pity that I can only learn some military-related characters after I become a high-ranking knight attendant, otherwise I can teach you."

The two were in a happy mood and talked without saying a word. They didn't stand up until they regained their strength and walked to Aunt Alisa's house.


Alisa had already gone to the administrative area to bring Joel back, and was walking back and forth anxiously. When she finally saw John and Lucien come back side by side, talking and laughing, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Joel opened his arms with a smile: "Welcome our two heroes home, you remind me of my youthful days."

John and Joel hugged: "Dad, you must be careful these days, I'm worried that those villains are behind the scenes."

"This kind of villain is actually the most timid. You beat them hard for a while, but they dare not do anything." Joel smiled, and then his face became serious, "Actually, you should ask Wei Wei about this kind of thing first." Sir En, you are his attendant, and your every move is related to his decency and glory."

John also knew that what he did was too reckless: "Yes, Dad, I will ask Sir Wayne for punishment when I return to the manor." He was initially worried that Sir Wayne would not agree.

Aunt Alisa took out a clean old cloth and bandaged Lucien's wound.

After a while, seeing that there was nothing else to do, Lucien stood up and said goodbye. He planned to go to the Copper Crown Tavern one hour before lunch, and borrow money from loan sharks to make up five silver nars. important things.

"If I can learn magic smoothly, it shouldn't be a problem to repay the usury loan. If I can't, it will be more dangerous. But there is nothing that can be rewarded without risk."

Lucien is ready to bear the consequences of borrowing usury.

"Little Evans, wait." Joel suddenly stopped Lucien.

Lucien turned around suspiciously: "Uncle Joel, what else is there?"

Joel took out a very old and plain money bag and handed it to Lucien: "Here are eight silver gnars, you take it."

"Uncle Joel, Aunt Alisa, you?" Lucien was a little at a loss. In his heart, he always felt that Uncle Joel's family should be as poor as himself, and Ivan hadn't grown up yet, so he never thought about it. Possibility to borrow money from them.

Alisa on the side smiled and said, "Little Evans, your Uncle Joel doesn't have much money, and these were only saved up in the past two years. Although it is not much, it should be able to let you start learning characters."

"But, this is all your savings..." Lucien felt his eyes a little sore.

Joel laughed loudly, and patted Lucien on the shoulder: "Because of Little John, we had a hard time before, and your father often helped us. Once you learn to write, you will be able to find a decent and lucrative job. Will you not return it to us? Or are you worried that you will not be able to learn to write?"

"I'm very confident, Uncle Joel." Lucien nodded emphatically.

"Although the money, plus your own, can only allow you to study for two months, but we all work together to ensure that you can at least learn a month of characters every three or four months, so, Lucien, you Work hard, and how much you can learn depends entirely on yourself." Joel's words can be regarded as taking Lucien's learning of characters as a matter of his own family.

Lucien's eyes were a little blurred: "Thank you, Uncle Joel, Aunt Alisa, and John." At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to make Uncle Joel's family live better, and leave as soon as possible after mastering a certain amount of magic. Artau, they must not be involved in such a dangerous matter.

When he left Aunt Alisa's house, although Lucien's destination was still the Copper Crown Tavern, it was not to borrow money, but to find scholars and learn characters.