
The_cold walls of mali

My name is Zara..and this is my story I live in a faraway village called Mali ..we all lived peacefully there,I stayed with my father and mother there am the only child my dad's name is Khalid is like an Arabic man he got married to my mum she's from another tribe...my dad is very strict and very upright ...he also belongs to the high counsel though he has a girl child he's group normally makes fond of him but he nevers allows defeat...he train me to fight just like a boy he always say Zara"there's no room for failures or defeat"that word somehow keeps me going ....my dad always tells me that there's life outside this gates that he once live there till he married my mum and had to relocate cause his father wouldn't allow him marry from another tribe he left to another place which is Mali,he always tell me how the outside walls was full of life and one day he would go back to his father's lands,I taught to myself is it a crime to get married to another tribe,Zara Zara my mum calls brought me out of my imagination I hurried down stairs to meet her,my dear what re u doing at the rooftop again I warn u not to go there didn't I?... Huuuum mum am sorry I was just wondering why Grandpa had to drive papa out of his village just because he is in love is not fair,hush now don't say that,your food would get cold go and eat.....