
The Warden of Sexy Witches

Experiencing life as a warden in a different world is quite the journey, to say the least. Thieves, pirates, assassins, master deceivers, terrorists... Werewolves, vampires, witches, necromancers, succubi... Welcome to the Rose Iron Prison, where the most dangerous witches from around the world are gathered. "I am determined to make this the best model prison in the world!" declared a prison guard who had crossed over to this alternate realm. "Warden, there's been another jailbreak!" "Bring them back and throw them into solitary confinement." Today at the Rose Iron Prison, it's another peaceful day. The warden remarked, "I'm just diligently managing my prison, how did I become a big shot in a different world?"

Feeding Pigeons in the Square · ACG
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236 Chs

Chapter 70 The Grudge of Killing a Son_1

Translator: 549690339

"It's Slyne and Camilla, huh... Alright, I see," Aiden nodded calmly after hearing Veronica's report on the incident.

Veronica was somewhat surprised by Aiden's reaction, as if it were business as usual, and after thinking for a moment, she tentatively asked, "Sir, do they... often fight?"

"Yes, after all, Slyne was only incarcerated to kill Camilla," Aiden answered casually. "Usually, I have them separated as much as possible. But with the prison's management regulations, it's impossible to keep them from coming into contact altogether. This time, it must have been a lapse in the work area surveillance, allowing Slyne to sneak into the cafeteria. Let's deal with the prisoners first."

He said this and stood up from his seat, heading out of the office, with Veronica following closely behind.

"Sir, that undead creature... Why does Slyne want to kill her?" Veronica curiously asked in the corridor.

"For revenge," Aiden answered without looking back.