
The Great Discovery

The great city of New York, where everyone can find their own destiny, the city of opportunities and in this particular city one man with the name of Walter Köhler. The man named Walter Köhler has blonde hair with blue eyes and is quite long with short hair. He is looking down on the beautiful city of New York from a skyscraper. This building is very tall even when we compare it to the other skyscrapers. This building is the HQ of the Köhler corp, a famous company in New York which is worth billions.

Walter Köhler is the CEO and the major shareholder of the company and as you can guess from the name he inherited the company from his father. But when he inherited the company, it wasn't as grand as it is now. It was Walter who made the company rise up in an incredible speed and that's why he is a very prestigious man in the company.

Walter continued to look at the city while sipping his whiskey, but then someone knocked on the door and disturbed his very precious break time. Because he made most of the decisions and the company was in a phase of rapid growth, Walter didn't have time for anything unnecessary but he knew the importance of rest so he always took some breaks and looked at the scenery of the city that it had to offer.

Because of this he wasn't particularly happy about someone disturbing him, but while he was irritated he still told the person to come in.

"Come in"

The door opened and a man with brunette hair and brown eyes came inside the room. He was pretty much as tall as Walter was. Walter quickly recognized the man. His name is Ronald and he is the Right hand man of Walter and also his friend from college.

While it was Walter who took most of the credit for the company's rise, in reality Roland also played a major role in the company's rise. Walter did most of the engineering and negotiations because he finished Harvard with a engineering master degree and his natural talent with words and natural charisma, while Roland manages the company and all of the paperwork which comes with it. Walter employed Roland because he knew that Roland is a genius in management and because he has a master degree in economics from Harvard.

Walter looks at Roland and he knew what he was going to tell him. Roland quickly put some documents on Walter's desk but Walter ignored the document and directly asked Roland.

"So how did the operation go?"

"The operation was successful, we found the place which the portal is located at."

"So where is it?"

"It's in Mexiko, in one of the ancient Aztec temples. We suspect that they built that temple in honor of the Sun god that they worship."

Walter took a deep breath and said "There are so many secrets that we don't even know about the ancient civilizations" after he said that a smile formed on his face.

Then he looked right at Roland's eyes and told him "Go and prepare the jet. I am going to be there personally."

"When are you planning to depart? When should the jet be prepared?"

"As soon as possible, I am filled with excitement."

"Alright it will be done."

When Roland got his orders he was about to leave the room when he heard Walter say" Also bring as many guards as you can. When this operation is finished I will buy you dinner to celebrate it."

Roland answered "I am longing for that my friend" and then he left the room.

Walter continued to look at the city knowing that it would be his one day. He finished his whiskey and then sat on his chair.


2 days later Walters Jet landed in Mexico near the place which they found the Portal. Which means near the temple of the ancient aztecs. When Walter got off of the Jet he checked his surroundings and after that he looked at the blazing sun. It was a very hot day so Walter was sweating right now and he wasn't particularly happy about it. But he couldn't do anything about it so he just tried to forget about it and then a man came to greet him. He was the Head of the Company guards. His name is Scott Price and he is a very musculine man with short hair. His hair color is light brown and he has brown eyes. But his most eye-catching feature is how big he is. Walter in normal standards is considered tall but compared to Scott he is nothing else but short and small.

"Welcome to Mexico sir. I hope you had a comfortable trip." Scott said while giving a salute to Walter.

"Good to see you Scott. So tell me how the preparations are going?"

"Preparations are going according to the plan and if everything continues to go as it is we can enter the Portal tomorrow morning."

"Good, good, alright you can continue with your duties."

"Yes sir" after he said that Scott left towards where his subordinates were.

When Scott left Walter went around the camp which their company had built. It had all of the new weapons which were available in both the black market and the normal market. This operation will be very crucial for the Köhler corp. so Walter didn't mind investing so much on this operation.

This camp was built 8 kilometers away from the temple because it highered the secrecy level. If any government knew about this operation then they would make him stop it by legal ways or by force and then use it for their own benefit. Because of this Walter had to be very cautious about these things. So he decided to build the camp away from the temple and inside the forest so it would be harder to find them.

Then he went towards the armory and opened one of the boxes, in this box was a device which could hide their presence from the satellites. But the range wasn't that wide even when it cost a tremendous amount to buy it. So he had to pay millions to acquire enough for his Army of 800 guards.

After going around inspecting the camp he finally went towards his own tent that the guards built for him. It took him the whole day to inspect the camp and looking around and also making himself familiar with the people inside the camp. So when he saw his tent the only thing on his mind was some peace. So he went inside the tent, inside the tent wasn't that luxurious even if it was big. It had a bed and a desk and chair to sit on. It was Walter who ordered the guards to make it like this because what was he going to do with unnecessary things? He went and sat down on his chair and looked outside. The moon was shining brightly and it was very beautiful. After a couple of minutes he went to bed because he had to wake up early in the morning.

The next day Walter woke up from his sleep and stood up. He prepared himself and then went out of his tent. Outside of Walters Scott was already waiting for him quietly so when Walter came out of his tent Scott quickly gave him a salute and then led Walter towards where the Guards were waiting.

When they arrived at the destination Walter was very impressed by the level of discipline his company's guards had, even when the weather was this hot, they didn't complain or talk, they just stood where they were like a robot. This was a very hard thing to achieve but then he quickly gathered his thoughts. He didn't have time for this type of thing right now, he could just think about it later on.

"Alright give them my orders, they have 5 minutes to check everything and to get on the trucks. I will go and sit on that Jepp, come and report to me when everything is finished." He ordered Scott.

Scott quickly went and barked the orders from his boss to the guards. After about 3 minutes they were ready to go, and around 100 trucks left the camp. The trucks were not only filled with guards, some of them were filled with the supplies.

After about 30 minutes they arrived at the destination and quickly everyone got off the truck and the vanguard quickly assembled in front of the temple gate. Walter looked at the Temple; it was so big that one could hardly see the top of it. It was a magnificent sight to behold. Then he made a hand gesture to Scott which Scott quickly understood and then started to give the order of going inside in a good order.

When everyone was inside Walter and his personal guards also went inside. Because he was one of the most important people in the company he had to go around with at least 10 guards. When he went inside he saw a corridor and then after he went straight for some time he saw his soldiers waiting for him. Inside the same room was a very big structure, well you couldn't exactly call it a structure but anyways. When Walter saw it he couldn't believe his eyes. Before him was the thing called portal.

Hello everyone!

This is the second story that I am writing after a couple months of break so the first chapter could be a little dul because I have to get used to writing again. But I hope that you will enjoy your time when we travel together in this journey.

Greeting Author

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