
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 16 Street

After seeing Jackson, John calmed down, and said to Lucien: "You haven't received formal training, you must remember later, don't panic, shoot steadily and accurately, at most they have daggers on them, as long as you give full play The length of the wooden stick prevents them from getting close, and they can't stop and run up to fight. There are so many of them, once they surround you and attack from different directions, you won't be able to resist them."

He tried his best to tell all kinds of points that need attention, lest Lucien panic or attack recklessly.

In fact, Lucien has a deep understanding of this aspect, nodded in agreement, and replied humorously: "Don't worry, John, I am the brave man who broke through the witch's chamber."

John stopped talking, and the two carried the wooden stick behind their backs, so as not to attract the attention of passersby walking across, and then quickly moved closer to Jackson and the others.

This is a street in the market area, only ten minutes away from a certain stronghold of Aaron's gang. perception.

A few steps away, Lucien and John looked at each other, stretched out the wooden stick behind their backs, clenched their hands tightly, and ran towards the two gangsters who fell behind.

Lucien recognized that this was the gangster who had kicked him into the air and made him fall short. After rushing to him, he swung his wooden stick and hit him viciously on the head.

Insufficient strength, insufficient training, what Lucien has learned from the last few battles, apart from not being nervous, not flustered, and being steady and accurate, there is also the need to be ruthless, as long as you make a move, you must not think about showing mercy, otherwise you will Let yourself be at a loss.

The whistling sound from the wooden stick aroused the vigilance of the gangster, but at such a short distance, he was hit by the wooden stick just by turning his face slightly.

With a bang, Lucien hit his ear hard with this stick, which made his eyes go black, and he passed out and fell to the ground.

On the other side, John was not as ruthless as Lucien. He didn't choose the head as the target, and instead held the wooden club with both hands like a giant sword, he hit the gangster's right arm.

Although it's not the key point, John, who is an official knight squire, is much stronger than Lucien. This stick directly sent the gangster into the air and landed on the ground. His arm was swollen very high, and his right hand temporarily lost its movement. ability.

Lucien knocked down a gangster thug with a stick and didn't stop. He ran around the perimeter and swung the head of another gangster thug who turned around when he heard a strange sound, and hit him hard in the face.

The gangster fell backwards on his back, two streams of blood rose up, drawing zigzag traces in the air.

He didn't faint directly, but the severe pain and buzzing in his head made him lie on the ground and roll over.

By this time, the gang thugs in front had fully reacted. Seeing that there were only Lucien, Jackson's eyes became vicious, and he motioned for the remaining twelve thugs to surround him.

Their daggers were drawn, reflecting the morning sun and emitting a cold light.

Keeping in mind the principle of never stopping, Lucien ran irregularly around the perimeter, sometimes forward, sometimes to the left, and sometimes simply back, but once he found an opportunity, he immediately counterattacked, relying on Taking advantage of the length of the wooden stick, they hit the gangsters' heads, necks and other vital points fiercely.

The most important thing about this kind of tactics is not to panic and not to be greedy, even if the enemy has separated and surrounded from several directions.

The street is very wide and long, and the passers-by around have already fled in all directions. As long as they don't huddle in a corner, don't get entangled with the same enemy, plus those who are distracted by John, the four or five gangsters chasing Lucien are completely helpless. Blocked Lucien's running route.

Of course, this is a great test of physical strength, and normal people can't support it for a few minutes at most.

Soon, another gangster was lying on the ground, but Lucien noticed that John on the other side was actually surrounded!

Although he is stronger than Lucien and has many gangsters, John, who was not ruthless at the beginning, did not let them lose their fighting power after knocking down five or six gangsters. Instead, they lay on the ground with his left hand He drew out the dagger and stabbed at the ankle and other places, so in order to avoid it, he was surrounded by accident, and the range of running became narrower and narrower. Stabbed the dagger, but his situation was already in jeopardy.

Seeing this, Lucien hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and rushed over, swinging the wooden stick towards the back of the head of one of the thugs surrounding John.

"Be careful!" "Johnny!" The three gangsters chasing Lucien shouted loudly as they chased, reminding their companions.

The gang thug named Johnny reacted quickly, and immediately fell forward, letting Lucien's wooden club swing in the air.

But at the same time, this also allowed John to find an opportunity to break out of the encirclement. He swiped the wooden stick horizontally in a circle, forcing the others away, and was about to run away from Johnny.

Johnny jumped up suddenly, swung the dagger and stabbed John's back, while the three gangsters who were chasing Lucien had already rushed in front of John.

However, after forcing Johnny to fall down, Lucien did not rush away like before, but stayed where he was, so the wooden club swung just right and hit Johnny hard on the back .

With a dull sound, Johnny fell to the ground, and even the dagger flew out of his hand, unable to stop John from running away.

But in this way, Lucien was trapped by the gangsters who surrounded John before, and could only run around in a narrow range.

With a sizzling sound, Lucien only felt a burning pain in his back. He knew that he couldn't dodge enough and was cut by a dagger, but Lucien didn't give up and panic, because he probably understood from Gary and others. The strength of an official knight squire, especially this knight squire will no longer have reservations.

Among the gang thugs, there would definitely not be such strength. They could have become the leaders long ago.

John ran and hit, every time he shot, he was accurate and ruthless, and unlike Lucien, even if he found a chance, the wooden stick might not be able to hit, even if he hit, it might not be able to hit the vital point, causing the opponent to lose his fighting power. As long as he makes a move, he will inevitably fall to the ground accompanied by the wailing of a gangster.

In just a dozen seconds, the gangsters chasing John were lying all over the floor.

After solving these people, John immediately came to help Lucien, and when Jackson saw this, he realized that his strength was amazing, and the remaining four thugs might not be able to stop him, so he turned around and fled without thinking much. There is a stronghold of Aaron's gang on the street, as long as they escape there and gather people, they can let the two bastards taste what pain is.

With a snap, Andre who surrounded Lucien was knocked unconscious by John. Seeing Jackson running away, some of the remaining three immediately lost their fighting spirit and wanted to run away, while others showed fierce intent. Chung, wielding the dagger more fiercely, caused another wound on Lucien's right hand, and blood slowly overflowed.

Suppressing the pain, Lucien fully believed in John, and took a step forward, relying on the length of the wooden stick, knocked the thug in front of him to the ground, and the fierce thug, who had lost his fighting spirit, was taken advantage of by John. Zhan Quantong fell to the ground screaming in pain.

"Are you okay?" John asked Lucien with concern.

Lucien shook his head: "It's okay, just go after that guy."

So, the two of them took their sticks and ran towards Jackson. At this moment, some inexplicable associations appeared in Lucien's mind: "I feel like a young and Dangerous boy."

Jackson has already run a certain distance, but after he became the leader, the number of fights and exercises has become less, his body has become a little fatter, and his speed has long been inferior to before. More importantly, John is an official The knight attendant, tall and long-legged, took a dozen steps and got closer and closer to him.

"It's still close, it's still close..." Jackson saw the end of the long street and kept encouraging himself.

It's a pity that John didn't have to rely on speed to overcome his self-consciousness. Seeing that the distance was appropriate, he threw the wooden stick in his hand and hit him hard on the back, causing his internal organs to roll, and he staggered and fell to the ground. On the ground, it was difficult to get up for a while.

Then John came up and planted his right foot in the cavalier boot on his back.

Lucien had been severely beaten before, and now he had two wounds, and his physical strength was long gone. After more than ten seconds, he ran over, panting heavily.

Just as Jackson was about to threaten Lucien, he heard John panting and laughing, "Give it to him, it's the reward for beating you before."

"Huh, good." Lucien held his breath and lifted the wooden stick high, while John picked Jackson's body with his feet, causing him to turn over.

"How dare you..." Before Jackson could finish speaking in shock and anger, he saw the wooden stick in Lucien's hand swinging hard, hitting him on the side of the face.

A few teeth flew out, a little bit of blood splashed out, Jackson's screams of pain were choked in his throat, and he felt his ears buzzing, as if he couldn't hear anything, and there were all flying golden stars in front of his eyes.

This blow shattered Jackson's luck, these two daring bastards really dared to do it!

"You, you, what do you want to do?" Jackson asked vaguely with blood in his mouth. Even the words he said seemed to him to come from another world, far away and ethereal.

John kicked away the dagger that fell out of Jackson's arms, and said solemnly: "We are only here to seek justice and justice, well, you villains beat Lucien, we have already beaten back, but the smashed Lucien's house, furniture, and his belongings were robbed, all of which need to be compensated."

"Are you John? If you fight in the street like this, you are not afraid of the magistrate? Are you afraid of being expelled by Sir Wayne? If you no longer have the status of an official knight servant, hey, think about your father, mother, and brother." Jackson's tinnitus After getting better, he regained his composure, guessed John's identity, and said threateningly.

"Want to come again?" Lucien waved the wooden stick in his hand. After some fighting, the wooden stick seemed to be about to break.

The grievance and anger in Jackson's heart were like boiling water, constantly tumbling, but he knew very well that Lucien would definitely dare to do something, so he could only keep his mouth shut and look at John.