
The War of All Nations

Hazel Solace is a 18 year old girl. She enlists in the Air Corps even though she is a girl and not a man. But, a general is interested to see what she is made of and gives her a chance to prove what she can do. Hazel goes through battles and sees things that only belong in horror movies and death that ravages the lands. Can Hazel prove that she is a good pilot or will she crumble under the pressure?

The_Prior_gals · History
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2 Chs


This story is set in WW2, and I know that some of my story details don't line up. Women were not allowed to fight in armed combat in WW2 and I will mention that detail. In this story, women are still not allowed to fight except for my main character, Hazel.


This story is dark and will contain blood and death. This topic is not to be taken lightly, this is a serious topic and subject. Please understand that this story will not be lighthearted. Hazel will see complete horrors, she will see dead bodies and men bleeding out on the battleground. This is how war goes. There will be a lot of detail.

Real battles that are set in WW2 will be mentioned, I will be going off the true history except for my main character being a girl and fighting in the Air Corps.

Concertation camps and the dealings of Jews in WW2 will also be mentioned. I am going off complete history and not my own opinion. This story starts on December 1941.

Thank you so much for reading the disclaimer! I really hope you enjoy the story and gain a connection to Hazel. The first chapter will hopefully be out soon.