
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11 Discovery

There was a huge pile of rubbish that was cleaned out that wasn't suitable for throwing into the sewer. Lucien went back and forth seven or eight times, and almost moved them all to the four-wheeled cart until he got dirty.

In fact, every morning, the coolies hired by the church collect all the garbage in the city and transport it outside the city to prevent the city from being dirty and disease-infected. However, the Musicians Association does not want to wait until the next morning. beautiful.

Picking up the last pile of garbage, Lucien entered the hall carefully and without making any noise, walked around the edge of the circular hall, and walked towards the gate.

"Wolf, damn it, can't you let me read the score quietly for a while?" A mellow but shrill voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time a figure in a red coat rushed down the stairs, he While walking down, he turned his head and cursed, just bumping into Lucien who couldn't dodge in time.

With a bang, something in the garbage that Lucien was holding fell on the carpet. Even though the carpet was very thick and soft, it still couldn't stop it from making a slightly dull sound.

The figure in the red coat shook a few times before standing still. It was the musician Victor who had gone up before.

Victor took a deep breath, then bent down to pick up the broken oil lamp, and handed it to Lucien who was still hurriedly stabilizing the other garbage he was holding: "Sorry."

Down the stairs came a brown-haired middle-aged man in a long dark blue coat, his chin had an obvious forward curvature: "Victor, the association is not just for you, I have the right to be my If you want to do whatever you want, go back to your own home."

He made gestures to strengthen his tone, with a smile on his face that couldn't be concealed: "It's only been more than three months since your first symphony in the chant hall, I understand your nervousness and sensitivity, but you don't Maybe the music isn't even ready yet? I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and I even plan to write an article for you on the Music Review after listening to it."

"Damn it, you can hold your own concert in the chant hall if you have the ability." Victor cursed in a low voice, turned and left the hall.

Wolf's complexion became very bad, and while cursing in a low voice, he returned upstairs: "Without you, after more than three months..."

Seeing that the quarrel had stopped, Lucien continued to walk out of the gate with the garbage in his arms. Suddenly, his eyes swept away, and he saw the oil lamp on the top that had no glass, and saw that the beautiful carved patterns had been worn out a lot. The lamp holder moved slightly in his heart: "This seems to be metal?"

With this in mind, Lucien put the last pile of rubbish on the four-wheeled cart, reached out his hand and touched the lamp holder, and found that it was indeed a metal product, it seemed to be copper, but it was different than what Lucien had seen in his previous life. The processed copper is harder and more flexible: "An element similar to copper? Although there is not much metal in this lamp base, if it is sold to a blacksmith, it should still be able to sell a few copper fils."

"Money?" As a real pauper, no matter what Lucien sees now, he will think whether it is worth money or not, so his thoughts are opened, "Maybe there are some good things in this garbage? For example, the waste paper I saw just now, Bad quills etc."

Lucien is like discovering a "treasure", and his heart is full of surprises. Although it is so insignificant to rich people, it is the first ray of dawn on Lucien's struggle to change his life. If I can save enough five silver nars, I can start to master characters within a month. Whether I learn magic or not, I can understand the situation of this world when I understand characters. And I have all kinds of knowledge and experience in another world. Books in the library, you can find another and better way to make money by then.

Excitement, hesitation, and yearning for a better future filled Lucien with strength, and he pushed the four-wheeled cart and walked out of the city. But at the same time, he was also worried. He found usable and sold things from the garbage dump, There is no technical content, the only thing that can block the rejection of dirty items by normal people, and fists.

"As long as the gangsters don't get involved in this, I can handle other scattered beggars." After fighting the red-eyed mouse with Gary and Correa in the secret room of the sewer, Lucien still has a little confidence in his own strength, although not as strong as Adults who have undergone long-term training, but when fighting, not panic, calm, accurate and ruthless shots are also important factors for winning.

Not far from the Musicians Association, Lucien suddenly saw a silver-haired young man walking leisurely towards the Musicians Association: "Rhein, what is he doing at the Musicians Association?"

After I figured out the reason why bards like Rhine yearn for the Musicians Association, Lucien quickly put this matter behind him.

When they arrived at the city gate area, Andre still had a little impression of Lucien. When he saw a truckload of garbage, he immediately understood what mission he had accepted, so he smiled at him and didn't bother him, letting Lucien pass by. The gatekeeper casually looked at him and walked out of the city gate.

"I didn't send anyone to follow me. Could it be that the gang really didn't intervene." Lucien thought strangely and excitedly.

However, Lucien did not relax because of this. He walked out of the city gate and walked downstream of the Belen River for more than 20 minutes. Seeing that the surroundings had become quiet, he pushed the four-wheeled vehicle into the grass by the roadside, and he himself Rummaging through this truckload of junk for something that might sell for money.

A broken oil lamp, several pieces of rusty metal, eight broken quills, a lot of crumpled paper, etc.

Lucien turned to the end and pulled out a square hazy and transparent black veil with a faint fragrance. There was an obvious hole on it, which seemed to be hooked somewhere: "It looks like a veil, maybe it's Which female musician's."

Looking at the veil and stroking its texture, Lucien had absolutely no associations of beauty, but only judged whether it was worth money: "It should be a very good black veil, but what can it be used for? Well, it can be sold." To the tailor, to cut this black yarn into trims, lace, etc. for skirts, coats, etc."

After wrapping the found things in a few pieces of waste paper and hiding them nearby, Lucien continued to push the four-wheeled cart towards the garbage dump in the lower reaches of the Belem River.

In less than ten minutes, Lucien arrived at the Belen River, and saw the piles of rubbish piled up like hills, but to Lucien's surprise, the rubbish was not as much as he imagined, and the distance from the place where the rubbish was piled was as clear as green. The river of gemstones is still some distance away, so it cannot be washed away by the river: "Could it be concentrated and treated with magic?"

The surrounding area was very quiet, and Lucien didn't see a single person, only the stench came: "No one else came here to search for valuables in the garbage? Could it be that they are afraid of the plague, or they don't have this habit?"

Regardless of the reason, seeing these piles of stinking garbage, Lucien seemed to see piles of money. After disposing of his own garbage, he couldn't help but walk around here, completely ignoring the smell, Compared with the plague that has not yet been traced, an empty wallet allows Lucien to take certain risks. Besides, there are still magic and magic in this world to heal.

Of course, Lucien was also afraid of contracting some kind of disease. When searching through the trash, he hugged his hands with waste paper and was very careful.

As an upper-class organization, the Musicians Association naturally has more valuable items in its garbage than others, but Lucien still found a lot of things that can sell some money here.

Considering that he still had to go through the city gate, he was afraid of arousing suspicion from others, and it was his first time, so Lucien was a little nervous, so he just took a half-rotten cloth bag, and moved the rest of the things to a nearby hidden place to bury them. Get up, then push the four-wheeled cart back the same way, then put the oil lamps wrapped in paper first in the cloth bag, stack them on the four-wheeled cart, and try to make it as smooth as possible, so that it looks like it is laid on the four-wheeled cart. Avoid quad bikes getting dirty on board.

As for the veil and other things that could be hidden on the body, Lucien of course put them in his pocket.

When passing through the city gate, the guards still just glanced casually before waving for Lucien to enter.

Pushing the four wheels to the side of Andre and Mag, seeing them covering their noses in a hurry, Lucien secretly smiled: "I'm Lucien, I'm here to get paid for the Musicians Association of."

Mag stepped aside, cursing and pouring out Copper Fil: "Damn it, get out of here with your money, with this filthy, stinking cart!"

And Andre stood further away, with a habitual smile on his face: "It seems that you are sending garbage to the Belen River for the first time, and it took so much time to go back and forth, hehe, if you delay until dark, it's not It's a question of whether you can enter the city, there are water ghosts haunting it late at night."

"Didn't the church wipe out all the water ghosts?!" Of course, Lucien would not ask such words. With doubts and luck that Andre and Mag did not arouse suspicion, he quickly left the city gate area and The quad was returned to its owner.

After this trip, Lucien earned a full five silver fils, but for Lucien, the things on his body and in the bag were the key to whether he could raise five silver fils as soon as possible.

After returning to his home in Aderjan District, Lucien hid the other things, and impatiently headed to the market area with his veil on.

Because he didn't know if the yarn of this texture could be washed, Lucien simply didn't do anything with it. Anyway, he was very careful not to make it too dirty.

When he arrived at the entrance of a tailor shop, Lucien hesitated a little, worried about being scolded by others, worried about being kicked out, just like when he used to work as a salesman, his face was flushed, he hesitated and didn't know what to say, so he concluded that he Give up without sales talent.

"Worrying about this is actually because I am afraid of losing face. Is there any question of whether I should be ashamed in my current situation? Can face turn black bread into white bread, let me eat steak, cod, and drink wine? It can let me learn Word?"

After crossing over, Lucien had experienced a lot, and was even in danger of life and death. At this moment, he hesitated a little, made up his mind, took off his face, put it in his pocket, and walked into the tailor without any hesitation. small shop.

Inside the shop was a gray-haired old man wearing glasses. When he saw Lucien coming in, he asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?" Lucien's clothes didn't make it possible to enter such a high-end tailor shop. people.

Lucien smiled enthusiastically: "Old man, do you need black gauze? I have a nice piece here..."

Before he could finish speaking, the gray-haired old man interrupted Lucien: "What good black yarn do you have, get out, damn liar."

Cursing, he walked out of the counter, pushed Lucien, and never gave Lucien a chance to take out the black yarn: "Even if there is, it is stolen, old Huo, I am a decent tailor, all the fabrics are only Buy it from Rauch's."

Being pushed out of the small shop, Lucien was helplessly looking for the next one, and decided to change his approach.