
the war goddess

this book is about the reincarnation of the war goddess "discover yourself ,the world won't see you till you show them who you are" the voice ,the words kept hovering round her head ,feeling dizzy she closed her eyes preparing herself for the worst " Ava " ruby ran towards her ,her smiley face radiated ,her hair was packed in a tight bun ,her white robe with red lining danced as the wind blew calmly am I dead ??? where am I ?? is the war over?? aleksis thought trying to remember what led her here she remembered saving bella and Sam was killed by the best guard demons m..mohana!! she screamed and sat up straight Ruby paused and narrowed her eyes on the shocked girl . " take me home ,I ..want to save my friend" aleksis shouted at Ruby .... ....... the six goddess waited for centuries for the prophesied seventh great warrior to be born the wait was finally over ,Ava was born on the day of blood full moon ,her silver hair and eyes made her outstanding in all the spirit realm she was more powerful than all the realms put forth together during this period the four clans on earth became reckless with their powers ,they subjected the humans to slavery wanting to test the abilities of the new warrior ,Ava was sent to earth to curb the excessive powers of the clans the clans foreseen the intentions of the moon,they came together in order to kill the war goddess fate decided to play its tunes in a twisted way, will Ava be able to defeat the clans ?? will fate play in the favour of the goddess??

sayykim · Fantasy
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33 Chs

22 :Fuck Pride

aleksis sprang up from the bed with quick movement,she looked around the room

it was more larger than her house ,the walls decorated with grayscale wall papers and the floor with black tiles there was nothing much in the room except the large bed and tinted glass wardrobe she saw a pair of large exquisite door presumed to be the bathroom and closet

she rubbed her eyes harshly with her hands to ensure this is just not one of her weird dreams kneeling on the bed she switched on the bed lamp though the window provided small amount of light she wanted to be sure she wasn't dreaming,where is this place? she climbed off the bed and walked around feeling the walls with her hands she have heard of mysterious house having secret doors ,if this was some mysterious room there ought to be a passage right?aleksis badly wanted to laugh at her shallow mentality but she had seen enough of odd things not want to believe in supernatural things, first she was in a beautiful garden then she found herself in a eerie forest and now in an elegant room what else should she expect ? maybe she will find herself next in mars or jupitar

perhaps there is a secret code or passage as much as she loves thrilling adventures she won't risk going to any odd place again ,heart attack is real and she ain't a fan of pain nor shock

" wait ,wait ,wait ,aleksis have you gone crazy ? why are you checking the walls when there are clearly doors in this room ? " she slapped her head and berated herself ,well one wouldn't blame her for thinking stupid things when she had clearly been seeing crazy things,like how would you describe having a boss who isn't human or two beautiful women who look insanely alike spouting out rubbish 'we are the defender yada yada yada ' in one word; she is also drowning in craziness

" i can do this" walking towards the large white door she muttered in one breath "open the door face whatever come out fair and square ,no hurts, no qualms ,no strings" posed in a defensive position she breathed in and out several times making out plans in her head

as soon as she opens the door she would jump right in 'how hard can it be?' smiling at her fast strategy she was already in front of the door and was about to open it but before she could turn the knob the door abruptly open and crashed into aleksis

"ohh it hurts,my poor butt hurts like hell" she rubbed her buttocks while sulking ,the force of the collision made her lose her balance .

" i knew this room is bad news, i didn't even open the door yet it magically threw me away " she complained while exaggerating a little " stupid doo- what the fuck!!" furious, aleksis glare went from the door to the man standing in front of her

what is he doing here?of all the people in the world why do i have to see his face here ? why? why ? is - is he here to take me to the netherworld? i still have a lot of things to do ,i want to have my first kiss ,i want to have my first sex ,children!,i want a cute little baby ,arggh,i want a night trip with my boyfriend ,pillow fights ,bella, i have tons of things to say ,omg !!

she hastily crawled towards dean and wrapped herself to his left leg

" please dear grim reaper do not take me away ,i know you have a deep grudge against me a..and i know i have always insulted you which you deserved ,n..no ,i mean you didn't deserve to be insulted but please don't act on my sins even the bible ,n..n..no i mean ..can you give me one more chance " leaning her head on his leg she pleaded, it is not a known fact that she despises her boss ,he is arrogant,pushy, a jerk,rude,thoughtless,stupid , fool .in fact thousand of adjective won' t be able to describe him ,she even went as far as vowing never to request for anything from him even if she is on sick bed she won't ask for rest or anything ,well, in this life and death situation all she can say is ' Fuck pride ' she would even kowtow for him if possible ,In the matter of death there is no child play

"take a hold of yourself ,Miss Xander " said dean with a straight face ,aleksis was still wailing like a baby and listing out the things she haven't done

he was in the bathroom when he heard movements in his room thankful that his bathroom is linked to the closet he hurriedly dressed up knowing she might have woken up and Causing ruckus he was shocked to see her on the floor rubbing her ass and mumbling on like a mad woman but was more shocked when she glued to his leg crying profusely,oh God how he wish a camera is with him ,who would have thought that a 21 years old Secretary is scared of death ? as laughable as it is he maintained his poker face

" please don't take me to the underworld ,i swear i won't reveal your secret to anyone " she kept on pleading ,dean massaged his forehead ,frustrated to death

" nobody is taking you and i am not a grim reaper ,weirdo" grim reaper huh?funny ,he is more powerful than the so- called grim reapers in fact he is their instructor and leader but of course he won't tell her else she might die for real

" you mean i am not dreaming ?" came her low voice

" do you want me in your dreams?" dean answered with a roll of his eyes ,aish, this girl is such a vibe

"the mysterious women -" she blinked and looked around inquisitively " whose house is this ? where am i ?"

" my house,can you please unglue yourself from my leg ?" aleksis quickly stood up with a red face ,this is so embarrassing ,how should she explain to him ? well,this is the first and the last time he would get to see her vulnerable and miserable but she needs to pick the shattered piece of her dignity .his house? she wasn't surprise a bit ,his room is just like him ,cold,lonely without warmth, not her problem she have a much bigger problem than making similarities between him and his room

" ERM...i was just practicing my acting skills,nothing much" she could only pray he should believe her and not drag the matter further ,aleksis blinked pitifully at him to waver his heart ,he only stare at her with a mocking look and sat on the throne like chair with legs crossed ' phew' she breathed out in relief but why was he looking at her like that ? is anything on her face? aleksis trace her hand on her face with a silly expression ,wait ,why is she in his house in the first place? she squinted her eyes at him with a suspicious gaze " why am i in your house" she drawled

" you fainted while on a mission ,lazy brat" he answered nonchalantly with a shrug

aleksis closed her eyes briefly ,almost immediately the memories of last night came flooding back in her mind . Bar,dance,the eerie feelings,gunshot, a weird looking woman ,Skylar ?? she opened her eyes ,her heart thumping hard in her chest

" w..w..w..where is Skylar?" she spoke in a stuttering voice ,she saw blood ,Skylar was in her hands ,his lifeless eyes bore deep in hers of course she knew what happened but she didn't want to accept it ,she wouldn't accept it ,he can't die ,who was she kidding ? he is gone and she caused it

without waiting for dean's reply she weakly muttered "h..he ..is gone right? i caused it ,i shouldn't have made that selfish deal ,he would still be with us ,with me if i had given him a benefit of doubt ,maybe call him and ask him i..if he did it or not but i..oh God ..i am selfish "