
The Wanderer's System(DROPPED)

After Solo dies, they get a powerful system that makes anything possible for them. One problem: Solo isn't the only person who is granted the system.

StrayTheCat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Almost killed by a gun

In the morning, Solo was relaxing in bed while flipping through the TV channels until he came across a news channel. Curious, he wondered if what he did would be reported, so he waited for them to show something about thugs getting beat up.

After three hours, Solo gave up. Nothing was reported about it, and in hindsight, why would any of those thugs let anyone find out they were beat up by some nobody?

Leaving the hotel, Solo checked his system.

[Name: Solo

Package: Basic, Combat, Lottery

Points: 412

Fighting Styles:

- Immortal Mist: D Grade

Lottery Tickets: 0]

He decided to buy two more D Grade tickets, and get two more fighting styles. Immortal Mist Style was by no means weak, but Solo didn't feel like it was necessary to put all of his eggs in one basket.

The fighting styles he got from the two tickets were Steel Serpent Style and Twelve Gates Style.

Steel Serpent Style was focused on defending oneself with the strength of steel, regardless of the user's positioning.

Twelve Gates Style was focused on increasing the user's fighting ability over time. Once the user activated the First Gate, if they successfully landed an attack, then the Second Gate would activate, and the user would double in the strength as well as speed in their attacks. After the user landed two additional attacks, the Third Gate would activate, and the user's strength and speed would then be tripled.

After three additional attacks landed, Fourth Gate activates, strength and speed increases 4x.

Four attacks, Fifth Gate activates, 5x increase. Five attacks, Sixth Gate activates, 6x increase.

Six attacks, Seventh Gate, 7x increase.

Seven attacks, Eighth Gate, 8x increase.

Eight attacks, Ninth Gate, 9x increase.

Nine attacks, Tenth Gate, 10x increase.

Ten attacks, Eleventh Gate, 11x increase.

Eleven attacks, Twelfth Gate, 12x increase.

Once the user lands an additional 12 attacks, the target will have all physical abilities reduced by 12%. The user can use this style equal to it's grade(D Grade=3 times per day), and will regain uses 12 days after the day of last use.

Despite the odd stares from others in public, Solo couldn't help but jump for joy and grin like an idiot.

'Welp, nothing better than to test out my newest toys!' He thought happily.

Running into the nearest alleyway, it didn't take long for Solo to find a group of seven thugs. Seriously, what was with thugs in alleys in this world? Solo couldn't wait to travel to somewhere else more interesting. In the meantime, he'd use these guys as practice.


After several hours of practicing on anystreet thugs he could find, Solo began to get bored. The combination of Immortal Mist Style for counter attacks, Steel Serpent Style for defense, and Twelve Gates Style as a secret weapon was way more than enough to handle anyone he fought. In three hours, he'd gained 2,800 points.

Solo was tempted to buy more tickets, but decided to check out the other stuff he could get.

[Name: Solo

Package: Basic, Combat, Lottery

Points: 3,212

Fighting Styles:

- Immortal Mist: D Grade

- Steel Serpent Style: D Grade

- Twelve Gates Style: D Grade

Lottery Tickets: 0]

Thinking back, Solo remembered that since he has three packages now, the next one would cost 5,000 points. That, and he couldn't travel to a more interesting world until he got 1 million points. He sighed with annoyance at how long it'd take, when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"So you're the one who's beating up my men?"

Solo turned to see a fat old man who only had muscles in his arms. Moving his gaze to the two men behind the guy, he saw people who might actually be a threat. They both wore sunglasses, the girl on the right wearing a hoodie while holding a metal baseball bat, with the guy on the left having muscles all over his body wearing a thin black tank top.

Solo shrugged, and gestured for them with his hand, as if to say 'Come at me.'

The old man got angry and rushed at him, throwing a heavy punch. Solo dodged, grabbing the arm with both his hands, and used the momentum of the punch to kick the guy in the face. The force of Solo's kick crushed the man's nose, and he yelped in shock.

Solo was actually expecting the old man to be sent flying, but guessed that maybe the weight of his gut kept him grounded. The old man however, got even angrier and pointed at him. "Tiger, Mouse, KILL HIM!"

At those words, the girl with the bat and the muscle guy walked towards Solo.

Solo thought about his options. While he could probably take a few hits from the bat via the Steel Serpent Style, it might not work with the Muscle Guy. Immortal Mist Style would work fine against both, but it wouldn't take down Muscle Guy.

Twelve Gates Style would be perfect, but Solo wasted his three uses for today on beating up the other thugs earlier.

While these thoughts went through his head, one of the thugs laying on the ground behind Solo lifted their head up, pulling a gun out of their waist.


Those were the sounds before everything became greyed out and time itself stopped.

[Host, emergency prodocol has been activated. System can prevent the death of Host, however at a great cost.]

Solo realized what must have happened, and berated himself for not even thinking of searching anyone for guns. He might be strong, but he's not bullet proof. At least not yet.

'So how many points does it cost?' He asked.

[...Host must return at least two packages, all Fighting Styles acquired, and be exiled from current world.]

'Wait WHAT?!? I worked so hard....actually I kind of didn't, but still! And what exactly do you mean be exiled?'

[Host will be randomly transferred to another world, and cannot ever return to this one. Should you do so, System will be entirely removed from Host.]

Solo felt his mind go blank for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

'Well it's not like a really liked this world anyway. Can I keep the Combat package at least? Can I buy the packages I want again?'

[Host may purchase the purchase Basic and Lottery packages again. Host may retain Combat package. Parameters are acceptable, transferring Host to another world...]

[Please make note Host, that this emergency prodocol can only be enacted by System once.]

With that, Solo was once more covered by his entire being in undescribable pain. Meanwhile, everyone else stared in utter confusion as the space he previously occupied was charred with smoke, and the concrete his feet were on was melted.

Hey I just realized that this novel was set to Fanfic and I can't change it to Novel so this is the new version of the story:


I'm really sorry to everyone reading this, but I'll be posting future chapters on there.

It's called The Wanderer System, but it's the same story. I really appreciate everyone who actually likes this story! \(>^<)/

StrayTheCatcreators' thoughts