
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Have you ever wanted to go to the wonderful world of Worm? Of course not, but that is what happened to our poor protagonist who woke up in that God forsaken universe. Thankfully, he doesn't have to worry about dying, since he is already dead and a spooky ghost. Watch as he uses people as ubers, annoys people to death and tries to help people (with varying degrees of success) All in all he just wants to relax, though the fact that he doesn't want to live on a destroyed world with nothing to do is motivation enough for him to help against the evil that is space whales. Who knows? Maybe the fact that ghosts aren't supposed to exist in that world would help him do impossible feats? Probably.

JesterEmper0r · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

An Awkward Situation


That was the first sign that I fucked up.

The second was of course the sounds of hundreds of thousands of bugs swarming the area around us.

Ok, relax. You can fix this...

'Calm down Taylor, you are gonna out yourself if you bring a swarm here. Just get out of this cemetary, go somewhere safe and I will explain everything. I mean you no harm, pinky promise.'

Bewildered I guess by my calm reaction, the teen replies with suspicion in her voice.

"Why should I trust someone who is clearly mastering me!? You clearly just want me to go somewhere isolated to deal with me since I discovered you!"

'That is a fair assumption, however shouldn't the fact that you can think negatively of me prove that I am not mastering you? You can still use your powers to defend yourself. But please if you want anything resembling a private life to still exist for you, you should get as far away from this place as possible. Who knows who saw that swarm of yours.'

Clearly considering my words now that it was clear that no danger was immediately present, the girl finally relents.

"Ok,ok. I am not going to an isolated area though. We will go to a public cafe, so you better not try anything!"

"Also," she continued," can you please stop talking in my head and meet me in person?"

As she was running out of the graveyard, before slowing down to a walk speed once she made sure no-one was following her with her bugs, I started explaining my situation.

'I can't meet you in person because I don't have a body to meet you with. Also you should just talk to me in your head so that people don't think you are crazy.'

'Like this? Also what do you mean you don't have a body? What are you a ghost or something?'

'You're spot on actually'

'Haha real funny. Tell me the truth already, or else I will find you and I will show you how a thousand mosquito bites feel on the same spot on your nonexistent body.'

Exasperated at this completely reasonable reaction to someone finding a voice in their head, I thought of the best way to convince her of what I am.

Wait! I have an idea!

'Ok, this might be hard to believe I know. But I have the perfect way to show you that I am telling the truth.'

'And how exactly are you going to convince right this second that ghost exist, mister not Master?' She thought back with aggression slowly appearing in her head(?) voice.

'It's quite simple actually. Remember that green little fire you saw on that cat back at the cemetary? That thing you saw was that cat's soul, and you saw it by using my soul sight. So all I am going to do is turn that back on for you so you can see me.'

As I was talking, she already got to a random coffee shop. Taylor ordered a Frappuccino at the front desk before taking a seat on a table with her drink after paying for it.

'You were the reason behind that green thing on that cat? And you seriously want me to believe that not only are souls real, but I can see them by borrowing your 'soul sight'?'

The girl sighed, drank some of her drink, before finally relenting.

'Fine. I will try to trust you just a bit more since you sound desperate to not appear as a villain. Just turn on your soul sight and show me what you want to show me mister ghost, though where will I see you exactly?'

'Oh don't worry, it will be pretty obvious. I am practically on top of you.'

I say as I focus on her senses again. Voila, it should be on for her too as I can see through her eyes again.

'Did you do it? I don't feel any different...'

As soon as she thought that, she noticed the many different colored flames in the people surrounding her.

'Woah, souls or not you are right that everyone has one. I can even see these souls through walls! Where are you though? I can't seem to find you and you said you were on top of.....'

As she was looking around, she finally looked up. Her eyes locked on to a very bright barely humanoid shaped white flame that seemed to be waving at her.

'....is that you?...'

Taylor said with awe written on her face.

'It is. Hello Taylor Hebert, it's nice to meet you face to face. I am your friendly neighborhood ghostman, but you can call me Adam.'

I reply while floating down to the seat in front of her, something that I learned to do when I was getting dragged across the floor on the way here.

It didn't hurt me since I'm a ghost obviously, but a hurt ego can be all the motivation a man needs to learn something new.

Especially when you get dragged through litteral shit.

We sat in silence looking at each other for a while. Well more like we were both looking at myself since I was also borrowing her eyes.

To be clear, when I tap into her senses, I can still use my own soul sight with no real problem. It just feels like I'm going cross eyed trying to look in two different directions.

She was the one who broke this awkward silence as she spoke in her head.

'So you weren't lying huh... You really are just a floating ghost. Is that your power? If so that is pretty unfortunate since you can't interact with people can you? Well other than me for some reason.'

'Let me make something clear to you. I am not a parahuman. I died in an accident and woke up in that cemetary before I was able to attach myself to you when you were passing through me.'

'But if that were the case then why haven't I heard of this before? You would think that if people walking through a ghost is all it takes for them to be able to see souls that a lot more people would have that ability. And at least some people crazy enough should have screamed about it to the public.'

'This is an explanation to that that is even more unbelievable to my case. If I am going to tell you then you have to promise to trust me and to not tell just any person about me, especially not the authorities since they are more likely to just put you into a mental institute than believe you.'

That would be bad for me too since I can't seem to be able to get very far from Taylor before I get dragged back to her. And I have this funny feeling that breaking this string that connects us would be bad for my health.

'You have told me alot about you I guess. And even though I don't trust you completely, I will keep your secret since I am getting this strange feeling that you don't have any negative feelings towards me...not that I have anyone to share it with.....'

Interesting. I wonder if she can feel something from me from our connection. I myself have been getting these random bursts of emotions, presumably hers.

This must be why she chose to believe the voice in her head.

I don't think she meant for me to hear that last part. I forgot that being Taylor is suffering for a moment there. I guess since I am already here I might as well be a...guardian angel?... to her.

Also because I have a strong hate for a lot of people in this universe who just so happen to be her future enemies, what a lucky coincidence!

'Thank you trusting me, now buckle up because me being here and connected to you might not be as big a coincidence as you might think.'





'Why did you stop?'

'To build suspense and entertain our readers of course!'


'Nothing! Anyway, have you heard of the multiverse theory?....'