
The wandering half-dragon

Priha [error] a half-elf half-dragon thrown into a criel world begins her adventure, what happens to her and what she does thats to find out. (based off a dnd campaign, edited to make a better story.)

artusen_nix · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The new start

Name: Priha [error]

Age: 25

Species: Half-Elf/ Half-Dragon

Occupation: (former) slave gladiator, (current) wanderer.

Class: Barbarian










(human average is 1-5)

SKILLS: Claw Strike, Bite Attack, Breath Weapon, Dragon Scale, Rage, Immunity to Sleep, Low Light Vision, Immunity to Paralysis, Darkvision, Fast movement, Illiteracy, Uncany Dodge,


"So those bumbers effect my body... so weird."

i look down at myself curiously before looking back out at the sea.

"i wonder what this is, teacher must have worked hard for it..."

i am priha, a former slave that fought in a gladitorium.

Lets start with my origin, my mother was an elf and my father a red dragon. my father pillaged her home and took her along with her clans treasures.

I shouldn't have to go into details of what he did to my mother to make me, My mother ended up dying giving birth to me because of how weak her broken body was.

I was still an infant when grandfather, my mothers father, came and killed him.

Grandfather took one look at me and hated me, he sold me as a slave to the first slaver he saw.

I fell between hands and was mistreated by a lot of masters till i catrated one and was put in the gladitorium to die. Thats where i met teacher, an instructor who made the fights enjoyable by the audience, he taught me how to fight and become a champion.

after many years teacher payed for me to do a trial of freedom. As the name sounds its a difficult trial a gladiator can try to earn there freedom, it was a bloodbath, and i barely won making it out.

teacher gave me some gold and had me eat a weird looking pearl then he put me on a ship sailing east, then i was put on ship after ship till i was lost.

well everyone should be caught up on how i got here... ah right the screen, that started popping up after i ate that weird pearl. anyway i should be arriving at a port city soon...

"Land ho!" a man yells.

The moment those words were yelled the entire deck becomes busy slowing the ship and angling it to dock just right. i kept to the xorner staying out of the way till we were docked and they started unloading.

"This place looks nice." I say to no one in particular as i walk off the ship. I look around in circles not understanding any of the buildings or what they were.

that was until i detected a very sweet smell, i follow the scent and am led to a nice looking tavern that seems to have a large line, i get in line quickly before it gets larger as my tail starts to wag excitedly.

*whack* my tail hits something solid behind me.

"the fuck lady! what the fuck was that... for..." a tall man with long dark dreadlocks stops yelling seeing the red scales on my cheeks and neck and looks away. "sorry for yelling."

I ignore him and wait patiently in line till i get to the counter and see delicious cakes, ive never had cake before so i bought an entire cake instead of a slice, the cashier brought me over to a table and set down the cake, i instantly dug into it with my claws savoring and enjoying its sweet flavors.

that was till a waitress came by, she was tall and beautiful with fair pale skin and long dark hair, I instantly thought she was gonna take it away and was about to growl when she placed down a few odd looking items, in a motherly tone she suggested i use the utensils.

I reach out and grab one. but it breaks under my strength, the waitress looks surprised and left, going behind the counter to ask a dwarf if he had dwarven utensil's. A few minutes later the waitress is back with a new set of utensils that i was able to hold without breaking.

it took me a while to learn how to use them, but in the end i was still a little messy. as i was snacking the waitress came over again and set down a bag of gold.

"What do you say about becoming a part of my crew?" she says with a sweet smile.

"Crew? what do you mean?" i tilt my head honestly confused.

"my crew, i captain a ship." she says and waves over a few people from another table.

one of them is a delicious looking blue bird that i start drooling while imagining eating it.

"bird isnt food its a friend." the waitress says in that motherly tone again.

i pout and curl my tail around my leg but i dont refute, a friends a friend.

"200 gold in return for joining my crew, how does that sound?"

my tail uncurls and starts wagging as i take the bag.

"Deal!!!" i yell happily looking around at the crew. "Nice to meet ya all!!!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

im new to writing and want to be able to tell stories better, i hope this will help me improve at being a better dm, and author.

artusen_nixcreators' thoughts