
Horror story

sorry school me I was not able to think of a poncheno story so horror story plus I don't know if it allowed base on copy write law.

in the night of no date there is a house

there live a house

scary or not the hunt began

2 white and two black girls one dog and one black guy.

hope am not being racset am a fairish Brown my self

may the hunt began a voice stated from a far when 5 people and one dog force to go into a house to live a normal life with some abnormal thing happening there and there

there come to be some ghost story ha ha ha ha boom one night everyone there made a tradition of tell story scary or not a story time we tell not always for story time.

Dog scary story short

right in this vary house someone died but do you want to know how in the morning Sam the guy in question was walking down the street when he sported people and they whare scary do you want to know why during the last few weeks two people have been flowing him but each time they whare a different cloth and in each cloth they have something that like blood in them but this time was different they had they came with are came and just like that the got him - just saving the drama. they drage his almost life less body down hare and then he gose boo!!!!

the audance scream as shaver come to mind when a man who came out of nowhere pop out of know whare as the dog was lagufe " I never told you he was dead dead he is stall alive and well and write behind as the dog started crying cause Sam had a knive right nest to the dog neck few hour pass and they survive each do they whare not ment to die not they do need the scary

Ha ha ha ha ha