
The Wandering Hare

Welcome, traveler! Would you be interested in a story? It's an old tale from a time long past. There are few who can still tell how the world as we know it came to be, and you might just be the first to hear it. The others are not too keen about sharing their tale. And why would they be? It must hurt when your own game gets the better of you. Especially if it takes away everything you've ever worked for. If I managed to pique your interest, then please take a seat. This might take a while.

ZalanDirector · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Chapter 21

Gregory Brann was sitting hunched over at his desk. His missing arm has been replaced with a prosthetic one but it was made on a short notice so he couldn't use it properly. He had been yelling profanities ever since he was let go. In a moment of sanity, however, the following words left his mouth.

"So it was that pretty boy, huh? Fine, you're not the only one with connections."

Afterwards he started laughing hysterically, scaring away everyone around him, including the people who were supposed to be treating him.

A week after waking up, Peter was discharged from the hospital. He still had trouble moving around, but he was at least able to stand on his own feet. After getting home he was not allowed to leave the house and was barely allowed to exercise.

This made things a little problematic, since the big plan Peter came up with during his stay at the hospital was to force his way through the next stamina training achievement which would hopefully speed up his recovery.

He did manage to do it eventually but the process took ten whole days, a lot longer than he wanted it to.

[Achievement unlocked: Stamina training 3/5]

[Reward: STA +0.2]

[Level: 3]

[Experience: 100/350]

[Strength: 1.35]

[Agility: 1.35]

[Endurance: 1.25]

[Stamina: 1.55]

[Intelligence: 0.85]

[Magic: 0.55]

[Abilities: Heart of night LV2, Shadow body LV1, Monster in the dark, Absorb]

[Physical attributes are 65% effective]

Peter looked at the interface and was surprised by his improvement, he hadn't looked at his attributes since the fight and had no idea about the progress he made. He also forgot about his new ability so it was about time he looked at it and learnt what it could do.

[Monster in the dark: User can designate a single living entity as their familiar as long as the entity is willing to become a familiar or is unable to refuse.

The familiar's life is bound to the user and cannot be killed as long as the user is alive. The familiar shares specific abilities with the user and their strength is dependent on the user's MGC attribute.]

The new ability seemed like a nice thing to have but he had no idea how to choose a familiar. He was concerned about how to convince anything to accept becoming his familiar. Even if that problem was resolved, he still needed to figure out what to choose. According to the description he could choose a tree to be his familiar but that probably wouldn't accomplish much.

Setting aside the issue for now, he looked at how much time he needed to recover.

[Estimated time until complete recovery: 34 days]

I didn't go down by as much as he hoped it would, but he did gain almost an entire week so he couldn't really complain. Unfortunately, he couldn't decrease it much more since he couldn't really hunt for achievements in his condition and finding an opponent with the right blessing would have been impossible, as he couldn't even leave the house.

While he was thinking about that Anthony came into the room to check up on him. This was a daily occurrence which he was usually trying to avoid, but today he would try something else.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"I feel great! I think the doctors might have been wrong about me not recovering. I could go for a run right now!"

In the process of trying to sound as honest as possible, he accidentally achieved the opposite and made Anthony immediately figure out what he wanted.

"I guess it's your condition again. Look, if you really recover you can do whatever you want but you still have some of the less serious injuries. So until you get significantly better you'll be staying home, alright?"

Peter's attempt at getting permission to leave was as much of a failure as it could have been. Regardless, he later tried to get some help from Helen when her and Manda were visiting, but he ended up with similar results.

"I get what you're going for kid, but I agree with boy wonder in this case, you really should wait until you recover more."

With all of his options depleted he could do nothing but resign himself to thirty days of boredom. His only saving grace was that Sarah would regularly come up with something interesting, even while stuck inside.

That night the family was sitting around in the living room and playing board games. This has become a habit recently and usually they would be joined by Manda, but Helen insisted that he would be staying at home that day.

Other than that, things went on as usual until Anthony suddenly stood up and ran outside without saying a word. The remaining three were puzzled by his actions, but the children quickly understood what was happening.

[Warning: Class 30 entity detected!]

[Flee from the area immediately!]