
The War God's Woman

Ares, the God of War, is exiled from Olympus. In the modern world, he encounters Sage - a young woman being stalked by a dangerous gangster. They should have parted ways. But a love arrow, shot by Eros, changes everything...

moonkeeper_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"I'm fine," she reassured him – brushing dirt off her back. Ezekiel grunted, unappeased. He glowered at Ares who was still slumped on the ground. "Ezekiel, no!" But it was too late. Ezekiel kicked Ares in the stomach. "Stop it!" Sage attempted to drag Ezekiel away from Ares. People around them looked up, ready to intervene until they recognised the Mad Dog. Then – they sat back down and wisely pretended that they hadn't seen anything.


"He hurt you!" It was the first time Ezekiel had raised his voice at her. Sage didn't flinch. She wasn't scared of the Mad Dog. Strangely, she felt confident that he wouldn't hurt her.

"He's not well. Look at him."

Ezekiel scowled unhappily as she left him and went to Ares' side.

"Ares?" Sage rolled Ares onto his back. The war god groaned in agony, the invisible arrow sinking deeper into his chest. "What's wrong?" Sage leant closer and whispered in his ear. "Are we in danger?" Was it his family? Had they hurt him in some way?

"You smell nice." Ares replied, smiling dopily.

She stared at him. Was he drunk?

"Leave him, I'll walk you home." Ezekiel grunted. Sage bit her lip – unsure what to do. She looked around, her gaze wary.

"We shouldn't leave him like this..." She countered. Ares sat up suddenly, making Sage flinch. They were nose to nose. She blinked – disarmed by him being suddenly so close.

Ares stared at her and Sage's lips parted in surprise. His eyes were glowing. She got up quickly, blocking Ezekiel from seeing Ares' face. "He's fine. We should go." She moved fast, grabbing Ezekiel's wrist and dragging him away with her. Her stomach writhed uncomfortably. She couldn't let the Mad Dog find out Ares' secret.

As she towed Ezekiel along after her, she got out her phone and quickly texted Jaz.

Zorg is on Castle Hill. Think he's hurt. I can't help him right now.

Sage was a little out of breath by the time they reached the residential area. She slowed her steps and let go of Ezekiel's wrist. Her phone buzzed from Jaz's reply.

On my way.

She'd done all she could. If she hadn't gotten Ezekiel out of there then he'd have seen Ares' freaky eyes. She'd had to leave to stop the Mad Dog from getting mixed up with everything.

But Sage's gut still twisted uncomfortably. What if Ares was in danger and she'd just left him all alone?

"You're worrying about him." Ezekiel's voice was gruff and Sage realised that he'd been studying her face.

"What – no. Definitely not." She denied quickly – shaking her head and tucking her hair behind her ear. Ezekiel scowled.

"I hate that guy."

"He's just an ordinary guy." Sage interjected – keen to emphasize this point. Ordinary.

They were nearly back at her apartment now – having power-walked in record time.

"Do you like that? That's he's ordinary – that he's not... dangerous." Ezekiel hung his head sadly. It was understandable really, that she would want an ordinary man and not a gangster as her boyfriend. Sage snorted.

Ares put 'dangerous' on a whole other level. He claimed to be a god – and not the flowery kind. He professed to be the god of war. Dangerous? Ares was a being from a whole other world, supposedly. She was still figuring out her thoughts on that.

Seeing Ezekiel's hurt, she attempted to turn her snort into a cough. They came to a stop at the bottom of the concrete stairs.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"Hmm..." Ezekiel seemed deep in thought.

"Bye then." She turned to go.

"I'll be around the area tonight." There was a note of warning in his voice. Don't try to go back to Castle Hill tonight.

"Good for you."

Ezekiel watched Sage climb the stairs and disappear from view. He kicked the wall glumly, chipping away some of the paint. How could he compete with a handsome guy like Ares? A guy that wasn't dirty from the gutter, with blood on his hands or a target on his back...

Ezekiel's powerful fists clenched tightly, ready to pummel the next guy that looked at him funny. He was a dog, biting people for his master. But, perhaps, it was time that this dog became a wolf.

Jaz found Ares sat alone at a table laden with food, his head in his hands. Jaz glanced around at the crowded tables. Some people had resorted to sitting on their friend's laps. But nobody had taken the two chairs that were upturned on the ground beside Ares. Survival instinct had told them not to.

"Mind if I join you?" Jaz asked brightly. Ares looked up, recognised who he was and nodded.

Jaz righted one of the chairs and sat down, helping himself to Sage's abandoned beer.

"I'm ruined." Ares murmured, his voice hollow. Jaz sniffed.

"We all have days like that."

"You wouldn't understand, mortal."

Jaz took a bit of chicken and pulled a face. Cold.

"I'll help you get back to yours. We should get that arrow out of your back."

"It's too late, the poison's already-" Ares cut off suddenly and frowned.

"You can see the arrow?" But... that should be impossible.

Jaz nodded, seeming unconcerned. But his furtive gaze ran along the protruding shaft. Spiderweb-thin coils of light shone along the arrow – humming a distant song. Jaz's eyes softened slightly. "It's beautiful."


Jaz and Ares tumbled into the elevator. A woman with her little dog on a lead looked at them strangely and edged to the far corner.

"Which floor?" Jaz asked, his tone obstinately cheerful despite Ares' glowering.

"Top floor."

The elevator doors closed and they were faced with their reflection. Ares' scowl darkened. He did not want to see himself, the war god, with his arm slung weakly over Jaz's shoulders. He tried to pull away and groaned, pain blistering between his shoulder blades. The woman's gaze sharpened with concern – thinking that 'the drunk man was about to vomit' – and she made a hasty exit on the next floor. Her little pooch yapping reproachfully at their heels.

The doors closed shut once more and Ares shoved Jaz away from him, choosing to lean against the wall instead. Jaz smiled, amused, and leant back against the opposite wall – giving the war god some space.

Sophia opened the door and stared puzzled at the sight of the two men.

"Ares? Why didn't you just use your key?" When she'd heard pounding on the door, she'd assumed it was another irate delivery man. (Ares tended to go a little wild with the online shopping.)

"He wouldn't let me get it out his pocket for him," Jaz explained brightly.

"You were taking advantage," Ares muttered – still seething.

"I was merely commenting on your sturdy thighs."

Jaz helped Ares into the apartment, taking most of his weight. Sophia followed after them, her slippers thwacking against the floorboards. The penthouse was huge and Jaz admired the expensive furnishings. "Lovely place," he complimented Sophia. "Here, take him for me for a bit." He offered her Ares' arm so that she could support the god. "He's not returning my advances anyway."

Ares growled.

Laughing, Jaz skipped lightly out of reach. "I need a pair of rubber gloves – is the kitchen this way?"

"Yes, gloves should be by the sink." Sophia patted Ares' arm awkwardly as they waited for Jaz to return. She frowned, curious. Ares was breathing deeply, his skin covered in a light film of sweat and she could feel him trembling beneath her hand. "What are the gloves for?"

Jaz emerged, wearing a pair of pink rubber gloves.

"My name's Jaz by the way."

"I'm Sophia."

"Hold him still for me, Sophia."

Jaz adjusted Sophia's grip so that she was holding Ares more securely.

"Seriously, what's going on?"

"You ready, Ares? I'm going to pull out the arrow now. Try not to move."

"What arrow?"

"Hold him."

Sophia obeyed, because Jaz had the kind of voice that claimed authority. But she was very confused. What arrow was he talking about?

Ares groaned, clearly in pain from what ever Jaz was doing to him. "It's in deep," Jaz grunted. He re-adjusted his position, bracing his legs before going in for a second try. Jaz fell back suddenly. "Got it." But as far as Sophia could see, Jaz wasn't holding anything. Ares sagged against her.


Ares waved a dismissive hand, closing his eyes and hoping the dizziness would stop soon.

Jaz removed his gloves.

"I'm going to burn these." Jaz explained to Sophia. "Nasty stuff in a love arrow. You don't want to risk being infected."

She was about to reply but Ares cut across her.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ares rounded on Jaz.

"A friend."

Sophia cried out, unable to take Ares' weight as the war god collapsed. Jaz pulled her out of the way and they watched the hulking warrior fall to the ground. "He'll be fine." Jaz assured her calmly. Stepping over Ares, Jaz headed for the door. "Sorry to barge in like that, I'll head home now."

Sophia followed after him.

"But... but what just happened?" She rubbed her head – feeling very strange. "I don't..."

Jaz came to an abrupt stop. He surveyed Sophia, his gaze calculating.

"Headache? I bet you've been having a lot of those lately."

Sophia nodded uneasily. "You brain feels foggy. As if you can't clear it. It's like you have holes in your memory."

Sophia followed after him.

"Yes, yes exactly." How did he know that?

Jaz pulled out his card.

"Come to my shop. I'll make you a nice cup of tea."

"A cup of tea?"

Sophia nodded uneasily. "You brain feels foggy. As if you can't clear it. It's like you have holes in your memory."

"Yes, yes exactly." How did he know that?

"The right kind of brew can do magic, my dear." His eyes sparkled and he winked. "Pay me a visit."

Jaz left, his steps quick and light down the carpeted hallway. Sophia closed the door. She frowned, rubbing her head, and looked down at the business card.

Eros and Psyche, a place of love and cake.