
The Wandering Soul Deviant

A story of a journey between worlds. A story about mortals and divine beings. A story about living and dying. A story about a wandering soul. Planet Garia had two types of powers. Martial Arts and Deviant Abilities. Dian was an average beast hunter who had weak martial arts abilities. While he was out on a hunt, he experienced mysterious things which he couldn't have ever imagined before even in his wildest dreams. In a world where the strong decide the lives and deaths of the weak. In a universe where power is the ultimate decider of the fate of every single being. Dian will become the strongest. Or die trying. #multipleworlds #reincarnation #transmigiration

seevi3ion · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10

The shining rays of the bright sun lit up the dark orange ground of the Pao mountain village, the many villagers walked through the village shopping center, they visited the many different sections of the marketplace, some even set up their own shops to sell their own products, mostly embroidery, crops and even rarely, self-made jewelry was sold by the village blacksmiths and his apprentices.

Many shouts of haggling and lowered whispers of gossip could be heard across the market.

As it was the highest point of noon, with the bright sun overhead, the atmosphere in the market was very lively.

A young man could be seen leaving the market currently, the man wore cheap looking grayish brown robes, typical of the villagers of this world, his hair was buzzed, his skin was slightly tanned from the long exposure to the sun, his eyebrows were thick, and he stood at 165 cm.

This young man was called Luo, the villagers of this world didn't have the concept of last names, as it was reserved for the royalty, the powerful and the rich, if he was to ever leave his village, he would refer to himself as Pao Luo.

Currently, the young Luo wasn't acting regularly, as he walked out of the marketplace, he seemed to be absentminded, as if he was deeply in thought about something. That was because, Luo's soul was absorbed and replaced by Dian's soul not long ago.

At this moment, Dian's soul finally completely absorbed Luo's soul, after absorbing Luo's soul completely, Dian received his memories and gained a complete understanding of Luo's life.

Luo has lived in the village for his entire, never once has he left the village area, he was abandoned as a child and grew up at the village orphanage, at the age of 5 he was adopted by Mila and Jay, into their family of five, becoming the sixth family member, as with the vast majority of families in the village, they all worked the field, sowing seeds and reaping crops to earn their living.

The villagers didn't use money in the market, and would often trade items of similar values.

Luo was on his way back from the village, after trading a bunch of wheat and flour for freshly baked bread from the stall set up by the village bakery, when Dian's soul descended and killed him and took his body.

'Oh man, that sucks that I had to kill this dude, I kind of feel bad for him, but if I didn't possess him then my soul would dissipate, and in turn, I would be dead.'

'Browsing through his memories, this Luo guy seemed to be a nice guy living a regular village life working on the fields, this village is called the Pao mountain village because of its close vicinity with the Pao mountain range. It's an independent village, apparently in the territory of the Blue Wind kingdom, Luo never left the territory of the village himself, so I'm not really sure about that.'

Continuing on his way to his family home according to his newfound memories, Dian arrived at a fairly averaged sized wooden house, upon entering the house Dian met Luo's step siblings.

"What is that you got there?" Luo's sister Melanie said

"Fresh Bread that I just bought from the bakery" Dian replied.

"Oh awesome! Give me a couple buns, I haven't had fresh bread in a while, and I'm hungry"

"Ok" As Dian was about to give her the bread, Luo's Mother entered the living room and interrupted.

"Melanie! You know we can't afford to be eating in between meals, lunch is in a bit, just wait until then, Luo, give me the bread, I was just making lunch and I could use some bread".

Dian gave Luo's mother the bread and entered his room, sitting up on his bed, Dian was deep in thought, at this moment of silence, he could finally truly analyze his situation, free from the distractions of the village scenery and the wonder of his newfound memories.

'Did I... die?'

'This is all so bizarre, one moment I was on the verge of death, and the other moment I was a soul, floating in the skies, so it's sensible to assume that I truly died, otherwise, what reason is there for my soul to be outside my body. This world feels too real to be a dream, was my soul ejected because of my Deviant ability awakening? If so, where am I right now, am I still in the same world? I can't determine if I'm in a different world using Luo's memories, as he was restricted to this Pao village, and he didn't seem to have much general knowledge about this world, apart from farming, and herding cattle, he didn't do much.'

Thinking back to when he first awakened as a soul, floating above the continent, Dian realized that he didn't recognize the shape of the continent from any maps of Garia, his home planet. He also remembered that this village seemed to be very primitive, as if in an era of the past, and together with the fact that Luo didn't have a single memory relating to Wild Beasts, that covered more than 90% of Garia, Dian began realizing that this world is entirely different from his home planet.

'I hope that mom and Lilly will fare well without me' Dian sighed to himself.

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