
The Wandering Soul of Aiko Smith

Aiko Smith's soul left her body every night when the sun dies down, she finds herself waiting every day, never leaving her room, too afraid from the past that haunted her. Until she found herself in an unfortunate situation where it forced her hand, finding out that she had the ability to possess people. But one day she managed to possess a boy, Jake, who had the ability to see her soul as it is and he urges to help her, she opens up a thrilling adventure to finding out truth and reason to give her soul peace, hoping that it would solve her problems and her soul wouldn't leave her body, managing to finally live a normal teenage life.

sociallyawkward · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter Four

The Euphoria that comes with the truth


 -  an evil spirit, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell, prevalent in religion, occultism, fiction, mythology and folklore.

I told him everything, from the moment my soul first left my body to the unfortunate night of aunt Leah's death, I stutter, trying to find the right words to make everything less impossible but there was no sugar coating of the truth. His face contorts to a stoic expression and I can't tell whether he believes every word that came out of my mouth or debating whether he should call for help.

I explained in hushed whisper about my predicament, brushing my hand over the slightly burnt skin over the side of my cheek, it was noticeable enough for Anne and the others to press questions but I blew them off by saying the water was just too hot, they reluctantly let it go but the little white lie was better than the absurd truth.

"I think I met you for a reason, and I'm willing to find out.. if you are" I prayed that the sincerity in my voice would convince him to help me, he stares at me intently, searching for the right thing to say.

"I think I know why" he suddenly leans closer, our noses inches apart, close enough to feel his hot breath fanning over my face.

"I can see ghosts. It wasn't peculiar that I saw you at the party before...you possessed me" I wince at the word but he offers me an understanding smile

"It's just that...I knew you were different when I saw you the other day, physically present" I chuckle at his choice of emphasis before he suddenly extends out a hand

"May I?" I freeze for a moment, unable to process what he meant, then he smiles, not waiting for permission, he brushes off the pieces of hair that fell on my face, tucking them behind my ear and gently stroking the back of his hand over the rough scar.

I blush, embarrassed by the evident flaw on my face, but he stared at it with such compassion that I couldn't help but feel knots in my stomach, his touch sends shivers down my spine and I couldn't help but stiffen from nervousness.

"I think I know someone who could help. Meet me after class. I'll be waiting by the gates" his touch leaves me and he pulls away, the air suddenly cold around me. He flashes me one last grin and disappears before I could even respond. I'm just hoping that staying out late this once would actually help me. I pray he has answers to my questions.

I make up quick excuses for Anne to believe and thankfully her better friends invited her for a smoothie after school. I felt anxious yet excited at the same time, I've never gotten closer to finding out why this is happening to me, not that I've made an effort to try but this was the start, the beginning of finding out the truth.

Just as he said, he waited by the gates, hands pressed tightly under his coat, the winds were colder now that the seasons were changing.

"Hey" I smile, pacing myself beside him as we begin to walk in another direction away from my neighborhood. Now that I watch him, stuck in comfortable silence, I realized that I knew nothing about him, although we'd be past getting to know each other by now, it seemed odd yet comforting to be around a helpful stranger.

"Are...you and Anne sisters?" he breaks the silence first, giving me a glance, slightly looking down since I only stood up just right below his shoulder. It wasn't much of a secret that we were orphans but we didn't go around proudly declaring the fact either, although aunt Leah always taught us there was nothing to be ashamed about and I truly believed her.

"Sure. I mean, we are orphans. Aunt Leah took us under her wing along with two others; they're older, Elaine and Melany. We liked to consider ourselves as sisters, you don't have to have the same bloodline to be family after all" I could see him grin, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. Somehow, I felt safe when I was around him.

"That's true. I grew up in a home of 4 brothers and 3 sisters. All of them are older than me and they can get pretty annoying but I'm lucky enough to have them in the first place" I gape at him in shock. That must be overwhelming, being the youngest out of 7 siblings but by the looks of it, he was raised just fine.

"I...I actually wanted to say thank you. I feel guilty for..possessing you and I'm really sorry for doing it" He turns around the corner, a small house appearing at the end of it, the lights lit up the streets and I could hear different voices booming even at the distance, but laughter filled the empty sounds and I grin at the feeling of being in his home.

"You did what you had to do. For family" he grins down at me, proudly. He extends out a hand and I take in a breath as he swings the doors wide open.

"Watch it!" Was the first thing I heard, a girl appears, holding a bunch of make-up brushes in one hand and palettes in the other, she pushes aside another guy who held a ball in hand, sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner. I could see his other two sisters by the kitchen with a much older woman who I'm assuming was their mother, the house was filled with a sweet scent of food.

"Fucking kid" A voice snickers, in the living room was two of his brothers who were playing a video game, a small ball comes flying, hitting the one who cursed in the head and I saw a much more composed guy by the corner, a book in hand and glasses perched loosely on his nose. They all held the similar shade of brunette hair and somehow their loudness was comforting. How thrilling it might be to wake up with such a big crowd every morning, they must fight for the bathroom a lot.

"I must warn you. You're the first sign of me being straight" The warning came a little too late as his mother's gaze lands on me in shock and pure joy, she looked like she was about ready to hear the news of my pregnancy, the thought made me blush and I could suddenly feel his chest pressing against my back, a hand on one shoulder.

"Jake! I didn't know you were bringing a guest! The house is just a mess!" I chuckle at the reaction, I'm betting every mother is hell bent on cleaning the house when there's guests coming. Jake, whom I realized his name is, rolls his eyes and lightly pushes past me, kissing his mother on the cheek.

"She's not staying long" Right. For a moment there everything seemed almost normal, just a friend being invited over for dinner without any souls or possession being involved, but the time ticked as a reminder and it wouldn't slow down for anyone's sake.

"Nonsense! Just in time for the cookies!" as if on cue, his sister reveals a greatly scented batch of cookies, I could see the hot air emitting over the freshly cooked cookies and my stomach grumbles silently at the drool worthy sight. I cant even remember the last time I ate a proper meal.

"What's your name?" his sister approaches me and seemingly like a bodyguard, Jake comes forth, blocking half of my view and pressing his palm over her face to which she groans in annoyance with.

"Aiko" I meekly respond.

"What a wonderful name that is" one of Jake's brother comes beside me, a confident smirk playing on his face, one elbow propped on the counter and his aura reeked of confidence, quite different from Jake.

"The name's Joshua. You can call me babe for short" I chuckle at his flirting endeavors until Jake's swats him away, pulling me closer to his side as if that were any possible.

"Alright! Alright! Chill bro. I'm just saying, if my little brother hasn't made his move yet, I might as well try" he flashes me one last wink before disappearing into the living room where a series of cursing could be heard followed by an annoyed scream of pain from what I'm assuming was something getting thrown at their heads.

"We'll only be quick" his mother grins in a cheeky way as Jake drags me further away until we reached the flight of stairs. His hand held mine and I blushed profusely from what his words might have wrongfully intended.

"Well make sure to use protection honey!" Jake snickers, rolling his eyes as we disappear upstairs. The doors were painted differently, signs hung in the midst of them, mostly filled with profanities and threats about not entering them in the first place. He walks past them in a blur until we stood by the end, the door slightly open.

"Sorry about them" He finally faces me, running a hand over his hair and offering an apologetic smile, although there was nothing that bothered me, at least he was filled in a room full of people who cared enough to meddle in his business.

"My grandma...she used to read me these stories, about souls, demons and angels. That was all until she lost her vision. I'll have to warn you, she may or may not touch your face" My heart hammers in nervousness, this might be it, answers I've never come to know or this might be nothing at all, just hunting for a lost treasure that had already been taken by somebody else. Either way, I brace myself for the unknown. It was comforting enough for Jake to be around me and I had nothing else to lose.

"Okay" I nod, reassuring him that I was ready although I probably hardly looked like I was. It wasn't flattering to break out in nervous sweats but I could care less. He pushes the door open.

"Grandma? Its Jake" I gape at the sight in front of me. Everything made me feel like I had just traveled back through time, the woman seemed to treasure her memories and stored them in this very room, precious through passing days.

She lifts her head from her book, her fingers skimming over the pages, it was filled with Braille, a book for the blind.

"Oh! Well, come in dear" she grins, setting the book aside and willing herself to stand up, Jake rushes to her side to help but she waves him off, grasping the wooden frame of her bed for support. Her voice was delicate and comforting, just as she looked like.

"I see you brought a friend" she chuckles at her pun intended statement and I am amused that she knew even before Jake had told her.

"I'm no psychic child, I simply can hear loud conversations downstairs!" she laughs, replying as if reading my mind.

"My name's Aiko" she smiles, approaching me slowly, her hand brushing over the features of my face, like a gentle caress of a mother on a new born baby yet every soft brush meant of love.

"Pleasure to meet such a beauty" she grins and I couldn't help but smile at the compliment, her hand brushes over the scar on my cheek and her smile soon fades into a frown.

"Oh. What happened to this?" Jake comes close, putting a gentle hand over his grandmother's shoulder.

"That's actually what we came here for grandma. It's..." he pauses, glancing over my direction

"Peculiar. But I thought that you might understand." Like a lightbulb lit in Aliah's mind, she grins, letting go of my face and moving towards a shelf filled of books. She doesn't think twice before grabbing a book, its pages had turned the slightest shade of brown from its age and the cover was filled with creases.

"You see Aliah, I'm...being haunted and Jake thought that you might be able to help" she sighs, ushering us to settle down beside her, we do as told, the bed lowers from our weight and Aliah opens the book, showing a random page, messily scribbled words were written on them and some sort of sketched figure, one that I've never seen before.

"Well, I'm no professional but I've heard and read this story so many times. You see Aiko, a person has a purpose for being born, and it seems that you my dear have not yet found yours. The soul is capable of more than what our physical body can handle and that may be why a soul leaves its body...in search for the truth, of its purpose. However, some never find them before they meet their deaths, they turn resentful, dark and wanting nothing else but to hurt the innocent and it seems that whoever did this..." she reaches forward, brushing the side of my cheek where the skin was rough from the remnants of that horrid situation.

"Has especially latched itself to you"

She closes the book, motioning for me to take it and I do. The cover was made of leather where it creased at my touch.

"The stories inside have been told through bedtime stories but my mother always believed it was never fiction and I did to. This journey is for you alone to take but it wouldn't hurt to have some help" I look over to Jake, who sat comfortably beside me, brushing his hand over the book in my lap, fascinated.

"Just remember my dear, not everything is as it seems. Look with an open mind" she points to her head and presses a hand over my heart

"not with an angry heart" my face scrunches up in confusion but I keep her words in mind.

I flinch, suddenly feeling dizzy and out of it.

"I-" I clutch my head; a burning sensation is felt throughout my body. My vision blurs and I could see their worried expressions, I could hear muffled voices but I couldn't comprehend them. I stood up, willing myself to walk but I don't make it far, I felt a light touch over my wrist before I finally gave in.

I gasp, my body falls to the ground and I could see Jake looking at me with worry, not my body, but me.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Aliah's arms were reaching out for my figure and her face stricken of worry.

"She's fine. She's..just overwhelmed that's all. Thank you for everything grandma" She sighs but her worried expression never left, I'd assume she saw through the lie but she kept it to herself. Jake lifts my body and carries it to his room and I follow quietly behind him. It was a good thing that his siblings was still occupied downstairs and I could smell their freshly cooked dinner from here.

How great it would've been for me to have just eaten a piece of cookie. Jake opens the door to his room, allowing me to see it for the first time. The walls were painted dark blue, you could see remnants of where posters used to hang but his room was surprisingly clean that what I had expected for a teenage boy to have.

"You're dead" his voice cuts me off in my nosy business, my body lied on his bed and tucked inside the covers, although I doubt its really much of any help.

"I can see that" he runs a frustrated hand over his face and drops the book on his bedside table. He then looks to me and I freeze under his intense gaze. His hand reaches out to touch me and I jolt backwards.

"Wait! The last thing I need right now is possessing anyone" Just as those words left my mouth, the door swings open and one of his brother's voices booms as he enters abruptly

"Dinner-" before he could finish, I feel the eerily familiar pull and my breath leaves me as I am molded into an unknown body, taking over his movements and his thoughts. A sense of joy surges through me, unknown happiness from the statement that dinner was ready.

"Shit!" he stares at me with panic, his mouth wide open.

"Fuck" I mimic, moving his brother's chubby fingers. He felt much heavier than Jake, I've never been this tall before, his torso was built with pure muscle and his arms bulked against his sides, I recognized him being Joshua, his familiar axe scent overwhelming me, I wonder how he's able to breath in this all day.

"Oh. I see your friend decided to stay over after all" Jake's mother comes into view, a smirk playing on her face, I guess being dead does kind of look like sleeping at first glance until you realize their chests aren't moving up and down like they should.

"It's late" Jake dismisses the topic and my mouth opens and closes like a fish. I don't know how Joshua would act in the situation and by the look his mother was giving, I'd assume he would not be this quiet.

"And were not eating dinner" His mother raises an eyebrow and gives me a look.

"Since when did you and Joshua hang out?" Jake pushes his mother lightly until she stood in the hallway, in an obvious attempt to get her to stop minding his business.

"Just now" As rude as it may have been, Jake slams the door shut and locks it. I could hear his mother sigh but footsteps soon followed until silence took over.

"Well? Can you try to get out?" he looks at me expectant and I gave him a hand of dismissal.

"I've tried but I still don't know how. The only way I know is either your brother dies or morning comes" I settle myself on the floor, lying on my back from exhaustion. Joshua seems disappointed on missing out dinner and I wondered if he'd be able to remember me in the morning as well, now that would take one hell of an explanation. Speaking of explanations..I extend out a hand, searching for my phone in my pockets.

Jake looks at me with a raised eyebrow but settles in his desk, one leg propped over the other as he opens Aliah's book. I text Anne an excuse of me staying with a friend, although I doubt she would believe it, my lack of friends was something quite noticeable at first glance. I turn my phone off, deciding I'll worry about it in the morning.

"According to this, there are seven demons that people are aware of, or seven princes of hell. They seem to correspond to the seven deadly sins, pride, sloth, greed, gluttony, wrath, envy and lust..." Jake seems to have lost himself inside the book, scanning through them, his eyes darting from one page to the other but I was too tired to even bring myself to listen. I watched in a lazy gaze as he skims through the pages, his mouth moved but I couldn't hear anything but the sweet callings of sleep.

As I position myself in a much more comfortable position, I let darkness take over me.

I'm back in my body when I wake up, gasping, throat dry as per usual but this time, I had no remedies for it. I settle myself back on the bed, trying to calm my heavy breaths but Jake's face soon appeared in my vision filled with worry.

"I'm fine. I just need water"

"Right" Jake mumbles, more to himself as he dashes out his room and quickly returning with a glass of water which I gratefully took. His hand flies over my forehead, one hand grasping my wrist tightly, checking if I was actually alive and I grin at the sight. I've never had anyone do this before, not that I did anything for that to happen anyway.

Jake stops when we hear groaning, I see Joshua push himself off the floor, looking at as with confusion. "What am I doing here?" he says that in annoyance and curiosity, shaking his head off from the morning daze.

"Don't you remember anything?" Jake glances in my direction, the both of us equally thrilled and curious as to what his answer might be, this might have been a little to obvious on our faces because Joshua stands up abruptly, taking a few steps back.

"What the fuck? Did we just...?" his face says it all and my eyes widen at his accusation

"No! What the fuck are you thinking?!" I could see Jake blush at the assumption of a threesome with his brother and a partially dead body, the thought sends shivers down my spine.

"Whatever dude! We won't ever speak of this!" with that, he storms out of the room, pointing a finger at the two of us. Early morning light seeps through the open curtains and I realized that we actually still had to go to school.

I suddenly realized that Jake was much more special than I thought. He could see me and he remembered the night he was possessed and everything that had happened, every thought in my mind and he felt...me, the same way I had felt him.

"He doesn't remember" he whispers a thought to himself but I heard it. He shakes his head and stands up.

"You can borrow some of my clothes, you should probably take the bathroom first while everyone else is asleep" He opens his closet, searching for the clothes that might fit me, although I doubt there would be any, I was incredibly petite compared to him.

"Right. Thanks" Not that I had much of a choice anyway, I'd really rather wear new clothes than what I'd worn yesterday. I dreaded the thought of school and seeing Anne, I'd have to lie and make up more excuses than I've ever made my entire life. Well. I guess there's always a first time for everything.

I fix his bed as he hands me his clothes, awkwardly looking at anywhere else than me. I feel just as flustered as he was as I mumble a quick gratitude and heading to the direction he pointed out. It felt weird to take a bath in someone else's home, someone who I don't even know when they were born or what their favorite color was, baby steps didn't seem to be an option to our blossoming friendship, possession, never a good start but I hoped it would end well.

I take a quick bath, blushing madly when I realized that he's lent me his boxers, they were small and had hearts all over them, I guess he keeps his memories a little tighter than his grandmother. He picked out a plain white shirt that went over my thighs, I tie it around my waist as I slip on his sweatpants. I felt comforted by the smell of his clothes, it smelled exactly like he did.

We awkwardly bump into each other in his room, I waited there as he took his own bath. He makes toasts quickly and we walk off to school before anyone was awake, keeping comfortable silence the whole way. The past few days had gotten colder and leaves had started falling off their branches, waiting for snow.

I always liked the cold season but this time it made me nervous, although this was only a journey, I couldn't help but feel that time was running out, like somehow, fate has only lent me this moment and I wasn't one to waste it. And as I looked at Jake, I hoped he'd be there the whole time too, a selfish desire, yet I wished for it anyway.